Laira, Harry, Minterva, and Albus, were now at Minerva's house, discussing matters, and trying to straighten things out, when a letter came flying through the window attached to an owl's leg, one bearing a crest that was unfamiliar to Laira or Harry, but very recognizable to Minerva and Dumbledore, both of whom's eyes were open wide in shock. When Laira refused to touch the letter, or the bird, which was sticking its leg out to Laira and giving her an indignant look, Minerva smiled slightly and said, "Um, Green Lantern Laira, your suppose to take the letter from its leg," she looked concerned not at the letter, but at the crest shown on the owl's chest.

Laira raised a brow. "It will not try to attack me for laying a finger on it?"

"Of course not." Minerva replied. "Go on and take it." Laira looked at the owl for a moment, before asking, the next obvious question, "What of this strange crest?" she asked.

Minerva sighed, "Thats the crest of the King of the Goblins, who is also Head Banker of Gringrotts," she said, completely serious. Laira looked at Minerva weirdly, "Why would these goblins contact me?" Minerva just gave her a look, causing Laira to sigh and take the letter, as soon as she did, the owl hopped back and then took a stance similar to a guard would, except if they were an owl, and not a humanoid. "Dear Laira Omoto," she began, and then put the letter down, "How do they know my full name?" she asked, looking at Minerva, she shrugged in reply and said, "Goblin magic?" was her response. Laira sighed and continued reading, "We are contacting you to alert you that we are aware of your recent claim of guardianship of one Harrison James Potter, and wish for you to attend a meeting so we may go over the transfer of legal guardianship from Sirius Orion Black, to you, we have also contacted Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore to notify him that he is being served and is to appear before a court of goblins and the DMLE, to answer questions about some of his actions, you are requested to attend this meeting as you must be made aware of accusations we have to ask Albus Dumbledore about," just at that moment a another owl flew through the window...before promptly attacking Dumbledore's arm till he managed to snatch the letter from its leg, which cause it to peck at his nose, leaving a nasty cut on it, before flying back out of the window. "Obviously, you have done something to upset the goblins Albus," Minerva said with a glare.

"That was a Screech Hawk Owl, they are only used by the goblins, who are the only ones able to tame them, and they only send them when someone has pissed them off," Minerva said, she still remembered that time her uncle had gotten one when she was a child, he had had to go to Saint Mungos cause of his injuries,then again, he had tried to steal from the goblins, resulting in him being banished from the family forever to satisfy goblin honor, along with them taking custody of him after he was banished from the family.

Laira sighed and continued reading, "We hope that you may see us in a weeks time, if not sooner of receiving this message, hope you are well, Lord Ragnok," she finished, then she noticed Dumbledores letter had been opened, but, it was nowhere to be seen, just the envelope, which was on the ground.

Laira raised a brow. "Whatever in the world...?" She mused.

Minerva sighed, "The letter states two things, basically, the first, is that this one," here she points at Dumbledore, "Has been served a summons, and must appear before an investigation committee of goblins and the DMLE, or Department of Magical Law Enforcement, which, when you think about it, is a big deal for those two groups to come together like this," she said, glaring at Dumbledore, "The second thing is, they would like you to meet with them so that you can go over the Potter family estate, fiances, and anything else that may be there to discuss, understand better now?" she asked.

"Yes, but what about Dumbledore's letter?" Laira asked.

Minerva blinked in confusion before turned to look at Dumbeldore and not seeing his letter. "Where is it Albus?" she demanded. Albus looked confused, as he responded, "What letter my dear?" Which earned him a heavy glare from Minerva, "Don't 'my dear' me, you old goat, the letter the goblins sent you, I wish to see it!" she demanded, her tone taking on a Scottish accent as she finished, which immediately made Dumbledore sweat a bit, but he still produced no letter. Minerva sighed, "Accio Dumbledore Letter," she said, causing a letter to come spinning from Dumbledore, but, it wasn't from his robes that it came zooming from, but his socks, causing Minerva to gag a bit at how disgusting that was. Snatching the letter with no less disgust due to where it had been hidden, she began to read. "Dear Albus Dumbledore, this letter is to inform you that you have been served a summons by both the Goblin Court of Investigations and the DMLE, failure to comply will result in Goblin Headhunters tracking you down and dragging you back, should they need to exercise excessive force, you will be automatically found guilty, and face maximum punishments that would be incurred. Charges to be asked about include: Illegal seizure of guardianship of the Heir of an Most Ancient and Noble House; Stealing of funds from the vaults of a Most Ancient and Noble House; Stealing of property from a Most Ancient and Noble House; Abuse of Power and Positions; and many others which will be brought up in the meeting, again, failure to show up will result in Goblin Headhunters tracking you down. Hope you are well, Lawbringer Fangclaw," Minerva read, she then looked at Laira, blinked in surprise, and then looked at Albus, "Your so screwed Albus," she said, looking absolutely serious as well as a bit scared.

Laira smirked. "I suppose karma has caught up with you, professor Dumbledore." She said. "It's what you get for exposing poor innocent Harry to such horror at such a young age.

Dumbledore frowned, "It was for the Greater Good!" he said, trying to defend himself.

"Yes, a little boy's suffering is for "'he greater good.'" Laira spat. "Do not encourage me to punch you, sir." she finished, saying 'sir' as insultingly as she could. Minerva, however, was of a different opinion, "WHOOSE 'Greater Good', Albus? The worlds? Harrys, or your own?" she asked threatenly.

Albus squirmed under her gaze, "Those three are not mutually exclusiv-" he was unable to finish as Minerva hexed his arse. "Not mutually exclusive my ass, Albus," she said before uttering several choice words in Gaelic that could only be curse words, "Your through, Albus, when they testify against you, I will name every single time you abused your power to get what you wanted at Hogwarts and I just let you do so cause you claimed it was for the 'Greater Good', but no more Albus, your own your own now!" she said with authority, causing Albus to gulp as he realised that, his strongest ally, had just become his mortal enemy.

Laira decided to leave the two professors to it, and go upstairs to check on Harry. They were currently residing in a new area, far, FAR, from Privet Drive, and Harry was sharing a room with her, as the little boy had requested nothing but that. Laira had put him down for a nap earlier, as she had seen he was tired, but it was getting rather close to dinner time, and she would have to feed him or see to it he ate something...

When Laira opened to the door, it was to find Harry sound asleep in the bed. Laira smiled, in just a few hours, Harry had improved a little, she then went over to him and gently and softly shook him awake, when his eyes began to flutter open, she smiled, and said, "Harry, its almost time for dinner, so, please wake up and get changed, ok?"

Harry nodded, and obediently climbed out of the bed the two would be sharing. "Kay, Miss Laira..." He mumbled sleepily.

Laira, seeing that he was still sleepy, decided to help him change from sleep wear to everyday wear that she had had Minerva transfigure for her, till they could get more fitting clothing for Harry. "By the way Harry, your not to interact with Albus Dumbledore, alright?" she told him after she finished helping him get dressed.

Harry looked up at her in confusion. "Hmm? Why not?" He asked innocently. "He never did anything to hurt me..." He still didn't understand that Albus was the one who caused his pain...

Trying to keep Harry calm, till she could explain it to him later, "Harry, trust me, Dumbledore does not have your best interests at heart, alright?" she then hugged him, "Harry, tomarrow we have a meeting to go to, you, me, and Minerva, ok?"

Harry smiled and snuggled into her embrace, almost falling asleep again. "Kay, Miss Laira..." He replied softly, resting his tiny head in her bosom.

Laira smiled, stood up, and carried him downstairs to the dinner table while she went into the kitchen to bring the food the house elf had cooked out to the dining room. Minerva and Dumbledore were still arguing until finally, there was a loud 'THUD', from the room they were in.

"What was that...?" Harry asked softly, his eyes wide. He of all people was easily able to recognize the sound of a body hitting the floor, and it unsettled him because he felt like he was next to be dropped.

Laira sighed, brought the food into the dining room, and went to check on the other two in the house, what she found, was Dumbledore, out cold and wrapped up in conjured ropes laying the floor. She sighed and looked at Minerva, "He went for his wand and was about to obliviate me before I knocked him out," she stated both confidently and seriously.

Laira smirked. "It appears this man is getting what he deserves." She said calmly.

Minerva smiled, "I have kept quiet about his abuse of power due to his reputation and how he hoodwinked me into thinking he had the best interests of everyone, but, looking back on it now, in retrospect, everything was for HIS Greater Good, not everyone elses, as long he he benefited, he went along with things, it sickens me," Minerva sighed sadly, she had lost her friend, by finding out he was a monster in sheeps clothing, doing evil by pretending to be good. Laira patted Minerva on the shoulders, "Perhaps he really meant to do good, and just saw it from a different view," she said. "What do you mean?" Minerva asked. "There is an old saying here on Earth that has made its way to the various Green Lanterns and helps many of us keep to the path we agreed to when we became Green Lanterns," Laira responded. "Whats the saying?" Minerva asked. "The path to evil is paved by good intentions taken too far," Laira responded.

Minerve looked thoughtful. "...I see...That...certainly sheds a new light on the situation..." She admitted. "...The one who first said that is very wise."

Laira shrugged, "I know not who it was that said it first, only that it is in the Green Lantern database accessible via our rings, its was under wise sayings and quotes," she said, "So many people forget that good people can do evil through good intentions," she sighed, "The real heros, are not those who do so, but, those who stand up, correct them, and help change things," she said, looking at Minerva. Minerva smiled, "You mean like you?" Laira blinked in surprise for a moment, then thought about it, "I...guess?" she said questioningly. "I must be blunt, though...I fear I'm unsure of what you mean." She admitted.

Minerva smiled, "You came here, you saw how Harry was treated, you changed things, you corrected Albus, well, you and that blue fellow-" "Guardian Ganthet," Laira corrected, "Yes, Guardian Ganthet, you both corrected Albus on how he did things, and now, your helping change things by looking after Harry," she explained, "So, by your own words, your a hero, Laira," she said.

Laira blushed. "Well...I do believe in doing what is right..." She admitted, clutching tightly to Harry as she looked down at him, having noticed him come into the room at some point to stand beside her.

Minerva smiled, "And that is what separates you from Albus," she smiled, "You did what was right for Harry, and not what you thought was good for everyone," she smiled again, "Now that I think about it, Albus always tried to do what he thought was right for everyone, but often forgot about people as individuals, I honestly think he began to see everyone as chess pieces on a board, and whenever someone moved one way, he would try and manipulate people to move in ways he liked and thought were good, kinda like a chess master..." she sighed sadly, beginning to wonder when Albus had fallen so far. She then looked up, "I just realized, when the magical world finds out about how Harry was treated by his own relatives..." her eyes widened in horror.

Laira frowned and tilted her head. "Well, I would advise you don't dwell on it..." Laira replied softly. "What happens happens, I suppose..."

Minerva sighed, "You do not understand, when the magical world finds out that the boy they hold as a savior, was abused, and pretty much forgotten by the man claiming to be his magical guardian, it will destroy Albus's reputation, he will go from hero, to villain in a matter of days, from a man of wisdom, to a man of senility," she said, but, strangely, she didn't feel sorry for Albus, after all, he essentially had gone senile,

Laira nodded. "I can see how this could be an issue." She admitted.

~~~Time Skip to the next Day, Goblin Meeting with Laira, Harry, and Minerva~~~

When Laira first met the goblins, she surprised them, Minerva, and every other witch, wizard, and creature that was in the bank, by bowing in respect them them. Minerva raised an eyebrow to her and asked about it, Laira's response surprised her, and earned respect with the Goblins, and perhaps changed the opinions of many that were new to the bank, as well as those who had been long time patrons of the bank, "When you respect a warrior race, they respect you, treat them like bankers, and that's not doing them justice, they are warriors first and foremost, not bankers, they are bankers SECOND, not first and foremost. There are many cultures in the universe that are like them, where they are warriors who respect strength and honor, but can be ruthless when it comes to business, its best to respect them, then to treat them any other way. There are even a few that would refuse business with anyone who treats them as anything other then warriors that wish to do a trade of business," she said. Minerva looked thoughtful about that, "You know," she turned to the goblin teller, "I apologize in advance for this, but I am merely stating my opinion and former thoughts," in response, the goblin smiled a toothy smile and nodded, and Minerva continued, "I guess I always based my opinions on the old ones, that goblins are nasty little buggers who would sooner bite you then respect you, I forgot that they are also the fiercest warriors that the wizarding world has ever known, regardless of their size, and they respect strength and honor, after all, a deal without honor, is like a blade with no purpose," she said, causing the goblin to smile. "Very well said," he said, smiling genuinely, "Please follow me, Laira, Harry, and Minerva," the goblin said, using their first names to show that they were now considered worthy of respect by goblins, and shocking everyone else in the bank.

"Well all right then..." Laira said calmly, carrying Harry as she followed the goblin.

When they arrived in the privet business room of Lord Ragnok, they found a goblin in very fine suit watching them with a nice smile. "Welcome,Laira Omoto," the goblin said, smiling, "And welcome to you as well, Minerva McGonagall and Harry Potter," Harry was hiding behind Laira`s leg shyly. "Its an honor to meet you, um," Laira began, bowing as she spoke, "Lord Ragnok,", the goblin provided, "Thank you, Lord Ragnok, for taking the time to see us with this meeting you asked us to attend," she said, "We know that time is money, and so, time, is valuable," she said, surprising Minerva.

"Indeed." Ragnarok chuckled.

And so the meeting began, "First off, we should start with that, as much as Albus Dumbledore has proclaimed he is the one to make decisions regarding Harry, he had no legal standing to do so, as a result, he will be brought up on charges for that, secondly, the Potter Estate is waiting for you and young Harry, Miss Omoto, should you wish to take up residence there that is,"

Laira nodded. "I see. Where might I find this Potter estate?"

"I'm quite surprised it's still around." Minerva chipped in.

Laira turned to Minerva, "Why are you surprized its still around?" she asked. Minerva sighed sadly, "When Lily and James were murdered by Voldemort, they were at the Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow," she answered, "It always confused me, why they chose the Potter Cottage, over the Potter Estate, after all, the Potter Estate's defenses rival Hogwarts own, but that is because of the long history of the Potter family, they can trace their line back about a thousand years," here Ragnok interupted, "Actually, it goes back further, but under other, older family names and clan names Minerva," he said smiling. Minerva nodded, "My point is, each generation added to its protection, adding wards, spells, curses, traps, and the like to its defenses, the simply point is, its like that Fort Knox that the Americans have," she said, "Its nigh impregnable once the defenses are fully activated, or at least, not without serious injury to any would be intruders," she said, "Compared to the Potter Cottage, it would be like comparing a reinforced bunker, to a simple straw hut, and I never understood why James and Lily didn't hide there," she finished. Ragnok then held up what appeared to be a medium sized emerald, "This, is a portkey to Potter Manor, or Potter Estate as we have been calling it so far," he then turned to Laira, "When Lily and James died, it was magically sent straight to the head Potter Accountant here at Gringrots, namely, myself, given the prestige of my line, the Potters would trust no other with their money, and we would trust no other with managing it, I have waited four years to see Harry and his proper guardian, but with Sirius in prison without charge, well, the true guardianship is in the air, regardless, Dumbledore had no right to steal it as he did." he paused.

"The day after Lily and James died, I was contacted by the Head Potter House Elf, who told me that Dumbledore had come and taken things, we later recovered most of them, and are still tracking down others while others have been reclaimed since then, all sold to others by Albus Dumbledore, or held within his personal vaults here, needless to say, he is on our watch list, and dangerously close to having his accounts seized, he had no right to place Harry with the Dursleys, or to seal the Potter Wills." Minerva perked up, "Wills? Lily and James had wills?" she asked curiously. Ragnook shot her a look that said, 'Really, you really have to ask that?' he sighed, "Yes they had wills, firstly, they knew the dark lord was after them so they made the wills before going into hiding, secondly, they wanted to make sure that should the worst happen, the potter estate, Potter Manor, and all Potter property would go to where it would be needed, thirdly, given James's long heritage, how could he not have been taught to make a will after claiming his lordship after coming of age and graduating?" Minerva blinked and thought about it, "You know, now that I think about all that, it does make sense they would make a will, but I never heard anything about there being wills," she replied. "That, Minerva, is because they were illegally sealed by the order of the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, something that is beyond their power, but was made possible by Dumbledore pulling weight with his fame and titles and other positions," Ragnok responded disgustedly. Minerva growled, "Why would he do this?" Ragnok sighed, "Its simple, the Potters are one of the most respected familes, one of the oldest and richest familes, have a lot of influence, and by sealing the wills, he could claim there are none and thus walts in and take control, many always wish to see their heros in the light, and so, often times, ignore the shadows..." Ragnok responded before finishing his response with a bit of mysterious wisdom.

Laira looked at the goblin, and accepted the item in his hand. "A portkey, hmm? What does it do?"

Ragnok smiled, "That portkey, will only go between its last location, and Potter Manor, it will also only work for the rightful Magical Guardian of the Potter Heir, or someone of the Potter family, as a result, I will need you to sign this before you go, accepting that you take on responibility for the current Potter Heir, Harrison 'Harry' James Potter," he said, pushing a form towards Laira,"Now, there is two last thing I forgot to mention, for todays buisness," he said, catching Laira's interest.

She accepted the sheet of paper and signed it as she asked "And what would those be?" She was anxious to get to this residence. She wanted time to get to know her new charge without anyone else around. She wanted to spend time alone with Harry.

Ragnok smiled, but it wasn't sinister, it was more...devious..."When we discovered Dumbledores theft of various Potter property so shortly after the death of James and Lily Potter, we put up a barrier, it would keep all intruders out, until the Potter Heir returned, but, it didn't stop the weather, sadly, it also prevented heating from entering, so, as a result, a lot of snow has built up from the winters there, then again, we did use a winter barrier spell of ancient goblin magic," he smiled, "as a result of that snow build up..." Laira sighed, "When the barrier is released, a lot of snow will fall..." she sighed again, just thinking about how much must have built up in four years, then again, if only she knew how far north Potter Manor was, it would be more then a considerable amount. "Yes," Ragnok said, "The house elves have made sure to keep me informed about the situation, and while they have kept the house clear, they piled it against the barrier, and melted what they could," he then paused, "The second thing to go over, is to hand you these for you to go over later, but before we have the eventualy court hearing of Albus Dumbledore before the Goblin and DMLE investigation committee," he said, pushing a great stack of papers to Laira, "These are the fiances and property listings, among other important ocuments to get you up to speed with the Potter Estates, if you have any questions, come to us and we will gladly help you with them," Ragnok smiled. "Oh, by the way," he said, just remembering something, "To activate the portkey, you must hold it and whoever your taking with you tightly, and say, loudly and clearly, 'Onóir agus Ionracas', or in the common english tongue, 'Honor and Integrity', however, only the first will and not the english use, will activate the portkey," he said.

Laira nodded in understanding. "You have my thanks for doing this for us." She said gratefully. "The same goes for you, Minerva." Minerva smiled.

"But of course." She replied. Laira inspected the ruby in her hand.

"Are you ready to see your new home, Harry?" Harry looked up at her.

"M-My new home..." He said softly.

Ragnok laughed, "Its not new, he was there for a year after his birth, then the Potters went into hiding for half a year before they were murdered," he said, first with amusment, before ending with a sad tone, Lily and James had both been his friends, two humans who had shown great respect to the goblin race. Harry meanwhile, didn't hear this, even if Laira did, as he was too excited to be away from the Dursleys forever. As a result, Lair took the papers, placed them in a bag and looped it onto her arm, then grabed Minerva's hand with her free hand, and before the older woman could reaction, Laira said the activation phrase while holding it in her free hand since she was using her arm to hold Harry, her hand itself was free, "Onóir agus Ionracas," as soon as she said it, the three of them were zoomed away by the magic of the portkey to Potter Manor.

Once the flash cleared, Harry and Minerva landed safely on their feet, stumbling slightly, well, Minerva did, Harry almost fell flat on his face, but still none the worse for wear. They looked around to see that they had come into a snowy landscape, a posh, elegant, yet old looking manor with many wings and floors nearby, along with a massive stable and animal pen.

"Those dreadful portkeys never get easier to use, especially with age..." Minerva mumbled.

"Where'd Miss Laira go?" Their question was answered when they heard a familiar muffled voice...

Laira had wound up stuck in the massive snow pile, when they had portkeyed in, the reintroduction of the special portkey's magic had caused the barried to disipate, and due to the mountin of snow that had built up due to the weather of the land, with was somewhere on the border of Scotland and England, but also near the coast. As a result of all this, when the barrier dissipated, the snow came crashing down, and right ontop of Laira who had let go of Harry to spare him from being avalanched.

"I do believe that answers your question, Mr. Potter..." Minerva said calmly but with a smile as the top of the snow pile began to slowly rise.

Laira used her ring's power to help push the massive pile of snow off of her by forming a barrier and pushing it up, and when she was finally free, her hair was disheaveled and she was frowning, "THAT," she stated with certinty, "Is a first," she finished. "And I sincerely hope it is a last as well..."

"I feel as though you have jinxed yourself, Ms. Laira." Minerva replied. She shivered and pointed at Laira's clothes. "How are you not freezing, especially with that skin on your legs showing?!"

Laira smiled, "Green Lanterns fly through space protected only by a barrier of energy, so this snow is nothing compared to the depths of space," Laira said, "But, the secret is, the energy parrier keeps our warmth in, and thus helps keep us warm as a result," she said, she took several steps forward so that she was infront of them, only for her next step to cause her to sink into the snow up to he elbows, pinning her arms to her sides, "Oh bother," she said with a resigned sigh of exasperation.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Minerva said with a wave of her wand, levitating Laira out of the snow.

"Much appreciated." Laira said with a smile. McGonagall was struggling to lift her.

"Ungh...It appears...This green lantern a bit too much for my magic to...handle..." Minerva finally lost control of the spell, causing Laira to fall headfirst into the snow and end up with only her legs sticking out.

Laira sighed underneath the snow, before blasting her ring's energy as a spring formed under her against the ground, causing her to shoot out of the snow, unfortunitly, her momentum caused her to shoot up and hit a high tree branch, causing it to shake, and dislodge snow from its branches, and said snow landing on her as a result once she was back on the ground. The snow pile slowly began to rise, and Laira's eyes opened from within, causing her to resemble a snow pile with eyes.

Harry couldn't help it, he smiled and let out a laugh, then rushed over to Laira and began to dig into the snow to help get her out.

After several minutes, Laira's head was able to pop out of the snow.

Harry sighed in relief, "I thought you were a goner," he said with worry.

Laira smirked. "It's only snow, my dear. Though perhaps I should refrain from using my ring to free myself. It only seems to cause more problems..."

Harry smiled, "I can help," he said, as he begun to dig her out of the snow, Minerva coming forward to help. After a while, they managed, to get her free, "Maybe we should head inside, before you get buried by the remaining snow," Minerva suggested.

Laira nodded. "Excellent suggestion." She agreed. She took a step forward...and promptly slid across a long stretch of ice hidden under the snow towards the house. She crashed into a snow pile directly beside the stairs leading to the front porch and door, leaving only her butt poking out.

Laira struggled for a bit, she was a bit weary of using her rings energy as it had gotten her buried in snow, first when she tried to spring herself free, and the second time when Minerva had helped her out, and the ring's energy had messed with the magic for some reason, causing her to fall into the snow, if she were to use it now, there is no telling what could happen next, as a result, she kept wiggling her rear end, trying to get free.

Harry approached Laira with a frown. When he saw the position she had ended up in, his eyes widened and he put a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. Minerva, on the other hand, had no such problem. The moment she saw the struggling Lantern, she laughed harder than she had in years, clutching her sides as she did so.

Laira huffed as best she coud in indignation under the snow, here she was, in an embarressing situation, and they were laughing at her. She sighed, she guessed it was kinda amusing, at least to them, "Yes, yes, as amusing as this is for you, could you two help me out please?" she asked, her voice muffled by the snow.

"I...I can't stop..." Minerva laughed. "I'm laughing too hard...Can't...move..."

Harry decided to step in to help his new caretaker. However, when he touched the snow, he realized it had become hardened and compacted, and would be impossible to shovel away with his bare hands.

"S-Sorry, Miss Laira...It's too hard... Maybe I can try to pull you out...?"

Laira sighed, "Wait until Minerva can stop laughing, you would need her aid to help you pull me out," she said, "Also, tell her, if she helps me out, I will share some of the tricks that I know of regarding various magics I have encountered in my travels," she said, smiling under the snow where they couldn't see it.

Minerva vaguely heard what she said, and tried desperately to stop laughing so she could pull her free. Little did Laira know, Minerve had secretly taken a magical picture of her situation...

Laira wiggled a bit more and managed to loosen the snow around her legs, she could move her legs a bit, but, she was still stuck in the snow, she sighed, she really hoped that Minerva didn't have a camera or something, this was so undignified.

Well, now that her legs were free, she could at least use them to push against the snowbank she was stuck in...

Minerva, who had managed to stop laughing finally, took hold of Laira's upper legs, while Harry took hold of her lower legs, and began pulling. It took ten minutes, and a lot of tugging, but they finally managed to pull her free from the snow bank.

Laira sprawled out on her back. "...Well...That was a strange series of events..."

Harry smiled, "It was funny!" he smiled, laughing lightly, something he hadn't done or had reason to do much of in his life.

Laira forced a smile. "Yes..Funny..." She agreed halfheartedly.

Harry looked down, "Was it not funny then?" he asked, souding worried he would be in trouble for laughing at her, then again, it was not like he had much experince with comedic moments, or humorous moments.

Laira sighed and smiled. "From an outside was hilarious." She admitted as she patted Harry's head. "I will not blame you for laughing, my child."

Harry looked relieved at that and smiled happily, then he hugged Laira, "Should we see what is inside before more snow falls on you?" he asked.

Laira's response was to pick Harry up and dash into the house as fast as her legs would carry her.

Harry laughed at how fast Laira ran into the house, Minerva following at a more leisurely pace. Once inside, they were met by the various Potter house elves, all of them wearing uniforms with the Potter crest on it, effectively making them look like small butlers with the potter Crest over their heart on their uniforms.

The elves stared in shock as the trio entered the room. It had been ages since anyone else had come in...

Needless to say, the Potter house elves raised their hands, ready to case house elf stunners should they be a threat, the raising of their arms caught the attention of Laira who hadn't noticed them till now.

"Desist, house elves!" McGonagall exclaimed. "Harry Potter has returned home!"

Immediately the house elves stiffened as one, then one stepped forward, clearly the head house elf of the manor, "We have only heard word from Lord Dumbledore, and he told us Master Harrison died along with his parents, but we had our doubts, how do we know you are speaking the truth?" she asked. Minerva looked surprised at how fluently the house elf spoke, given that from her experience, most house elves spoke in broken or stilted words along with using third person often times, and so she asked about this, her response was a scoff from the head elf. "We USE to be like that, but the Potter family has always treated its house elves with respect and equality, as a result, they demanded only three things of us, first, to wear these uniforms not as clothing...per say, but, to show that we serve house Potter, and are proud to show our family, and secondly, that we learn to speak properly, after all, we are not slaves, we are family, we live with them, clean up after the, cook for them, help them around the house, if that doesn't constitute family, where we can respect one another and not be treated as servants, but as members of the family, then what are we? And thirdly, we were told, if someone insults us, we are to treat them in kind, as in, they insult us, we insult them and treat them rudely. As a result, we speak fluently and clearly, do you have a problem with a house elf that could just as easily cuss you out as serve you tea if you are insulting them?"

"Well, no, not at all, I was just surprised is all...Um...Harry, come and Um...Harry, Laira, meet your...extended family..." Minerva replied awkwardly, suddenly Minerva realized something, and asked for Laira to give her the verification test that the goblins had had Harry do earlier, and showed it to the house elves as proof that Harry was who they claimed him to be.

Laira stepped forward confidently with a friendly smile, and her hand raised in the signal to shake the head house elf's hand, Harry peaking out shyly from behind Laira's leg, he was still not use to meeting new people, and he could never recall meeting a house elf before, though he probably did as a toddler.

The head house elf's eyes widened, and she stepped forward in surprise. "My goodness..." She breathed. "It is true...Our dear Harrison has returned to us...But...who might this young woman be...?" She gestured to Laira. "I do hope nothing happened..."

Laira stepped forward again, "From what we were told by the goblins, Dumbledore has been hiding many secrets and lies," she said, causing the house elves to frown, they hadn't liked him when he had started taking things from the manor, and now, they had their suspions about him confirmed, he was not to be trusted. "To put it simply, chief among those secrets was that he illegally seized guardianship of Harry here, but thanks to me, his secrets are being exposed, and now, Harry is my ward," she said, smiling down at Harry who looked up at her with a smile.

"So are the one who will be raising our new young master?" The head house elf asked.

"That is correct." Laira nodded.

"Well then...You have our most sincere thanks, ma'am." she said with a bow to Laira.

Laira smiled, "Is it possible we could get a tour of this place, it looked pretty big from the outside," she asked. The head elf smiled sheepishly, "Well, its even bigger inside then it is outside due to expansion charms and wards," she replied, "But I would be happy to show you around," she said, smiling as she began to talk to the hallway, before turning to look at them behind her, expecting them to catch up.

Laira did so with no effort, carrying Harry in her arms. "Lead the way, then, if you please." She said politely.

As they walked down the hallway, the head elf turned to look at them, and bowed, "By the way, I should introduce myself, my name is Ælfgifu, it is an old name, from the Potter ancestry, and it translate to modern day as, 'elf gift'," she said, "It is a pleasure to meet you properly," she said.

"My name is Laira. A pleasure to meet you."

Ælfgifu smiled, "Anyway, lets begin the tour," she said, as she showed them various rooms in the manor. Which included, an indoor pool with a hot tub that was half as big as the pool itself, a library fit to be a public sized one, thirty bedrooms and twenty five guest rooms, a massive grand ballroom, a grand music room filled with mundane and magical instruments, a massive green house, a massive aviary filled with various magical and mundane birds from around the world, and various other rooms including a fully stocked and advanced potion experimentation lab. Obviously the Potter family had expanded the manor over the centuries with permanent expansion charms and wards to make the place a truly grand home.

"This is not a house..." Laira said. "It is a palace...The Potters were an extremely wealthy family, I can tell..."

Ælfgifu smiled, "The Potter family is wealthy because every member of the family for as long as it existed has worked to add to the fortune, not to mention investing money in businesses all over the globe both in the mundane and magical worlds, needless to say, they are indeed, very wealthy, but, they didn't expand this house the way they did due to their wealth, but to make it a home worthy of a big family, something the Potter family has always valued, family and honor, may you enjoy your new home, Laira, and welcome back Heir Harry," she said, bowing to them as they returned to the main hall, Minerva having stayed to explore the library. When she noticed the confused looks, she sighed, "Until Harrison reaches his maturity at the age of sixteen, or marries, he cannot be the Head of House Potter, as such, he is Heir Potter, as in Heir to the Potter line, the next in line for the head of the family, point is, that is the title he holds," she finished with a smile. "Would you like me to lead you to the main bedrooms section?" she asked.

Laira nodded. "Yes, thank you, that would be lovely. I wish to see the accommodations and to see if we will be able to get Harry accustomed to sleeping in a bed. He has yet to truly get used to it..."

At the mention of how Harry was not used to sleeping in a bed, Ælfgifu frowned angrily and said, as calmly as she could, "The master and heir bedrooms are this way," she said as she led them up the stairs, down two different hallways, before coming to a line of bedrooms, all bearing the Potter crest, except two of them were different by one having a image of a strangely familiar ring on it, familiar to Laira that is, the one next to it, that was also different from the other doors, had a dragon on it, but it was a dragon symbol that Laira recognized as well.

Laira raised a brow. "Why on Earth is there a green lantern symbol here?"

Ælfgifu arched one of her eyes, "I do not understand, what you mean by 'Green Lantern symbol'," she responded with confusion, to which Laira pointed to the mark on the lords bedroom door in response, and Ælfgifu nodded, "I know not the meaning of the symbol, only that it has been there since this house was built over eight hundred years ago," she said.

Laira stared at the symbol in confusion. Were Harry's parents in the Green Lantern corps? No...That couldn't be. If they were, they would have never been killed by a wizard...Were they friends with a green lantern? It was truly a mystery...

Harry looked at the Heir's door and pointed at it, "Cool dragon," he said, smiling at it.

"Yes...It is interesting to say the least...But...Why is the Jade Dragon crest here...?" Laira asked, more to herself, then anyone else.

Ælfgifu shrugged, "I know not the origins of this dragon's crest, I only know it was added to the manor about six hundred years ago, and has been here since, even adopted into the family crest a bit around that time come to think of it," she said, trying to remember what she could about it, then shrugged, "Anyway, these are yours and Harry's bedrooms, if you need anything, just call for one of the 'Potter Elves', or myself, and we shall attempt to fulfill your request, after all, with you now raising young master Harrison, you and us are family, just like how we and master Harrison are family due to our serving his family, so, enjoy your night," she said, bowing, as it had gotten late with the touring and the supper they had had during one of the breaks.

Laira nodded. "Thank you. All you have done is much appreciated." She turned to Minerva. "Will you be staying the night?" Minerva shook her head.

"No, I'll be making my leave now." She replied. "Thank you for the offer...But I'm going to use the floo powder to return home." Laira nodded in understanding, and McGonagall turned to leave.

"Good bye, Minerva. Come back any time as you are always welcomed,." Laira called out.

"Thank you, ma'am." Minerva replied with a smile. And with that, she was out of sight.

Laira looked down at Harry. "Well then...It's bedtime." She said gently. Harry looked up at her.

"Um...C-Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Laira sighed, "Yes, you may Harry, but, you eventually must learn to sleep in your own bed, ok, I am not saying tonight, or tomorrow, but eventually, after all, our bedrooms are right beside one another now," she then picked him up and then carried him into her new room, "First a bath mister, and then, we can go to bed," she said, having caught a whiff of his sweaty body from the long day he had had, sure he hadn't done much, but, it had been a long day for all three of them, and she would take a shower after Harry was done.

Harry nodded absentmindedly and rested his head on her chest, smiling contently from being within close contact with his nice caretaker and guardian.

Two hours later found Harry and Laira showered, clean, and in PJs, well, Harry was, Laira had taken to the wearing of a nightgown that had apparently belonged to Harry's mother and had been left in the wardrobe among other clothes that had belonged to her, and Harry's father too, the PJs that Harry was wearing, were unfortunately too big for him, seeing as they had belonged to his father, but they were the only thing they really had for him to wear, as such, while adorable, he was squirming his way under Laira's arm before falling asleep, with Laira pondering a few things as she ran her hand through Harry's hair as he slept.

Laira smiled softly at the sleeping child. HER sleeping child...she thought to herself as she drifted off to the embrace of Morpheus, of whom all she knew was he was some Earth god of dreams and sleep or something, according to the Green Lantern database anyway.