A/N: Wrote this as a sequel to "A Tiny Flutter", the tale of the Inquisitor's miscarriage. I didn't like leaving things on such a downer and I know from my own experience how it feels for things to eventually turn out ok. I thought it would be interesting to explore this from the perspective of Olivia and Cullen.

A Rainbow In The Inquisition

Olivia ached from head to toe. Blood from a gash over her brow ran into her eye and her shoulders were stiff from being repeatedly thrown to the ground. She limped from a twist to the ankle which she had endured while giving chase. Her ears were ringing, her knuckles had been skinned and she had friction burns on the inside of her hands from her weapon. Yet, despite all of this, she felt amazing.

She was finally standing over the body of a lifeless Corypheus. Looking at him lying on the ground, she almost pitied him. He had never had the chance to observe how delicate and precious life was. He didn't realise how important it was to cling to each second as if it were your last. In facing her, he had considered his life at risk. Or he had thought it expendable and cheap. Something worth gambling in ascension to god-hood.

She almost lost herself in thought when her attention was caught by Sera spitting on his corpse. "That's what we think of you, Coryphetits," she scowled. She kicked him in the armpit for good measure before moving over to Olivia. She limped too; she had taken her own set of knocks. "Come on Herald. I'm sure the nobles will be wanting to shower you with praise the finest fois gras in all of Orlais. Not to mention your precious Cully Wully." She put a friendly and supporting arm around Olivia and together they went to find Vivienne for some healing and an injury kit.

Olivia didn't have to enter the grounds of Skyhold to hear the cheering and she reckoned the noise would be deafening when she finally did. She moved with more ease over the cobblestone bridge leading to the large arch at the entrance of the Stronghold. Vivienne had done a good job healing her.

Her friends and allies followed closely behind her. All apart from Solas. Olivia didn't pay that too much thought. Solas often went wandering and she had faith he would return, just as he had after they freed his trapped spirit friend on the Exalted Plains.

Thoughts of Solas were quickly cast from her mind when she spotted Cullen awaiting her with Leliana and Josephine at the top of the stairs. She felt her face soften and a smile creep onto her face. It was only to keep up appearances that she didn't sprint to him. And it was only to keep up appearances that she allowed him to take a bow instead of jumping into his arms. In fact, had she had her way, she might have pinned him to the floor and taken him there and then. She had seriously worried she might never see him again.

Cullen wasted little time. As soon as he stood straight, he approached her and held her in a firm embrace. He buried his face into her neck and hair and Olivia heard him whisper, "you came back to me."

"Of course I did," she responded. "And I always will." Had it been acceptable, she would have stayed like that for hours. The embrace was the most fulfilling she had ever had. It was filled with the promise of a future together. It was the green light they needed to lose themselves in one another without having to factor in the likelihood they might instead lose one or the other.

After parting, she approached the crowd and surveyed the smiling faces. For a rare moment, she indulged her ego and allowed the cheers and praise to wash over her like a warm bath on a Winter's morning.

Olivia had a party thrown in her honour. Despite being raised a noble and experiencing this often, she felt uncomfortable. She did not enjoy the frivolities or the pressure involved in maintaining a respectable front. All she had really wanted was to spend a night in the arms of her handsome commander. She was tired and that did little to quieten her mind. Between sweet talking the nobles and worrying about Solas, upsetting thoughts about the child she and Cullen had lost leaked in.

They would have been born by now.

I wonder who they'd have looked like.

How different would things be if they were here?

Normally, she managed to keep these thoughts to the dead of night. Occasionally, they would spring up like a dagger to the heart if she saw a pregnant belly or a newborn and she would spend the day hiding her sadness in the name of duty. She hoped that now she would get some time off to rest and recover. Hopefully some rest would bring her the peace she would need to start processing these thoughts.

After Olivia had mingled to what she deemed an acceptable level, she crept up to her quarters. She felt she deserved some time to spend as she pleased. After all, she had just saved the world.

"You managed to slip away." The involuntary smile she often got at the sound of his voice came. She turned to face him, her heart fluttering at the sight of his warm gaze. "I thought I might claim more of your attention after all," said the handsome ex-templar. Olivia felt the pull of excitement in her gut, and her breathing sped up as it often did when faced with the prospect of being intimate with Cullen.

"Is there something on your mind?" she asked seductively. Cullen's smile turned filthy.

"Everything," he said, watching her hungrily.

She led him through the door between the main hall and the corridor to her quarters, his hand in hers. The door had barely shut behind them when Cullen pulled Olivia into a passionate kiss. His hands found the back of her head and he deepened the kiss, his tongue and hers exploring one another. Olivia hooked her arms under Cullen's, pulling the back of his shoulders to move him closer, craving his body near hers.

With a well practised movement, Cullen grabbed Olivia's behind and pulled her off the ground. She wrapped her feet around his back, and while still kissing her, he took her into her quarters. He pressed her up against the wall, and with her legs still trapped tightly around him he started unbuttoning Olivia's tunic. She groaned when a hand found her breast and the groan elicited an instant reaction in Cullen which Olivia could feel through their clothes.

He moved her to the bed, lay her down hurriedly taking his clothes off. Olivia watched him with a smile, savouring the way he looked. Admiring his muscles and noticing the way scars curved around them, she felt a heat build between her legs. As soon as Cullen's shirt was off, she pulled him onto the bed, feeling his skin against the skin which showed from her open tunic. The sensations made her gasp.

With a swift and skilled movement, Cullen pulled off Olivia's trousers until she was only wearing her underwear on her lower half. She was fumbling out of her tunic when she felt Cullen's fingers against the cloth on her sweet spot. "Oh, Cullen," she groaned, arching her back. He began placing soft kisses down the length of her torso, downwards and between her legs. With a yank he had taken her small clothes off and she lay completely naked.

He gently kissed between her legs, sending thrills up Olivia's body. He then gently but thoroughly pleasured her, enjoying her writhing and groaning and her gripping his head with her thighs. Just as Olivia was becoming breathless, he put a finger inside her and felt her climax in moments. Her fingers wrapped themselves into his hair as her hips involuntarily raised off the bed.

Cullen stood up and surveyed his handiwork. Olivia was sated and her breathing was erratic. Her hear was spread out over the sheets and her eyes closed while she regained herself. She was flushed with a rosy hue and he had never wanted her more. He was grateful she had come back warm and alive and now more than ever he wanted to become one with her. He pulled down his trousers, joining Olivia in her nudity and moved his body over her.

She greeted him enthusiastically, kissing his mouth hard and wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt his hardness against her thigh and found her arousal peaking again. She freed one hand and guided him to her entrance.

At first he thrust gently, savouring the warm and tight feeling of her around him. He kissed her neck, groaning her name as he moved in her. She moaned in response and her hand travelled down her body to touch her sweet spot while he was inside her. He always found her doing that sexy and his pace quickened with excitement.

Olivia threw her head back and gently cried out, encouraging Cullen to thrust even deeper. He knew he wouldn't last much longer, he was too aroused, but refused to allow himself to climax until Olivia had again. He pushed himself onto his hands, bent his elbows and leaned in to catch a nipple in his mouth as he thrust. He felt the nipple harden and Olivia started bucking her hips, quickening the speed of things.

A glow spread across her chest and he felt her tighten around him as she climaxed again. Within moments, he followed suit, spilling himself into her while he buried his fingers into the pillows and called Olivia's name.

For a few moments, they lay together, still entwined. Olivia let a tear run down her check and Cullen wiped it off with his thumb. "Why are you crying my love?" asked Cullen. "Did I hurt you?"

"No," she said in a low voice. "It's been a tough few months. And several times while battling Corypheus I thought I would die. I thought I'd never see you again." Cullen softly kissed her mouth.

"I'm not going anywhere, love. We have our futures now."

They parted and Olivia lay her head on Cullen's chest as he wrapped an arm around her. They peacefully fell asleep. Olivia's night was dreamless, so exhausted was she. Cullen, however, dreamed only pleasant things and for the first night in a decade, he escaped the nightmares. With Olivia in his arms that night, the bad dreams had stayed away. And unbeknownst to either of them that night, they had created another life.

Final chapter due soon :) Please review – I love feedback providing it is positive or constructive xx