Bella has just found out about Jake being a wolf, but she decided to talk to him alone and he explained everything to her. She never went to Sam and Emily's house or his to confront him, he had managed to get away with the pack finding out he had told Bella because he spent the whole day with her until Sam saw them. Jake had to lie and say Bella cornered him, but Sam was still suspicious. Bella got a text from Jake saying to meet her at the party some kid from the res was having. She had seen him and they somehow ended up arguing when Bella got annoyed that Jake had said Sam had "permitted" him to attend the party. Also, in this version of the story, Bella hates Edward and has done since a couple of months after he left her.


I made my way through the crowd, even shoving a few people out of my way when they didn't move. I couldn't find Jake anywhere; I had to talk to him. To be honest, I was surprised Sam had allowed the pack to attend a party like this, surrounded by so many people who could easily wind them up. A horrifying image of Jake shifting in to a giant wolf slipped in to my mind.

"Bella, who is that guy you were talking to outside?"

I turned around and my eyes fell on Lauren. "Why?"

"He's… hot." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "You're seriously expecting me to introduce you to the guy I came here with? After you were completely horrible to me and you only seem to want to talk to me when you're in with the chance of meeting one of my friends?" I admit, I hadn't actually come with Jake, but I had seen him.

Lauren's eyes automatically narrowed when she heard my words.

"My, you move on fast. Last time I checked you were completely hung up over Edward."

I sighed heavily to show I was bored with the conversation and turned back around to continue my search for Jake.

"Wait," I called suddenly, I had just seen someone who looked like one of the guys Jake had been hanging out with, he was dancing. One of the…wolves.

The guy turned around and looked around over the heads of the crowd (he was incredibly tall) searching for the person who appeared to be shouting after him. His eyes fell on me eventually, and he looked slightly irritated.

"Sorry, have you seen Jacob?" I shouted over the music.

Everyone around us was doing some sort of slow robotic dance or swaying, and the guy started to do something similar. I couldn't help it, I snorted a little with laughter despite my hatred for the boy at the moment. Not hatred, just… angry that he was one of the people who had made Jake stay away from me.

"You're looking for Jake?" he shouted back, not looking at me properly because his eyes were scanning the room. "I can't see him anywhere… wait, come outside, I need to talk to you!"

I was a bit worried, I mean I was fine with everything Jake had explained to me but this seemed sort of like the big bad wolf scenario.

"Don't be a coward." I muttered.

"What?" the boy called, looking at me over his shoulder.

I just shrugged, and wondered how he had heard me. I followed him out in to the crisp air and felt sort of relieved; the party had been so cramped. The guy turned to look at me properly for the first time, and his eyes suddenly glazed over for a second and he was staring at me, right in my eyes. He was amazingly good looking, I noticed, and then I got annoyed at myself for thinking that. He shook his head and shut his eyes, turning away from me for a second.

"Oh, crap. Oh… sorry." He said, glancing at my startled expression.

"Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine." He breathed. "Anyway, you wanted… you wanted to find Jake?"

I nodded and he smiled at me.

"You're Bella, right? Bella Swan?"

I nodded.

"I'm Jared." He stuck out his hand, I think for me to shake.

I felt a bit wary of him, but I shook anyway.