Naoko's POV

I was walking along the street bouncing up and down behind Naomi and Ayumi, too bad Seiko couldn't make it. "Ice-cream Ice-cream!" I continued saying over and over again. The two were casually eating their one scoop ice creams, I already finished mines. "Hey guys!" I said while we were near a bench under the shade. "Hm?" They responded. "I got something for us all, in memory of our friendship!" I called out happily and brought three charms out of my pocket. They both gasped happily, firmly holding their ice-cream. "T-Thank you, Naoko!" They said and took their charms. Ayumi's charm was an A, A for Ayumi and A for her grades. Naomi's charm had a picture of us three plus Seiko, it was two weeks ago before she left for vacation.

"Make sure you guys bring them to school tomorrow! In memory of our first day of school!" I said happily and lifted my ice-cream charm to the sky. "Yah!" They said in sync and did the same. When we held them all close together, you could see the sunlight reflecting off of it in a beautiful, golden light.

Next day in third person

The girls laughed as they walked together out of school but they quickly stopped under the door frame as they saw rain pouring down. "Don't worry! I got it!" Naoko yelled and pulled out a cream colored umbrella out of her backpack and held it high in the air as if it was a sword. The girls laughed together as they continued talking under the umbrella. "I feel a craving for ice cream..." Naoko said with a smirk. "Then let's go!" Naomi and Ayumi said together and laughed. Naoko smiled and they walked together under the umbrella. As they finally reached the ice cream shop, they went out carrying the same type of ice-cream flavors and looks as yesterday. As they walked out, still under the umbrella, you could hear how the charms continued clanging together as they clashed into each other.

Ayumi started laughing after the conversation they had. "Naomi, you're so girly for choosing the color pink~!" Ayumi teased and stuck out her tongue that was covered with ice-cream. "Oh, shut up!" Naomi said playfully and shoved her playfully. The impact from the shove caused the ice cream to land exactly on the floor, and Ayumi didn't seem happy about it, at all. Ayumi faced Naomi and shoved her back, making her ice cream fall as well, and what started as a playful taunt, continued as a terrible argument between the two friends. "Guys stop!" Naoko said but they just ignored her and continued yelling back hurtful words at each other. "Come on guys, you're getting wet!" Naoko pleaded and gripped the umbrella handle tightly. Instead of stopping, the argument grew fiercer.

When Ayumi shoved Naomi, her charm fell off her backpack. Naoko quickly looked where it fell, on the middle of the road. 'good thing I saw Naomi's charm fall.' Naoko thought and went on the middle of the road to receive it. as she crouched down to retrieve it, she wiped the picture with her jacket sleeve. "Good." She whispered and smiled to herself. But as she did that, a huge bus was coming towards her. Her eyes widened along with Ayumi's, who was facing the road. "Naoko!" Ayumi screamed in terror while Naoko continued staring at the bus with widened eyes. As she got trampled over, her grip on the umbrella was gone. As Naomi and Ayumi watched that tragic seen, They fell to their knees. As they cried in the rain, Naoko's umbrella gently landed in front of them. It was completley covered in dirt and the umbrella was broke.

"T-The charm!" Ayumi sobbed and looked both ways before going to the middle of the street and looked down as more tears flooded her eyes and her hands were clasped over her mouth. The charm was broken in half. One half had Naomi, Ayumi, and Seiko while the broken half had Naoko. The rain falling that day could never compare to the tears running down the two's cheeks.

Naoko's Funeral, third person

The two were not standing next to each other, a huge gap was between them. The rest of Naoko's family and friends had left. Tasuki was the one crying the most though, continuously saying, i'm sorry I never told you how much I felt. Even while everyone left, Ayumi and Naomi continued standing near the coffin staring at it in silence. A picture of Naoko was set on top of it, showing her happy face. After a long silence, Ayumi choked on her tears. "I- It's all your fault." She sobbed and ran out the funeral home with no umbrella covering her from the rain. Naomi did nothing but watch her leave, a blank expression upon her face. While that scene was happening, the ghost of Naoko was sobbing uncontrollably, it hurt to see her two best friends fighting.

And it was because of her.

Seven Years Later

Bags were formed under Naoko's eyes, not being able to speak was finally getting to her. She was slouching on a rough wall with a blank expression. A white cat that appeared to be Akemi's slowly walked towards her and licked her hand. Naoko looked at it yet her expression didn't change. After a while, a woman with brown her zoomed past Naoko. Naoko stood up for no reason, and as if it was instinct, followed after the brown haired girl. As she was standing next to the girl, she was tangled in a web of people, talking with delight. Naoko ignored the people but kept notice of her surroundings. Beautiful cherry-blossom trees continued shedding pink petals. Naoko continued to concentrate on the woman she was following and noticed she was wearing a lab coat. 'Maybe a scientist?' Naoko thought and as the woman came to a stop, she stared at the door which was decorated with a picture that was a bit blurry. The woman looked down and pushed open the door without looking at the photograph a second time.

She continued walking into the tall glass building and slammed her palm onto the up button of the elevator door and continuously looks at her watch. The front door opens while bells jingle. The woman turned around and she saw a girl which had navy-blue pigtails and red hair-ties. Naoko widened her eyes. 'That's Ayumi and the girl i'm with is Naomi!' She thought in shock. As Ayumi came closer Naomi hopped into the elevator and just when her whole body was about to go in, she felt someone grip her hand. "I'm sorry... I wasn't.. I w-wasn't..." Ayumi started and gulped. "I wasn't strong enough. I saw the whole thing happen, but I just stood and stared... Please f-forgive me." Ayumi pleaded and Naomi looked back at her with tears in her eyes, too. "Of course I forgive you.." Naomi said and they came together with a tight hug, just out of the doors of the elevator. Naoko smiled while tears also ran down her cheek.

The final word

A few days later, Naomi and Ayumi were walking down the same street where they got their charms from Naoko. "D-do you have yours?" Ayumi said and lifted up a golden chain with an A hanging on it. Naomi chuckled. "I never knew you would still have yours, but I fixed mines." She said and held up her charm high up along with Ayumi. "W-We still never found Naoko's charm." Ayumi mumbled and they looked at the ground. Soon, an audible twinkle was heard and they looked at the sky. "Look!" Naomi shouted and pointed at the stars, if you looked carefully, it had a constellation of ice-cream. They laughed together and Naoko smiled for once. A bright light surrounded her, and from that she knew it was time, time to go. The light became brighter and swirled around her body. Her eyes were normal, she was smiling for once. Just as she was about to go she whispered something.

"Thank you."

And Naoko was gone when Naomi and Ayumi turned around. When they looked back at the constellation, they noticed a few more stars making a hearts where it should be. "Naoko.." They whispered as they held hands, tears of joy coming out of their eyes. Even with Naoko gone, their friendship will continue growing.

Naoko: Wow... I am... really sad.

Seiko: Lol, I don't know anything

Ayumi: Hope you enjoyed this story!

Yoshiki: This was based of the song, Reboot, by Miku Hatsune, Megurine Luka, and Sasume Zimi.

Tasuki: Miku is Ayumi, Luka is Naomi, and Zimi is Naoko.

Satoshi: If you're wondering, when the heck did Akemi get a cat.

Naomi: That'll happen in a story that will come out soon.

Naoko: Please share and review!

Ayumi: If you want more one-shots, contact Naoko!

All: Bai!