Dear Master Yoda,

I do not regret my choice to leave the Order. It may seem strange, coming from a man like me, but the fact is that I now feel more at peace. Or as much as I can at the moment.

My end draws near.

I fear for my family.

I entrust with you, my friend, my remaining secret.

My wife and I have seven children; only two are biological. I fear for my family. I have taken any precautions that I can to keep them safe. I sent my youngest son off with his mother, my oldest to stay with his uncle, my four remaining sons have been sent to stay with a friend on Kamino where they can easily blend in, and my youngest child and only daughter has been sent to stay with a friend of mine. He plans on sending his own daughter somewhere and will be sending my little girl with her.

If all goes as planned, they will remain together, grow up together and return to help return balance to the Force together. Like my youngest son, both girls are sensitive to the Force.

As a final request, please keep an eye on my family in my absence.

When the girls do return to where they rightfully belong, this is how you will know: one will have hair as black as night with eyes of pure emerald. The other will have hair as red as fire and eyes like pure sapphires bursting like stars into silver; like my eyes.

Time is short and I must now go.

Farewell, my Master.



Master Yoda re-read the letter his last student had sent him before meeting his fate at the hands of Darth Tyranus, or better known as Count Dooku. As asked, he did his best to keep an eye on his student's offspring.

For the most part, it was fairly simple. Joseph's youngest son had been found with his mother and was now a Jedi Knight with a Padawan of his own. His oldest had, for some strange reason, taken a darker path, becoming a bounty hunter and was now wanted by the Republic for vast crimes. For his other sons, only one remained, the others having lost their lives in various battles.

As for his daughter and the girl she would be kept with, that was not as easy.

Both girls seemed to have gone completely off the map; their existence almost non-existent except for Joseph's letter.

Getting up from his meditative seat in his quarters at the Jedi Temple, the Grand Master made his way to his window and looked out over Coruscaunt.

"Good, this is not. Returned to the Force, balance must be." He said wisely, looking down to see Anakin Skywalker with his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, clone captain, Rex, his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Kenobi's clone commander, Cody.

"For your son, I fear Joseph. Prone to darkness at times, he is." Yoda said before walking away from the window just as young Skywalker left with Rex, Ahsoka, Kenobi, Cody, and R2 on a mission on Tattoine, much to Joseph's youngest son's angst.

A/N: Alright, so I decided to do this one story with a friend. We were just joking about it at first but we started coming up with these awesome ideas so we decided to go with it. We both will be adding in our own personal touch to our characters. Also, please guys do not flame this. It is purely just for fun! I am fully aware that Anakin has no siblings and as it stands he has no father either. These are just major what if concepts I thought would be cool in some ways and would provide more to my OC. Also, do not skewer me on Yoda's dialogue. I am honestly trying my best and the translator I found doesn't really do much better. Anyways, I will have this story ready to update again by the middle of this week. As for my other stories, I am sorry for the long waits on updating them but I will have new chapters posted tomorrow once they are proofread. I have had a horrible case of writer's block and maintaining my grades has taken large priority. Life of a college student. Anyways, tomorrow I will have updates for The Count and the Countess of the Night, FNAF: Resolution and Evolution, and A Bond that Withstands Time. I will also update my Listen to the Music of the Night story in two days and I will also look into updating some of my older stories such as Gift of the Eternal Blossom. I look forward to updating my stories, learning your reactions, and making your guys' day. I take pride in knowing that you all enjoy the stories I provide and knowing that gives me the drive to continue those stories and to share more with you. I am also considering going on YouTube and actually do a reading of my stories on there. If you guys think I should, let me know and also, tell me which of my stories I should do. Finally, I have found a way to get past my writer's blocks for in the future but I will need YOUR help. If I start doing another story that I do not have writer's block for, it gets my thought process going once more and then I get ideas for previous stories as well. Another way is if I have been presented with an idea that has been requested to be in the story. So what I am going to do is in different stories and in different chapters, I may do some sort of contest where the winner gets to give me an idea. But for now, I want all of you to put down any kind of Fanfic I have yet to do that you want to see me give a shot at. I will do whichever seems the most popular or what is the second most popular depending on how well I know the show/movie/game/comic/anime/book.-And anything she won't do her lovely partner in crime and editor (Arem, from the Fanfiction account AremMeraRema) will be willing to try- So…see all you lovely readers tomorrow! Buh-Bye! (A/N/N:I do apologize, I have been watching too much Markiplier.)