Harry Potter and the Four Horsemen

By Immortaljedi

"Severus.you're overreacting."

"I most certainly am not."

"Yes you are.now let go of the couch."

"No. I'm not going back. You can't make me."

"Yes I can. Now stop that. You're making MacLeod nervous. Now. Let. Go."


Methos sighed. "I really hate to do this, but." He pulled out his wand. "Stupefy!" Severus immediately fell to the ground, a surprised look on his face. (1) "it's because I'm older than you. Now. I'm going to bring you back. You will behave. Am I understood? Good. Enervate."

Severus shook his head as he stood.

"I hate it when you do that." He looked over at MacLeod. "Have I scared you?" Mac blinked.

"Just a little."

"Good." He turned back to Methos. "Ready?" Methos nodded.

"Yes." His voice dropped to a whisper. "Nice performance."

"Oh, thank you."

Methos turned back to Duncan. "So are you ready for your first magical trip?" Mac nodded, but raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you think this is my first magical trip?"

"Drugs don't count." Severus raised an eyebrow. "Swinging sixties." He nodded in understanding. Methos walked over to the fireplace and picked up the jar of floo powder. He threw some into the fire.

"See you on the other side." He said before calling out "Hogwarts Dungeons and disappearing into the flames.


Duncan's eyes were as wide as saucers when the trio finally reached Dumbledore's office. The little run-in with Peeves had left him a little off balance. A Poltergeist? Not just any Poltergeist, but one that was afraid of Methos. Duncan decided ha was better off not knowing. Methos spoke the password once they reached the stone gargoyle.

"Juju Bees." The gargoyle slipped aside and they entered the office. Dumbledore and Minerva were already there, she with a drink in her hand. Methos smirked.

"My dear Minerva.one might almost think you drink more than I do."

"Not possible," Severus murmured behind him as Minerva simply toasted him with her glass.

"Hello Albus," Methos continued as if not interrupted and Severus followed suit. Albus smiled at them.

"Hello Methos, Severus. And Mr. MacLeod, I presume. Welcome to Hogwarts."

"Aye, thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you." Methos's smirk grew a fraction. He might not realize it, but MacLeod had his brogue back, if only slightly. Must be from being back in Scotland. Minerva had heard it and smiled at him, and shot a look at Methos. Severus picked up introductions.

"Minerva, this is Duncan MacLeod. Mac, this is the deputy headmistress Minerva McGonagall. She smiled at him and said something in Gaelic. HE grinned and responded in kind. The two of them kept up the conversation as Dumbledore turned to the Slytherin pair.

"So how way your summer?" Severus grinned and Methos buffed his fingernails.

"It was productive.pleasurable."


"For you, maybe, youngling. Age definitely has its benefits." Albus' eyes were twinkling.

"It's good to have you back. Summers with the ministry are father dull."

"You spent the summer with the Ministry? I'm so sorry." The twinkle increased.

"No. I spent the summer in Antigua on the beech conversing with the ministry. Better scenery, but the conversation is somewhat lacking."

"Yes.politics normally are." The gargoyle moved again, only this time Remus and Sirius entered. Sirius was, as always, grinning. "Well, if it isn't Hogwarts' newest Newlyweds! How are you boys?"

"Sated for the moment."

"Sirius!" Remus scolded, but smiled non-the-less. Sirius just grinned at him, totally unrepentant. Methos laughed as Severus hid a smile and a chuckle with a cough. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled even more.

"I certainly hoped you two enjoyed your honeymoon." Remus blushed slightly, but grinned.

"Yes.it was quite enjoyable."

"Wonderful! Have a seat then, all of you. We have a lot to discuss.

"First, I would like to introduce to you our newest teacher, Professor Duncan MacLeod. He'll be teaching physical defense. Mac, this is Professor Remus Lupin, who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts, and his partner, Sirius Black." Mac greeted them politely and Dumbledore continued. "Mr. Black's situation is, however, an unfortunately one. 15 years ago he was wrongly accused of a terrible crime. The details he can tell you later, at his leisure. The important thing is, although he is innocent, he is in danger from the Ministry, and his presence here must not be discovered." MacLeod nodded. He understood. He had help Amanda out of enough jams. Dumbledore continued. "On a similar note, if you happen to see a big black shaggy dog do not be afraid or attack. That is Sirius."

"You'll know it's me," Sirius put in. "I'm almost always with Remus." Remus nodded.

"I'm his keeper in both human and dog forms." Sirius nodded, then glared at Remus.

"Hey!" Remus suppressed a smile. Methos laughed out loud and turned to Mac, who had an odd expression on his face.

"Relax, Mac. They're bloody white hats, just like you. Loyal, true, chivalrous, honest, and all that crap." Mac raised his eyebrows. "They are Gryffindors, after all."

"What?" Methos' eye widened in mock surprise.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you about the houses?" Mac nodded slowly, as if talking to an idiot. "Well, the students here are sorted into one of four houses or dormitories. There's Gryffindor, the noble lions, Ravenclaw, the knowledgeable ravens, Hufflepuff, the loyal badgers, and Slytherin, the cunning snakes. The students are sorted by the sorting hat," Methos pointed to the beat up hat on the wall, "according to their talents and personality." Mac nodded.

"Ok, so what are you?"

"Slytherin, of course. Hand picked by Slazaar himself."

"When was this?"

"When the school was founded," Methos said a tad smugly. Severus rolled his eyes. He'd heard this story before.

"When was this."

"Couple hundred years ago. About the time you were born."

"Oh? What makes you so sure you're still a Slytherin? People change in that much time."

"You haven't."

"That's not true." Methos rolled his eyes. "It's not! I have changed and you may have as well." Methos looked at Severus, who looked back at him, then back at MacLeod and laughed.

"I cannot believe you just told me that. You called me conniving, manipulative, cunning and everything in between, including a Snake-in-the- grass, just the other day! How can I be anything other than a Slytherin?"

"Would you like to be sure?" Dumbledore asked, gesturing to the hat sitting silently on it's stool in a corner. Methos raised an eyebrow, then nodded.

"Why not. It's been ages since I put that thing on. Mac should go first, though." Dumbledore agreed his eyes twinkling. Minerva stood, as was her job, and placed the hat on MacLeod's head. He gave a startled, "OH!" before the hat shouted,

"GRYFFINDOR!" Methos smirked.

"Told you." He said as Minerva placed the hat on his head.

You again? What has it been, how many years?

'To many to count. So tell me again, where do I belong?'

You know the answer to that, Methos.

'I know. Tell them.'

Ah. Well, you're loyal to those you consider true friends, but there really aren't many you trust that much. You are brave, but not fool-hearty and, keeping true to being a survivor, you'd put your survival over bravery any day. You have the thirst for knowledge to be in Ravenclaw, but it's surpassed by your cunning nature, as most of the knowledge you seek you put to manipulating others. It's obvious you belong in.


"As if there was any doubt." Minerva replaced the hat on the stool. Duncan looked puzzled.

"Why did it take so much longer with you?"

"5000 years Mac. Takes a long time."

"Oh." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled at them.

"As amusing as this is, it is time, now to discuss more serious matters." Sirius' eyebrows drew together in puzzlement.

"Why do we need to talk about me." The members of the room expressed their disgust at the bad joke many different ways. The most physical was Remus'. He thwacked Sirius on the back of his head.

"Shut up, Padfoot."

"The Ministry admitted to Voldemort's return publicly over the summer. Fudge cannot deny it any longer in light of the recent attacks. We are officially at War now. In the event of a Hogsmead weekend, a teacher must supervise and the groups must be of four or more. The dementors have defected and now support Voldemort, so it is even more imperative that training, both physical and magical, be stressed. We are no longer teaching to interests, we are teaching to strengths and talents and to improve weakness because this is what will keep them alive.

"I know you all understand the gravity of the situation. I don't have to stress how important it is to keep the children safe. That being said, you're free to go. Go prepare for the school year. Adam, if you would show Duncan to his rooms? I expect to see you all at dinner tonight. Percy, Oliver and Cassandra should be arriving shortly. " Dumbledore bowed and left his office through the winding staircase that most people missed. Methos turned to where Mac was talking to Remus.

"Would you like to come for a drink with us?" Remus asked MacLeod. He looked at Methos. "We can show him to his rooms after." Methos shrugged.

"Why are you asking me this? I'm not his keeper. MacLeod can do what he wants." MacLeod smiled at him.

"We'll see you at dinner Adam." Methos nodded and watched as the trio walked out of the office. Minerva left next saying her goodbyes. He felt Severus come to stand behind him. Methos looked over his shoulder and they raised eyebrows at each other. Then they smiled having come to the same conclusion.

"Most interesting."

"Indeed." They exited the office and Methos spun suddenly as the gargoyle returned to it's normal position, and grabbed Severus.

"Looks like we have the afternoon to ourselves."

"That we do," Severus murmured as he leaned down to kiss Methos. When they pulled apart he smirked at his lover. "Race you?" Methos smirked back and took off down the hall, Severus fast on his heels, shouting after him.

"Not fair! Come back here!"


"Olly.Olly.Olly, love.Oliver..OLIVER!"


"Put me down"


* sigh *

"Well why not?"


"Because why?"

"Because I said so."


"This isn't another comment on my weight again, is it?"


"Olly! I've gained at least twenty pounds since 7th year. I've been out of the red for a while. Please put me down." Oliver sighed and put the lanky redhead down.

"I just worry about you, that's all. It's genetic." Oliver looked at Percy's face, which was as red as his hair, and had to stifle a laugh. Percy scowled and adjusted his glasses. He sighed and smiled slightly.

"You're nucking futters, you know that, right?" Oliver laughed, a deep belly laugh, and snaked an arm around Percy's waist as they continued walking to the headmaster's office.

"That's why you love me."

"That's beside the point."

"Oh look, Adam and Severus are back."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

At that moment Adam burst round the corner, running flat out towards the dungeons. Severus was right on his heels.


Oliver grinned.

"We're back."


AN: If you want a disclaimer see Harry Potter and the Oldest Immortal. Same thinds still hold.

Well folks, here it is. The long awaited sequel. I hope you like it.

I was, am, and will always be, Immortaljedi