Fandom Reality
The Avengers belong to Marvel. If you are not a fan of slash, feel free to hit the back button. I only partially own this idea that was prompted by a friend. Thank you!
Full Summary:
[Drabble – International Fanworks Day 2015] In which Steve is aware that his and Tony's relationship is "shipped", and crashing the Internet is the way to go for certain announcements.
Steve was aware that the Avengers had fans, a fandom even. But it wasn't until he and Tony were together that he found out that there was a group of fans that believed they were madly in love with each other.
Tony showed him fanworks, all of them beautifully crafted. Some brought tears to his eyes, while the racier ones made him blush.
(He didn't object to Tony's suggestion to re-enact some though.)
When they went public, Steve didn't protest Tony's use of selfies and the hashtag "#SuperhusbandsIsCanon".
Needless to say, they crashed many a social media site that day.
Written (in a rush) for International Fanworks Day 2015 which was on 15 Feb over at AO3, and only cross-posting now. Been awhile since I've written anything Steve/Tony related, and it was great dipping back in again. Even if it's just a short 100-word piece.
Hope you enjoyed it!