Well, it's been about a month after my one year anniversary on Homunculi At Hogwarts! I know, I know, I'm late, but, I do intend on getting back on writing it. I've just had some road blocks in my head...so, seeing as I wanted to write a new Envy x Ed story with a new start, I did so! I did what I could to make this story a bit different from my first fic, You and I.
Envy: Try not to abandon this one, though.
Me: I won't, I promise!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Any ideas what I should add in, please let me know in a review, and I'll think about it!
Chapter 1: The Start of a New Journey
In the city of Central in Massachusetts, it was the start of the final school year, for Envy Calvi, a slim 18 year old teen with pale skin, long, green wispy hair, dark blue eyes. Typically, he wore a black headband, a sleeveless shirt, with long, fingerless black gloves, along with baggy jeans most of the time. Envy lived in a mansion with his uncle and aunt, Greed and Lust Harris (Both of them were Dante's siblings, they weren't married) .
His mother, Dante Calvi, however, was in a mental hospital due to her abusing her son, thus, not only traumatising the young Envy, teaching him to fight people when they anger him. However, it was Greed who reported her to the authorities.
What about his father? His father went missing after he was born, and was never seen ever since.
The only figure that Envy had that was close to a father was Greed at the very least, though, the two didn't see eye to eye on most things.
When Envy was woken up by Greed minutes after his alarm on his clock went off, Envy struggled to get out of bed, complaining in his head, however he did feel kind of good to know that it was his final year of school. After that year, Envy didn't exactly know what he wanted to do.
After Envy got dressed and his hair in his preferred style, he went to have breakfast, where Greed was watching a news report.
"And there have been reports that another woman was killed by the same man who killed the wife of Barry The Butcher. Be warned..." said the news anchor.
"Hey, Envy," said Greed.
"Greed, I know you have the day off, so, I have no choice but to go to school," said Envy, tiredly.
"That's right, and if I find you here early, I'm gonna take the TV out of your room," said Greed.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," said Envy, grabbing a bar of chocolate from the freezer.
After Envy had his "breakfast", he waited for his bus, and to kill time, he grabbed a touchscreen cellphone from his pocket, put in his earbuds, and listened to some music.
Once the bus arrived, Greed started talking to Envy, but Envy ignored Greed, grabbed his bag, and caught his bus.
On the bus, he noticed a new kid he'd never seen around the school, with long blonde hair in a braid, gold eyes, a black undershirt, a red coat, and leather pants and boots reading a piece of paper, but, he
decided to leave him alone...for the time being.
Little did Envy know, the kid was actually 15 year old genius Edward Elric, who was in his final year of school as well, since he skipped a couple of years.
Edward lived in a simple household, as opposed to Envy, only Edward's mother was dead since he was 8, and his dad was a busy inventor. He had a younger brother who was homeschooled. Even though his brother was homeschooled, he was just as smart as Ed.
Once the bus approached Central High School, and everyone headed towards the school, Envy decided that he wanted to at least wanted to get an idea of what the smaller teen was like.
"Hey, Kid," said Envy to Ed.
Ed looked up at Envy and said, "Kid? Who you callin' a kid?"
"You. Now, you new here?" asked Envy.
"Yes, I am. I'm just figuring out where my homeroom is," said Ed.
"Let me see the paper, I could help," said Envy.
"Wait, I don't even know your name," said Ed.
"I don't know your name either, Chibi," said Envy.
Ed's face got all red after Envy called him "Chibi", and he yelled, "WHO YOU CALLIN' SO SHORT, EVEN THE SMALLEST ATOM CAN CRUSH HIM?!"
Envy looked at the younger teen in amazement, and said, "Heh, you have quite the temper there. So, what's your name?"
"First off, don't call me short! Everyone just happens to be freakishly tall! Second, my name's Edward Elric," said Ed, calming down as he was talking.
"I'm Envy, Envy Calvi. Nice to meet ya," said Envy, holding out his hand for a hand shake.
Ed shook the green haired teen's hand and said, "Nice to meet you too. Are you still willing to help me out?"
"Yeah, just give me the schedule, and I'll lead you to where you need to go. I know this place pretty well, even though I hate it," said Envy.
Ed handed Envy his schedule, read where the homeroom was (it was room F-112), gave the schedule back to the shorter teen, grabbed him by the wrist (making him feel a bit uncomfortable), and led him to the room.
Once the two got to the room, Envy let Ed's wrist go and said, "Here we are, funny enough, this is also my homeroom,"
As Ed walked into the classroom, he noticed his homeroom teacher happened to be a man with black hair, very dark blue eyes that were almost to the point of looking black, and had a bored expression.
"Name?" said the teacher simply.
"Edward Elric," said Ed.
"Elric, huh? So, you're the new kid. Say, how old are you?" asked the teacher.
"15 years old," said Ed calmly.
"And you're a senior?" asked the teacher as Envy took a seat not too far from where Ed was, and was thinking about a few things.
"Yes, I skipped a few grades, though," said Ed.
"You must be a genius. Looks like I'll have to put that to the test when you're in my class," said the teacher. "Take a seat, anywhere you like,"
When Ed was looking for a seat, Envy pointed at a seat next to him, and Ed felt like he was at crossroads with himself.
"On one hand, this Envy seems like a nice guy. On the other hand, who knows what he's completely like?" Thought Ed, taking a seat next to the green haired teen.
"So, I see you met Mustang," said Envy.
"That's his name? He seems a bit like a bastard..." said Ed.
"He is, there's no denying that," said Envy.
After talking to Envy for 5 minutes, the bell rung, Principal Bradley's voice was heard on the loud speaker, saying, "Welcome back, Central students, and welcome new students! I hope you all had a good vacation, and I also hope you have a better school year! Now, to the new students, good luck, and stay out of trouble (that goes for everyone else here)."
As Bradley was talking, Ed was paying close attention to what was coming out of the loudspeaker, while Envy was zoning out, staring and smiling at the younger teen next to him.
"What a year we're gonna have here," said Envy in his head, intrigued.
And what a year it was!
And that was the first chapter! I feel like winter is usually when I'm fuelled to write the most! I don't know why, it just seems that way...but oh well! I'll do what I can to be more active on Homunculi at Hogwarts and Illusions of A BlueBird, while trying to write this.
Thanks for reading, and I'll try to update Homunculi and BlueBird sometime in the next week or two.
See you next time! :D Bye!