Tails had already moved his thrashed equipment to the side of his lab near his large work desk and had just finished sweeping away the broken bits of concrete and moping up the small pool of Shadow's blood. With a tired sigh of victory now that his work space was at least somewhat presentable, Tails gathered up the bucket of bloody water with the mop and broom to put them away, passing the gouges in the ground as he did so. With a small 'Tsk' sound he continued on his way knowing that he would have to fix it lest someone trip over them as they were quite large.

Alone with his machines and their soothing plethora of sounds, Tails would have fallen asleep since it was pretty late at night, but alas, it was not meant to be. From somewhere deeper in the house came a loud bang followed by the sound of someone cursing something foul. Having been torn from his silent musing and his curiosity having gotten the best of him, the little kitsune made his way to his door and poked his head out only to retreat immediately as something very large and very blue slammed the door open before swiftly taking position directly behind him and using him like some sort of makeshift shield.

Not even half a second later Shadow appears in the doorway winded and dripping wet, a bottle of shampoo in one hand, bath scrubber in the other and looking completely pissed.

"Whoa! Shadow what's going on?"

"I'm trying to give the damn faker a bath but he won't stay put!"

Upon hearing the word 'bath' a low growl is heard prompting the kit to look behind himself toward the sound before immediately bursting into a fit of laughter. The site that greats him is none other than Sonic, in his new wolfish form, body pressed low to the ground, ears pinned flat to his skull with patches of soaked fur and his tail tucked between his legs with the most hilariously indignant look you can imagine plastered to his face.

"What's so funny fox boy?" Shadow snaps, not at all amused with how the faker's large head peaks out from behind the little fox only to jerk back when he notices him staring. Not. At. All.

"Oh hahahah! I-I'm sorry!" Tails gasps standing back up right and wiping away a lone tear. "I guess you didn't know, completely understandable really, Sonic didn't want anyone to find out, let alone you-"

"Get to the point already!"

"Right right sorry," taking another deep breath, "Sonic is deathly afraid of water. He can't swim and almost drowned when he was a little kid and ever since then he can't stand the stuff. He can scarcely stand taking a shower on his own, let alone someone trying to force him to take one."

"Hmph, I see. However I thought that he was supposed to fallow my every order without question?"

"Hmm, your right. According to the parameters that Amy set for him he should not be able to refuse you. Though now that I think of it, Sonic's mind and body have changed so much within the last few hours that the original hypnosis spell probably doesn't pertain to him the same way anymore. As disturbing as it is, the hypnosis could be changing to fit his new 'self' and perhaps the personality of his new 'master' as well."

While the two furies continued to debate with each other and the prospect of a bath was momentarily pushed to the side, Sonic had grown board and increasingly irritated now that he was not the center of attention and had wondered off to explore the various gadgets and knickknacks within Tails' lab. Having completed this personal mission/task while making a mess in the process that had also gone unnoticed by the other two occupants of the room and being completely fed up with being ignored, he decided to take matters into his own paws.

Quietly sneaking up to the two who STILL hadn't noticed him, his attention was caught by the kit's strange two tails which kept twitching and swinging around and an idea quickly formed. One he fully intended to act upon. Tails whose attention was completely focused on Shadow whom he was speaking to didn't see his transformed older brother about to pounce until it was much too late. With a startled yelp, Tails was suddenly yanked back by his two namesakes which were suddenly used as chew toys by Sonic who had proceeded to gently teeth them, not wanting to hurt the small fox that he seemed to have a strange fondness for.

"Ah! S-Sonic! Stop! it tickles!"

Having succeeded in redirecting their attention, Sonic released the appendages from his grasp and flopped over onto his back directly in front of Tails who getting the hint, began to generously scratch Sonic's chest and tummy earning several puppy like yips and a twitching leg of appreciation.

"Haha! As I thought it seems like his natural personality is breaking through which could mean that the hypnosis is weakening, or just changing to fit your needs. But regardless, this could be just what we need to finally break it and get his mind back to normal. Then we would just have to focus on fixing what Eggman did."

"If that's the case then he should just have stayed the way he was before when he actually would have followed my orders."

"Perhaps you secretly like the way he normally acts. Now if you'll excuse me, unlike you guys I actually need to sleep if I want to be of any use tomorrow."

Before Shadow could finish sputtering out his denial, the kit had disappeared out of the lab to his room. With nothing distracting him, Shadow noticed that he still held the shampoo and bath scrubber from earlier.

"Your still getting a bath."

Sonic who had hoped that the bath had been an entirely abandoned subject whined, staring at the ebony hedgehog pleadingly.

"It's either that or you can spend the day with Amy tomorrow and she can give you a bath."

Leaving the huge azure with that ultimatum, Shadow left for the bathroom to wait for Sonic who with a defeated grumble, slowly followed several seconds later having chosen the lesser of the two evils.