The ship cut through the water with speed, the sails catching the wind fully. They moved with great speed, which was important, since were lacking behind because they travelled by boat. The original plan of travelling my dragon's back was scrapped because it wasn't comfortable to fly for Ragnar. The injuries were still too fresh.

"We're probably there soon." Eret said as he climbed down the hatch that lead to the hold of the ship. "Any ideas on what we'll find there."

Hiccup looked at him. "Some sort of temple probably." He said as he searched for the dragon eye in Toothless' satchels. "Just have to discover where and how we get in."

"What's inside?" Eret asked as he leaned against the hull of the ship. "Treasure?"

"Perhaps." Hiccup said. "Probably just nothing but dust and skeletons though." He lied. He had grown to like Eret, but he didn't feel like he could fully trust him yet. "It's like that in most of them."

"Then why bother?" Eret asked as he used a splinter to remove some dirt from underneath his nails. "If it's just going to be a room filled with disappointment."

"Better safe than sorry." Ragnar added as he pushed himself up from the ground, one of his arms in a sling so it could rest while it healed. "You can never be sure."

"True enough." Eret said as he dropped the dirty splinter. "So what do you know about this island?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Besides the location and that there's some kind of temple on it."

"Well, not much." Hiccup said as he grabbed the dragon eye from the satchel. Content that Eret looked at it with curiosity and not greed. "Perhaps you could help." He said as he twisted the dials, tossing the eye to Eret, who caught it gracefully.

Eret looked at the strange cylinder, moving his hand to twist the dials. "Don't." Hiccup said before Eret changed the settings of the dials. Eret pulled his hand back, holding the cylinder in his other one. "Aim it at that wall." Hiccup said as he pointed to one of the wooden bulkheads. Eret awkwardly turned towards it, not understanding what the idea was. "Alright, Toothless?" Hiccup asked, the dragon taking position behind the ex-trapper.

Toothless opened his mouth, a small plasma fire forming in the back of his throat, the light shining into the first lens of the eye. Eret watched in awe as a purple light came out from the other side. He was amazed as a large picture formed on the wall.

It was the same picture as they had seen before in the Haddock household. The simple map of the temple, the ship graveyard and Helheim's gate. It was still circled by the different moons and suns, each one slightly different. "So, what is this?" Eret asked as Heather walked towards him to take the eye, so he could have a closer look at it.

Hiccup also walked towards the image of the map. "This is Helheim's gate, or used to be at least." He said. "The fog is gone now, but it used to be there."

Eret looked at it. "Is this that strange place full of broken ships?" He asked. "We've seen it on the horizon, but always stayed clear."

"It is." Hiccup said, grabbing his notebook with his map, he unfolded it on the ground and Eret's eyes opened wide, he had never seen such an accurate map of the archipelago and it's islands. It pleased him as a sailor. "Judging by the distances between the islands it's here, on an island we've already been once."

"What's it like?" Eret asked as he looked at the suns and moons that circled the map.

"It's a dormant volcano, with a couple of craters which are filled with water." Hiccup explained as he showed it on the map. "These are on different heights." He said as he pointed at the different craters. "All are filled with water, or when we were there, ice."

"Okay." Eret mumbled as he turned back to the map, making sure he wasn't in the path of the light. "And you never saw a temple?"

"Nope." Ragnar said from behind the two. "Just craters and frozen rivers into the next crater."

"So they do thaw." Eret mumbled as he stepped towards the map of the island again, noticing the little drawn rivers between islands. "Interesting."

"What is interesting?" Hiccup asked as he looked at Eret, who was still looking at Hiccup's map.

"Well, there are some places in the archipelago that are only accessible a certain time of the year." Eret explained as he traced the edges of the drawn island with his finger. "Like some ports that aren't accessible because they freeze, but the other way around."

"So?" Ragnar asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"So it is possible for the ice to melt." Eret explained as he traced the rivers towards the sea. "Which will cause the water levers to lower since they can flow down into the sea again."

"But they are topped off again by the craters above them." Ragnar said, so we're back to start."

"No, but the reservoirs lie way higher." Hiccup said. "So they won't melt as fast as the lower ones." He kneeled down over the map, looking at the two largest craters. "So if this one melts, then the second one is still frozen."

"Which means that the first one empties while the second one stays frozen, until that one thaws too." Eret said. There is a moment when the water level is significantly lower in the lowest basin.

"Could the temple be under water?" Ragnar asked as he looked at Hiccup.

"It could be." Hiccup said, he looked at the map, noticing the small swirls around the temple. They had thought of them as the sea, but they could stand for the water that covered the temple. "It has to be."

"And when would this place be accessible?" Heather asked, switching the dragon eye to her other hand because the first one was getting tired.

"Well, it's far up north, so the lower lake would be thawed for a few weeks, maybe a month." Eret said as he looked at the island, he stood up. "The second one is difficult to say, it could only be thawed for a few days, a week tops."

"So, combined that leaves us with what, a day of extreme low water."

"Something like that, and that would be somewhere in the middle of the year, during the longer days." Eret said. "That's probably what the suns and moons stands for." He said as he turned to the projection.

"Look, they get smaller." Hiccup said as he pointed at the moons, which got slight smaller when they neared the top sun. "The nights get shorter."

"And the sun gets brighter." Eret said excited as he looked at the whole picture. "The days get longer, the sun gets brighter."

"I'm used to seeing Hiccup like this." Astrid whispered to Ragnar. "But is Eret always like this?"

"I know him as long as you do." Ragnar whispered back as they continued to watch the two discuss the location of the temple.

"That's why there's a little point on the top of the circle." Hiccup said. "We thought it was north, but it's the day when the temple is completely accessible."

"The summer equinox is a few days from now." Eret said as he remembered the positions of the moon and stars, something he usually had in the back of his head as a sailor. "So the water could already be low enough."

"If the system got less accurate it could very well be that." Hiccup said excited.

"I'll tell the men to make more haste." Eret said as he climbed out of the hatch. "We'll be there by daybreak."

Toothless killed the flame in the back of his throat, a soft cough coming from him, his mouth went really dry thanks to the small fire. Hiccup looked at the group with an excited smile, like a young Viking on Snoggletog morning. Astrid couldn't supress the grin that grew on her face. "Dork" She said teasingly.

"Land in sight!" One of the former trappers said as he hung from the rigging. Seeing the snowy top of the dormant volcano appear above the horizon. The wind caught their sails again, pushing them towards the island at great speed. The dragon's lay calmly on the deck, a couple awake, but a few also still sleeping.

Hiccup sat on the bulwark, together with Ragnar. "Do you think you can make the flight?" He asked as Ragnar ate a piece of bread. His arm still in a sling. He looked at Hiccup with a curious expression. "Those who don't know about it don't need to know, don't you think?"

Ragnar calmly chewed, swallowing the dry bread. "It wouldn't be pleasant, but I think I'll be able to." He said as he took another, smaller bite. "Heather won't like it though." He said as he swallowed. "She'll want to come with."

"Understandable." Hiccup said. "It would be best to just climb to altitude and glide there." He suggested. "Makes the ride smoother."

"That it does." Ragnar said as he broke the remaining bread in two, offering a piece to Hiccup, who calmly took it. "Won't Astrid want to come with?"

"I kind of expected both of them to come." Hiccup said as he took a bite. "It would be more trouble to keep them back." He said with a smile.

"Don't let them hear you say that." Ragnar responded with a soft chuckle, wincing as his arm bounced against his chest. "They don't care if you're bruised or cut up when they're angry."

"They know we don't need to be treated gently." Hiccup commented. "At least not always."

"Are you ladies done gossiping?" Stoick asked as he walked past the two. "Cause then I'll get the girls."

Hiccup and Ragnar looked at each other with a grin. "Sure." Ragnar said as he stood up, throwing the last part of his bread over the railing. They walked over to their dragons. Bolt was awake, calmly watching the water. Toothless was still sleeping, hanging from one of the masts.

"Come bud." Hiccup yelled and saw a green eye open above him. Toothless looked down at him, turning his head to look at Hiccup straight. "Come down, we're going soon." Hiccup said, causing Toothless to quickly jump down, rocking the ship and causing even more wind to be caught in the sail he was partially blocking.

"Calm down bud." Hiccup said as Toothless walked around his excitingly, wanting to go flying. "We'll go soon."

Astrid and Heather climbed out of the hull, Stormfly and Shimmer flying out of it and landing on the deck. The ship rocked again, and Eret came out of his hut, a wet stain on his fur vest.

"What is going on?" He asked noticing the dragons on the deck. "You're leaving."

"We're going to fly ahead." Hiccup said. "Scout ahead, see what's there."

"If sooner we get in the sooner we can get back." Ragnar added. "I don't think we can resupply there."

Eret sighed, he had also wanted to see the temple, but they did make a fair point. They didn't really have the supplies to lay anchor for a long time, so they'd have to make it quick. If they were fast they could head all the way back to Berk with their current supplies.

"We'll be back soon." Hiccup said as he took off with Hiccup, the rest following him quickly. They quickly climbed to altitude. Ragnar wincing all the way up. The wind caught underneath their wings, guiding them towards the island gently.

"We'll be there in no time." Ragnar said as he was calming down, the climbing had been even less pleasant then he had expected, and he had expected the worst. His arm hurt extremely, and he could feel his blood pumping through it. It was a very strange and unpleasant feeling, and unfortunately enough, very familiar.

"Good." Hiccup said, getting a bit nervous. Temples were always interesting, but the idea of seeing Mjolnir itself slowly started to down on him. As did it on the others. They flew silently. Mjolnir, Thor's hammer itself. The mere thought of it sounded crazy.

Astrid calmly flew on Stormfly, she thought about it. Mjolnir, a deadly and extremely dangerous weapon, only to be wielded by the best of warriors, like the gods themselves. Would it look like the pictures they had in books at home, would it as beautiful and perfectly balanced as the weapons was supposed to be?

Heather had other thought on her mind, was it as magical as they had been told. Could it control lightning like a Skirll? And could it tame the oceans and control the wind? And how, was it magic or some sort of alchemy? She could only wonder.

Hiccup could already envision the weapon, beautifully decorated, something that wasn't just forged, it was created from the very raw materials, infused with the power of the sky, the sea and the land. Carefully decorated with carvings and gold plating, a handle that was fitted perfectly, and a balance that was unmatched by any other weapons. A masterpiece.

A mere mortal could only fantasise about such a weapon, but would they really be able to see it? To touch it? Would they be allowed in its facility, were they all worthy of witnessing such a weapon? He could only wonder.

The island neared. Its outlines now clearly visible, as well as the two large craters. Hiccup looked at it calmly, noticing a large white object in the middle of the lower crater, the temple truly was there.

"Let's land there." Hiccup said as he send Toothless into a steeper dive, aiming for the temple. The rest followed calmly. They circled a few times, noticing that the water was still a bit high, the stairs to the temple were still submerged, and there was a little layer of water in front of the doors.

They landed in front of the large doors, which were high and beautifully decorated. But also made of stone and probably very heavy to move. The dragons landed in the cold water, most letting out annoyed grunts as their feet touched the little bit of cold water. Except for Shimmer, who was enjoying the cold water and was running around the group with Heather on her back.

Hiccup walked towards the door, noticing the same set of dials like he had on the Dragon eye. He turned them calmly, hearing a heavy click at a certain point. He moved to the next one, also turning it, it didn't take long for another heavy click to sound. He kept going, perhaps they had needed to know a certain code, but with such a loud system that was unnecessary.

He turned the last dial, taking the same code over on the dragon eye. The dials matched perfectly, so there had to be a reason for that. They stepped back from the large door, hearing heavy creaking and the soft sound of mechanical work being done underneath them. Shimmer stopped running, calming down. The group looked at each other.

The doors opened slowly, and water poured into the temple. They slowly guided their dragons inward, slowly making their way into the temple. It was a large room, with a pedestal in the middle, which was illuminated by a ray of light shining from a crystal window above the entrance.

They walked to the pedestal, finding it empty. They looked at each other in worry. "Where is it?" Ragnar asked as he inspected the pedestal from Bolts back, wincing as the dragon walked.

"It should be here." Hiccup said as he grabbed his notebook. "I guess at least."

"You're not telling me this was a waste of time." Heather said as she walked past the pedestal, stopping in front of it.

They were alerted when the room lit up, a part of the wall of the temple lighting up with a soft blue glow between lines in the stone carvings, depicturing a man holding a rope. They turned to face it, but the light quickly died down.

"What was that?" Astrid asked from the back of Stormfly, slightly startled by the strange action. Heather turned around, and the light was back for a split second, before fading again.

"Wait, Heather, move back a bit." Ragnar said as he looked at her. Heather did and a different wall lit up, showing a half a dragon, the other half probably being on the other part of the wall. "Don't move." Ragnar said as he slowly guided Bolt to move a bit behind her, so he could see what was happening.

The ray of light that came from above the door reflected on her shoulder pat, reaching a different crystal, which hung above the lit up wall.

"It's the light." He said, turning to Hiccup. "We need some kind of prism or mirrors for this."

"I know only one." Hiccup said as he grabbed the dragon eye, placing it down on the pedestal. Heather moved back and the light hit the first piece of crystal. But nothing happened.

"I think the lenses are dirty." Hiccup said as he looked at the Dragon eye. "The sunlight isn't as intense as a dragon's flame."

He took the first lens out, using a piece of cloth to polish the carefully cut crystal inside before placing it back. A ray of light exited the Dragon eye, bouncing from a piece of metal and reaching a wall in the far back, which lit up with a blue colour. It showed a men, a Viking, wielding a sword and an axe, both stained with blood.

He polished the second lens, and the once placed back the second wall next to the first lit up. It showed a dragon, a Zippleback given the two heads, one of the necks decapitated. Together with the Viking it formed a clear image of a battle, with a Viking warrior chopping of the head of a dangerous dragon.

"Al right, so they didn't like dragons." Heather commented as Hiccup polished another lens, carefully placing it back and turning it to the right place. On the other side a wall lit up, this one depicturing a Viking with his back to the other half of the picture. The next lens lit up the rest, showing a dragon, a Gronkle, which also had its back turned to the Viking.

"They went from war to peace." Astrid commented. "Or at least, not-war."

The next two lenses lit up a picture that was similar to the previous one, only the dragon and the Viking were facing each other, and the dragon was clearly a Deadly Nadder. Stomfly squawked happily when she saw it, walking over to it to inspect it further.

"Peace." Heather commented softly. "At least more than just a cease-fire."

The two that followed depictured a Viking riding a dragon, it was a Monstrous Nightmare. It had a saddle and all, and the edge of the picture had Terrible Terrors forming a border. "Wow." Ragnar said as he looked at it. "Peace and teamwork." He said. "Between mankind and dragons."

Hiccup polished the final lens, placing it back gently, on the far side of the room, opposite of the door the wall lit. It illuminated slowly, the others were almost instant, but the light burned slowly through the cracks and lines between the stone carvings here. In the top were clouds, heavy and filled with thunder, and in the middle was a hammer, resting on the dragon's eye. To the left were people bowing, and to the right dragons, who also bowed.

The hammer looked like a deity, some kind of god almost, and was worshipped by men and dragons. It came to the earth to be worshipped, in all its perfectness.

They heard a mechanical system start up again, and between them and the pedestal the floor opened. Water flowing into the newly created gap. From it rose another pedestal, but on top of it rested a weapon.

The hammer was beautiful. Carefully cast from the purest metal, and beautifully decorated like in the books and scrolls. It matched the picture on the wall perfectly. And its beauty was almost indescribable. Hiccup slid of Toothless' back, his feet landing in the water with a soft splash. It quickly soaked his boot, but he didn't mind.

He slowly approached Mjolnir, which was being illuminated by a bundle of light rays from all sides of the temple. It was such a strange image to see, so unreal. It was upside-down on the pedestal. The steel resting and the handle upward. Available for anyone to grab. He stopped in front of the pedestal, his hand slowly reaching out, fingers fletching.

What would happen? Was he worthy? Was anyone here? Perhaps there was some sort of extra puzzle, or a trap for thieves and grave robbers. He looked at it, his fingers almost curling around the handle, the only thing between him and the finely treated and decorated wood and leather being a thing strip of air.

So close, it would be the end of their quest, their adventure. They'd have the hammer, it would be safe and sound. Nothing to worry about, nothing to fear. All the death along the way, it wouldn't have been for nothing. They'd protected it, they had earned it. Their story would have a happy end. Their journey would finally be over.

It had started so slow, finally going back there, to the freezing cold archipelago where everything tried to kill you, from the weather to the wildlife. The chases through villages, protecting the innocent. It all had to be done. And for this reason, this was their goal, the end to their quest.

The end, their goal.

He pulled his hand back, letting it rest to his side. He turned around, the rest looking at him confused. "This is not meant for us." Hiccup said calmly. "It's the weapon of the gods, and it should remain as that."

"Merely resting on earth, waiting to be needed." Ragnar said. "Hoping that it will never have to be used."

Hiccup walked to the pedestal with the Dragon eye grabbing it. The light broke away from the walls, all the images fading quickly, even the largest one. They watched calmly as the pedestal with the hammer sunk down into the ground, before the floor closed over it again, like nothing had happened.

Hiccup walked towards Toothless, climbing on the dragon's back and guiding him towards the door. He turned to the rest, who were still looking at the now closed floor. "You guys coming?" He asked calmly, unsure if what he did was the right choice.

"Yea." Astrid said as she turned Stormfly towards the door. The Nadder was confused where the image of the fellow Deadly Nadder went. "Come girl." She said softly, leading the dragon towards the door.

"Come on, let's go." Heather said to Ragnar, guiding shimmer towards the door, the dragon dragging its chin through the cold water, enjoying the wetness.

"Yea," Ragnar said as he looked at the ground where the hammer had sunk into again. "Let's go."

They walked out of the temple in silence. Ragnar walked over to the dials on the door, giving each of them a flick to set them differently. The large door immediately started moving, slowly closing again, pushing water in its way aside and creating small waves in its wake.

It closed with a loud bang, the stone resting against the frame again, sealing the temple until the next person would enter the right combination on the dials. "Get out of the crater." Hiccup said. "Let's make sure it's inaccessible until next summer." He said as he guided Toothless to the edge of the little platform.

They calmly took off, Hiccup veering off from the group to head to the small stream that came from the crater. He moved his foot, retracting Toothless' artificial tailfin. The dragon understood, folding his real one too. The two went into a dive, aiming for the bank of the stream.

The whistle begun softly, growing in volume as they gathered speed. Hiccup watched as the purple ball shot away from them, striking the ground and causing the opening to collapse, sealing the crater. They extended wings and fins, Toothless beating his wings to gain speed and altitude. He looked at his rider, wondering what the next plan was. Hiccup aimed at a piece of ice on the base of the largest crater, a few tiny streams of water flowing past it.

The dragon understood quickly, and together they flew a large circle over the crater, preparing to dive to the piece of ice. Once they had a good approach Hiccup lied down on Toothless' back, patting him on the neck to signal him that he was ready. They were higher this time, and dove sharper.

The whistle quickly grew loud, almost deafening. The fireball grew larger and larger as it gained more oxygen, and Toothless and Hiccup calmly made last adjustments to their path. The plasma blast was large, and the shockwave could be clearly seen against the sky.

The ice shattered, breaking under the force of the blast and the water pushing against it. It crumbled unto the lower crater, water quickly following it down. It filled the crater, pieces of ice still following from the upper glacier.

Hiccup watched as the level raised, quickly swallowing the doors of the temple, before slowly climbing up on the roof. The top of it was the last to disappear, as it was the highest part. It was astonishing how quickly the entire temple was submerged.

Ragnar approached him on the back of Bolt. "Wow, that went fast." He said, surprised by the speed that the temple was swallowed by the water again. "Good thing we weren't in there." He added. "We wouldn't have any time to escape."

"Scary thought." Hiccup admitted as he looked to the horizon, noticing that the trappers had almost reached the island. "Let's head back, tell them to turn around and head back."

They calmly glided back towards the ship, the girls leading and the assassins following them closely.

Ragnar and Hiccup distanced themselves a little bit, turning to each other. "What do we do now?" Ragnar asked. They had found the hammer, and had ended all the Templar activities in the area. "What's the plan?"

"We'll have to check the temple sometimes." Hiccup said as he looked at the ship growing as they approached. "And there's bound to be small pockets of resistance left around the islands."

"So we stay." Ragnar said with a smile as he looked at Hiccup. "So we stay?" He asked again for confirmation.

"So we stay." Hiccup repeated, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders he didn't know was there. "We stay." He repeated, a smile growing on his lips too.

"After all, we found nothing in that temple." Ragnar said as he shrugged, wincing as felt his muscles protest. "So we better keep an eye out in case something comes up."

"Call it what you want." Hiccup said. "But we're not going back to Roma."

"Should we notify them?" Ragnar asked. "Send a message, a quick visit?"

"Perhaps." Hiccup said. "But I don't think they expected us to return."

"And the rest?" Ragnar asked. "No word about the hammer?"

"What hammer?" Hiccup asked with a grin. "After all, nothing is true,"

"And everything is permitted." Ragnar finished, his grin matching his. They calmly steered their dragons towards the ship, looking forward to some well-deserved rest at their new, and now definitely permanent home.


Well, a bit shorter, but this was pretty much just wrapping the last part up. Longest story so far, with a total word count of 16000 +. That's something I'm pretty proud off. But not something that'll be special, since according to the planning the next story will be 46 chapters, each with a goal of having 8000 words, so yea, you can probably do the math there. It will come close to doubling the amount, probably even surpassing double this story. Since the Author's Notes are also taken into those 16000 words.

Anyway, time for some more shameless self-promotion:

If anyone has any ideas for drabbles or short stories, but you don't write or you'd like help, do tell. Pm me or find me on Tumblr (internet-corner) and chat me up! I'd love to help or get ideas. Drabbling is fun, but I don't have the inspiration to come up with drabbles so I need tips or ideas. : /

Also, a few story ideas that are currently open and could use help if someone is interested.

'Banished', Hiccup starts his own village, I could use Beta readers or people with ideas, most of the story is done but changes are still being made.

Some kind of Indiana Johnes au, Hiccup the archaeologist is looking for some old power that the Vikings had, will involve stupid humour, daring escapes, and probably a lot of dumb scenes that are somehow still cool. The entire story still needs to be made, I only have a really basic line for it. So, interested? Tell me, please!

'Under one Banner', Really going to give a shortened version of the idea here. Hiccup is a prince of a country but since his father died the country had fallen into rouble, local nobles fighting for local power. Another country tries to take advantage of this and overthrow everyone and take the land, so Hiccup has to unite everyone and turn the tide. Perhaps with the help of the female foreign night that leads the invasion.

A pirate Au! Also working on this, a part of the story is thought of but there are still some holes and stuff, Hiccup is a pirate but his father sends a group after him to get him back.

'Mon amie', French for 'my love' or 'my loved one', ww1, this one will be dark, really dark, dark and sad. Like angsty stuff. Inspired by valiant hearts, I want to try to make people cry. The idea is still really basic so if you're interested then do tell, I really want to have this one on paper.

'Taken', so lovers of awkward Hiccstrid will really love this. We've all heard the stories of Viking raiders taking unwilling women from villages during raids. But few have heard about Astrid Hofferson, who learned from her fellow raiders and found the perfect way to get herself a guy. Hiccup was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. (or at the right time, depends on who's asking)

'A new life' or 'Runaway', Modern au (with dragons), Hiccup runs away with Toothless when he's 16 or 17 or something like that. Astrid works with missing children and after five years they somehow have a lead to find him. Still really basic, but hey, you got to start somewhere.

All of these are Hiccstrid, but always open to ideas. There are also some other ideas like something in space and something with diving but those are still too basic. If you have any ideas though, do tell.

Anyhow, thank you all for reading and sticking with me, this story is by far one of the best things I've done so far. I want to especially thank 'The Anvil of Writing'. He was directly with me when he heard about the idea for this story, and it was amazing to work with him. We sometimes had our differences in opinions, but I believe the story is amazing in the end, and I couldn't have done it without him. His knowledge of the assassin's creed series helped immensely, as well as his knowledge about history in general. He started writing his own stories too, so if you want more Hiccup assassin stuff then check him out!

Anyway, I want to thank you all for reading and wish you all a nice day, and have fun reading or writing more!

Thanks for reading and sticking with me during the later stages, when updates were, scarce to put it lightly.

Take care!
