Nonno wanted granddaughters. Or at least, one granddaughter. When he found out that Mama was pregnant, Nonno looked up all sorts of shit to see what Mama could do in order to give birth to a girl. Alas, Feliciano and I were born, and neither of us were girls. Mama died shortly after our birth, and our Papa... fuck, we never even had a chance to meet either of our parents. Whatever. Nonna raised us, and Feli and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Well, there's one thing I would have changed. Nonno wanted girls, right? Now, if there's one thing everyone knows about my grandpa, it's that he always gets what he wants. So, shortly after mine and my brother's birth, the old bastard bathed me in some fucked up water in the hopes it'd turn me into a girl. Whilst he's off fucking with my gender, Mama settled on the names without knowing I was being turned into a girl. So, I'm Romano. Good thing, too, since I'm a boy. I like being a boy. It's much better than being a girl.

That's the other part. I'm also a girl. So I can tell you first hand that being a boy is just better than being a girl, and I don't mean that in a sexist way. Well, I kind of do. But in the girls suffer from sexism way. I mean- basically, being a girl is just plain hard. I don't know how some people can live everyday of their lives as a girl. I'm splashed with cold water and I become a girl until I'm splashed with hot water, so I'm only a girl for a few days max. Some days can be pretty rough, though. Trust me, if you've never had a period, consider yourself lucky. Those things can be pretty awful.

Sorry, I got a bit sidetracked. Anyway, I found the reason why Nonno wanted a girl so badly: he needed to provide a fiancée to some dumb kid. Correction, a dumb kid who he never even got to meet until now, now that Feli and I are sixteen.

Alright, so that's the background information. Right now, I'm on my way with Feli and Nonno to meet this stupid fiancé bastard. Female form, if you're wondering. Since, y'know, Nonno told the family that I'm 100% A GIRL.

AN: So, I finished Ranma 1/2 and I absolutely loved it so I just thought: why not take the plot and change it to suit spamano? And so I wrote this! I hope it's okay!