Hello everyone, hope you've been enjoying yourselves, hope you enjoy this new chapter as well.
Oshidori was currently leading the hypnotized Chouchou away from his brain washer. She had now led him into a dense woodland on the outskirt of the town. She quickly ducked out of view behind the vegetation. Chouchou paused having lost track of his target. He slowly scanned the still woods for any sign of movement when Oshidori suddenly lunged out at him. He immediately jumped back but her whips had already been set up to catch him. He struggled as the whips wrapped around the ninja. "When are you going to snap out of it?" Oshidori pleaded with Chouchou as he continued to struggle. "Was that women's kiss so much better than mine?" She asked self consciously. Further struggling was Chouchou's reply. Finally Oshidori mustered up her courage and kissed him. His struggling ceased and the reddish glow fled his eyes. "O-Oshidori?" He asked as blood began rushing to his face. "W-Why am I tied up?" He asked with increasing confusion. "There's not a lot of time, I'll explain as we go. Hurry Kyouken needs our help!" Was her reply.
Kyouken swiped at Kurogokegumo using Kamakiri's claws but the widow narrowly dodged it and flicked a needle into his ribs, Kyouken flinched as she felt the pain. She quickly snapped out of it to slap her hand away as it was about to stab another needle into Kamakiri's eye. "Shame." The widow lamented. "If you had flinched a second longer our friend here would need an eye patch." Kyouken glared at the women. "I'd rather return his body the way it was." The woman laughed. "Then you better hurry, you probably don't have much longer." She said pointing at the tattoos that were currently receding from his body. "Tsk, She's right, I have to finish this now." Kyouken thought in her head. "I'm still not 100% sure how to use Kamakiri but it'll have to do." She reasoned with herself before charging once more at the female ninja. This time Kurogokegumo jumped back, exactly as Kyouken had hoped. "Now!" She said as she forced Kamakiri's nails to extend. They grew and fell short of impaling her neck. Kurogokegumo froze for a minute before laughing hysterically. "Hahahahaha! I guess that as far as you can make them grow with your knowledge of his ninpou, pretty impressive considering you only started using it a few minutes ago." Kyouken only growled from inside Kamakiri's body. "I take it the fact that you can't move anymore means you're already leaving my pet's body eh?" She figured as the Tattoos vanished from Kamakiri.
"How are you feeling dear?" She asked the mantis garbed ninja. "Fine Kurogokegumo-Sama." He replied with a monotone. "Excellent now hurry up and kill that damned wolf already, she seems to be fatigued from her little escapade." She said pointing his attention to Kyouken who was currently struggling to stand, controlling a man's body for that long was to much a drain on her system. She tried to move away in futility as Kamakiri quickly cut her off and was about to swipe her head clean off until a foot connected itself to his face. "Sorry Kamakiri!" Chouchou said as he saw his friend collapse to the floor. "Chouchou what are you doing!?" The widow shouted in frustration. Chouchou glared at the women. "Making sure you pay for this whole fiasco." As he said he ran up tripped her up with a leg sweep, with the female ninja now air born he jumped up uppercutting her in the stomach launching them both into the air. Now mid air he jumped from building to building punching and kicking her as he went. He eventually figured he had beaten her enough and finished with an axe kick. She smashed into the floor and coughed up blood. "H-how did she break my hypnosis on you?" She said with a struggled gasp. "It doesn't matter, what does is that you are going to come with us and answer a few questions for us." Oshidori explained as she helped Kyouken back to her feet.
"Not if we can help it!" A voice yelled as a figure descended down upon the widow. "Koshodani?" She asked surprised. "I worried your plan might fail." Said a second voice. "Sasori-Sama?" The man that was covered in spikes nodded. "Koshodani, get her out of here already." The small man with the bulbous hat nodded. He dropped a smoke bomb and the 2 vanished. The scorpion dressed man regarded the Maniwa ninja now. "You win this time but you would do well to stay out of the Dobotsukai's affairs." He warned before dropping another smoke pellet and vanishing.
"What does that mean?" Chouchou asked confused. "That there's another ninja clan working her, and that their pretty strong if just one of them managed to put 5 of the Maniwa ninja heads' lives at risk." Kyouken spoke trough her fatigue. "Save your energy, we'll get you back to the village." Oshidori instructed. "Chouchou grab the others and let's go report this to Houou-Sama." Chouchou nodded and quickly picked up the 2 grown men with ease and the 2 carried their allies back to their safe haven.