Early Afternoon, day before Yukiko goes missing:

"Oi, you stupid Frog! Stop running and take it like a man!"

"No chance, you spear-wielding psycho! Little help here, partner!"

Izanagi sighed at the antics of the two Personas he shared the hotel with as Jiraiya ducked under another ice blast intended for his head. They'd only been together for a few days and the Magician arcana had already done something to warrant the yellow samurai woman's ire several times. Izanagi wasn't entirely sure what it was this time, but knowing both Jiraiya's and to a lesser extent Yosuke's personalities, it wasn't hard to imagine. Staring at the ridiculous scene for another moment, he responded in the same way his user did in situations like this;

"I'll just leave it be."

And with that returned to his book, a particularly interesting recreation of a popular human book about several humans fighting of a metal throne made of swords, as Jiraiya failed to dodge a third ice blast and barrelled head-first into the large hot-tub with his head fully encased in an ice-cube.

'I guess that's a whole new meaning to the term 'brain-freeze', huh.' Tomoe chuckled to herself as she watched the flailing ninja.

After rescuing Yukiko:

The three current residents of Hotel Persona had gathered in the lobby for the arrival to the newest resident.

"I wonder what this new persona's going to be like. She's probably female, given it's Yukiko." Tomoe asked.

"If her shadow was anything to go on, she'll probably have an affinity to fire. Hopefully not chandeliers though; my back still hurts from earlier." Izanagi contributed with a level tone, even as he delivered the joke at the end.

"I just hope she's hot… get it… hot, because of the fire?" Jiraiya joked, gaining a tiny eye-roll from Izanagi and a slap across the back of the head from Tomoe.

"Hey, what was that for?!"

"That, was for the terrible pun, and this-"she kneed him in the crotch and he crumpled in pain for what seemed like the third time this week. "- is for thinking with 'Little Jiraiya' again."

The only thing he could do in response was a small painful moan. The bell attached to the main doors rang and a figure in red stepped though, so Izanagi and Tomoe went over to greet them, the yellow samurai stepping over the frog ninja's curled up form.

"Hello, I'm Tomoe. It's nice to meet you." She greeted with a smile(?)

"I am Izanagi. A Pleasure." The Shinto god smiled as well.

"O-Oh, H-hello. My name is Konohana Sakuya. Please call me Konohana for short."

"If you wish, Konohana." Izanagi replied, taking one of her hands and pressing it against his mask lightly, as he if was kissing it in a gentlemanly fashion. Konohana's face broke out in a blush(?), or at least it broke out across her mask, as he released her hand and took a step back.

"Hey, don't forget about me! I'm Jiraiya, Magician Arcana at your service!" said the frog-ninja as he popped up behind Konohana and slung an arm over her shoulders. The Priestess Arcana shrieked out of reflex and flames flared out of her for a second, catching his arm alight. He broke into a string of colourful curses as he frantically tried to pat out the flames. (All while Yosuke was doing the same to the fire that mysteriously started on his sleeve in the real world.)

Tomoe cracked a smirk as Izanagi watched on impassively. "I can't say he didn't have it coming."

"Oh My! I'm so sorry!" Konohana panicked and her flames started up a little bit.

"Don't apologise, he deserved it for scaring you like that. Isn't that right, Frog-face?"

"Shut up, you dominatrix banana peel!"

Tomoe didn't take that comment well as she high-kicked him across the room, into the hot-tub with an impressive splash. Izanagi turned to Tomoe with a reprimanding voice.

"Tomoe, you are aware of the link between users and their Personas, correct?"

"I know, I know. Our pain is their pain, I get the gist."

"Then I'll ask you to cut back on hurting Jiraiya. The Investigation Team needs to be in top condition, and it doesn't help when you keep inadvertently injuring Yosuke."

Tomoe crossed over to one of couched with a defeated huff. "Fine, I'll try and be nice. No promises though; if I find that pervy frog trying anything funny, I'm sending his precious parts into orbit."

Izanagi sighed as he figured this was the best he was going to get and turned back to Konohana.

"I'm sorry about that. Just like their users, they just can't get along sometimes. Anyway, I'll show you around and help you settle in." he said, offering a hand to her. She was nervous but took it anyway.


After a quick explanation about the hotel and how everything worked, Izanagi helped her to form her door next to his, with her blushing when she realised she was right next door to him. Her silver plaque was edged with a red tint and the name Konohana was engraved in a script even fancier than Izanagi's, with an open fan as the weapon/detailing.

As he explained they drifted towards the hot-tub until Konohana asked.

"So, what do we do pass the time?"

It wasn't Izanagi who answered, instead Jiraiya burst to the surface of the tub, splashing an unimpressed Izanagi at the same time.


Konohana gave another shriek and delivered a fire boosted slap across his face by reflex, knocking him back into the water.

"Dammit, stop doing that!" he cried

In her panic, she burst into flames again. "I'm sorry! I panicked!"

"Konohana, please calm down. Your fires are starting to scorch the ground." Izanagi interjected calmly as he slipped out of his soaked longcoat, revealing the white shirt and cravat underneath. Konohana looked at him and took a few breaths as her fire began to recede. In that time, Tomoe came over and put her hand on Konohana's shoulder with a light laugh.

"I'll really starting to like you Kono, haha."

"Kono?" The red-dressed Persona questioned.

"Do you mind if I call you that? It's just Konohana is a bit of a mouthful."

"I guess you can call me that if you'd like. You can too, Izanagi, if you want to…" she blushed at bit at the last part.

"I like your name just the way it is. I agree with Tomoe; you're definitely a stunning new addition to our little group, Konohana." He said with a charming smile(?) under his mask. Konohana's blush multiplied as two small fires started where her cheeks were.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya was sulking under the water of the hot-tub as he contemplated whether or not all the girls he would meet would almost kill him or cause him serious injuries.

After the high school exam:

"Uuuuugggghhhh. I can't feel my brain anymore, I'm so tired…" Tomoe moaned tiredly.

"I feel like my head's just been Tomoe-kicked." Jiraiya complained, dragging his feet as he crossed the room. Izanagi and Konohana just looked at them and then each other.

"I didn't find it that hard, in all honesty. What about you Izanagi?"

"It was fine for me also."

Tomoe mock-glared at him. "Well, I'm glad you're doing fine! I'm going to bed before my brain shuts down entirely." Jiraiya nodded tiredly at this.

"Good plan, I'll get rest as well. Izanagi, Konohana, don't be too loud, okay?"

This was met with confusion, so he laughed slightly before yawning and retreating back to his room.

This left only Izanagi and Konohana in the lobby. Izanagi got up for a few minutes and went into his room. A few minutes later he came back with his now dry black coat on and settled back down on the couches with Konohana.

'I'm alone with Izanagi. He looks really good in that coat.' she thought as he gave him a nervous glance. Then a realisation hit her. 'I'm Alone, with Izanagi!' The though alone was enough for her head to burst into flames as a testament to her biggest blush yet.

"Are you okay, Konohana?"

She snapped back to reality as his question. "O-oh. Y-yes, I'm fine. W-why do you ask?"

"Your head suddenly burst into flames. I got worried for a moment."

'Izanagi was worried about me?' "Oh, I-I hadn't noticed."

Izanagi's tone was soft and soothing. "Try to stay calm."

They smiled at each other and for several minutes they were quiet, just enjoying the peace of each other's company until Konohana started speaking softly.

"Izanagi, do you-"

"Damn you Jiraiya!" Tomoe interrupted from her bedroom as the aforementioned Persona came pelting out of her room.

"I just wanted to ask a question!" he tried to defend himself before an ice blast struck him in the back and he was sent sprawling into the middle of the lobby, solid in ice.

Izanagi sighed. "Come on Konohana, your flames can help thaw out that fool."

She just sighed dejectedly. "Oh, okay." 'Dammit, I was so close!'

A/N: I know I haven't posted this in a while, and that's because I was working on my other story. As I've said before, I'm alternating between this and my other story, so it can take a while for each chapter to go up.

You may notice a slight bit of Izanagi x Konohana, and that's because 1) the original story is like that and 2) It works well with my ships for this game. I ship Yu x Rise, Yu x Yukiko and Kanji x Naoto, so expect slight romance between their Personas if I can get away with it.