I need some OC's for my upcoming saga: Fazbear World! Private message me or leave in the reviews, I'll need a lot.
I'll Private Message you if you make the cut! If you're a guest...well, stay tuned and you'll find out. Heres the info I need from the Character:
Name: Give me a good origional name, and no stupid names (unless it really works such as Kitty the Cat(Its for kids for gods sake!).)
(Note:No cliche's with the actual characters. Meaning: Nothing like Seadog foxys friend.)
Gender: Boy or Girl(Be specific, We will not have another Old Bonnie Incident!)
Appearance: What it looks like.(Little details matter!)
Personality:How it acts and or behaves. Must be kid friendly(Around kids) (Around people and by itself and around other animatronics)
Strategy against security: How it kills you.
Year of production: When was it made? (Note:This story takes place in modern times not in the origional timeline.
Old design, Toy design, Or the special design(Completely different such as Marionnette)
Place it dwells: Needs to be an origional location(Just like the character)
Weaknesses:what about it Gives the security a chance to run or fight
Theme song: What is its theme song?(If its your origional song send me the lyrics in a PM)
Heres and example for you guys...
Name: Ugly duckling
Appearance: Has white downy feathers all over her body. Has an orange duck beak and rosy cheeks. She has Blue eyes.
Gender:Girl, plain and simple
Personality:To people:Very friendly, loves kids. Alone time:Angry at adults laughing at her. She's lonely really just wants a friend because no one likes her. To other Animatronics: She's friendly but no one likes her anyway. She's the most likely to befriend security out of longing.
Strategy: Carries a giant egg around with her and hides inside of it. She also tears off the Cameras.
Year of Production:2013
Design:Toy design
Place it dwells: Swan Pond
Weaknesses:Is overly friendly, returning this makes her not want to kill anymore.
Theme song: The Duck Song
Ahh, yes, if you are a guest or are just feeling lazy, leave the description in the reviews. If you're a guest leave it in the reviews and you'll know eventually if you made the cut!
I realize there's some confusion here so here's a response to some questions one guy had: Here's some answers.
-Its like Disney world. Rides and sideshows and food and a few other things.
-Yes you can add info as to what they do.
-Weaknesses: What gives the guard the chance at life? Flashlight blinds them, overly friendly? Stalls for 3 seconds when seen? its up to you.
-you are supposed to make up the location.
-No, the Theme song is optional but is recommended but its alright if you don't have one.
Please send the character. :D
I'm updating to keep people seeing it! Don't judge me!
I hope to get some good results here. Please help me out! StoryBook out! PM me if you want to know about Fazbear World!