Chapter 1: There's No Escaping Fate

Ugh, Bay thought when she woke up from a restless night's sleep. Not only was she exhausted, but her head was pounding and her body was shivering while simultaneously emitting heat that had to be well over 100 degrees.

Yeah, so not going into school today.

She threw her covers off and slowly made her way out of her bed, a task that usually took a few seconds if that, but today was taking a lot longer. Her legs appeared to be made out of jelly this morning.

Somehow by sheer force and will, she managed to make it down to the kitchen where her mother was being her annoying chipper self.

"Morning sweetie."

"Mommm," Bay groaned, "I think I'm sick."

Kathryn put her coffee cup down and made her way over to her ailing daughter, gently directing her to the island in the kitchen.

"Sit. Now, let me see." She put her hand to Bay's head and made a "tsk" sound with her teeth. "Yeah, you definitely have a fever. Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No. Just let me die," Bay said, resting her head on the counter top.

"What hurts?"


"You feel up to going to the doctor?"


Kathryn stroked Bay's hair.

"I'm guessing it's probably a twenty-four virus or maybe the flu. If your fever doesn't go down by tomorrow, though, you're going to the doctor."

"Mom, I'm fifteen. I don't need to go to the doctor."

Kathryn stifled a laugh.

"Oh, yeah? You're making that assessment based on your astute knowledge of medicine? Remind me, what was your last grade in biology?"

Bay groaned again.

"Yeah, now is really the time to lament over the fact that your daughter is clearly not a rocket scientist."

"I'm fine with the daughter I have now."

"I hope so. I'm the only one you've got."

"Well, I'd like to keep it that way, so let's get you back upstairs to bed. I'll make you some toast and bring you some ginger ale and Tylenol to get the fever down and all you have to do today is sleep."

"Sounds good. I'm sure I won't be missing anything too critical in school today."


She heard her phone vibrate.


Not now. Go away, whoever it is.



When she finally looked at her phone, she saw three messages, all from the same person.

Why aren't you in school today?

Are you ditching again?

You need to cut that out, you know.

Of course Liam would think she was ditching. Who the hell did he think he was anyway? Judging her. To be completely honest, she wasn't even sure why she was still dating him half the time. They fought constantly, they didn't have the same interests. It's not like they were having sex, although Bay was positive Liam had told his lame friends they had. Really the only thing they had in common was they both went to Buckner and their parents played golf together.

But that was literally all.

I'm sick, but thanks for the concern. - B

A few seconds later, her phone buzzed again.

I was concerned. That's why I texted you. - L

Oh, well, let's all clap for Liam everybody. Boyfriend of the year.

And to lecture me about the dangers of ditching class. - B

Why do you have to turn everything into a fight lately, Bay? – L

I t's just part of my charm I guess. – B

It was a few minutes before Liam texted her back. It was as though she could literally feel him trying to rein in his anger.

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. You missed blood tests in biology. – L

I did? Oh well, I'll live. – B

It was actually really cool. – L

Before she could respond though, he texted again.

Gotta go. I'll talk to you later. – L

Yeah, can't wait.

Thankfully despite the Liam interruption, she was able to fall back to sleep. When she heard a slight knocking at her door, she sat up and glanced at the clock. It was six. She had actually slept the whole day away.

"Honey," Kathryn said slowly making her way into the darkened bedroom. "How are you feeling?"

"Slightly less crappy. Maybe forty-five percent crappy."

"That's good!" Kathryn sat down on her bed and put her hand on Bay's forehead.

"It doesn't feel like you have a fever, but I think you should stay home again tomorrow."

"No argument from me here."

"You feel up for some dinner? I made you chicken soup."

"I guess?"

"Okay, well, come down when you're ready. Unless you need me to help you?"

Bay managed a small smile.

"I think I can handle it."

"Okay, sweetie." Kathryn kissed her forehead and closed the bedroom door.

Ten minutes later, Bay found herself in the kitchen once again as she had almost twelve hours earlier, this time feeling (thankfully) a whole less like death.

"Baby baby Bay," John's voice boomed as she sat down at the table. "How are you feeling?"

"If you're feeling contagious, please don't sit next to me," Toby chimed in.

"Thanks a lot. I'm feeling better. Not like I can run a marathon bet –

"Yeah, right. When have you ever been able to run a marathon?"

"Shut up, Toby."

"Well, I am glad you're feeling better, honey."

"Yeah, Dad, me too." Bay moved her spoon around in her bowl.

"I bet Liam was devastated that you weren't in school," Toby said while nudging Bay.

Bay snorted. "Yeah, I'm sure he wasn't."

"Things going okay with you two?" John asked with genuine curiosity.

"Eh, I wouldn't plan a wedding anytime soon."

"Considering you're only fifteen, I'll take that as a positive."

"We just don't have anything in common. I want someone who gets me."

"And your "art"?"

Bay kicked Toby in his ankle.

"Why are you being such an ass tonight? I am an artist. So, yes, someone who gets my art." Bay got a wistful look her eyes. "Maybe a photographer, someone I could create a piece with; someone who will remember every detail of our relationship and want a forever with me."

"You'll find that one day, honey, I promise."

Yeah, I'd probably have a better chance at being switched at birth.

"I hope so."

After dinner, Bay returned to her room.

Did you miss me? – B

Yeah, of course. – L

Maybe this weekend we could go to UMKC? They are having this art festival. It sounds really awesome. – B

Every time we go to an art show we get into a fight. – L

That's not true. – B

It is. I'm not an artist, Bay. – L

So, what? Why can't you just enjoy this with me? For me? – B

Like you enjoy stuff for me? – L

Bay rolled her eyes.

Forget it. – B

We'll do something fun. I promise. – L

Great. – B

Bay… - L

It's fine. Really. I'm just still not feeling well. I'm going to go to bed. Talk to you later. – B

But she didn't go to bed. Instead she logged onto ArtistConnection.

She smiled when she saw the message alert.

To: BanskyGirl

From: RipleysNegative

Hey. Did you hear about the UMKC art festival this Saturday? It sounds really bad ass. If you're going, maybe we could meet up? I'd really like to meet you.

Even though they had been chatting for about a month, Bay had no idea who RipleysNegative was. Only that he was a guy who was a photographer who clearly had an amazing imagination. There was a part of Bay who felt guilty, like she was cheating on Liam. Even though she wasn't. Not physically at least. She had told Ripley about her boyfriend, so at least she wasn't leading him on. Or she hoped she wasn't. She hadn't joined this site to meet anyone romantically. It just kind of happened when she saw Ripley's photos and started commenting on them. Then he messaged her and that was that. He didn't have a girlfriend, although he had made reference to trying to get over someone. Bay wasn't sure how she felt about that. She didn't want to lead anyone on, but she didn't want to be anyone's rebound either.

Ripley was a friend really. A connection. A kindred artist spirit.

To: RipleysNegative

From: BanskyGirl

Hey. Yeah, I heard about it. I was trying to get my boyfriend to go, but he doesn't want to. Shock. I still want to though. It would be cool to finally meet the face behind the name.

Bay smiled again when she her mailbox had a "1" next to it. How was it possible for this guy to give her butterflies? How wrong was it that her boyfriend didn't?

To: BanskyGirl

From: RipleysNegative

You still with the jock, eh? Secretly, I was hoping you weren't. He sounds like a loser. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I don't know him. Or you. But I would like to. Say you'll come? Damn. I shouldn't be hitting on a girl with a boyfriend. I know I shouldn't.

Bay didn't know how to respond to this, to any of this.

Her mail notification blinked again.

To: BanskyGirl

From: RipleysNegative


It was now or never.

To: RipleysNegative

From: BanskyGirl

I will.

And she would.