So guys , once again i had little plot bunny hopping around in my mind and thanks to the lovely ASadisticWriter i actually wrote this !

Full Summary :

Allen and Nea are fleeing from the black order , from the war . with Allen heavily wounded they finally reach a forest where he passes out and that's when Nea

got a idea . he sends them into another universe where they would be save . there they meet the Allen from that universe that's so very different but at the

same time so similar to him .

Warning : i will name the Allen that comes into the new universe together with Nea in the next chapter Aren since it will get confusing with the names . there

will be yaoi , Aren x Allen x Nea , Lemons and much fluffyness . and Nea is nice .. in his own way .. will get his own body ! and since there will be Lemons in

later chapters this is rated M. oh and sorry for the exessive amount of line breaks

Disclaimer : i don't own DGM , if i did Nea x Allen would be a thing

soo ... i don't think there is much more to say ? then , let's get started~!

Allen POV :

I was running , that's the only thing I could do at the moment . I can't remember how long I had been already running but seeing as when I started the sun was high

up in the sky and now it was dark with only the moon and the stars to provide a bit of light I assumed it must have been a good few hours . I was in a town my now ,

not many people were on the streets anymore , just a few homeless , whores , drug dealers , and drunks heading home . finally I let myself stop and lean against a

stone wall in a dark alley and slid down to the ground panting heavily . my feet hurt terribly and I almost thought I lost the feeling in one of my legs , well it wouldn't be

that strange since that leg was actually broken already before I started to run . now you will surely ask yourself why I was running , and from what ? easy , the black

order .


they had tortured me , starved and deprived me of sleep just so I would finally admit I was a traitor so they could execute me , but I stayed strong . when they

stabbed , beat and did all kinds of gruesome things to me I didn't falter , I didn't admit to be a sinner just so they can kill me and end the pain , I didn't want to sink

that low .


much has changed during the time the 14th started to show up inside me . people showed their true faces and I couldn't have been more wrong with what I believed

some of them were really like . a extreme example was Lenalee , the little princess who heaven forbid to get her hands dirty and always acted like the poor little sweet

girl . oh how wrong I was . she is actually just the bitch of Leverrie and lies into people's faces and manipulates them , all to serve in the name of god . her little act

even made her own brother believe she was the weak little girl who so desperately wanted to protect her family , but actually she worked for the higher ups and

exposed of the 'threats' . to think I didn't notice it , I should hit my head on a wall repeatedly .


there are really few people who haven't turned their backs on me , only Komui , a few of the scientists , the other exorcists who knew me , even Kanda which surprised

me greatly and what was even more shocking the generals who I barely knew but they seemed to trust me .


all of the others , who I once called family , were whispering behind my backs hoping they would kill me

when Road and Tyki helped me escape Lenalee actually dared to try and get me to come back , in return she got a slap from me she actually had deserved a long time

ago already , and god did I enjoy giving her cheek a nice red print of my hand .


after that everything went way too quick , I was sent through a ark gate and then started to run to get as far away from the order as possible . on the way I made a

interesting discovery , I learned Nea was actually not a bad guy , just happened to be born with the wrong genes you could say . he actually worked against the Earl

and the Noah which amused me since it was rather ironic , I was being almost killed for someone living inside my head who basically fought for the same purpose , to

kill the Earl and end the war .


me and Nea actually continued to talk in my head , I couldn't speak out loud while running since like that I would just loose too much breath which I really needed . we

soon had become friends as we talked , Nea at some point helping me run but taking over part of my body as I was too tired to continue


now back to the alley , I am currently panting , trying to recover at least some of my strength since I would have to continue running soon . while I recovered me and

Nea talked in my head again , we thought about ways to escape without any traces and be able to hide permanently from both the order and the Noahs . that task

wasn't that easy though , either everywhere were finder or Akuma and it was a miracle none of them had spotted me until now .


after some time of resting and coming up with nothing on how to permanently hide I continued to run soon getting out of the town . my leg ached and felt like it would

break apart for good any moment but I couldn't stop now , I had to at least reach the woods where I could hide better and rest for the night . my whole body

protested at the thought of having to run such a long distance until it could rest , the wounds all over my body that soaked my clothes with blood burned and my left

arm was paralyzed meaning I couldn't even fight back if someone attacked me .


finally , after another agonizingly long time of running I reached the woods . slowing down I slowly made my way deeper and deeper into the woods just to make sure

. finally feeling like I found a save spot in what looked like a oversized rabbit hole under a tree well hidden by plants I laid down and groaned softly my whole body

aching . I swore if I would be able to I wouldn't move for a week again.


closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I slowly relaxed and let my body go numb as I fell into the alluring darkness of sleep .

Nea POV :

I felt my dear host fall asleep and made sure he would have pleasant dreams , the poor boy deserved it after pushing himself so hard to get us away from the order

for now . I then started to think about a way to somehow get us away from this whole mess the two sides call a war and just couldn't come up with one


everywhere in the whole world were Akumas and the order's finders stationed probably all already having received the orders to capture my host . so where could we

go ? we aren't save anywhere in this world and no matter how often we run , some day we will be cornered with no way to flee . and with only us two even I have to

admit it would be impossible to take down both sides . and who could help us ? all of the ones that still trust Allen at the order can't help us since they are probably

already being watched themselves .

so what can we do ? what can we do ...

that's when it hit me . why stay in this world when there is no place for us here ?


slowly I opened the eyes of my host as I took over his body and looked down at the small golden golem that has so loyally followed Allen all the way "my dear

Timcanpy ... you must be tired too ... don't worry , I found a way to get all of us out of this mess" I said with a light smile while the golem perked up and looked up at

me clearly exited . chuckling softly I shook my head but stopped when I suddenly got dizzy . my host's body was heavily damaged and I had to admit it was amazing

me that he was able to run for that long in this alarming condition .


looking around I saw a puddle of blood had formed around the teen , all the blood I had held back from spilling out of the wounds as he ran . I only then realized just

how critical the 17 year old teen's condition actually was .


gritting my teeth I growled lowly in my throat , that damned humans dare do that to my dear host . but I had to calm myself down , first priority was to get my host and

myself along with Tim to a safer place , somewhere entirely else . concentrating for a few minutes on calling the ark and searching for a specific door I finally found it .

the instant I opened my eyes again I felt instead of grass and plants metal underneath me . since I highly questioned my ability to walk anymore with this body so

damaged I placed the door right beneath me .


the door had chains around it and many locks to prevent anyone from going through . I started to hum my melody and one by one the locks opened and the chains

disappeared that were attached to them . when I was done all the chains were off and I looked at Tim with a reassuring smile . the golden golem flew into the collar of

my host's jacket and hid there .


nodding to myself I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again and then laid my hand on the star on the middle of the door and the next moment I felt we were

falling just before I blacked out myself

Other universe

Third person POV :

A teen about 15 years old with long flowing white hair that reached his waist , bright silver blue eyes , pale skin and strange red scar on the left side of his face walked

along the streets . he had literally the slender body of a girl , the only thing that missed were the breasts . he had long thin , but not sick looking legs , round but small

hips , thin waist and slender arms , his shoulders like a girl not broad like a guy's . he didn't have any manly like muscles which added even more to people always

thinking he was a girl , the fact he was a crossdresser didn't really help either , but he got used to it and corrected the people with a genuinely kind smile . the teen's

name was Allen Walker


though he liked his appearance , actually many liked it cause it was exotic and he was just generally pretty , which had led to him becoming a model for girl's and

women's clothes , clothes for men didn't fit him . he was wearing a simple but pretty light blue sleeveless dress which had a lightly puffy skirt that reached a bit above

his knees , black flats and a black belt around his waist . he carried a black bag in which his purse , phone and about everything else was in that he could need during

the day . he wore a bit of makeup , just a light pink lipstick , eyeliner and mascara , he didn't wear much more most of the time , only on special occasions or shootings.


he was on his way home from a small meeting with Tyki , his photographer , at a cafe where they drank some coffee and chatted . he and Tyki had been good friends

from the first meeting in the agency on and since then it was always more comfortable at the photo shootings since he knew Tyki wasn't some pervert . they often met

to discuss the next shoot or just for fun to chat a bit , this time it had been a bit of both .


as he walked and got closer to his home , which was a grand luxurious modern villa , he walked by a forest and just when he was about to take a corner he saw

someone strange out of the corner of his eyes . blinking the teen turned around and looked up at where he saw what caught his eye and gasped as he saw someone

actually falling from the sky out of nowhere . he ran in the direction of where he saw they would land and saw it was the forest . as he ran he looked up and spotted

that it where actually two people and not only one which made him just run faster .

as he saw them disappearing in the trees he had reached the forest and tried to as quickly as possible get inside and through the thick bushes and other plants


as he arrived in a clearing his eyes widened when he saw what looked like a huge crystal in the middle of the clearing . it was both white and black , the light that

came from it not really light but neither dark , it was a strange mix . inside the crystal he could see two figures which he believed were the two people he saw falling

from the sky .


shyly stepping closer , not sure if it was good to get close to whatever that was he looked at it closer , more specifically at the two people inside and could make out it

were two males at least , one with white shoulder length hair and the other with dark hair that was shoulder length as well . he couldn't make out much more .


when he finally was standing in front of the crystal he felt more comfortable and warm , a warmth surrounded the crystal that was so different from the summer heat

that surrounded them at the moment , it was like he was being hugged by a person he held dear . slowly and hesitantly the teen reached up his hand shaking slightly

bur as soon as he touched the surface of the huge glowing thing a bright light emitted from it and he was thrown back by some kind of force .


as he opened his eyes again he shook his head to get rid of the dizziness and then looked over in shock at what just happened . what he saw lying there were the

two guys , but they seemed unconscious so he slowly and shakily crawled closer to them . he was shocked at what he saw .

first , they were dressed like they came from the 18th century , second one of them was surrounded by blood that clearly was his , and third , the same one looked like

himself !

so , you love it ? you hate it ? any questions ?

please review !