Snyder and Flutie observed principal Wood after his talk with Buffy Summers. As ghosts they had little else to do.


Flutie: What do you think of Wood, offering that Summers girl a job at the school?

Snyder: I don't know what makes him think she's qualified to be a guidance counselor.

Flutie: It's likely a pretext to keep her at the school. Keep the body count down. We probably would've done better if we'd trusted her more.

Snyder: She burned down the gym at her old school. What were we suppossed to think?

Flutie: The students saw it. That's why they gave her that class protector award. You definitely should've trusted her more than Wilkins.

Snyder: So sue me. I trusted the town leader over a juvenile delinquint. Hope Wood does better than we did.

Flutie: Hope he survives. Most principles at that school don't make it to retirement.

Snyder: Tell me about it. If I'd just lasted through that final fight I could've left the school for good.