It was dark out,but the stars were kind enough to shed some light and of course was the bright gibbon moon.

The clock on a certain park in Akihabara showed 7:46.

Not far from the clock was a post that shone a little light , under it was a bench, on that bench sat a petite black-haired girl with twintails who was half-crying and half-whining about the bruise on her feet,and finally, in front of her is a kneeling beautiful redhead named Nishikino Maki who seemed to be treating the other girl's feet.

"This happened because you're an idiot." sighed the redhead,holding an antiseptic spray .

After they had separated with their co-club members from M's, Nico and Maki had a plan to go out.

Maki just wore a blue athletic hoodie and a short matching the colour of her hair. Even if she looked good with what she was wearing,it was clear to see she didn't dress up that much, because she didn't want senior to think she prepared for

To her surprise,her senior wore heels. 'Was this to even our height? Did she really hate being looked down on that much? Stupid Nico. She didn't even need to be bothered by her height since she's so cute...Wait...What am I saying? Where the hell did that thought came from?...Well...she IS cute

...' Maki said in her thoughts

Her senior ,just waved it off ,saying that it was fashionable.

Unknown to Maki's knowledge, Nico was really excited by this ...sudden and unexpected invite by her though it wasn't the first time she did. It was just rare considering how stubborn Maki was (though she wasn't one to talk) Nico would always be the one to woman-up and ask her out. Well ,she couldn't deny she was also excited because she loves sweets, and cakes are sweet , like Maki was being sweet, and she loves Maki too. ASDFGHJKL! She almost choked on her own saliva by the thought.

After they ate,they had decided to roam around Akihabara for a while . They even had a 7-way convo with the other members of their group to talk about what they were going to do about the upcoming Love Live(with Maki retorting to Nico in the background to merely annoy her) and their leader's issues which Nico ended saying she'll whip Honoka into shape .

Then it happened.

"Who're you calling an idio—OW!" the black haired girl cried at the sting of the antiseptic sprayed on her feet.

"Yes YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Mou. I can't believe you. Why would you wear something like this if you knew it didn't fit right Nico-chan? "

the redhead girl spoke again with a look of worry in her face.

She was not really mad,just worried why Nico would wear such thing that made her feet sore.

It was when Nico finally gave in to the pain ,it hurt to the point where she squealed and knelt down. Maki noticed this ...and that's how they ended up in this situation.

"B-Because...I'm ...chan..." the other girl mumbled,almost inaudible.

"What?" the latter asked because she didn't understand what Nico had said.


A few seconds of silence, then Nico felt the heat rising up to her cheeks realizing what she had said followed by a flustered Maki with the black-haired girl's words sinking in.

They've been dating for a month now, but they still weren't used to the fact that they were. They still feel awkward when they touched that subject, not because they don't love each other , but because they both don't understand what they felt for each other.

They can't quite put their finger on it. But Nico knew from the soap operas she watches with her mom, like Maki knew from some books she have read, it was similar to love.

Not what Nico felt for her family, or for idols , and not for what Maki felt for her family and music as well...but that one feeling...that one magnectic force that attracted them to each other.

They started going out because wanted to know more about what love was.

The redhead gulped then finally built up the courage to ask; "Can you wait here Nico-chan? I'll be back, I promise." then she started running.

"Eh?" was all Nico could say to the redhead's dissappearing figure .

She wondered if she had said something wrong...but she still waited under that light post for Maki.

She promised to be back after all.

It was just another normal day for practice in the rooftop. The Muses were gathered to start their routine with some stretches.

"Nicocchi, want to pair up with me?" a purple-haired figure asked Nico with a smile.

"I have a bad feeling about this ." Nico said with an anxious look .

"Nozomi, don't scare Nico like that and pair up with me." an approaching blonde said . Nozomi looked at her and teased "My~ Elicchi ! Are you jealous now?" she giggled making the blonde blush.


"Get a room you two." Nico scowled.

"Hmm~? Does someone want her washi-washi max today?" Nozomi looked at Nico again while making groping gestures in the air, the petite girl instinctively covered her chest while slowly walking away.

"I-I believe it's not me." she said defensively but Nozomi still approached her and somehow ended up behind Nico touching her shoulders.

Somewhere not far from the rowdy third years, Maki was looking at the three.

'She seems to be having fun. They are really close.. I wonder if she's going out with Nozomi or El—W-Well it's not my business though.' the redhead stuttered even in her thoughts then tried to shrug off a weird and unpleasant feeling.

After some stretches they started practicing their routine for for a new song they made(though it was mostly Umi and Maki)

Throughout the practice, Maki would notice Nico at the corner of her eye then steals a glimpse of her petite senior every now and then only to see her looking at her too. They immediately avert their eyes whenever this happens...only to find themselves looking at each other again.

Almost all of the days when they are practicing, it always happens. The two of them, stuck to feeling of wanting to catch a glimpse of each other, but of course, Maki is much too stubborn to admit this and she'd always say that it was Nico's fault for looking in the first place ,on the other hand Nico was just as stubborn as Maki too so after practice, they'd always start bickering and arguing with their famous line "Why are you looking at me?" "I only looked because you were looking" .

Only this time, it was different.

Though they were always arguing, they both started to realize, they are the same in many ways. Nico started to see a side of Maki that only shows when she teases her and those rare occassions when Nico was tired and sweaty after practice, the redhead would hand her a towel or a bottle of water and say something rude but Nico knew that she was being kind ,and actually considerate of others though Maki won't admit it. The petite girl find these sides of Maki, cute. But one thing she really admired Maki for was , her love for music. Nico stumbled on the redhead playing the piano in the music room once. She found it relaxing and heart-warming whenever Maki plays every song she plays was tinged with love for music. Nico started listening secretly to Maki play whenever she passed by the music room. Sometimes the songs were jumpy and joyful ,and sometimes it was sad ,melancholic but Nico could still feel her junior's passion in each note.

Nico would look at Maki from the door and see her expression was soft, her eyes closed, and her body swaying gracefully whilst her hand danced on the keys. It's another side of Maki she didn't expect to see, but she admired it. Yet, Nico will never-ever admit any of these things to anyone,especially to that person.

After the practice Eli gathered them for a short speech about how they improved and where they should focus more and whatnot about the routine.

When Eli dismissed the group, Nozomi pulled the blonde saying that she wanted try the parfaits somewhere near the station ; Honoka was followed by the two second years with a rowdy exit , leaving Nico and the first years.

"Kayo-chin I want to eat ramen nyaa~! Practice made me hungry." the cat girl said then put her hands in her stomach.

"Y-Yeah. Okay . Ramen it is Rin-chan." Hanayo said the turned to face Maki who was still wiping off the sweat from her forehead and leaning on the bars of the rooftop fence. "Are you coming with us Maki-chan?"

"Eh? Su—" Maki started to walk towards the two when she felt a tug on her shirt. She turned and saw her crimson-eyed senior looking at her with an expression she couldn't figure out if it was angered, irritated or confused . "N-Nico-chan?"

"You're no fair."


Hanayo, sensing the heavy atmosphere,knew it was the cue to leave.

"M-Maki-chan seems to be unavailable Rin-chan ..Let's go." she pulled the catgirl by the hand and headed for the door.

"But I wanted to go with Maki-chan nya~"

"S-See you tomorrow. Maki-chan. Nico-chan." said Hanayo while giving them a last look before closing the door.

After a few seconds, Maki let out a sigh then looked at Nico. "What's this about me not being fair?"


The redhead was irritated and trying to keep her cool ' What is Nico going on about? Saying I'm unfair, she's the one who's unfair...' She gritted her teeth at the thought.

Nico on the other hand was lost in thought. She realized what she had just done and thought of a way out. 'God! Why did I do that?! That was so irrational of you Nico! It's not like you! Well...It was Maki's fault anyway! Of course I'd start to wonder why I always catch her looking at me! Well I do catch a glimpse of her too but...seeing her looking at me? How in the hell am I not supposed to get my hopes up...? Wait —hopes about what? Maki liking me? Why would I hope about that?! No waaay! I ...I like Maki-chan? Wow! Is time just slow or am I thinking really fast right now? How—"

"Hey baka Nico! Say something. "

The redhead cut her trail of thought. Nico still looking at her feet finding peices of words to say.

"Maki-chan ... is unfair! I mean... Why do you always keep looking my way!? Seriously,stop it! It's distracting and irritating you know? I don't know what the hell is your problem with me! And don't even tell me that it's because I'm looking at you.. " she tried to sound like her usual bickering tone with Maki,letting go of the redhead and crossing her arms whilst averting her gaze. Although, some parts of what she said was a slip of the tongue. She really didn't want Maki to stop looking at her...but she knows that Maki was used to their usual bickering they both always end up saying things like that; to stop looking. But they didn't.

It's like it was the only way they could communicate with each other, being the tsunderes they are. Fighting was kind of suited for them...but somehow it feels like they were actually going along, not that they admitted it.

She knew Maki would just make a comeback with a rude insult.

But to her surprise, the redhead didn't

After mere seconds Maki spoke trying to sound uninterested. "I see. Is that it?" the redhead said and was now the one looking at her feet.

Nico gulped . It was not Maki's usual deadpanned tone. There was something off although she really tried to make it sound like she was her usual self.

"..then if it is so, I'm leaving. Don't worry. I won't do it again. " she turned around and started walking away without even looking at Nico. Her teeth still gritted not wanting to let her emotions out,nor the water trying to come off her eyes.

Nico did not expect this . She began to worry if she had said something wrong...

"Hey ! Wait up you! I didn't hear your answer . What's wrong with you?!"

She wanted to prioritize the last question, but she can't. Being embarrased and thinking it'd be out of character.

"What's ...wrong with me? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME , REALLY?

Maki couldn't hold it any longer...She wanted to know what's wrong herself . Why she always had this strange peircing and pleasurable feeling in her heart whenever it's about this petite third year .

Nico could only widen her eyes in surprise when Maki faced her . Seeing tears in those violet-orbs. Drawing closer...closer...until she felt a strong tug on the collar of her shirt as if she was being pulled up...but still looking at the redhead's eyes. With only 'why?' registered in her brain.

"WHY?! Why do I always want to see that stupid Nico Nii pose? Why do I always want you around? Why do I always like seeing your face when I tease you? Why do I always feel strange and hurt when I see you so close with Nozomi or Eli or anyone else? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME NICO-CHAN! I want to know too...I want know.."

Maki exploded as tears continued to flow... Her grip on Nico softened and she was now leaning on Nico's neck.

Nico was shocked. Flustered...Veeery surprised with what the redhead said. She could only hold Maki in her arms while patting her in the head to comfort her. 'This girl...Could it be that she was jealous over Nozomi and the others? She...likes me. Maki likes me . Oh God. Geez. Well...She's young. She's not good with these things yet..Not that I'm any better. We're on the same boat huh?'

Nico thought as she carressed the redhead.

Maki had calmed down after a good minute or so. She released herself from Nico's hug.

"I-I'm fine now. Thanks."

Silence followed.

(Cricket chirps,just kidding.)

Nico cleared her throat. Then smiled at Maki while doing her Nico Nii pose.

"Don't worry Maki-chan~! Nico loves you too nico~!"

Maki felt heat rising up to her cheeks. Then averted her gaze from Nico while crossing her arms.

"I- I don't remember saying that though?" She tried not to stutter , only to fail.

Nico went to Maki's side then wrapped her arms around her junior's neck. Maki tried to remain stoic.

"But Maki-chan, those things you said , like you were jealous and want Nico around you. Isn't that what it meant? Hmm~?"

Maki grunted. "That's ..."

"Hmm~?" Nico inched her face closer to Maki's which was averted from her though.

"That's not..."

"Hmmmm~!?" Nico connected their cheeks.

"That's not wrong at all though?" Maki grunted in defeat.

While Nico let out a 'Yehey!' sound of victory.

Nico realized their position and let go of Maki . Both parties embarrassed.

Nico's thoughts: 'Heh...Hugging Maki felt so natural...She smells so nice and her skin is really sof—Uwaa!—what am a I thinking!?"

Maki's ; 'Nico-chan's hug felt warm ...and nice...She smelled like strawberries, her sweat too..—BUEHH! Wierd thoughts keep coming again. This must be it's like to love huh? They make people go out their minds. I mean , I'm not out of my mind. '



"Would you go out with me?!"

"No fair! That's my line!"

"U-ueehh?! I ..I said it first so would you...go out with me? Hurry up and answer. It's embarrassing to repeat it baka Nico."

Maki ,with all her courage offered a hand to Nico her head turned to the side,cheeks with the same color as her hair.

Nico's face lit up.

"O-okay then. The great Nico Yazawa is gonna go out with you."

She took Maki's hand and that's where their quest for love...started.

Nico smiled remembering how Maki had confessed to her although it wasn't much of a confession. It was more of an interrogation.

'Oh Maki-chan. Where are you? What if you really left? Oh my GOD! I'm a beautiful maiden ,all alone and defenseless what if something happened to the cute Nico? What if I get abducted by aliens or something? Or what if something happened to Maki instead? Oh Maki! Please hurry up!'

Nico thought though she was actually saying some of the parts in a panicked tone.

Just then , she saw a figure running towards her. What a releif to see it was the redhead holding a paper bag.

"Maki-chan! What took you so long? Geez. I was so worried about you. And aren't you worried about leaving a defenseless cute girl in the night?"

Nico blabbed wearing a pout .

"I was only gone for ten minutes. I tried to be back here as fast as I could... Although , I'm not that worried because I know no one will ever abduct you."

Maki said mockingly and knelt down to fidget with the contents of the paper bag.

"What was that!? You arrogant brat! I'm—"

Nico was cut off when she felt a kiss on her toes.

"No one is gonna take you away because the universe knows you are mine."

Maki stated in as-a-matter-of-factly tone.

"Wha.. .Maki-chan?" Nico,surprised and flustered by Maki's actions and boldness, couldn't become more surprised when she saw a beautiful and expensive looking red pumps put on her right foot by the redhead.

The redhead continued putting the footwear on Nico's other foot.

"There! Perfect!"

she said as she finished and stood up while cleaning her hand in two-claps proudly.

"T-Thank you Maki-chan."

Said Nico while still in awe by the pumps, or Maki, or maybe both.

"Mmm..Yeah...I mean... I-I just felt sorry for the shoes 'cause no one is buying that. Don't get the wrong idea."

The redhead started to feel embarrassed again then crossed her arms, putting on her grouchy aura.

Nico saw this as an opening and began to tease her junior. "Ehhh~? I bet you bought this with love for Nico Nii~!" She mused while doing her signature pose.

'I was eyeing this one on that store we passed. The price was even written in foreign currency. Aaah..'re so shy. It's so fun to tease you too. Soooo cute! I know it. You are considerate of others...and me... Not that you'll admit those..' Nico giggled at the thought

Maki on the other hand was blushing hard . "Sh-Shut up! I was just teaching you how to buy shoes that fit! Baka Nico-chan!"

"My my Maki-chan . Being possessive and romantic just a while ago, and now you know my foot size? Just how much you love Nico? Hmm~?"

Nico stated then hugged Maki ...on her waist because she was still sitting.

"Yeah yeah. S-Shut up!"

"You keep saying shut up to Nico. Nico will be sad you know?" the sitting girl looked up to Maki with a pout trying to catch her attention, which worked.

"U-Ueeehh?! Wh-What am I supposed to do then?"

She said while looking at Nico .

"Mmm~? Then how about you say...'I love you , Nico~."

"B-BUEEEHH!? Why am I supposed to say that!? It's...It's embarrassing."

"Please ? Maki-chan?" Nico pleaded.

'Oh goodness gracious... Not those puppy eyes... Keep them away from me..' Maki's cheeks couldn't become anymore like a tomato right now.

"Don't you love Nico?"

Nico's tone became more serious making Maki nervous.

Does she love Nico? Well there was nothing more to think of than Nico's face sending a flutter in Maki's heart every damn time .

Maki held Nico's cheek in her hand and smiled.

"Yes . Yes I do. I love you Nico Yazawa."

Nico couldn't move for a second. It was like the first time Maki had said she loved her. She was truly happy being with this girl. Maki Nishikino...stoic? Not really . Strict, yeah. Grumpy at times...especially when arguing with her. Looks so fragile when she cries. So innocent. Graceful like a princess .Yet her beauty inside and out made her sparkle that shed a little more light on Nico's life. This thought came to her many times proving how attached she was to her. Yeah she was addicted this redhead.

Nico stood up and smiled.

"You might act like the evil queen sometimes, but I guess you'll always stay as my princess. I love you too Maki-chan." Nico's hands found their way to Maki's shoulders then pulled her down slightly so she could lean in for a kiss.

It was chaste and didn't last long but enough to make them both satisfied. Their lips parted with smiles and flushed faces.

Nico tightened her grip on Maki for support.

" feet still hurts." the raven-haired girl groaned.

Maki chuckled. "You totally ruined the moment Nico-chan."

They both laughed and Maki decided to carry Nico on her back though her senior protested. Being carried by an underclassmen hurt her Nico-Nii ego, but this was Maki. She couldn't deny it felt nice and warm on her junior's back.

So there they were, enjoying each others warmth, strolling under the starry skies, guided by the moonlight.

Nico thought that this had been a very awesome night...another awesome date.

All she could think of was how miraculously she ended up dating the diamond princess—HER diamond princess.