A/N: Sooooo, I decided to write another story. I hope you like it! If you do please Review and if you didn't also Review! Let me know if I should continue this story guys! OUAT RETURNS ON SUNDAY. #FreakingOUT

Xoxo, RM

"Regina it is almost their eighteenth birthday, I demand to see her." Robin yelled through the magic mirror Regina had given him years before they had their children.

"You will not demand anything of me thief. You dare address your queen in that tone?" Regina asked raising a challenging eyebrow at him through her magic mirror in her chambers.

"I am not talking to the queen, I am talking to my former wife." Robin spoke, Regina rolled her eyes

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't screw up and I had both of our daughters." Regina mumbled

"I heard that, and why would I want our daughters to grow up with a mother who isn't sure of herself?" Regina shifted her weight, feeling the vein in her forehead throb, how dare he say that about her, she bit the inside of her cheek.

"Look." Robin sighed "Whatever happened between you and those three evil queens needs to be let go, you are the reason we can't be a family anymore, why Alex won't ever see her mother and why Avery will never see her father. It isn't fair to the twins." Robin said, Regina rolled her eyes

"This isn't entirely my fault thief, half of the reason of this was because of that wench you were with." Regina sassed back

"She was my wife! Regina, what was I supposed to do? Let her be on her own when we were in Storybrooke?"

"I was your wife at that time!" Regina yelled, tears filling her eyes, she shook her head, she wasn't supposed to cry, not in front of him. Robin looked at Regina, she was clearly upset and he had caused it.

"When did life become so hard?" he asked, Regina looked away

"I'm sorry Regina, I didn't mean to say those things. Maybe you're right, maybe now isn't a good time to put them together."

Robin said, Regina still avoided his eyes, those blue eyes that Avery had, a reminder of him whenever she looked at her daughter. She knew Alex was an exact replica of her sister, Regina sometimes would use her magic mirror to view her daughter in the woods with Robin.

"It's all about timing." Robin mumbled, Regina looked up into the mirror and sighed.

"It's always been." Regina said then flicked her wrists, Robin disappeared and all she saw was how heartbroken she still was, how she let her happiness be taken away again and again. She abruptly got pulled out of her thoughts as her chamber doors flew open and a pair of teenagers came in arguing with one another.

"Mom please tell Caspian that he is a stupid idiot and there are no such things as flying monkeys." Avery said walking towards her mother and placing her hands on her hips, she had Regina's black hair that was a lot longer than Regina's and pale porcelain skin but Robin's piercing blue eyes.

"Actually, the truth is your aunt created those beasts." Regina said with a smirk.

"Boom, I told you they exist." Caspian said smirking and crossing his arms. Avery rolled her eyes, another thing she inherited from her mother.

"Whatever." Avery mumbled, Avery looked at her mother, her eyes were wetter than usual and her cheeks were flushed.

"Set up the carriage for me please." Avery said to Caspian

"But-" he tried to protest

"Cas." Avery said sternly

"As you wish your highness." Caspian responded. "Your majesty." He said slightly bowing to Regina. As soon as he left Avery ran to Regina and gave her a hug.

"Oh." Regina said, a little surprised, she wrapped her arms around her daughter and caressed her long ebony hair.

"I love you." Avery said into Regina's shoulder. Regina pulled back to meet her daughter's eyes and smiled.

"I love you always." Regina said kissing her forehead.

"Why are you crying? Is it because I'm going to visit Snow? Because if it is, I don't have to go you know." Avery said

"Oh, no. I wish it were that simple sweetie." Regina said with a melancholy smile on her face.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Avery asked

"It's nothing, now you need to leave or else you'll never get to Snow's castle." Regina said

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, now go. Tell Henry I love him when you see him."

"Okay, Love you." Avery said hugging her mother once again. Avery dashed out of her mother's chambers her long ebony hair flowing behind her. Regina sighed, she was alone again. She shook her head and went to change into her riding outfit, she needed to lose herself again, and a ride would clear her mind she decided.

Robin closed his eyes for a few moments, that woman still drove him mad and there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think of her. He missed her scent, his arms being wrapped around her tiny frame and her lips, how he missed her soft lips.

"Dad!" Alex called before entering her father's tent.

"What is it Alex?" Robin asked

"I'm going scouting, I'll be back by tonight." Alex said quickly leaving.

"Alex." Robin said, Alex sighed and walked back into the tent.

"Yes?" she asked

"Riley is going with you." Robin stated

"But dad, all Riley does is complain and he slows me down." Alex protested

"It's him or you can stay and help the other normal girls with making dinner or perhaps wash some clothes." Robin teased.

"Oh god no." Alex groaned "Fine, Riley it is." She mumbled, Robin chuckled. Alex rolled her eyes then left the tent.

"Your cloak." Robin yelled after her, he grabbed the green cloak that was draped over a chair and ran after her.

"Thanks." She mumbled placing the cloak around her, and putting on the hood, her hair was French braided and she let it hang to the side of her, it ended at her waist, her long ebony hair.

"Be safe, stay on the paths." Robin spoke

"Always." Alex lied. "Love ya!" she said sprinting off into the forest with her bow and arrows on her back.

"Love you too." Robin said with a smile, he soon returned to his tent to grab a few things, he felt like he needed a ride, that woman still occupied his mind and he needed to clear his thoughts.

A/N: I think you all know where I'm going with this... OQ scene soon!
