All characters appearing in Marvel Comics are copyright Marvel Entertainment and Walt Disney Company. No infringements of these copyrights are intended and are not authorized by the copyright holders.
All original characters are the property of Celgress.
A Special Thank You to my creative consultant Dragothephantom, without whom future chapters of this story would not be possible.
Spider-Man and Silk In Threads of Destiny Season Two – Episode Four Time Shock Part One Reconciliation
Streets of New York City; Present Day - Early December, wee hours
"Excuse me, ladies, I'm helping a good friend of my find his girlfriend. Her name is Cindy Moon. She went missing this evening. Have you seen her?" Spider-Man said to Adult Cindy and Alice who he just so happened to encounter on the street.
After Peter emerged from his post intercourse daze he became frantic when he could not find Cindy anywhere. His mind had raced with a thousand questions. Had someone abducted her? Was she hurt? Had something happened while he was out that required her heroic attention? Why hadn't she texted him the details or left a physical note failing that to tell him what was going on? He simply did not know which frustrated him deeply.
Spider-Man fished his smartphone out of a hidden pocket (one of several) of his costume. He showed Adult Cindy and Alice a picture of Peter and Cindy who were goofing off in a mall photo both. Adult Cindy said after viewing the pic. "Sorry I haven't seen her. I hope you find her. They seem very much in love." Alice put her hand over her mouth but said nothing.
"They are, ma'am," Spider-Man said. "My friend Peter is really worried about her," Spider-Man added noting Alice's reaction. "Have you seen her, miss?"
"No," Alice said. Stealing a glance at her mother she added. "She just reminds me of someone I know."
"Drat," Spider-Man said. No one he talked to since beginning his search had seen Cindy. Perhaps he would try the docks next. "Well, thanks anyway."
"Before you go Spider-Man, take this." Adult Cindy said. She took off her necklace and handed it to Spider-Man who gave her a questioning look. "This good luck charm has brought me much luck over the years maybe it can do the same for your friend."
Spider-Man examined the bronze disc. He immediately felt good about it although he could not explain way. He put it away in another hidden pocket.
"Thanks, ma'am," Spider-Man turned to leave but then hesitated. "Have we met before ma'am? You seem awfully familiar."
"Maybe we've met in another life or earlier in this life, who knows." Adult Cindy said with a knowing smile. She inclined her head slightly. "You should look down at docks for Cindy. I have a hunch you'll find her there."
"Thanks for the tip, ma'am," Spider-Man said while giving Adult Cindy a sideways glance, "bye, ladies."
"Good luck," Adult Cindy said. She and Alice waved at the departing Spider-Man.
"Will dad really find her, I mean you, at the docks?" Alice asked.
"He did before." Adult Cindy said.
"Why did you give him your lucky charm necklace, mom? You love that thing and never take it off" Alice asked.
"Because right now my past self needs it more than I do." Adult Cindy said remembering that bittersweet night long ago. "Come along Alice. We need to find Cyber Goblin unless you want to be stuck here in the past."
"No thanks," Alice said. "This is so weird. Um, mom may I ask why the other you needs your charm necklace more than you?" Alice asked her curiosity getting the best of her.
"It's a pheromone suppressor." Adult Cindy said before she caught herself.
"Yuck," Alice said crinkling her nose. "Why would the younger you need a 'pheromone suppressor'? On second thought I don't want to know. This day just gets weirder and weirder." Cindy chuckled to herself as mother and daughter walked off.
The Docks, not long afterward
Spider-Man swung down and landed in front of a startled, confused and damp Cindy. He wrapped his arms around her before she could even react. "Thank goodness I found you, Cin." He said holding her close. "When I came to you were gone. I was so worried. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," Cindy said although she did not feel fine.
"Why did you run off, Cin?" Spider-Man asked.
"Because I made you into a sex zombie. Don't you remember?" Cindy said.
"A 'sex zombie'?" Spider-Man said with a laugh.
"It isn't funny, Pete. You were totally zoned out after we, you know. Don't you remember?" Cindy said pushing away from Spider-Man.
"Nope," Spider-Man said. "Next thing I knew I woke up and you were gone. I must admit my feelings were hurt." He joked.
"This isn't funny, Pete," Cindy said sternly. "I thought I had permanently made you into my slave."
"I wouldn't mind being your slave, mistress." Spider-Man joked.
"Stop joking," Cindy said although she smiled slightly in spite of herself.
"Tell you what. Let's go home and try again. If you're right then the effects are only temporary. If I'm right we have nothing to worry about because it was just some random occurrence." Spider-Man reasoned.
"But what if I'm right but the effects linger longer than they did the first time." Cindy countered.
"I think we need to take the risk, for science." Spider-Man declared.
"You just want to get me in bed again," Cindy said with a grin.
"Guilty as charged. Besides, I do need to get you out of these wet clothes. You must be freezing." Spider-Man said.
"I am pretty cold," Cindy admitted shivering. "Okay, but on one condition we have the Fantastic Four and SHIELD both on speed dial just in case."
"Deal," Spider-Man said. "Oh, I almost forgot. A nice lady I met gave me an awesome necklace for you." He gave Cindy the necklace Adult Cindy gave him earlier.
"Nice," Cindy said admiring the necklace. She put the necklace around her neck. She knew her warning sense would have informed her if the gift posed any sort of risk. She felt only pleasant sensations towards the necklace like she was supposed to have it.
Spider-Man picked Cindy up into his arms. "I'll take you home now milady." He said in a corny voice which caused Cindy to giggle.
Parker Residence in Queens, near dawn
The second time Cindy and Peter made love they start out slow but quickly built up tempo. They literally ended up screaming out there joy when they finished together. Their mutual enthusiasm combined with the fact their escapades broke Peter's bed which woke up Aunt May. The young couple was extremely embarrassed when Aunt May called out asking if everything was okay after the loud crash.
"I don't feel zomb-y." Peter joked. She lay in a pile of bedding in his broken bed with Cindy's head on his shoulder.
"Zomb-y isn't a word. Plus don't make fun of me." Cindy said around her neck was the bronze disc She playful punched Peter in his side.
"Ouch," Peter cried out.
"Sorry, I forgot super strength." Cindy apologized. They lay there in silence for a long time watching the first rays of sunlight paint the room in gold and orange. "I was a virgin," Cindy said out of the blue.
"Want to know a secret? So, was I." Peter said pulling Cindy a little closer. "I can't think of anyone else I wanted to be my first and only."
"Me either," Cindy said snuggling in close. With a frown you said. "I hate to spoil the moment but Venom is back with an uber-creepy new host and a new look to match. He tried to attack me down at docks funny thing is he didn't seem to recognize me."
"Odd," Peter said. "Both Eddie and Gwen recognized us when they were boned to the symbiote. I wonder why this guy didn't know you are Silk? Did he get a good look at you?"
"He sure did," Cindy said. "Besides his amnesia, the symbiote sported a totally new color scheme red and black sans white spider symbols on its front and black and no long slimy tongue.
"You don't suppose this could be a new a totally new symbiote one we haven't seen before?" Peter said.
"I hope not. One Venom is more than enough thank you." Cindy said. " The guy also called himself 'Carnage' but remember Gwen called herself 'Mania' when bonded to the symbiote back during the superstorm so that doesn't mean much. If it is a new symbiote where did it come from?"
"I wonder," Peter said. They knew so little about the creature who really could tell what Venom and its kind could do? "You owe me a new bed."
"I owe you a new bed?" Cindy laughed.
"You broke my old one," Peter said.
"It was a team effort, Pete. We're both to blame." Cindy said.
"Want to ruin the mattress too?" Peter said wiggling his eyebrows.
"You're bad," Cindy said with a grin.
To Be Continued
Author's Note -
Sorry for the short update. My main concern was to show this story is not dead by posting an update of some sort. Next up expect an action-packed chapter as Cyber Goblin attempts to enact his timeline altering plans and then our intrepid duo collide with the sinister Carnage! If you thought Venom was a force to be feared in this universe you ain't seen nothing yet my loyal readers.