The stench of blood stains the air around the wild forest. The cold mist covering every inch of the place dissipates unwillingly from the explosions and fights between the Exorcists and Noah. The trees get smashed, the soil excavated and the animals that could ever live there all fled to safety; if not they're somewhere mixed in the mud. The ground shakes and another part of the forest wallops by the large parasite Fiddler released.

The monster has a wide flat body in oval shape ranging to five meters tall, seven meters wide and fourteen meters length. It has transparent shell of a lobster, its insides can be seen under the moon light and it's not pleasant. Around its body are multiple thin tendrils waving wildly while its legs underneath moves fast. The face is more terrifying, brimming with bulging eyes; its irises moves fast in all direction searching for a victim. Anything it touches suffered decay within seconds, leaving nothing but death on its wake.

Krory jumps away from the distasteful creature. His Innocence is active and the white streak of his hair stands high and mighty. The Exorcist is severely injured, a deep gash trails from his right shoulder across his chest tearing his coat, and his ripped shirt is blood red instead of white. He grunts as he lands on the ground his eyes never leaving his opponent. His fang gleams under the moon light. "Not so attractive huh?" He mutters under his breath as his tattered coat flips in the air. He is far enough for the parasite to reach him with a single move.

Krory have fought Jasdevi for the second time and he had over powered him or them. He defeated the Noah of bonds using all of his strength but was not sure if he really had killed them. He could not stand that time and would have been killed by a Level 2 Akuma, but death was not fond of him; the Akuma drew too closer to him more than necessary which gave him the opportunity to bite it and get his treat. The power surged in his body it wasn't enough to fill his full potential but it was enough for him to keep going.

He could feel his Innocence thrumming in every beat of his heart it makes him fight, track Akuma and fight even more. He helped Lenalee save Chaozi from a Noah named Fiddler. It was a nasty battle, the weird man was dangerous, especially after he transformed in his awakened form. The large parasite crawling in front of Krory came from Fiddler's body, it literally came from his mouth incasing the Noah within. Chaozi suffered a critical injury as they fight the Noah of Corrosion that gives Lenalee no choice but to take him somewhere safe; the reason why Krory was left to face the Parasite.

It isn't that long before the set of eyes locks on him. It stops moving for a moment but its tendrils stretches and curls. It squeals as it starts to dart forward towards Krory. The Exorcist welcomes the attack and meets it head on. Using his speed, and momentum he connects a swipe of his claws on one of the eyes. He earns a loud screech from the monster as he withdraws back to distance. His attacks couldn't penetrate its shell, that's why he has to focus he's attacks on the creatures head.

The vampire-like Exorcist knows that the battle is taking too long. The purple glow of Dark Matter energy still glows at the center of their battle field, where a short white haired Noah is settled. Krory grimaces at the thought, they're being played. The Noah are dragging them off to exhaustion before they open the portal.

A wild crash snaps his attention to his side to see General Socalo's attack cutting down the trees as the Noah wearing dark shades dodge furiously. They both suffer serious injuries but Socalo's hysterical laugh still rings behind the crushing sound. Krory is used to it; it only means that the General is having a good fight.

The whipping sound is the only warning Krory hears before he feels his hand coiled by the parasite's tendril. He snaps his teeth hard as the immense pain surges into his skin. The monster tries to pull him but he held his ground. He counters the monster's strength for a few seconds then let it tugs him forward. The tendrils loosen up in an instant and he takes the opportunity to bite it down tearing it completely off his arm. He steps back and spits off the remains of the parasite from his mouth.

He looks at the damage on his arms; the sleeves melted and his flesh exposed, the stinging pain still lingers. Krory remembers the fact that the same Noah tortured his friends, and the fact that they felt the same pain. It makes him clench his fist in rage. He wanted to make them pay. Finding a new resolve he readies himself for another attack. He couldn't wait for Lenalee to come back he'll fight to the end and no matter how dangerous his decision is he doesn't feel fear. For some reason his Innocence is swirling with power; he could feel it in his bones, literally. Without second thought Krory dart forward for another attack bearing in mind that the other group of Exorcist are also fighting right now.

At the center of the purple sphere of energy sits Wisely as he meditates. His eyes are close and his hands rest on his thighs. The Noah of Wisdom let the sphere stand still even he had found out, minutes ago that the crystal of cataclysm was not in this place. He takes the opportunity to think about the Earl's questions as they reprieve the Exorcist from helping their comrade on the other side. It really is an intriguing fact; about the 'Heart'. Wisely is now also perturb, it seems like there's a veil shielding the God's crystal, covering an important information they haven't looked upon.

'Is it true that using the cataclysm is the only way to destroy the heart?'

Wisely reviews the time when they found the heart. It appeared before them unexpectedly, they thought they could easily crush it, though it proved to be indestructible even in the hands of Millenium Earl. Mightra found something about it, and they took action of trying to destroy it from inside, believing that once the foundation breaks the wall shielding it will follow. But it was proved that it doesn't affect the Heart.

'Was it because the Earl's power is not complete?'

They seek for the hidden power of the Millenium Earl. Believing it will be enough to destroy the Heart.

'But would it be enough?'

Kanda winces as he feels the tentacle pierce through his left side but he gives no attention and stabs Tyki on his chest. The Noah clenches his teeth and commands more of his tentacles shoot in the younger's body. They're both enduring the pain, but Kanda is not the one to lose. Tightening his grip on Mugen's hilt he twits it before he pushes it to the right. The Innocence glows at the same time as he tears the Noah's muscles for a few inches.

Tyki reacts quickly at the Innocence's power; he swipes Kanda off him will all of his force. Kanda falls on the ground from the strength of the tentacles while Tyki staggers backward pressing in his newly stab wound over his old scar from Allen's Innocence. It's glowing with green light. He feels the pain swirling inside him, it gives an unsettling sensation, like something is crawling inside you and it can see every piece of your identity. Though the feeling only intensify his rage and the Noah inside him. He smirks wickedly as he glares down on his opponent. Kanda turns to his side and face the Noah as he stands still clutching Mugen in his hands; blood trickling down from his mouth.

"I've been trying to hold back on killing you Exorcist, but you're giving me reason not to." Pleasure says hoarsely, as if he could hide his temptation. "I'm exactly aiming for that! I'm done with your play time. Why do you even restrict yourself?"

Tyki fails to suppress his smirk that turns into a laugh. Kanda just quirks an eyebrow at the man; this Noah have been plotting something the whole time. "What do you want from Lavi!" The long haired Exorcist demand as he lift his sword to make his point. "He's just one of your Akuma. What's so special about that rabbit that you need him?" He presses confusion visible on his face.

"I told you last time in the cave that we need him. But that's not all; we need him to suffer more." Tyki says darkly raising his left hand, his finger splays. "We need him to tear apart, to shatter in piece and to corrupt his soul. If he still has his body, we could have torture him further." He continues golden eyes glints in deep pleasure. Drawn to the sensation of tormenting the Akuma he doesn't realize that his opponent have started to launch an attack.

Mugen's blade slides to the Noah's hardened arms. The power is enough to send Tyki flying and crash to the stalagmites. "You've already killed him!" Kanda snarls furiously; he feels rage surge in his heart, making him shake in anger. Lavi suffered enough, he was tortured and killed only to get revived and feel the whole cycle again. Kanda never felt this angry before.

"Let's just say he had pulled a good prank to Millennium Earl." The Noah of Pleasure states flatly after he recovers from the attack. Tentacle swirls around him, and a unique pattern of Dark Matter already showing from his face. Tyki is starting to transform to his Awaken state.

"Tell me." Kanda demands; ready to fight it through the hell just to know what they really want from Lavi.

Allen feels the Akuma's pleading, he could hear the souls that beg to be freed and the howl of every victim that added to the demon's power attached in its skin like a set of armor. It hurts Allen, his cursed left eye burns as he fights another creature of Mightra. The white haired Exorcist uses his Grave Cross to distract the black demon with the features of a spider. The explosion erupts in succession sending rocks leading it to a corner where Allen has been waiting. The chimera yowls in pain as the Sword of Exorcism puncture its back crossing its chest. Retracting his sword; Allen shoots a glance at the bright blue sphere illuminating the wide cavern with a pained expression on his face.

"It's happening!" He exclaims. Road have finally opened the portal. Allen feels the familiar air hit him and the Noah inside him feels the same. Allen suddenly realizes how conscious Neah had become from the time they started searching for the crystal of cataclysm. Its not alien to him, the feeling of sharing his body with the Noah. They had come to terms, and have one goal; to destroy the Millenium Earl. Allen is not afraid, Neah had been dormant for months since their last battle with the Earl and now that he feels Neah's presence, it makes him a little bit comfortable.

"We found it." Mightra states with triumph looking up at the sphere. Allen stuns for a moment, he feels it too; the growing malevolence coming from the blue light. It is what they're waiting for. 'The crystal.' Without a word Allen wear his Crown Clown and twist and fly toward Mightra with deadly eyes flashing on his pray.

Road reaches for the crystal, the red stigmata glows upon her touch, it floats on her palm and the power of Millenium Earl flows over around her. Her white dress tainted by the fading blue light flutter as she floats in the center of the sphere, her touch on the crystal informs every Noah of their possession of the cataclysm. "The Earl will be pleased." She tells to herself.

Dispelling the ritual, the blue light slowly disappear, something white glows in front of her and a cloak of white material suddenly reaches forward to her, a black hand suddenly materialize to grab the crystal. Road is surprised at the entity, she isnt able to react as the hand almost gets the red crystal. Hasn't for the arms that wrapped around her and pulled her back, the cataclysm might have taken away from her very hand.

"Millennium Earl!" Allen snarls at the man in front of him as he pulls his Sword of Exorcism from his arm. The blue energy around them dissolves completely. The thirteenth Noah stands holding Road in his left arm. "Long time no see. Nea."

"Nea is not here." The white haired Exorcist says sternly.

"But I'm sure he'll emerge soon, I can see him in your eyes." The large man comments as he casually let Road stand on her feet. "You almost got me there! Allen!" The small Noah pouts at the Exorcist, she's cradling the crystal protectively. Allen wants to launch at her again but he hesitates when the Earl steps forward.

"We've got what we needed here. I think it's time for us to go~" He lift his umbrella and swipes it in the air. An Ark gate appears above them. "I can't wait to destroy the Heart!" His face suddenly contorts with malice.

Allen flinches at the words he heard, they really have to take the crystal from them. It is now or never. He wills his Crown Clown to shoot strips towards Road. The white material flies with power but before it reaches the Noah a giant snake shields her receiving the attack. The white snake's flesh is marred and destroyed at the force of the Innocence.

The thing is familiar to Allen, and in the second look he recognizes it. Behind the crumbling snake stands a boy with red hair. Blue eyes stares at him, it only reflects pain and frustration. "I'm sorry Allen." The boy mutters under his breath. "Lavi!" The white haired Exorcist exclaims. Road slings her left arm around Lavi's neck from the back. "Thank you Junior, you saved me." The boy doesn't answer. Allen notices the strain in the Akuma's body; it's obvious the he is being controlled.

"What did you do to him?" The Exorcist couldn't stop himself from asking. "I just claimed back what is mine Allen-kun. He's an Akuma, I still got the full control on his body. I just let you have him for a while before I crush the Black Order." The words passes through his ears like water, he could still hear them but the rush of blood in his vain muffles it. This can't be happening.

"So much for the talk, we'll get going then." The Earl waves and let Road guide Lavi to the Ark who followed without a word. "No!" Allen shouts as he rushes to stop them but Lavi is swallowed by darkness with the Noah in an instant. He slashes his sword to stop them but Millennium Earl, counters it with his own sword. Their clash sends shockwave in the cavern, sending small rocks and dust away. Allen is send backwards by the force and by the time the dust subsides the portal along with the Earl are nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it!" The white haired Exorcist curses under his breath. They lost the crystal and Lavi, Allen couldn't think a way to fix their situation. If they don't do something, the 'Heart' might get destroyed any moment. He hears a crash and turns to see Kanda missing Tyki a mere inches away from tip of his blade. The Noah phases down to the ground and disappears. "Shit!" Kanda growls swinging his sword to his side before he looks at the cursed Exorcist. They frown at each other both with dismayed mood.

"Where is the rabbit?" Kanda breaks the silence with a serious tone. Allen tenses a bit and tries to avoid Kanda's piercing eyes. "I'll tell everything later. We need to join the others first." He starts to walk, but finds himself yanked from his collar and come face to face with Kanda. "Where is he?" The words are hard as it leaves the swordsman's lips his eyes are fool of rage. Allen stares back with the same eyes. "They took him."

"Why did you let that happen? Moyashi! Are you that fucking useless?" Kanda seethes on his face. Allen feels Kanda's fist trembles, he know he's frustrated and tired from the battle for Allen feels the same too. "I don't have time for this Bakanda! We have to act quickly to find them!" He retorts trying to push Kanda's hand out of his uniform. "You're with him you should have!-" Kanda stops himself he doesn't know what to say and what Tyki tells him makes him even more confused. "Tsk!" He releases Allen with a little push.

"Have what Kanda?" Allen presses. "We all heard you're conversation with Tyki! You seemed to know something." He continues seriously, he remembers Tyki's words that time. 'I've warn you that we'll take him back, you had the chance to do that!' Kanda tenses at the mention of the Noah's name. "What does he mean 'you have a chance to do that'?"

Kanda knows he has no way to escape from Allen's inquest. He just kept the information to protect Lavi. Yes, he could admit that now that he cares for his friends. But now the redhead was taken and he needs more people to save Lavi. "Tsk. It's too late because they have taken that rabbit. The Noah told me they need Lavi for their plans the first time we encountered them in the island where we took the Innocence from the light house." Kanda tries to say in a calm manner. "And about the thing he said I should have done, it was killing Lavi." He continues.

Allen understands why that had become an option. The information is clear, they need Lavi and the easiest way to stop them from getting him is to kill him. It'll free his soul using Innocence but the mere fact of killing him from that reason alone feels wrong to Allen. He knows Kanda have made the right decision. "And they're not going to stop from taking him. Lavi had done something to them, I don't know what; but it's enough to get them obsess of torturing him." The long haired teen explains.

"Don't worry, we'll take him back. I have a plan." The Brit says with determination. He'll not give up that easy. He still has a move, and he'll need a little help from the fourteenth Noah.

AN: So many things are happening at the same time in this part of the story, thats why Im having a hard time how the sequence of events will be revealed. _ Were reaching the climax of the story; I have to double check stuff and facts in this fandom so I might get late on updating this fic, Thank you for reading and gambare to all of us!