Sorry I've been away. Yatta yatta yatta, promise to never do that again.. All work belongs to the great one J.K.

Harry was flying, really high in fact. It was quite peculiar to be riding a broom around muggle London. Harry had been there a few times with his relatives, although he hadn't really seen all that much. At this current moment he was flying over Greenwich Park. The wind ripping through his hair, blood pumping through his veins as he dipped and swooped without a care in the world. People below started to cheer with every trick. "Potter! Potter!" They chanted. Nothing could ever be better than this moment!

"Oi Harry! Wake up, we don't want to be late on our first day." The voice of Ronald Weasley ripped Harry from his Dream.

Opening his eyes, he saw the curtains of his familiar four poster bed. Hogwarts! Reaching for his glasses, it only took a second for his world to become clear.
"Come on Mate, Breakfast!", and just like that, Ronald was out the door and out of sight. "That kid and food I'll never understand."
Harry freshened up in the bathroom, and put on his uniform and boots. Checking his hair and deciding he could do nothing with it, he grabbed his cloak and walked out of the dormitory.

The great hall of Hogwarts took his breath away again. It was filled with laughter and cheer. The start to the new term brought the glee out in everyone it seemed. Walking up to the Gryffindor table and taking a seat next to Ron, Harry grabbed a plate full of eggs and toast.
"Morning boys, I thought you'd never make it down. I hear we have transfiguration together today. What an honor it will be to learn from Professor McGonogall. She has so much knowledge to offer. I hope we can..." Harry drowned the rest of Hermione's speech out. Instead, he looked around. Professor Dumbledore was talking to Flitwick, Snape was having a conversation with Hagrid and Quirrell, Harry found himself sneaking a glance at the Slytherin table.

The Slytherin table was more mannered than the rest of the bunch. They ate their breakfast properly, and spoke in quiet mild voices. A few snickers could be heard here and there, but for the most part they seemed mature beyond their years. Well besides Malfoy.

Spotting a familiar mane of black hair, Harry was disappointed to find Daphne facing the opposite direction. However, Tracey Davis who was seated opposite of the brunette, caught Harry's gaze with a wink. Harry blushed and quickly turned to his plate.

"I'm just saying Ronald, If you aren't going to try and finish Hogwarts, you are only fooling yourself. You will have time to try out for the Cannons later!" Harry smiled, This is what life is going to be like. Hermione and Ron constantly arguing over the smell of breakfast.
"Hermione, why aren't you sitting at your own table?" asked Harry. Ron shook his head in obvious agreement. "Don't you want to make friends?"
"I've already got friends. You and Ron?, besides inter-house friendships are what Dumbledore was saying."
"Look here is Neville." Neville walked up to the group still holding a goblet of juice. "Hey guys, mind if I grab a seat? We've got Charms with Slytherin first thing, then Care of Magical Creatures with you lot Hermione."

"What have we got Ron?" Asked Harry, but before he could get an answer Professor McGonagall interrupted.

"You've got me Mister Potter, Here is the rest of your schedule. A word of caution, I will not accept tardiness, even on the first day." With that she was further down, handing out schedules.

"Sheesh, I know why Hermione is so excited to have her, just bloody like her she is!" Exclaimed Ron.
"Hey!" Whatever Hermione was going to say was interrupted by the entrance of Fred and George.

"Hey kids, listen would you mind handing these out, We have been working on them." Said Fred.
"They aren't entirely finished, but they should still be safe. All that is left is the kinks." Added Fred.
They handed Harry a handful of what seemed like normal white toffee. "We call them canary creams." "Give them to as many Slytherins as you can. Oi wish us luck on finding a new seeker this year. Oliver is going to be a madman if we don't. Well more of a madman. We must be off, time is money as they say. Roniekins do have a good first day." "Gits" is all he replied.

"You'd think she would be here by now? With all that she told us this morning!" Said Ronald toying with his wand.

"Shh Ron! She is the head of your House, she probably has loads on her plate." Chirped Hermione.
"You're just saying that because she's your idol."
Harry looked up at the desk in front of the class room. On it he found an obviously annoyed tabby cat. The cat was staring straight at Ron, and seemed to be listening to Hermione argue with him. That can't be good.
Harry nudged Ron in the ribs. "Look." Pointing to the cat.
The cat leaped from the desk, and started to expand until it reached the full form of Professor McGonagall. She didn't look pleased.
The class let out a yelp, and a few whistles of excitement.
"5 points from Gryffindor Mr. Weasley. Manners should be learned before Hogwarts." Ron blushed into his hands.

"Hello Class. My name is Minerva McGonagall. I am the deputy headmistress, and head of Gryffindor house. Today we will start your journey of Transfiguration. Can anyone tell me what is Transfiguration?"
Hermione's hand rose into the air.
"Ms Granger?"
"Transfiguration is a branch of magic that alters the appearance or form of objects."
"Five points to Ravenclaw." Beamed McGonagall
"Transfiguration is one of the most complex and dangerous forms of magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not return. Am I making myself clear?" "Right, then let us begin. Quills out."

The first half of class was a lecture on Target, Viciousness, Bodyweight, Wand Movement and Precision, or the key principles to Transfiguration. There were so many notes that Harry thought his hand would cramp. He could tell professor McGonagall was very passionate about the subject, and wanted to perform well for his Head of House. They went over everything! How to hold your wand, How to pronounce your incantation. She was thorough and to the point. After an hour she turned from the chalkboard, and took a step closer to the class.

"Now quills down wands out. We are going to try our first spell. The switching spell should be mastered before Fourth Year, and will be required heavily in your O.W.L.S. I need you to maintain eye contact with your target, and focus on what you wish that object to become. Today, I want everyone to try turning their quills into a match. You all have the incantation. Remember focus and precision. Wands at the ready."

Harry hesitated and decided to watch the class first. Hermione was focused and straining. Her fist was crushing her wand. Her quill was vibrating softly in front of her. As far as he could tell, she was the only one able to make a difference. Ron was doing his best impersonation of a sword fighter the way he was slashing and poking at his quill.
"Very good Ms. Granger. Try to relax your wand arm, you need not grip your wand so tightly. Mr. Weasley your wand is not a baton! Precision!"

"Is something wrong Mr. Potter?" She said, turning to look at him.
"No M'am, I'm... just nervous I suppose." Said Harry quietly.
"Nonsense Mr. Potter. There will be no embarrassment, or fear in this classroom. I am not expecting anyone to perform this charm today. Now go ahead, Give it a try."

Harry closed his eyes. Searching down inside himself, he urged the magic to come out. He raised his wand, gave it a flick and... nothing happened. Disappointment pooled inside.

"A solid first attempt Mr. Potter. Maintain eye contact. Give it another try.
Narrowing in on his target, Harry flicked his wrist again, giving his wand a gentle surge. A small white light emerged from the end of his wand and impacted with his quill. The quill shot into the air and was replaced with the largest match Harry had ever seen. It was the size of his arm! Buzzing in his ears forced his eyes closed, he felt as if he had just ran a marathon!

"My lord, 10 points to Gryffindor. Mr. Potter has done it. Class dismissed. Everyone practice their wand movements, and I expect an essay on the principles of Transfiguration Monday of next week. Harry remain after class." Said McGonagall.

Ron gave Harry a confused look, and Hermione flashed a smile. "We will see you at lunch." They packed up their belongings and headed out of the door.

"Mr. Potter, I have taught some of the most talented Witches and Wizards to ever hold a wand, but nobody has ever shown such a large pool of magic this early in their schooling."
"I'm sorry Professor. I didn't mean to make it so large." Harry lowered his head.
"Nonsense child. We will work on how much to put into each spell. How are you feeling? Faint?"
"Not anymore, just a little tired." replied Harry. His face was still a bit red around the cheeks.
"That happens whenever a wizard depletes his magical core, it can be very dangerous to do so. However, the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Remember to never push yourself past this point. Wouldn't want the Headmaster's prized student to end up harming himself." McGonagall said with a smirk.
Harry smiled back.

"Now come with me, We are going to see the Headmaster. Then you are going to get lunch."

The Headmaster's office was located behind a stone gargoyle. The password, said quietly by Professor McGonagall, was "Gummy Bear."
The inside of the office was large and oval. A shiny wooden desk was located near the back wall. Silver instruments that Harry had never seen before were spinning and emitting puffs of smoke. Covering every inch of the walls were portraits of Witches and Wizards young and old. Some waved, some slept, some offered words of encouragement to Harry. "Never tickle a sleeping troll."
"Wise advice Robert, If young Harry should ever encounter one in such a vulnerable position, He will know they are ticklish around their necks."
Harry noticed the ancient wizard to the left, feeding what seemed to be a large red and gold bird. It was twice the size of Hedwig. His feathers glistened like rubies. He was beautiful.
"Fawkes is a very dear friend of mine. His council is irreplaceable."
"What is he Professor?"
"He is a phoenix Harry. A very proud one at that." Fawkes gave out a musical screech. "He found me when I was in a vulnerable place, and we have been bound ever since. What can I do for you Minerva?"
"Albus, we had a bit of a mishap in class today. The class was to perform the switching transfiguration as scheduled. Mr. Potter here pulled off the charm on his first try."
"It was my second professor, and I made it way too big and nearly fainted." Said Harry.
"I see, Harry may I call you that?" Harry nodded. "I would like to run some test if I may? They will help understand the nature of your magic."
"What do I have to do Professor?"
Albus approached the shelf behind his desk and retrieved a silver disk. It was roughly the size of the dinner plates at Hogwarts. "I need you to place your hand on this scale and focus as much magic as you can until I say when?"
Harry rolled up his sleeve and placed his hand on the silver instrument. "Oh and Harry, Give it everything you've got. Don't hold back."

Closing his eyes, he felt the familiar tug of magic and pushed as much as he could out of him. It took a few moments to get the "juices" flowing as you could say. White light emitted out of his hand-illuminating the disk.

"Just a few more seconds Harry... and perfect. You may stop now." "Minerva my dear, would you be so kind as to fetch Harry a sandwich from the kitchens. I'm afraid he will miss lunch. Don't worry I'll look after him. Minerva nodded and gave Albus a careful look.
Albus waited for McGonagall to leave.

"I must say I'm impressed Harry, if my eyesight is correct, which it always is I'm proud to admit, then you have the makings of a powerful wizard."
"But sir I... How? Why am I able to do things?"
Albus placed the disk back onto his desk, and raised his wand. The disk glowed golden for a second, then the lights went out.

"To what are you referring my boy?"
"I can levitate objects sometimes. I can read peoples emotions very easily, even act upon them sometimes. I turned Ron's pet Scabbers into a walking rainbow. Am I not normal?"

Albus smiled and fixed his glasses higher on his crooked nose.

"Ah I'll let you in on a little secret. When I was your age, I had the uncanny ability to set things on fire every time I sneezed. It was quite frightening until I learned to control it." He raised his hand and the candle nearest to Harry sparked to life.

"I can read minds naturally, and I say this with full confidence: my spells have a certain style to them." Dumbledore said with a twinkle.
"I can also talk to snakes sir." Harry said head still down.
He never noticed Albus's eyes grow wide.

"Listen to me Harry." Harry met The professors gaze. "In this world, unlike the one you shared with the Dursley's, Your extraordinary gifts, or "things" as you referred to them, are to be celebrated. Normalcy is quite odd in the wizarding world if I'm honest. You are destined for great things."
They were interrupted by a sharp knock on the door.

A small creature with large ears and even larger eyes walked through the door, and handed Harry a sandwich and chips.
"Erm thank you..."
"My name is Jerri Sir!"
"Thank you Jerri" Said Harry eyeing his food.
"Yes thank you Jerri, I must say you are looking much better than the last time we met." Said Albus with a soft chuckle.
"Thank you Headmaster Dumbley-dore. Jerri looks forward to another one of your card games." With that he turned and left the two alone again.
"Sir. What was he?"
"That Harry, is a House-elf. They work for most Pure-blood wizard families. Here at Hogwarts they are paid to run our kitchens. You see, they need a family to be bonded to. That is where their magic comes from. Here at Hogwarts they can bind to our vast supply of young magic. I do enjoy their cooking if I say so myself. Plus Jerri and I have had some riveting poker games over a nice bottle of brandy."

Harry let out a snort. Imagine Dumbledore calling Jerri on a bluff.

"Sir, if you mind. Why did he pick my family? Why not anyone else?"
"I've been afraid of you asking me that question for a long time now Harry." with a sigh. "Lord Voldemort's real name was Tom Riddle. He attended Hogwarts many years ago. He was an orphan such as you and I. Extremely talented, he had everyone in this castle wrapped around his finger from the minute he walked in. I naturally never trusted him. Anyway, he disappeared for a time and when he returned he was more monster than man."

Dumbledore poured himself a glass of what Harry assumed to be whiskey.

"He recruited followers to help him purge the world of muggles, and muggleborn wizard families. He was very dark Harry." Dumbledore took a deep breath. "He chose your family because he was told of a prophesy containing you. I wish to not tell you the contents of it until you are a little older. I wanted you to live a normal life outside of all of this you see."
"Why me?"
"The prophecy said you would be born as the seventh month dies. The end of July. It could have pertained to you or young Mr. Longbottom. He chose you. The half-blood like himself. His mother was a witch, his father a muggle. She died during childbirth, and Tom grew up in a cold world without love. He never knew his father." Dumbledore frowned.
"i choose to believe that your parents helped his decision. They were talented Harry. A force for the light. James, Sirius, Remus, Lilly, and Peter were unstoppable. I know many of your teachers will speak of your Mother's accomplishments, but your father was one of the greatest duelist I've ever tutored. He even gave Fillius a run for his money."

"Professor Flitwick?"

"Yes, looks can be deceiving. He is a three time Dueling champion of Great Britain. Very shifty, and can fire spells off at an alarming rate." Dumbledore stared into his glass for a few moments.
"Enough of that. I take it you enjoyed your stay with Mr. Lupin?" Asked Dumbledore with a smile.
"Yes sir. It was the best summer I've ever had." Harry dropped his smile.

"Professor? Why couldn't I have stayed here? Or Ravenswood? Why the Dursleys?"

"It was a mistake on my part Harry. One that I am dreadfully sorry for. I wanted you to grow up away from the fame. I was worried what it might do to a young boy. I have experience in that matter." said Dumbledore with a pained face.

"However, it is a mistake I plan to rectify. I plan on taking you on as an apprentice starting tomorrow night. You, like myself, have an extraordinary large magical core. I plan on teaching you how to control it, plus a few nifty spells here and there." said Dumbledore with a wink. "I promise, you will not step foot on Privet Drive again unless you so wish."

Harry smiled. "I would like that Sir. Very much."
"Good my boy, now if I am not mistaken, you have potions with Professor Snape. You are late, hand him this note." Harry turned to leave. "Oh and Harry, tonight, tap your ring finger on your left hand with your wand. Say ignitus revelo. It is good to have you back with us Mr. Potter."

Harry walked into the potions classroom to silence.
"Sorry I'm late Professor Snape. The Headmaster told me to give you this." Harry waited to see Snape's face change from the annoyed look he was wearing. It never did
"Ah Mr. Potter our newest celebrity. Already throwing your weight around I see. Favors from the Headmaster first day. I'll have you know that it won't work with me. You will earn every mark you get in this classroom. You will not be privileged for what you did as a child. Find your seat. 5 points from Gryffindor for your cheek."

Laughter snickered from the Slytherin side of the class. Harry made his way to his seat near Ron.

"As I was saying before, the cure for boils is simple enough."
"So what happened? You didn't show at lunch?" asked Ron.
"I met with Dumbledore. I'll tell you after, We can't afford to lose any more points first day." Ron nodded and turned look towards the lecture.

"If you complete the potion correctly, you will see pink smoke rise from your cauldron. The potion will be ready to use. Cures blemishes and boils and everything else you teenagers need. Create the potion wrong and it will create boils. You have one hour. Begin!

Harry and Ron crushed snake fangs and added them to their cauldron. The potion needed to be heated for ten seconds on a high heat. It went off without a hitch.
"That is the first part done. Now we need to add 4 horned slugs and 5 porcupine quills." Said Harry. "Oh and don't forget to stir it 5 times with your wand."

"I wish we could do something cooler. You know, like drought of living death." Said Ron. "Fred and George said they are learning to craft love potions this year."

As Ron was adding the quills, someone bumped into him and made him add too many. The potion fizzled and smoked a strange blue color. Harry knew it as ruined.
"Watch where you are going Weasley." Said Malfoy quietly, "Wouldn't want any ruining your robes, you know your father can't afford new ones."
"Leave him alone Malfoy." Said Harry rising from his seat.
"What are you going to do about it scarhead?" Said Malfoy threatening.
"Going to fight your battle Malfoy, or are you going to run to daddy?" Asked Harry cooly.
"At least I have a father." The room went silent.
"What did you say?" asked Harry, rising from his chair. Anger poured out of him like steam. He drew himself to full height, just a tad taller than Draco. "What did you just say to me?"
Draco gulped and took a small step backward. Crabbe and Goyle put a hand on his shoulder to steady their friend/boss whatever he was.
"I hear you have your mother's eyes. I wonder what they looked like begging for mercy." sneered Draco feeling confident about his retaliation. He never expected what happened next.

Harry didn't think he reacted. He didn't even remember how it started, but the next thing he knew he was on top of Draco and blistering him with punches. "Don't you ever talk about my family ever again! I'll kill you. You know nothing of them. Nothing!" Draco was bleeding heavily from his nose and mouth. His hands were on top of his face, doing his best to shield himself.

Ronald, being the loyal friend he is, was trying his best to hold back Crabbe and Goyle. He had thrown himself onto Goyle's back, and was squeezing his neck as hard as he could. Crabbe had Ron around his ankles and was trying to pry him off. The belt holding Crabbe's trousers sprang loose, and everyone got to see shiny pink boxer briefs. "OI!. Who did that?" Said Crabbe amongst a wave of jeers.

The ruckus unfortunately brought the attention of the Potion's professor. With a flash of his wand, he had both parties separated and restrained.
"Well Mr. Potter, I dare say you know to make a first impression. 15 points from Gryffindor...each. You will both serve a months detention with me starting tomorrow night. If I so much as hear a peep from either of you again in my classroom, I will have you expelled. Am I making myself clear?"
"But Professor it was..."
"Am I making myself clear Potter?" Spat Snape.

"Yes Sir." said Harry grudgingly.

"That is not fair sir. Malfoy started the whole thing. We saw it." Said Tracey
"Five points from Slytherin for Ms. Davis's wonderful imagination. Said Snape. Turning to meet his student with a disapproving glare.

Tracey made like she wanted to argue, but was pulled back into her seat by Daphne.
"They aren't worth it." She whispered to her friend. Although not quietly enough as Harry caught it.

He turned to look at her with a sour expression on his face. They made eye contact. Daphne showed no emotion, no remorse for being overheard. She raised a perfect eyebrow high into the air, just asking for Harry to question her statement. Did she mean him? and Ron? or was she talking about Draco?
Class dismissed." Called Snape.
Harry never broke the eye contact, he had no idea how long the two had been staring at each other, He did notice she had her wand out under her desk. Was that for them? No she was cordial on the train.
Swallowing his doubt he approached.
"I'm sorry Tracey. You should have never had points taken away." Apologized Harry.
"You are right Potter." Snapped Daphne intervening. "She shouldn't have, now if you'll excuse us we have homework." She blew past him like he wasn't even there.
Tracey smiled, like usual, and the duo turned gather up their things and leave. Daphne never looked back.

"Between you and me, I think she is just jealous that you hit the ponce first." Said Blaise as he passed Harry. "Don't be a stranger Potter!" The Dark skinned boy raced to catch up with the two Slytherin girls.

"Well that could have gone worse." Said Ronald cleaning out his cauldron.
"How could that have gone worse?" Asked Harry.
"Hermione could have been here." Ron sniggered and Harry smiled. The lecture that he would get that evening would be legendary.

"Hurry up mates, dinner then bed for us." said Seamus heading out of the classroom. "We have flying tomorrow with Madame Hooch."
Harry walked to the great hall with Dean, Seamus, and Ronald. He ate his fill and heard stories of how he slayed the dragon of Slytherin. Overall, today was... well magic.

Later on that evening, while everyone was asleep. Harry pulled his curtains shut around his bed. Ignoring the snores coming from Ron in the bed next to him, Harry grabbed his wand from his night stand. He pointed it at his hand. Ignitus Revelo

With a soft pop, a ring appeared on his left index finger. It was quite large. A golden band reached around and held a crest in the center. On the crest was a coat of arms. A large P emblazoned with a golden eagle and lion, on top of a rich dark red background. This was his family crest!
The ring shrunk in size until it fit him just right. A voice in his head whispered. "You are the heir to House Potter. Welcome Harry."
Turning to look around, he noticed nobody. Did it come from the ring.
Having enough of magic for one night, he placed the ring under his pillow. Oddly he missed the warmth on his finger already.
A loud snore ripped Harry from his musings.
"Goodnight Ron." Harry slipped under the covers and closed his eyes. He didn't dream of magical rings or flying this time, just a girl who seemed to visit him a lot there. Daphne, and she didn't look happy.