A little information to help you guys in when are we.

3 BK

Jan 01 to Dec 31: Might Guy is promoted to Chūnin

May 05: Deidara is born

May 23: Yashamaru is promoted to Chūnin

Jun 11 to Jul 02: "Yamato" graduates

Jul 06 to Aug 09: "Yamato" is promoted to Chūnin

Aug 23: Temari is born

Oct 17: Asuma is promoted to Chūnin

Oct 24: Aburame Torune is born

2 BK

Jan 09: Haku is born

May 15: Kankurō is born (I found two timelines that differed when Kankurō was born, one said 2 BK and another that said he was born 1 BK, I went with 2 BK because then it would fit with Shun's birth.)

Aft Jun 10: Kurenai is promoted to Chūnin

Jun 15: Kimimaro is born

Oct 01: Jūgo is born

Nov 17: Shizune is promoted to Chūnin

Dec 16: Kidōmaru is born

1 BK

Feb 15: Tayuya is born

Mar 03: Shun is born

Bef Jun 11: Kurenai is promoted to Chūnin

Jun 12: Dosu Kinuta is born

Jun 20: Ukon is born; Sakon is born

Jun 26: Jirōbō is born

Jun 11 to Jul 02: Anko graduates

Jul 03: Hyūga Neji is born

Jul 06: Kin Tsuchi is born

Sep 14: Zaku Abumi is born

Nov 25: "Sai" born

Nov 27: Rock Lee is born

Ami is born

Fuki is born

Kasumi is born

Matsuri is born

Yagura is born

0 (Kyūbi Attack)

Released Kyuubi

The Kyūbi attack

Mar 09: Tenten is born

Jun 20: Karin is born

Jul 07: Inuzuka Kiba is born

Jul 23: Uchiha Sasuke is born

Sep 22: Nara Shikamaru is born

Sep 23: Yamanaka Ino is born

Oct 10:

Uzumaki Naruto is born;

Kyūbi no Yoko attacks Konohagakure;

Uzumaki Kushina dies;

Kyūbi is sealed within Naruto;

Minato dies

Oct 24 to Oct 23 1 AK

Anko is promoted to Chūnin

Dec 27: Hyūga Hinata is born

Ittetsu is born

Tobio is born

1 AK

Jan 19: Gaara is prematurely born, Karura dies, Ichibi no Shukaku is sealed within Gaara

Jan 23: Aburame Shino is born

Feb 18: Hōzuki Suigetsu is born

Aft Mar 07: Ebisu is promoted to Chūnin

Mar 28: Haruno Sakura is born

May 01: Akimichi Chōji is born

Jun 11 to Jul 02: Iruka graduates

Oct 24 0 to Oct 23

Anko is promoted to Chūnin

Abiru is born

Kashike is born

Tsuchino is born

Sari is born

2 AK

Mar 03: Shun starts training under Isago

Bef Mar 08: Ebisu is promoted to Chūnin

Jun 11 to Jul 02: Hayate and Itachi graduate

Jul 06 to Nov 02: Hayate is promoted to Chūnin

Kōta is born

3 AK

Jun 09 to Jun 08, 4 AK:

Itachi masters Sharingan

Dec 27: Peace treaty between Konohagakure and Kumogakure is signed

Dec 28[6] to Jan 07, 4 AK[7]:

Attempted kidnapping of Hinata;

Murder of Former Head Ninja of Kumogakure;

Sacrifice of Hizashi

Daichi is born

Kōji is born

Matsuri is born

Nobori is born

4 AK

Jun 09, 3 AK to Jun 08:

Itachi masters Sharingan

Dec 30: Sarutobi Konohamaru is born

Futaba is born

Hibari is born

Time line taken from wiki/User:Timeel39/Timeline

I also added Shun's birth and when she started training. In chapter 5 they are in year 3 A.K., Shun is 4 years old and Kankurō is 5. In chapter 6 Shun is 5.

All three Sand Sibilings graduated at twelve in cannon. Part I of Naruto starts at 12A.K. when Temari is 15, Kankurō 14 and Gaara 11/12. In my headcanon Temari and Kankurō where set back as much as possible for them to be on a team with Gaara, so they were much more skilled than the Rookie 9 when they graduated. Since I added Shun Temari is no longer needed to be set back and will graduate much sooner. In Chapter 2 the Kazekage said Shun wouldn't meet her sibiling until she's Chunin Level, so the plan was always to put her on the team with Gaara and Kankurō in case some are confused. The Kazekage planned to push Shun to her limits and make her the strongest as possible and hold her back until she was twelve. Then make her and Kankurō to wait for Gaara. But The Kazekage's plan has shifted.

Chapter 6: Recalculating...Recalculating...:l

After my little epiphany after talking with Kankurō I was more withdrawn than ever. It certainly didn't get better when Aki-san and Michi-san said they didn't have anything else to teach me and bid me farewell. It didn't help that Isago hadn't returned.

I was lonelier than ever. Kankurō didn't even fight with me anymore! Ever since I snapped at him he just ignores me and throws me little calculating looks. He's planning something… I know it… I will have to be extra careful until Isago returns.

As if I hadn't enough things to worry about!

But life went on, Isago wasn't around and I had to deal with my brother and his sensei.

A great deal of the training with Nobumori-san was based on observation.

A mediocre puppeteer must be able to at least move the legs of a puppet with the mimicry of a real human. If he can do the torso and the arms he would be consider a kind off journeyman puppeteer. The face was the most difficult because one must match the ever changing expressions we human have. If one can do that he is considered a realized puppeteer. This takes years. I'm talking about ten years easy in each part. But here I'm talking about civilians puppeteers. Where there are three people manning one puppet.

We are training to be ninjas. That means only one man behind the puppet manning hidden weapons, at times more than one puppet and fighting for his life. Not entertaining the masses in a safe environment.

Before little ninja-wanna-be's-hopeful-puppeteers like Kankurō learn to kill with puppets they must learn to entertain with puppets. That means that little Kankurō must follow the training that civilians use to master the art and learn it in a few years instead of in twenty-to-thirty years. And then he must learn to fight with his puppets. Plus the general knows-how of being a shinobi and everything else he must know to be part of the Puppet Brigade (That… hem… doesn't exist…cough!) like poisons, weapons, etc.

Let it not be said that Kankurō didn't work his ass off to get to where he did back in the maybe future that I know of.

Where was I going with all this? ... Ah yes!


Great part of our training was to go people watching. Learn how people move, how they talk, how they move their faces when they are happy, sad, angry, etc.

A little boring for me but I tried to use it to rain my sensing ability and see if I can match their fluctuating chakra with how they feel, how they move.

If ever where to go blind I want to be able to still fight! And no, I'm not being overly paranoid/prepared. I'm going to be a freaking ninja. It comes with a dental plan but no life security.

I try to plan for every possibility. Countermeasure- Plan Z, for example, was in case of a zombie apocalypse. …It isn't that farfetched! There were lots of manga/anime/books/comics/movies about it! Even Marvel had their own universe filled with zombies and guess what? Both humanity and mutantnity lost to zombies! It's a real concern! Especially when the Fourth Ninja War is going to be against a legion of dead ninja's!

Kaio-sama dammit!

I'm really distracted today! I was talking about observation (how the hell did I get to zombies?!).

One of our many assignments was people watching around Suna and that was what we were doing today.

As usual we didn't speak to each other. We just sat in one of our spots and watched.

"Was it true?" Until Kankurō decided to break our truce.

"What was true?" idly spinning a kunai in my finger I felt rather detached, I didn't want to return to reality just yet.

He was watching me, no longer paying any attention to the bustling streets of Sunagakure.

"You haven't seen Otou-sama at all?"


"And you don't care?" For the first time in months I believe I sensed corncern? From Kankurō.

How could I explain a five year old that our sperm donor could care less about me if it didn't involve the betterment of Suna without implying that he also didn't care about said five year old? Because I'm not sure that he doesn't care about Kankurō. They live together and according to Kankurō they eat semi-regularly together. That's more than what I can say about my relationship with my previous caretakers who I didn't actually live with.

"It's not that I don't care, but more that I never really considered it."

"But he is your father!"

"And I have never spoken to him or anything, to me he is a stranger who happens to share DNA with me."

Kankurō opened and closed his mouth, trying to find something to say.

"That's horrible…"

"That's life. Sometimes it just sucks."


Isago came back on the fifth month mark and everything went back to normal. I didn't see Kankurō again that year. Isago said he was dissatisfied with my work and worked me to the ground for one month straight, I think he just hadn't forgotten my send off.

One particularly nasty day I ended up in the hospital with poisoning when I had almost made a break thru with the Jiton. I swore to follow Mithridates VI steps and build my immunity. Sasori's use of poisoned Iron sand would soon be mine! Muahahaha!

Cough! Cough! Sorry… the evil laugh was unintentional… Gosh, not sounding like a villain is hard! Wonder what that says about me…

I had gotten pretty familiar with the hospital. I ended up there more often than not during Isago's mission. And even after. Habits where hard to break, who would have guessed! The medics had given up on me, my stubbornness had them beat.

Why was I spending so much time in the dreaded place instead of being out there training?

Two words: Chakra Exhaustion.

This month I had been there already twice because of it. Isago founded me passed out in my room after exhausting my chakra while training my control over metal and experimenting with my wind and earth nature separately. Apparently being fifteen minutes late for training was bizarre enough to come looking for me. Since when did I start to pass out while training? Well, that's around a year ago…so if you add that and rest the other! Hummm…Ok, I have no idea how many times I ended up like this.

"You are ready to go, Shun-hime. Remember not to strain your coils for at least a week… Please." A pretty nurse who had the misfortune of seeing me regularly gave me my discharge papers.

"You wound me, Momo-san! One would think you don't trust my judgment!" seeing her eyebrows twitch only encouraged my grin. "You would miss me too much! Think about it! What would you do without the amazing Shun-sama to spice your day?!"

"Shun-hime… please…"

"Oh, come on! I couldn't have been here so many times!"

"According to your medical history you have been admitted twenty-seven times for chakra exhaustion, fifteen for poisoning, ten broken bones and eight ripped ligaments … this year…"


"Ha-haha! Look at the time! Well I got to go back to train-rest! To rest! See ya, Momo-san!"

"Shun-hime! You better not even think of setting a foot on a training ground!"

"What?! Can't hear you!"

After my swift and very smooth exit I wondered if I really would go back to training. I didn't really have much to do really. No friends, no hobbies and no family to play around… or did I?

I saw Yashamaru going around a corner. He saw me too. He tripped and stumbled into a nurse, such is my beauty. I unhappily noted that I still looked like the chibi-female version of him. And so it meant that I looked like Karura too. Shun is not amused. I kind of vindictively thought about how soon his demise was going to be. What kind a**hole tries to kill their nephew and fucks him up by telling him that their mother cursed them for being born? Like seriously, you shouldn't do that kind of shit!

Then I felt kind off bad because it really fucked Gaara up.

Then I felt even worse because the Kazekage's next move would probably be to order me to kill Gaara. Which made me feel like a horrible person because I felt sorrier for myself than for Gaara.

Guilt doesn't really suit me, the only thing I could do for know was ignore everything and keep training.

I have to be stronger.

I have to do better, be better…

I have to survive…

I ended up in the hospital three hours later…

Momo-san is glaring at me looking at me from above my bed. And lets emphasize the important part. My Bed. Like really they should just put my name on it.

"Do you ever even listen to me?!"Momo-san was ranting about my stupitidity… silllly Momo-sann…oh, look! Pwetty lightz!


"Sleeepy-dime, Yoyo-cshan.."

I passed out…again… For thy Log! I hate it when I pass out! I blame Yashamaru…

I was dreaming of floating around clouds, flying ponies and strangely flying-multicolored-platypus. A cute caramel flying pony crossed my path and refused to move, strangely it started to talk to me in a familiar voice.



I know where this is going…I continue to float around and circle a rainbow colored platypus with tiny pure white wings…

"I know you can hear me, Trash!"

I'm not going to wake up.




To those who care enough: I didn't succeed in getting rid of Isago. Thanks for cheering me on... Your support keeps my Flames of Youth brightly burning!

I was back to training, thankfully. But Isago was keeping an eye on me like a hawk. Currently though he had some kind of meeting…And I was left to train to my (obsessive compulsive) heart's content!


Someone was coming.

Too weak to be a gennin, too strong to be a civilian.


"So, Kankuro was right." up…down… "You are a shrimp." …up…down…

"I don't get what's all the fuss is all about, you look like a little wind would knock you over."


"Baki-sensei says I will be ready to graduate soon, he heard from Isago-san that you are nowhere near there."


"Which is really a shame since Otou-sama only gave him until your sixth birthday…Poor Isago-san… but it was rather unfair of Otou-sama to expect he could do it."

. .

"Maybe he will let him stay as a paper pusher…but he will probably get sent to Gaara duty. You know, you should ask for forgiveness when the time comes. Probably won't get a chance afterwards."

Enough is enough! Rage pumped up my blood and I could feel each of my harts beats.

I raised my head and snarled at the blond girl, my pushups forgotten in favor for retribution. "You better be able to back up your boasts, little girl!" I will fucking grind her ass to the ground! Maybe that will teach the pompous little brat a lesson!

Uncertainty flickered on her eyes and as soon it appeared it was gone and a smirk replaced it. "As if." She sneered. "You wouldn't even get close enough to do anything."

Her false boasting was clear to see, yet it didn't make my rage subside. I hate that she has made me this angry. I hate that it's not because of her insults but because of what she implied about Isago.

The implied threat to him. Is Gaara mad already? Can't remember. No, no, Yashamaru is still alive. Focus!

I got up and felt up my weapons. I was more than ready to kick her down her pedestal and then smack her around just for fun. I wanted to smash her and leave nothing, all because she kind off threatened Isago. And that meant that the Kazekage had succeeded. The bastard made me unequivocally attached to someone. Someone loyal to him. Fucker.

"You keep talking as if you are going to walk out of here on your own power." In the middle of the dessert we might have been but the air appeared to be ice-cold. Little Temari-chan was quivering from my sudden release of killing intent. "You shouldn't have come to taunt and prod at me without your nanny to pull you out. Now, better prepare yourself, because I will not hold back."


Temari wasn't that young when her little sister was still living with them. She still remembered the pudgy, pink and red baby that never cried. Not even when she took her toys.

Her sister never made a sound, she just watched her with her creepy eyes. Sure, Okaa-chan's eyes where the same color but they were filled with love! Shun's where … cold, uncaring…

Even at their mother's funeral she didn't cry! Kankuro was confused, he didn't understand that Okaa-chan wasn't ever going to hug them or kiss them again. That she was gone. But he got that everyone was sad and so he was sad to.

But That Girl.

She knew. She even looked like she expected it!

And she didn't care.

She didn't care! Their mother! Their beautiful, wonderful mother was dead and she didn't care!

That's when she started to hate the red-haired brat.

Thankfully Otou-sama sent Her away. And at the beginning everything was great.

Baki-sansei trained me, I pushed Kankurō around a little bit (It's an older sister's duty to harden her little brother!) and Otou-sama was happy with my progress!

I was five when the rumors started. I ignored them at first, sure that it was only temporary and soon all of Suna see That Girl the same way they saw Gaara. Surely they would see her for the monster hidden behind that innocent face!

But they didn't wound down. They increased. They got worse. To think! That they would say that That Girl would be their next Kage! Almost as absurd as giving Gaara the hat!

I tried to make them listen, to make them see the truth! And one day Baki-sensei didn't train me, he told me to sit, to talk. He said that rumors were about, they spoke of an older sister bad mouthing her poor, talented little sister out off jealousy. I tried to defend myself, told him all the reason why She wasn't trust worthy, that She was deceiving everyone!

He listened and told me that if it was true then I was just helping her. That without undeniable proof it was impossible to be believable.

Having to accept that there was nothing I could do was hard. Having to listen everyone gush about Her and have to shut my mouth was maddening. But Kankurō was on my side. He had to take classes with her and he totally agreed with me that she was a devil in disguise.

Or so it used to be. One day instead starting to rave about how annoying she was he didn't say anything. When Otou-sama joined us for dinner instead of being happy he just watched him conflicted.

This continued for a time.

One weekend when I was, like usual, planning her doom and throwing ideas around when Kankurō interrupted me and said: "She's not that bad."

That's when I knew she had done it again. She had fooled Kankurō like she did the rest of them. Kankurō! Who hated her nearly as much as me!

I had to speed up my plans because this had gone for too long. She was going down.


Kunai in each hand and positioned in a proper stance. Temari was looking unsure in front of me.

"I don't have my fan!" she said.

Oh, so now she wants to run? Nop, not going to happen.

"Fine." I threw my kunais and changed my stance. "Taijutsu only, no weapons."

Temari looked surer of herself with my blades in the floor.

We both made the seal for reconciliation and straightened.

She got one good look at me … and then I was gone.

Nobody said no chakra.

I appeared beside her and in one jump I had kicked her in the face.

She went flying and rolled in the sand.

In one back flip she was up again.

And before she could regroup I was there again.

Right hook. Left hook.

Break her nose.



Her hands go to her face.

Kick to her thorax.

Her air goes out and she falls.

One more kick to her head and she is out.

"Huh. That was short. Was I too rough?"


"Oh shit."

Isago was back to check on me and really not happy at the state of things by the tone of his voice.

Well, not my fault. She asked for it. Almost a gennin my ass.

Apparently knocking my sister out merited a visit to my esteemed father.

Back again for a second time in the Kazekage's office. Yay.

Rasa (found out his name while studying history) was sitting in his comfy chair and he hadn't seen fit to add chairs for visitors all this years. Isago and me where standing before the desk waiting for him to speak.

He was staring me expressionless.

"You beat your sister into unconsciousness."

"I wouldn't say that…"

Only one eyebrow went up. "Oh? What would you call it?"

Good Aizen! That's one mean poker face! I must take note! Never play poker with this man!

"She found me and tried to provoke me…"


"Fine! She succeed." I huffed. Isago looked down at me and shoot me a warning look. "She had interrupted my training and claimed to be 'almost a gennin' so I proposed a spar. She didn't have her fan so I limited it to just taijutsu, no weapons. I honestly thought she would be better, so I didn't pull my punches back."

Rasa crossed his fingers and leaned back. His eyes passed from me to Isago.

"Your last assessment of her level stated middle level academy student. It seems that this is not quite so."

"Kazekage-sama you gave me three years to make Shun a genin level kunoichi…"

"And you have succeeded in two. Congratulations." Rasa Interrupted Isago in a dry tone. "Your services are no longer required, Jounin Isago. You are to return to your previous post. Perhaps you should consider being sensei to the next batch of genins, you have shown promise in teaching."

In with that he had dismissed my sensei. Isago bowed and left.

He left me behind.

"…present yourself at…specialized training…pride of Suna…"

He fucking left me behind!


Fuck this! Fuck Isago! Fuck Kankuro and Temari! Fuck Suna and all its inhabitants!

"I said, understood?"

"Cristal clear, Kazekage-sama." And Fuck You Too!

A. N: Soooo….it's been a while…. A loooong while…I'm sorry! Don't kill me! There where twoo main reason why I didn't update anything! One: I'm kind off sickly… my immune system is shit. One small cold in someone else is three weeks in bed for me. So when I get sick… I get really sick. Two: I've been postponing this chapter because I keep changing things up over and over. I think I may need a Beta… If someone is up to dealing with my laziness, easily distracted and forgetful self P.M. me about it. Thanks for reading this and your patience! Hope you liked it!