
-a week later-


Sookie and Jessica had not only become close friends of mine quite quickly, but told me everything about Steve Newlin. Finding myself severely disgusted and horrified by his actions, I severed our ties all together. Tonight was now our way of celebrating the sort of break up. Jessica had spent the night last night, and by the sound of running water, is now taking a shower down stairs. Her boyfriend Jason, Sookie's brother and the troubled boy Sarah had slept with, was meeting us there along side Bill and another friend of theirs named Lafayette.

I let me hair air dry soon after my own shower, watching as the once steaming water drips cold from my long hair. I soon start my makeup and get dressed into a mermaid style faux leather maroon top that rested tightly against me until my waist, faux leather black pants, black heels and a black bracelet around my wrist. I hum faintly, looking at myself in the mirror for anything worth fixing, and laugh faintly once Jessica giddily storms into the room.

"Here there slow mo, y'all ready yet?"She teases from the doorway in a tight black dress and heels. Her long red hair sat half up and half perfectly curled. She was beautiful to say the least. I smile and nod slightly, grabbing the moon stone pearl ring band Eric gave me off of the dresser top before walking toward her. I slip it onto my right ring finger and walk out along side her.

"Where are we meeting Sookie and the others at?"I ask once I'm comfortable in the back of a gorgeous, royal taxi. She smiles and places a thin, pale hand over mine.

"Don't you worry, Lori. Jason and I know you'll love it."She smiles with triumph. Just Jason and her? Does Sookie, Bill and Lafayette not agree? If not then why were they going? I push those thoughts away, trusting her judgement, and nod slightly. She smiles wider and leads me through the parking lot toward a large line outside the club. Inside the line stood a lonely Jason, though by the greedy smile that consumed his face I knew he enjoyed it as we stepped in next to him. Too many people were standing outside to see the doors, but a flamboyant sign flashed a name I never thought could be anything but fiction. Fangtasia.

Jessica steps out of the line for a moment, getting the attention of a bouncer, looping an arm through one of mine as her other hand blindly found Jason's. We walk inside the large doors, flashing fangs and laughing at the unsettling nature of Jason's jumpiness. Loud music pours out of the crimson painted club as more and more grinding humans and vampires come into view. Jessica laughs softly over the music and pulls Jason and I toward Sookie and Bill at a table off to the side of the cramped crowd.

"Lafayette is over at the bar with his cousin Tara. Do you see the woman over there beside her in the tight black corset?"Sookie explains, leaning into my ear as I turn to see Lafayette talking to a beautiful ebony bartender who stood beside a slightly elderly woman in a tight corset with her long blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail. I nod and listen intently as she explains that that woman turned Tara after an accident as a favor to both Sookie and Pam's maker. I nod understandingly just as Jessica squeals in excitement, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the crowd. She bares her fangs at passing men and finds us a place in the center to dance. Moments later Jason, Sookie and Bill join us. It isn't until a man I didn't know grabs my hips to dance that I felt uncomfortable.

"Come on baby. Let me show your friends just what you sound like when you've felt ecstasy."A drunk man slurs in my ear, his fangs grazing me jugular. I shiver and growl, baring my unique fangs, turning much too quickly for his intoxicated mind to comprehend.

"Get away from us."I growl, my accent tainting my threat deeply. The man's eyes shift wearily toward the main stage where two empty thrones sat, begging someone who wasn't there to save him. I turn and follow his gave, prepared to fight for my right to shove his fangs down his throat. It was then that I realized Pam wasn't behind the bar but knelt in front of a man in his throne, whispering to him. My heart stops abruptly when she shifts to straighten, glaring at the man and I standing oddly still in the crowd of ever moving bodies.

"The sheriff will have you thrown out of Bon Temp for that, you filthy slut."The man growls. Jessica steps up to me and bares her fangs.

"How dare you."She growls. I flick my wrist out toward the man, eyes clouding black in a rage I really shouldn't have been consumed by so quickly.

"Watch your tone, peasant. I am Lorilie, Princess of all vampires and daughter to Queen Lilith and the Devil himself. I suggest you bite your tongue."I snap, stepping toward him as the crowd splits for me slightly, most of the people still dancing intoxicatedly. Content with the fear in his eyes, I turn to apologetically nod toward Pam and the owner when I really see him. He was no apparition. No game my eyes were playing on me. The King of the building who sat in his fur pelt covered throne in black slacks and a black button down that hugged his body so well I feared for my own heart.

"That's Eric Northman. He's the sheriff of Louisiana, Pam's maker and owner of Fangtasia."Jessica explains softly, holding Jason's hand tight just as Eric's eyes settle over my features. His jaw sets as his nails dig into his arm rests as if bracing for a painful banishing. His shoulder length hair was cut short now, allowing more light to sparkle in his damned blue eyes, and my God did it look good on him.

"M-my King."I whisper, watching his eyes flicker down toward my lips as I speak. My heart jumps in my chest, speeding up much more than my brain was ready for. I close my eyes, tears dampening my long eyelashes as my mind spins. I try to grab Jessica or Jason to steady myself but fail as the music suddenly dulls.

"Lori!"Jessica calls as my brain gives into the pounding of my heart, forcing me into the unforgiving darkness. Was it really him?

"Lori? Oh God, Bill do something!"I hear Jessica cry softly after what seemed like forever, stroking my hair. Where were we? It was much too quiet to be the dance floor. Sookie hushes her faintly, shifting my head slightly as she lets it rests in her lap.

"I can't do anything, Jessica. You know that."Bill whispers, his voice more distant that I expected as a door opens quickly. I flinch at the sudden angry screech of metal against bent metal and hide my face in Jessica's shadow.

"Out."A woman orders briefly but roughly. The room went silent, but slowly everyone left me alone. I open my eyes to see Pam standing in the door as Jessica leaves behind Sookie.

"Jess."I whisper worriedly, my heart choking off my volume as Pam's eyes examine me in pure hatred.

"Come now, sweet fangs. Eric won't hurt you. Much."She laugh, shutting the door. With that familiar click, I push myself up off the soft leather couch and further into the office. I hurry to find another way out of the building before my heart gives out. With my back turned to the door, rummaging through the drawers of the desk, the door opens again though this time it was damn near silent. The silence filled the room much too quickly, filling me with anxiety as a large black shadow enters the room. I bow my head, my hands flat on the cool metallic desk top as I fall back into his seat, and close my eyes.

"I hear you think you're royalty."He laughs maniacally, closing the door. That voice. That laugh. Oh my God, my heart was going to explode. I dig my nails into his desk top, bowing my head further into my chest as if it'd shield me from his inspective gaze.

"How dare you impersonate a family friend of mine."He growls, though his voice remained even and low. He waits a few short moments until his patience wears thin and he flashes to my side, slamming his hand into the desk.

"Look at me!"He howls, his voice struggling to remain English. I jump, whimpering faintly in both fear and pain, but I ultimately look up him.

"M-my King."I whisper again, taking in his never changing beauty. The chill in his eyes inverted into himself as his jaw tenses again.

"So you wanted to run from me again, eh?"He chuckles coldly, pushing off the desk and turning his back on me. I stand quickly and growl, baring my fangs.

"I never turned my back on you! You were everything to me!"I growl, my voice teetering between pain and my Italian accent. He stops, his hands folded behind his back neatly, and looks over his shoulder at me.

"I thought you were dead, Princess. I thought I killed you."He whispers, my official title shoving a stake from his lips though my heart. Our entire relationship and he's never done that unless to get my attention. Was that it? I step around the desk and toward him.

"Godric thought a new vampire hellbent on saving a Princess who's mother hated you was much to risky. He wanted to save you from my mother's guards."I explain, stepping around the couch. He shifts quickly and pushes me against the door. I whimper in sadness, turning my head away from him.

"How dare you lie on Godric!"He snaps, snapping his fangs at my throat.

"I would never!"I growl, pulling at his hands to free my wrists. I didn't want to hurt him. Not after finally finding him.

"I should kill you for coming back. I'm done with seeing this painful reminder of my human heart. LEAVE ME BE YOU FILTHY WHORE!"He growls, shouting as he grips my jaw. Coming back? He's done seeing me? Was my memory tormenting him? I look up at him and watch the ice within him consume his eyes again.

"Kill me then. Death would serve me better than what you've become in my absence."I say calmly. His hand slowly loosens and slips from my jaw, falling at his side. I let my eyes cloud and flick my wrist out toward him, watching him crash into the opposite wall. I open the door and howl demonically.

"I've spent my eternity looking for the man I called My King and was told he was here. All I've found is a dying she'll of him."I say calmly, letting my eyes fade slowly back to normal as I step toward him. I watch as he stands, my shadows binding his wrists above his head to the wall behind him.

"You may not remember me, Eric Northman, but I remember every moment. Next time you threaten me, follow through or make peace with God. I give you my word as your Princess that you won't make it to see night fall after that."I say, grabbing a TrueBlood off the shelf and walking out as confidently as possible.

The next night I sat on the porch of my new home in a short black lace nightgown with a warm cup of blood in my hands. I stare down at the crimson liquid knowing I should drink, though my thirst was suddenly no where to be found. I run a hand through my hair and force myself to take a drink, closing my eyes as it slides down my throat.

"I see you're looking for a way to be near the moon and the stars, that much hasn't changed."Eric says suddenly, stepping out of the shadows and into the moon light in black jeans, black boots, a white v-neck shirt and a black leather jacket. I sigh and stand, turning into the house. He flashes to the door way, blocking my exit with his massive stature.

"I haven't changed, Eric. You have. Though I'm not looking for a way to be near the moon and stars anymore."I say softly, turning my back to him. My eyes held my secret. From the moment he entered that office I knew I was wrong to see him. I was wrong to search for him and I needed out. I wanted to die. I finish the mug of blood and throw it into the garden, smashing it to pieces. I turn toward him, avoiding his eyes searching mine, and push him aside. He grabs my arm and tugs me back through the door way into him. I push against his chest and slap him.

"Don't forget what you said to me, Eric."I hiss, yanking myself away from him. He pushes through the door way with a triumphant smirk.

"You're not human or living, your majesty."He smirks, flashing that devilish smile. I roll my eyes and walk into the other room.

"Get out or I'll throw you out."I groan. He chuckles and walks up to me in the hall way.

"Please, I could slaughter your entire staff in seconds."He smirks wickedly, backing me into the wall.

"I must've thrown you too hard. Your common sense has apparently been knocked loose."I retort, stomping up to my room. He chuckles and follows though I stop him half way up.

"Eric!"I growl. "I cam here in search of the man I loved. You are not him anymore, so please leave."I order, snapping my fingers for a servant to open the front door again. His smirk fades as he bows his head.

"As you wish Princess."He says solemnly before vanishing. I fall into one of the steps, tears rushing to the surface as my heart breaks.

"Lori, wake up. Lori, come on."I hear someone call out. I open my eyes and look up at Sookie and Jessica staring down at me as I lie wrapped in Sookie's spare bedroom sheets. Jessica holds my hand and hugs me.

"You were having a bad dream. You were calling for him. Did you love him?"Sookie asks softly, her eyes full of sorrow. I nod and sit up, taking a deep breath.

"Much more than anyone has ever loved someone else."I answer her numbly, pulling the blankets up to my chest as more tears come. She lies beside me, holding me tight as Jessica regretfully goes underground. What have I done?