Gone. All she worked so hard to save. All she strived to keep a firm hold on, burned in flames. The Twilight Realm, once her thriving kingdom, was now a wasteland. It seemed Ganon's demise brought a counter-spell that, upon his death, would cause explosions that would destroy her kingdom.

She had to get away. There was nothing there for her anymore. Thus, with force of will, her body broke apart into black pixels and floated upwards into a portal that formed in the sky.

She didn't know where she was going to turn up...but she didn't care. She couldn't bear to look at the smoldering remains of her kingdom a moment longer.

The princess of the twilight realm, during the teleportation, saw pictures in her head. Pictures of her people...Through good times, and bad, the twili always pulled through.

But that was not the case. She was the last of her kind.

Tears streamed down the young woman's face. "I'm sorry..." She sobbed. "I'm so...so sorry..." Even if she was techincally a collection of pixels at the time, her tears couldn't be more real.

And as she flew through the rifts of time and space, many thoughts flew through her head. Where should she go? Back to the world of Light? She did have people she cared about there... no. It was impossible. The Mirror was the only link between the realms.

It took five minutes for her to finally reform. When she did, she looked at her surroundings. She would have been baffled if she wasn't absolutely miserable. She had never seen such an advanced civilization before. The buildings were all huge, there were odd metal carriages without horses moving along long thin strips of ground, the ground was harder than a rock...

Where was she?

Well if she wasn't sure before, she was now. The Goddesses had something against her. They took away her family, her people. She had met THE 'One', only for her to destroy the only link between them for the greater good. And now... now she was somewhere she didn't know with no way to get back home.

Downcast and defeated, the former Twilight Princess trod forward, her head hung low. Eventually, she came across a wooded area. Wordlessly, she approached a nearby tree stump, and sat on it to collect her thoughts. What was she to do? How was she to carry on in this new world? Helpless and defeated, the princess buried her face in the palms of her hands and began to sob softly.

She stayed in this state for three hours until she couldn't sob anymore. At this point, Midna felt nothing but hollow emptiness which was crushing her will and soul.

She walked for what was like hours, though she wasn't really paying attention to how long or how far she was going. After her long walk, she made it to a suburban area where the houses looked exactly the same, with she noticed. 'I've seen identical buildings in Hyrule, but Goddesses, this is pushing it!' Midna thought to herself.

Eventually, Midna could walk no more. She sat down on the curb, the cold night air flowing through her hair. Her mind swam with thoughts of her deceased people. How she had failed them. How she was unfit to be protector of anything. The Twilight Princess had thought she had cried herself dry earlier. But she was wrong, as three fresh tears streamed down her cheeks and onto the cold, hard concrete beneath her.

What was she going to do?

Then out of nowhere, she heard noises coming from one of the house's near her. She wasn't able to identify what it was, so she ignored it until it happened again. 'What would that be?' Midna thought as she lifted herself up from the curb and walked towards the noises.

As she got closer, the noises got louder and louder and she was able to identify what it was. It was the sound of a child screaming in pain.

Midna approached, then shook her head. It was none of her concern...She had her own problems to-




Then she heard loud beating noises, and the vague sounds of miserable sobbing.

Midna could only stand there in shock at what she just heard. 'The child...is being beaten...?' Midna exclaimed in her mind as she forgot her own emotional pain and replace it with rage and maternal instinct. 'Not while I'M around!' Midna thought as she snarled in anger and ran towards the house.

The last Twili focused, and disappeared into particles.

Vernon Dursley rained blows on the little boy at his feet using a thick leather belt. Harry couldn't stop crying, which only made Vernon hit him harder.

"Enough of your SNIVELLING!" Vernon roared as he hit Harry with the buckle end of the belt hard enough to draw blood. Harry was completely bawling at this point, and that only made Vernon angrier.

"SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUP!" Vernon was ready to pounce...but the particles appearing in the room got his attention...

Then a beautiful blue skinned women with fire-like hair came into being. When Vernon looked at her face, he say how angry she was. And unfortunately for him, it was directed towards him.

Midna's fists clenched at her sides in anger, and she summoned a round mirror. Vernon stepped back...but had no time to escape as the mirror magically transformed into a giant arm, and smacked him across the room. The obese man hit the wall hard, leaving a massive crack.

Midna ignored the fat man, and ran to the child's side. The little boy was sobbing inconsolably, wailing his eyes out in terror, pain and misery.

Her eyes widen as she took in his injuries. 'Oh my...Bruises...Cuts...Burns...GODDESSES, HIS ARM!' Midna said in shock as she saw that his arm WAS bent completely the wrong way.

The blue-skinned young woman could stand no more. Immediately, she snatched the little boy up in her arms and held him tightly against her chest.

She had been expecting some much-needed loving contact to calm him down.

Instead, he began panicking even more, still crying as he thrashed to escape her grip.

She didn't understand why he was acting this way until she realized that he was traumatized.'Grrr...That fat bastard is going to get it!' Midna thought while still figuring out a way to pacify the panicking child. When thinking didn't work, her maternal instincts kicked in.

She readjusted the terrified child so his head was on her chest and began to rub the back of his head.

Gradually, Harry began to lose the energy to scream. His struggles slowly ceased, and his panicked noises slowly faded into nothing.

All he could bring himself to do was cry softly.

All the while, Midna continued to rub his head and said soothing words to calm him down. "It's okay little one, you're going to be okay." Midna told him. She then heard groaning from Vernon. The twili quickly grabbed something wit her hair and tossed it at his head, causing him to get knocked unconscious.

Midna spat in Vernon's general direction, then turned her attention back to Harry, looking at him sadly.

"What's your name, little one?" She asked.

"H-Harry..." Midna felt her heart ache at the tone in his voice.

"...You're miserable." She said, matter of factly. "That's something you and I share." Harry sniffled, then looked up at the woman holding him. He blinked in confusion.

"Wh-Why are you sad?" He asked.

Her eyes shadowed over. "It's because I'm the last of my people. They were all wiped out by a mad man." She explained as a few tears escaped her eyes. Harry looked at her sadly.

"I'm sorry." He told her.

The Twili smiled tearfully and held Harry close.

"No, child." She said softly. "I'm the one who should be comforting you."

"Y-You don't have to-"

"Yes. I do." Harry looked at the woman in surprise. "I do have to console you. It's not right for you to suffer this terrible life, child."

"B-But I'm a freak... This is how I'm supposed to live." Harry told her, causing her to scowl.

"Did he tell you that?!" She asked him while pointing towards Vernon. Harry nodded and Midna sighed. "Look child, you are not a freak and no one deserves to be treated as such." Midna gently explained.


"Hush." Midna said gently, but firmly. "Hush, little one." She said in a completely gentle tone. "You have been misguided...They put lies in your head, child. Lies that I wish for you to forget."

Harry stared at her for a moment before nodding. Midna smiled and kissed his forehead. "Good, now lets get out of here." Midna told him before standing up.

"W-Wait..." Harry said in confusion. Midna stopped.

"Yes, dear?" She asked.

"Wh-What was that thing you just did...?" Midna tilted her head with a confused look.

"What thing are you referring to?"

"The-The one you did with your lips... Y-You put them on my forehead and did something...Wh-What was it?"

She looked at him in shock. "It was a kiss." She told him, surprised at he didn't know that.

Harry looked at her timidly. "C-Could you do it again?" Harry asked her, causing her to smile.

"Sure, I would gladly do it again for you." Midna told him as she puckered her lips together and gave him another kiss on the forehead.

Harry smiled for the first time in years. He looked up at the blue woman, and she smiled back.

"You enjoy them, dear?" She asked. Harry nodded, and she giggled. He was too cute... "Here, then. Have another." She planted a third kiss on his forehead.

At this moment, Harry felt as spoiled as his fat cousin. The little boy wrapped his arms around the blue woman and nestled closer into her chest.

She chuckled and rubbed his head as she walked towards the front door. She gave Vernon one last glare before walking out the house.

She smirked, then snapped her fingers. In a burst of purple energy, a wolf of twilight appeared, and snarled as it made its way over to Vernon. The Twili covered Harry's ears as the wolf pounced. He didn't need to hear the fat bastard getting torn to bits...

As her wolf was doing it's job, she walked away with Harry. She couldn't help but hum as she looks down at Harry, who was snuggling into her and looked like he was about fall asleep. She smiled, while she lost everything and everyone she cared for in her Realm, she was able to gain a new purpose.

Protecting her new ward.

"...Thank you, Harry." She said.

"F-For what...?" Harry asked sleepily.

"For giving me a new purpose." She replied lovingly.


"Yes. It means that I have decided that I am going to raise you myself, and ensure you have the life you always should have had." Harry teared up, and closed his eyes. He was almost asleep now.

Midna's eyes widened when the child mumbled something. She could have sworn it sounded suspiciously like "I love you...", but she couldn't be sure. Still, it made her smile nonetheless. She kissed the top of the child's messy dark hair.

"I'll never let anything happen to you..." She whispered. "I'll protect you...Even if it costs me my life."

Now...Where would she stay? She looked into her pocket and found about 1000 rupees from the Light realm, which she had kept as a souvenir. Perhaps these would be of use...