A/N: Still don't own, even though that'd be awesome.

**Draco's POV**

"Where did you learn all that last night? And how did you know what warrant number to tell Kingsley?"

She smirked and hung up her jacket in the closet.

"Well, Harry and Ron aren't the only ones who are undergoing Auror training. I started training sooner than the boys since I advanced past the book portions of the training. Tonks taught me quite a lot too. I'm on break from mine right now, but I'll finish this summer. And no, I don't actually want to be an Auror but I do want the training for combat, first aid, and they want me to join the program as a backup if they needs forces that desperately."

"So, you're getting training for a job you don't want because you want to learn more? Such a Granger thing to do. Is that a letter? Odd that it didn't come with post.."

She goes to the table and picks up an envelope.

"It's for me. Give me a moment."

**Hermione's POV**

'Dear Ms. Granger,

First off, I got this letter to you through Headmistress McGonagall. She knows I don't intend any sort of harm and just wish to speak to you. I make the request of you that you keep an open mind to what is in this letter.

Recently, I had dinner with an old acquaintance of mine, a young woman who has known my family her entire. It started off fine, but things got a tad heated and she yelled at me. She accused me of not valuing the family I have and I reminded her that I had none left. She looked at me incredulously before essentially asking, "What about your daughter? What about your GRANDDAUGHTER?"

I was stunned. I knew nothing of a granddaughter but Rosie Potter did apparently. Yes, the dear Lady Potter is the young woman who I'm speaking of. And I definitely trust her to get her information correct. Now, have you started to wonder why I feel the need to share this story with you? Better yet, have you got your own ideas yet? Maybe about the mother you hopefully knew is adopted?

I'm assuming that your face is about the same mine was when she said that. My wife, Marina, realized we had a squib for a daughter, Lorinetta. Thinking I would cast her out and not wanting to be left with a magicless child, she sent her to a Muggle orphanage. I was told she died in childbirth. Mind you, I would've loved her regardless of magic. The note that had her name smudged in the rain so the orphanage callled her Lorraine.

Yes. Lorraine is your mother, and also my daughter. Rosie is also your mother's godsister as her parents named Marina and I her godparents. You and your mother are the spitting images of my Marina. I've put a picture in as well. Contact me if you wish to. You know my pub.


Aberforth M. B. H. Dumbledore.'

I look up with wide eyes and sit on the nearest seat in shock.

"What's the matter? Not bad news I hope?" Draco knelt near me and had me look in his eyes.

I shook my head.

"Nothing. I just have some things to process. Tonight was fun."

"Are you sure you're okay? You can talk to me."

"Well, Kitty should've picked a different muggleborn for her demonstration. Because apparently I'm a half blood."

"I'm very confused right now."

**Dudley's POV**

I watched Liv run her fingers through her short blonde hair and looks a little worried. She has tears in her blue eyes as she sits with me.

"What's the matter? Why do you look so upset?"

"There's not really an easy way to say it..."

I grabbed her hand with all the worst possibilities going through my head.

"I don't know what you'll do and I know your mother wouldn't approve. I don't even know how my parents will react," she bites her lip nervously. "Duds, I'm... I'm pregnant.."

She awaited my response with fear in her eyes.

"Olivia Magdalene Anders, I love you. And our baby. I will support you in whatever decision you make. I'm not leaving you or our little miracle."

She smiled and looked like a large weight had been removed from her shoulders.

"Well, how do we want to tell our parents? Maybe we can send a onesie in a package with a letter to my mum?"

"Why a letter? We can ring them all on the mobile. But I do like the idea of using clothes to announce it..."

"She's currently at the school she'll be teaching cultural studies at next year until the hols. She's gauging where the students are so she knows where to start. She doesn't get very good service in the Scottish highlands..."

"Oh? I never knew your mum was a teacher."

I smile at her and can't help but feel warm from the love in my heart.

"She actually went to school for it before I was born, and it was in Uni that Mum met my dad. She got her degree in several different areas of teaching but Dad never allowed her to get a full time job once I was born. Then Harry was left with us... Mum kept her licenses legal and took substitute teaching positions. She's actually really thrilled to be a full time teacher. Harry actually got her the job. It's at his old school."

"I can't believe I didn't know your mother was a teacher. Although I guess with you all being in hiding for a year, I probably don't know much about your proper lives... Those people.. The ones you were in hiding from, they can't hurt us, right?"

"No. We are safe. My cousin gave me his word and he keeps his word."

"I want to meet him. This cousin I've heard so much about. Think we can invite him for a bite to eat one of these days? Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Of course, I'm sure Harry would love to meet you."

"Is he celebrating Christmas with you and your mum? I feel like I should get him something for hiding you where he did. Gave us the opportunity to meet."

She smiles at me before the conversation catches up with me. If she met Harry, more than likely he'd have his fiancé. A witch and a wizard. A wizard who shares my blood. I look down to Liv's stomach with new apprehension.

"I think he invited us to join Christmas with his friends who almost adopted him in. My mum and I, we weren't always the best of people. In fact, I acted a lot like my dad. I hate that I have that inside me..."

I look down, scared that one day I'll be the kind of father and person my dad was. Luv read my mind it seemed.

"You are not him. You are different. And you will be a good father Duds. Now. About Harry. When can I meet him? And what do I get him for the holiday?"