I don't own these characters. ~ means thoughts. I know I'm not the best at naming chapters lol. Enjoy.

Norton and Peanut wait by the autoshop for Jimmy Hopkins to pass by on his way to Gym the next day. Norton grabs him and pulls him into the closest garage. "What the hell?! Greaseballs I don't

know what kind of shit you're up to now, but leave me outta it." Peanut put his hands up. "Look we're not gonna hurt you or anything. We need your help." Jimmy huffed. "Yeah and why should I help you?"

Norton stood at his full height. "Ain't yous 'pose to be the king of the school or sumtin'? 'Sides this is kinda important." "Important? Big word for you oil spill." Norton's eyes narrowed as he gripped Jimmy's

shirt and pushed him into the wall. "I'm a lot smarter than you think you little twerp. Are you gonna help or not? We could do it ourself but people might get hurt. Johnny is missing and we have reason to

believe the townies have something to do with it. And there's some bad blood between us Greasers and them dropouts. If you ain't gonna assist us then we'll take matters into our own hands. Things

might turn into an all out brawl though." With that said, Norton let go of Jimmy and walked to the other side of the garage. Jimmy was in shock. He never heard the bigger Greaser say so much in the whole

year he had been at Bullworth. "Alright! Fine. I'll help find Johnny." Peanut smiles. "Thank you Jimmy." Jimmy just scowls at the other boy. "Can I go now?"

Loud and bright are the first things that come to mind as Johnny wakes. The sun illuminates the room Johnny is in. He's in what appears to be a cell. A straightjacket restrains his arm. He can hear multiple

people screaming. Johnny rushes towards the door when his ears pick up the sound of keys rattling. "Back up and face the wall inmate." Johnny doesn't move. "Why am I here?" "BACK UP AND FACE THE

WALL!" Johnny does what he is told. Staring at the wall, Johnny decides to try again. "Why am I here? There's been a mistake. I's shouldn't be here." The orderly laughs and sticks a needle in Johnny's arm. Johnny collapsed to the floor. "That's what they all say."

Jimmy was looking around New Coventry trying to pick up anything about Johnny. He rode his bike quickly through Blue Skies trailer park on his way to Happy Volts Asylum. He had just finished spray

painting the town hall and now everyone hated him. Every major clique in school hated his guts. Funny how three of the leaders of those groups told him that he should do it in the first place. ~Hypocrites~

While leaving New Coventry, he had heard some townies talking about getting revenge on the Greasers by sending Johnny Vincent to the loony bin. So far Jimmy had had a shit day. First there were

rats in the library and the gym was on fire. He got blamed for doing all of it, but managed to convince both parties of his innocence by helping to take care of the problem. And now he had to figure out how

to break the Greaser boss out of an insane asylum. ~Maybe I should check myself in after today. Would be a freaking vacation from all the shit that's been happening lately.~ Jimmy drives around the

outer walls of the asylum following the dirt road. After a short while, he found a tree that he could climb up and over the tall barriers that surrounded Happy Volts. He snuck past the sentry patrolling the

front doors. Running around trying to find Johnny, Jimmy could hear the sounds of screams and what could only be a drill. ~What are they doing to people here?~ Jimmy crept by the orderlies overseeing

the A block cells. Inmates were slamming themselves into the walls of their cells. Not finding the Greaser king, Jimmy moved on. "I don't care, but he sure does yell a lot." ~This place is as guarded by

orderlies as the school is by those jerk prefects.~ He silently evaded sentinels in B block while quickly searching for any sign of Johnny. After almost getting caught twice, Jimmy finally found Johnny in cell

2. "Jimmy! I'm not crazy. Those damn dropouts set me up. Yous gotta get me outta here. Go get one of them uniforms." Jimmy was as stealthy as a ninja as he made his way back to the entrance of the B

block cells and over to where the showers and laundry room was. He quitely opened the door to find a small hallway leading to yet another door. As he was about to open it, Jimmy heard footsteps walking

by on the other side. ~Shit! Really need someone to guard the laundry? I wonder if an inmate was sane and smart enough to try to escape by stealling an 't be surprised if Gary has

been locked up here before...scary to think about~ Jimmy waited for the footsteps to fade before slowly opening the door. He softly darted over to the other side of the shower stalls as the guard was

making his way towards the door again. Then he noiselessly paced over and through the next door to the laundry room. He hastily searched the piles of clean clothes until he came across an orderly

uniform. He swiftly shucked his clothes and hurriedly dressed in the fresh and rather tight outfit. Once Jimmy donned the costume, he went to the control room. Asking the guard to switch so he could take

a break. Jimmy unlocked all the cells, freeing Johnny as well as all the patients in block B. "I'm free ya wankers!" Jimmy met Johnny outside of the control room and together they ran back to the large break

room area that connected all the cell blocks. As soon as they got through the doors, all the exits were closed off by steel barricades entrapping the two boys. Frantically looking around, rushing to find a

way to escape, Jimmy noticed one of the steel doors was bent open a bit. He went over to it and started to lift it up. He pulled with all strength. Knees bent, jerking his arms upwards, until at least the

cage door was wrenched open. It lead them to block C which appeared to broken down and abandoned. They followed one hallway only to be met with a dead end. Chunks of metal lay in a huge

pile on the floor blocking any way out. They had to double back and take the other hallway. The floor is nothing more than wooden planks that wobble and creak as they walk. They come across a large room

with one door that leads to a morgue. The next room has a huge stove with a fire going. The scent of death and burning clings to the small room. Both boys try not to think what this area is used for. They

find another door and ran for it. As they open it, warm sunlight caress their faces. Finally outside, they run around the back of the building where Jimmy guides Johnny to the tree he used to get in. Once

over the walls, they slowly trot along the dirt road to the main gates of the Happy Volts Asylum. "Thanks Jimmy. I had been working when Lola came to see me. Next thing I know is I'm being pulled

into a van and a bag is put over my head. There were a few people in the van with me. I didn't know it was those townies until they started going on about how badly they had beaten Peanut a few years

ago. They said they was gonna do worst next time and I may have lost it a bit. That's when they dropped me off here. Couldn't let them hurt Peanut. Anyways I gotta go and make sure he's alright."