New York

"Push, Miss Jones, Push," The delivery doctor said worried, " I see it head … almost through…" a moment later "Congratulations Miss. Jones, it is a girl!" a tired brunette sat up in the hospital bed.

"May I hold her?" Pathea Jones asked. Her bright stormy blue-gray eyes glittered with excitement.

"Of course Miss. Jones." The doctor handed the sleeping girl to her mother. Pathea looked at her new child. She had one small tuft of black hair on her head. The skin was Mediterranean olive. Unlike her mother who had somewhat pale skin tone.

" I think I'll name you Astraea. It means star little one. You are my star…"

" Too bad she will never know it." An angelic voice at the door said casually. "I am sorry ma'am, but your baby girl will have to come with me and don't think about calling the police, I hate for the girl to see her mom die holding her. Not that she would remember. Now quickly put her in this basket." He handed a small basket with a lid to carry her out of the hospital. The man, on the other hand, held a gun aimed at the doctor and Pathea. Pathea slowly wrapped up her newborn and put it in the basket crying all of the time.

"Goodbye Astraea, my star, always be loyal to your family" Pathea whisper to Astraea as she closed the lid. "There you go monster." Pathea face twisted up in anger and man shrugged and shot the doctor

"Remember that could have been you." He commented and then walked out to a black van outside of the hospital leaving a shocked and crying Pa Jones behind.

Somewhere in Death Valley California

"Did you get a child?" a man, with a thick German accent and a white lab coat, asked the man that walked in with a basket in hand, being very gentle.

"Yes, sir. What DNA are we going to put in her?" The man holding the basket asked in an angelic voice.

"The Director wants Avian DNA, specifically a Stellar sea eagle. Give her to me now, so that I can begin with the injection." The white coat said briskly. The man handed to the basket to him and walked out the door. "I am sorry, this will hurt for awhile." the white coat said after injecting the newborn with the bird DNA, he took her to another room, this time, there were cradles, but the room was quiet. " Ok little one stay here and remain silent." Then the man left.

Astraea was alone for the first a newborn came in with brownish hair. This girl was going to be her best friend as the two girls grew up. As the two girls grew up, more kids came to join them. First was a boy no older than the first girl. Maybe two months younger. He had black wings but not as black as the first girl wings. Her wings were so black the shone blue in the light with silver spots and tips. His was a duller and true black version. One year later a boy with strawberry blond hair and bright blue eyes. We all grew up for a least three years. But when Max and Star(it was her first word, so that is what the called her) were turning three (though they did not know) They found out that the place they were growing up in was a living hell. Iggy (as they were calling him) was the first to be hurt. The white coats took him first. Star was mad. Well as mad as a three-year-old can get. Everyone was scared of her. Max tried to calm her down but failed. The White coats took her away as well. After seven years they gave her back.

The white door open and a small, lithe 10-year-old girl was forced in by three erasers. Max looked into the newcomer's eyes. She then gasped and ran to her and hugged her tight.

"Star your back!" Fang, Iggy, and Nudge looked at me with a strange look. Well, not Iggy.

"Yep, I am. Who is the new member?" Star breaking the rib crushing hug to kneel in front of the milk chocolate little girl. Nudge looked scared of the newcomer.

"It's ok Nudge she is a friend." A soft smile from Star told everyone that she was back.

"That is right Nudge. I was in the flock as well." She put a hand in front of Nudge and waved it in a swirling gesture. All around her fingers water grew. Then it grew to a small toy. Star gave the toy to Nudge. "Nice to me you Nudge names Star." Then she gave hugs to the two boys that were standing there. Although they both tried to denied the hug. "So what did I miss?"