/Okay, so I've had writer's block and personal bizz going on as of late. But hopefully I can get this back up and running and I apologize for the major wait v.v I also apologize for any ooc characters, it's been a while lol. Reviews are always welcomed./

Axel released a quiet sigh, once more he was burdened with the responsibility of another. What if he failed? He definitely didn't want to kill Demyx but what if he had to? With narrowed eyes the pyro wondered how and what he was going to do. So with that in mind, he stood to his feet and made his way outside after paying off the tab.
It was still raining, which he wasn't all too pleased about. Axel stood under the awning for a few minutes before he continued on, keeping on guard. After all he was being hunted, but he knew he wasn't the only one left, Xemnas was still alive and much to his dislike he'd have to find the former leader and work together… Or attempt to anyway.

He made it halfway across the city, the rain wasn't helping his train of thought. He tried not to think at all but that didn't work. Right now he needed to focus on finding the Superior. Maybe he wasn't even in this city? Maybe a different country? Who knew. But he did know that even if he left the city and went in search of Xemnas, Demyx was more than likely to catch up.

Citizens walked up and down the streets, enjoying the night-life with their fellow companions. Even the so called thugs were out and about.

Axel ducked into a near by alleyway and rested against a brick wall, keeping out of sight would be his best option, he figured. Yet further down the alley were three bulky men wearing common suits with a tie and a single teen with a cigarette between his lips. One of the three males spoke, street lights reflected off his glasses, "Bossman isn't happy knowing that blonde guy with the insane hairdo is out to get him. Then again it'd be a relief to know that old man is gone for good."

The other two in suits laughed, one had a scar trailing across his nose and the other wore a bandana.
Cigarette-Boy exhaled, blowing smoke from between his lips just as he removed the fag he said, "Enough you three, Xemnas knows what he's doing… He sent the other's after the kid. We just have to do our job and greet them at the warehouse."

Acidic eyes fluttered open upon hearing the name of his former leader, catching his attention. His lips formed a smirk and lifted up off the wall, walking over to the four males. To the thugs Axel just appeared out of nowhere, they didn't even see him until he pulled Cigarette-Boy's 'toxic wand' out of his hand and inhaled it himself before tossing it away, "Tell me where Xemnas is and I'll let you leave without any injuries. Simple really."

Scar-Face, Bandana, and Glasses, startled, jumped back a couple of feet and pulled out their guns, aiming directly at Axel's head. Their eyes never left the pyro for they were afraid he'd pull some trick if he knew about Xemnas. But Cigarette-Boy didn't waver, in fact he was more upset about his stolen fag then anything and he wasn't as stupid as the other three who pulled out their weapons. No, Cigarette-Boy knew Axel was far more trained in the art of combat than they were, it was obvious with the way he 'appeared' and the aura he gave off. The teen looked up at him and with a shrug, agreed to show Axel the way to Xemnas, maybe some good would come out of it.

/Once again, reviews are welcomed and thank you for reaching chapter four :3/