Pushing myself to run even faster I called out Potters name, but the blood roaring in my ears prevented me from hearing it.

I knew Potter heard me when he turned to see me running straight for him. His eyes widened but that was all he was able to do before my body rammed his to the side.

Looking down to see Potter had fallen to the ground we made eye contact and I had enough time to give him a small smile of acceptance. I saw Potters horrified eyes before a flash of green clouded my vision and a comforting darkness replaced everything around me.

Standing there in the darkness I waited for something, anything, to happen. Maybe a flash of pain, or some golden gates that would lead me up to Heaven. At the moment I was willing to go through the gates of Hell. At least then I would be seeing something besides my blackened surroundings.

"It may help if you opened your eyes, mortal."

The rattling voice startled me so bad that my eyes immediately opened. As soon as they did the comforting darkness vanished, replaced by a blindingly white light.

Rapidly blinking the blinding quality faded and I just about wet my pants when I saw the black robed figure standing ten feet away from me.

The midnight black robe was draped over the figure like curtain, pooling at their feet. The hood was drawn up and it caused the figures face to be engulfed in darkness. The arms of the figure were crossed in front of their body, but the sleeves of the cloak hid them from view. All in all it looked like the stereotypical form of death.

My face must have looked rather comical because the figures shoulders started shaking as it gave what I assumed to be a chuckle. The rattling noise seemed to envelope everything around me, exactly like the darkness did. Only this wasn't as comforting, more like a horrible lingering chill you can't get rid of.

"Wh–who are you?" I cursed the weakness clearly heard in my voice, "Where am I?"

The figure didn't answer me as he walked closer to me. He stopped an arms length away and brought a hand out from his sleeves. I stared at the appendage in horror.

Any skin, tissue, or muscle had been stripped clean off of the bone. I could easily see that there was an extra knuckle, making his fingers much longer than any normal human being. Covering the skeletal hand were overlapping layers of spikes, reminding me of a sharks skin.

The figure hovered his hand in the air next to him. He made a twirling motion with his fingers and the fog under his hand blackened as it rose from the "ground". The now black fog stopped rising and solidified into a long black staff. Sticking out of the top of the staff was a large curved blade.

Seeing the dangerous object in the skeletal hands of who I can only assume to be Death I naturally expected him to kill me. I cringed back when he raised the scythe, but instead of painfully stabbing me he struck the end of the staff against the ground, twice.

I waited for something to happen, but when nothing was forthcoming my body relaxed. As much as I could relax when standing so close to Death anyway.

We stood like that for a small moment, both of us watching the other and waiting to see what their next move would be.

Death moved first. He raised the hand not holding the scythe and reached passed my shoulder. I tensed and wondered what he was doing, but a sudden click from behind made me look back to see a doorway that hadn't been there before.

A sudden shove caused me to stumble through the doorway. I turned to go back but my way was blocked by Deaths figure. The doorway was gone, not even a door to signal its existence.

Death walked around me and my eyes followed his progress to the other side of the room where he sat behind a large black desk. His scythe disappeared and he beckoned me forward to sit in a black wooden chair across from him.

I crossed over the red persian rug and stiffly sat in the gestured chair. The only light in the room being the crackling fire from the large fireplace to the right of the room.

"Danielle Abby" Deaths rattling voice sent a shiver of fear down my spine, "I have been watching over you."

"Oh?" I croaked.

"Yes" the simple word bounced around the room. When no further explanation seemed to be coming I cleared my throat.


Death shrugged in a very human way, "Because I needed to make sure you survived your journey. It seems I failed, unfortunately."

I started to nod when I picked up what he had said. "Wait what do you mean survive my journey?"

"The method in which I sent you to the other dimension is prone to killing you mortals."

It took a moment for his words to fully sink in. "You mean to tell me you are the reason I was sent into the Harry Potter world?"

"Yes, I was the one who sent you to the 'Harry Potter world' as you called it."

"Why?" I asked incredulously.

"I was bored."

"You were bored?" I asked blankly.

"Yes." Death agreed.

"You mean to tell me that because of you I was ripped from my home and put into another dimension because you were bored?" I started getting angry.

"That is exactly what I'm telling you. But there is one thing that you got wrong." I glared at him for as long as I could until the unnatural darkness of his form cowed me. "You've never had a home."

My eyes widened as I looked at Deaths form. "What? Of course I've had a home!"

"Oh? The orphanage was your home then?" I went to argue but Death didn't give me the chance, "Do not even bother denying it. We both know there was nothing there for you in that world, so I decided to put you in another. It isn't like there was anyone who would have missed you," he mocked me.

"Maybe not, but they would have wondered what happened to me."

"Not if they forgot about you."

"What do you mean?" I eyes him more warily than usual.

"When you died–in both dimensions–your body disintegrated away, and any memory of your existence along with it. It will be like you were never born."

I stared at him in disbelief, "You can't do that!"

Deaths rattling chuckle filled the room, "But I can and I did."

"But all of my friends–"

"Do not remember you." Death waved his hand as if batting away a fly.

Sitting back in my chair I released an incredulous breath. Every question I've had on why I was sent to the Harry Potter world, any wondering thought on whether or not the people from my world noticed my absence, questioning if it was all a dream. All of these things were answered by Death.

"So why am I here?" I asked with defeat.

"Now that you technically don't exist anymore you have two options. I could either send you back to the 'Harry Potter' world, or you could choose to stay dead. Your choice."

"I want to go back to the Harry Potter world." I answered immediately.

Death nodded in acceptance, "Wonderful, but there are some things you should know."


"Any evidence of your existence will be blocked from the mortals minds. Now let me explain," he held up a hand when he saw me open my mouth, "I am sending you to the same dimension, but it will be a different time. It may be easier for you to make a backstory for yourself instead of trying to explain your disappearance."

"Why not just send me to the same time and allow everyone to remember me?" I suggested.

"What would be the fun in that?"

I made a frustrated noise, "Fine, I'll go to the other time. But can't there be at least one person who remembers me?"

Death shook his head, "Not one person will remember you." Death flicked his hand towards the ceiling and I looked up to deep black clouds roll in and cover the ceiling. A streak of lightning flashed across the clouds, briefly lighting up the room.

I looked back to Death, "Are you serious?" As soon as the words left my mouth another bolt of lightning flashed down and struck me.

When the flash of lightning disappeared the form of Danielle Abby was nowhere to be seen.