I'm now The Kings.

This is just a quick one shot that I have been thinking of over the past couple of days so I've decided to put it into a story. It will have 2 different parts.

1621 (The reign of King Edward)

"We have to go to the palace, the kings sister is getting married we've had an invite from the king himself, he wishes for us to attend." he says as he reads from the card pacing around the dining room.

My dear husband, Lord Jacob Black we've been married for 3 months now and it's been satisfying, well that came out wrong, I mean I'm not in love with him. Love is what my parents have; ever since I was a young girl they told me how they had quite the forbidden love story. How my father was promised to my mother's sister, aunt Priscilla but then ran into my mother accidently knocking her to the ground, when he touched her hand while picking her up from the floor he knew she was the one, he said there was just a twinkle. My mother said she felt the same way. And I don't feel that with Jacob never have and I don't think I will but he will always be my husband and I am ok with that he doesn't treat me unfairly but I just wished I had the chance to fall in love.

"That wonderful, I will have to go to the dress makers; I don't have anything suitable to wear in front of the king or the queen."

"That will all be arranged Isabella, you just focus on giving me an heir to this throne of mine, and unlike the king by the time I'm 31 I would like to have 3 solid boys as my heirs."

Oh the king I have yet to meet and the queen who has failed to produce an heir. The whole kingdom talks about it, how the queen, in her old years is a barren. The marriage that been arranged 12 years when I was just a young girl was at 5 I knew very little on politics but my father never failed to update me. The marriage was supposed to keep a strong alliance between the two countries resulting in an heir that would rule both England and Spain.

"Ok, but get me something with not much sparkles, you know how they irritate me."

"Alright, my dear I have an important meeting with some merchants I will be home for dinner."

The day of the wedding appeared, Jacob and I were on our way by our carriage. We would be staying in the castle for at least two weeks so Jacob could win over the king's favour and hopefully be awarded some new land.

"You look very beautiful, my dear." Jacob proclaimed without looking up at me through his books.

"Thank you; the dress maker did a very good job with the dress,"

For the rest of the journey Jacob was pre occupied with his accounts, while I just looked at the beautiful views from out the carriage window. I felt like a princess even though I was just a banker's wife, I hoped that the palace was all I Hoped it to be.

Jacob had wanted to be early so that if the king was he would be able to have a decent conversation to win him favour. That's all he talked about for nearly an hour as we waited for people to come in the church. Jacob jumped at every opportunity to talk to anyone who was higher than he was. When he was in a deep conversation with the Dutch of Cambridge and the duchess seemed to be aroused by the king's accountant next to her, which left a lonely me.

I decided to in search of the chamber pots.

"Jacob, I will be back I need." I do not even know if he heard me but I decided to flee, politics really wasn't my type of amusement, I loved reading books that my mother enjoyed writing for she has such a creative brain, she would read me stories at night when I was a little girl and I thought they were very interesting and enticing. She was from a well up family which allowed her to have a good education.

As I continued to think of my mother's stories I collided with a hard chest.

"I am so sorry, I should have been looking were I was going, please forgive me, my lord."

"It is ok; I would love it if this is how women fell at my feet every day, giving me a choice, by accident not just because I am king.

I slowly look up and right before me was the king a crown on his head and everything, I instantly lowered in a courtesy.

"Your grace please, forgive me I did not see you there, I am truly sorry. I rambled on as the king himself touched my hand to help me up. I felt something unusual but brushed it away not thinking about it.

The king was quite tall, taller than Jacob he was also beautiful. He had the greenest eyes the shone bright and they look so soft. He was built like a knight not like a king at all. Kings to me were described as fat ugly bald men but not king Edward he had a head full of hair with the brownest reddest colour.

"Isabella, what are you doing out here." He looked at me and the he saw the king quickly dropping to his knees

"Your grace,"

"I'm Jacob Black and this is my wife Isabella."

"Lord Black I have heard many thing about you, I sent you a request for this wedding hoping you would come live in my castle with your lovely wife, to be my personal banker."
"Your grace I would be honour."

"We will talk about this tomorrow; let us celebrate my sister's wedding to my best friend."

The festivities went by and all Jacob would talk about was his new job, the king's banker.

We were dancing when the king stopped next to us.

"May I dance with your wife, Lord Black?"

"Of course." He let go of my hand and placed it in the kings, he gave me a looked that read 'behave Isabella, make me look good.'

The king put his hand on my lower back and his other hand in mine.

"Has your husband told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

"He has your grace."

"He's a very lucky man seeing you in this dress is a sight for sore eyes but seeing you without it would be every man's dream." Oh and now I was sure I was a red as prostitute's makeup.

"Oh Isabella, I'd love to see how deep that blush goes, why don't you come to my room tonight, when your husband is sleeping of course."

"...um...your grace"

"Edward, Isabella."

"I'll let you think about it, Isabella."

And then he left alone in the middle of the dance floor.

For the rest of the night I sat, drank and sweat. I kept sneaking Glances at the king and every time I looked he was looking at me. I had just realised I had yet to see the queen. I then asked the lady Stepford what was wrong with her, the queen.

"The queen is ill she's been coped up in her room all day, but just between me and you I bet it is the shame of not being able to carry a child."

And just then, the words that changed my life were said.

"The queen is dead."

It has been two days since the wedding, the queen's death. The whole castle had been in tears and upset. The king still wants to bed me even though he's mostly coped up in his office most the time but he's still able to send me glances and touch me whenever I'm near. Apparently the queens death was no accident well that's what the Spanish believe but we English men believe that she drank poison because she was too ashamed to live life since she couldn't have children. The country is going to war and that includes Jacob, when the king asked he fell at his feet saying he would do anything for his king, he believed that this would win him ultimate favour. The king is not going his advisors believe he should stay to show that they have done nothing wrong.

The war had been going on for 3 weeks tonight was as ball to be held in for all those contributing to the war. I was already half drunk just like everybody else, I know it isn't very lady like of me but I was feeling so lonely nowadays with the king now showing open affection to me. Nobody really wanted to be near as they already called me 'the kings married mistress'. But that hasn't stopped me tonight my constant flirtatious looks at him and my laughing.

It seems that I was now the trying to win the kings favour.

So I found myself up against the wall in the king's chambers.

"You're so beautiful Isabella." He whispered as he kisses down my neck. Feeling up my bosoms.

"Turn around" He ordered like the king he is which made me even more aroused.

He started to unlace my dress making it fall to the floor.

"Go to the bed." I followed his orders. I watched as he took of his breeches and shirt. His chest was so chiselled unlike Jacobs who had a little pop belly. Jacob my husband this was wrong so wrong. What are you doing Isabella? But that wasn't my priority now because Edward was not touching my private areas and it felt so good but before long he was pounding into me if felt so good better that when Jacob ever did it. He pulled on my nipples' as he made love to me.

"Fuck...Fuck Isabella...uuhh so good...fuck I'm going to cum."

And for the first time in the 5 months I've been having sex I came. And not long after so did Edward.

I was so tired out I fell right asleep not caring I was in the King's bed.

My head, I'll never drink ale again. I started moving about trying to get my hair out my face. The bed was quite warm even though lately I have been sleeping alone. I turned around in the bed and was met with the greenest of eyes.

It was the kings. What have I done?

"Good morning Isabella?"

"Your grace..."

Part 1

I'll have part 2 up soon it won't be as long but just what happens next... please review...