AN: This is my first Taito drabble, with a side dish of Takedai (Takeru x Daisuke), although they won't be the main focus of this drabble.

Warning/s: Taito, Takedai, slight Sora-bashing, jokingly/sarcastically implied Soyako, shounen-ai and slight cussing/language. Everyone but Takeru and Daisuke is 17, while they are 14.

x O x

"I can't keep on going like this Yamato!" Sora groaned, hands in her hair out of frustration. "You forgot about our anniversary... again!"

"I'm sorry." Yamato muttered. "I told you, I had band practice that couldn't be postponed."

"Oh yes!" Sora glared. "That band of yours! Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking three years ago when I thought that was cool! You literally have no time for me and my needs and I usually end up talking with Miyako over the phone all night, crying to her about my ... no, your ... problem."

"My problem?" Yamato looked up at her, his blue eyes narrowed. "Than why don't you go and be with Miyako instead?"

"You know what?" Sora picked up her bag and turned to leave. "Maybe I will! Or maybe I will take up Taichi on that offer... god knows, he had been pinning after me for so many years..."

Yamato just snorted as she slammed the door behind herself.

"As through you weren't waiting for him to break up with his girlfriend." he smiled. "Disgusting, really."

x O x

Yamato was strumming on his guitar for what felt like hours (but was probably only a few minutes) when his poor door was met with a pair of fists.

"Yama, open up!" the all too familiar voice of his best friend reached his ears as he put down the guitar and got up.

"Tai? What is it?" he called, walking into the hallway to open the door, just to see his friend's worried face. "What happened?"

"I should be asking you that!" Taichi glared. "Sora just came around to my place, claiming how you two broke up and how she was ready to take me up on my offer for that date years ago!"

"Did she?" Yamato asked, bored. "Than why aren't you on a date with her now?"

"Yes and..." Taichi stopped to stare at him. "Why would I be?"

"I don't know, Tai. Maybe cause you liked her since ... forever? Don't think that I didn't notice your broken looks when she 'picked' me over you."

"Well... yeah." Taichi ruffled his bushy hair. "But that was ages ago... just a silly little school crush." he chuckled, looking around as Yamato led him inside the apartment. "Where is Takeru? I thought that today was the day that he was supposed to visit you two..."

"Really?" Yamato asked him, surprised. "And yes, it is. But he had also promised Daisuke that he would go and watch a movie with him today and god knows what else. He felt horrible about it but I told him that it was fine. There would always be days like this and he couldn't just break the promise he made to Daisuke." he added, speaking calmly. "And no, I'm not wounded or hurt over it. I realized long ago that he has grown up... which makes me wonder, how did Hikari take them dating?"

"What do you mean?" Taichi asked amused, plopping himself down on the couch. "She was happy as could be for them! Even picked out their outfits, the movie, what they would say to each other... everything."

"I didn't think that Hikari was a fangirl." Yamato sat beside him, slightly shocked.

"Neither did I." Taichi grinned. "But it's all fine by me... anyways." he glared. "Let's go back to the topic of you and Sora..."

"There is no Sora and I anymore, Tai." Yamato put his head on the other's shoulder, like they used to when they were younger. "Strangely enough, I'm not as a hurt as I thought I would have been..."

"Shame." Taichi spoke. "I literally left her in the dust, trying to get here as soon as I could to mend your broken heart!"

"What?" Yamato looked up, starting to gape as Taichi's lips met his briefly.

"It's fine." he muttered against the singer's lips. "I will always be there for you."

x O x

"TAICHI!" meanwhile, Sora was shouting as she ran all around the Yagami's apartment block. "Where are you!? I thought we had a date!"

The youngest Yagami child opened their front door to stare at the redhead.

"For crying out loud, onii-chan is gay! So, shut up already you tart!"

Sora gaped at the usually calm and friendly child of Light, as the younger girl simply slammed the door in her face.


AN: If anyone is curious to know, "tart" is supposendly a polite word for a woman who doesn't stick with only one man. Hikari being Hikari, I didn't want her to be impolite so... yeah. Hope you liked this little drabble, R&R or just fave XD