The end is here, thanks again to all the lovely ladies who keep us readable.


Chaplin's POV.

Five years later.

I follow General Aro Volturi into the church, as he makes his way to the front.

"Nightfall," he says shaking the hand of the man who's about to get married. Nightfall was in the Army, but lost part of his left leg. It meant he had to be honorably discharged, but he was always a great soldier. He now works as a therapist at Madigan and specializes in helping soldiers deal with PTSD.

"Edward Cullen," Aro says, moving on to the best man. Edward Cullen is another of our great men and very good doctor. Four years ago, his wife, Bella, another ex-soldier of ours, gave birth to their first son, and he fully retired. They now have a four-year-old boy named, Charles Carlisle. He was very quickly, ten months to be exact, followed by their daughter, Eliza Renesmee. Bella is currently pregnant with a set of twins, one of each sex. Bella and Edward are both now out of the service, Edward retired and Bella chose too not reup. They are now working alongside Edward's father in his private practice.

General Aro Volturi and I take our seats, and Edward makes his way to the back of the church. First through the door is Rose Cullen, the wife of Major Emmett Cullen. She's being escorted by Nightfall's younger brother. The next two are the bride's sister and Nightfall's other brother. The next couple is Edward and Bella, with their own two children.

The music changes, and we all turn and watch as the bride, Alice, is walked down by her son Jasper, who's not only named after his father but is his spitting image.

Jasper Swan, his father died in Iraq, saving the lives of ten men. Not only was the groom one of those men he died saving, but I was as well. I was right there with Swan as he was being transported for help. I prayed with him and absolved him of his sins and transgressions. I heard him tell Nightfall to help watch over his Alice, and his son, and make sure they were happy.

I smile as the day goes on. I know deep down that even if Jasper Swan isn't here physically, his spirit is, and he's at complete peace seeing his very special family happy together.

A/N: So not only did Edward and Bella get their HEA, Alice got one too. Thank you for taking this journey with us, we really hope that you all have enjoyed this story. Thanks for the story love you always give us. Don't forget that you can read the Facebook Group story too, by joining us at TeamAllTwilight & AndTAT Fan Fiction on Facebook, or at Secluded Wings, on Facebook. See you all soon with yet another new story here as well.