The Maniwanis deserve some love too!
Disclaimer: I don't own the ninjas, or Katanagatari

Rating: K

The spring was coming. It could be smelled in the air; a combination of freshness, blossoming cherry flowers and morning dew. The sun seemed to shine brighter and warmer, bringing joyous smiles and happy glints to the faces of the coldest of strangers, busiest of passer-bys and kindest of innkeepers.

The Maniwa Village was no exception.

There, at the yard of an elderly woman, to whom many trusted their children for the day, twelve kids enjoyed the great outdoor air –well, 11 and a half.

Maniwa Houou, oldest of the pack of ninjas-to-be, was sitting under the oldest and largest cherry tree in the "granma"'s yard (and the whole village's!) holding a wrapped up bundle called 'Pengin' on his lap.

"Yare yare… At least it stopped crying…" The red-clad boy sighed leaning his head against the tree trunk. "I swore to the kamis if it hadn't I would've danzai'ed its head off!"

"Yeah, right!" A girl giggled, catching the boy's attention.

Recognizing the owner of the voice Houou pouted and huffed: "At least I can use my ninpou, Kyouken!"

"Aha, to cut a leaf in two!" Kyouken snickered and ran off her violet hair swaying in the breeze.

"dono-Houou, her mind Don't." A voice said from between the budding cherry blossoms and leaves.

"Hmm, hai, Shirasagi."

The addressed boy flipped around smiling, one leg draped over the strongest of three branches, rest of the child hanging upside down, almost eye level with the white-haired ninja-to-be.

".effectively ninpous our use to how knows us of one No"

"That's quite a…comforting thing for you to say, Shirasagi," Houou said arching an eyebrow, "you're normally a lot more…distractible."

"!look, Oh !back coming are harons The," the white-clad ninja exclaimed pointing at the sky and disappeared into the foliage.

"Like I said…" The red-clad boy's voice trailed off and, sparing a glance at the baby in his arms, he turned to follow what the rest of the Maniwa clan's future hopes were doing.

Maniwa Mitsubachi, wearing a whole yellow yukata was on his knees in the grass by a lily bush. Some bees were busying themselves with the sweet nectar from the flowers and, as always, lil' 'Bachi couldn't take his eyes off of them, his black bangs hiding effectively said eyes.

One of the bees buzzed to greet the small boy, circling around and around his head until settling down on his nose, the feelers moving slightly.

"Ka…" Mitsubachi started. "Kamakiri…!"

The green-clothed, grown-uppish ninja-to-be standing on one of his legs, arms brought up to his sides crooked his eye open a bit.

"…What? I'm practicing my stance."

"Look! I've made a new frie- OW!" The younger boy exclaimed as his hands shot to his face. "IT STUNG ME!" Tears started to drip from beneath the dark bangs.

The green-clothed boy sighed and walked to lil' Bachi's side.

"There there…" Kamakiri said soothingly patting the yellow clothed boy's shoulder. "Let me see that…"

"Owowowowowowow…" Mitsubachi sniffled face wet and nose tip bright red.

"Let's go put some cold water on it. You should know better, 'Bachi."

The younger future-ninja hiccupped and wiped his face to his sleeve: "H-hai, Kamakiri-dono…"

The two boys headed indoors leaving the bees to tend to their business, and the other Maniwa kids to play in the sunny weather.

Not far from the same lily bush, behind some tall shrubs -out of the prying eyes of their kindergarden lady- Kuizame, "Hades" Koumori, Kawauso and Umigame were indulging themselves in a high gamble game of whose snail is fastest. They were mindful to keep their voices down (they had already been scolded for gambling on their chores before) as they cheered the sluggish creatures forward. Kawauso was out of the game already, since his snail had abandoned the race track and was munching on the undergrowth of the bushes by the track.

"Faster… FASTER…!" Koumori whined behind gritted teeth, pounding the grass by his snail of choice. "Win for me!"

Two of the small animals were neck to neck, while the third was lagging behind, still in the race but out of the competition for the winner's title. Kuizame poked it bored, giving up the race and ignoring the heated battle for victory. The prize wasn't anything interesting anyway, since they hadn't gambled for money.

"C'mon…!" The bat-named ninja-to-be cheered. "C'mon…! Oh, man!"

Koumori's disappointment was met with a hearty laugh from the victor, Umigame.

"Well, now! Did you really think that the glorious, amazing I would lose? Ha! Don't make me laugh! Oh, and you all own me your cherry desserts!"

The other three contestants sighed loudly. They wouldn't hear the end of the turtle-ninja's victory for weeks… That is, if one of them wouldn't win him before that.

"Double or nothing!" Koumori yelled, hopping to his feet and pointing at the grayish-green clothed older boy.

"Hai," Umigame answered to the challenge, "if you think you can spare losing another sweet treat to the fabulous me!"

"Name your game."

Kawauso and Kuizame, who had watched the exchange of words, backed away slowly and snickered. This would be good.

Meanwhile, on the other edge of the small yard, a blue-clothed boy was desperately trying to catch a butterfly.

"Come… here… you… stupid… insect!" He grunted between jumps, but the pretty fluttery animal got away.

Chouchou sighed sadly and sat down annoyed. "I just wanted to show you to Oshidori-dono…"

"What did you want to show me, Chou-san?" A girl's voice asked suddenly.

The blue-dressed ninja-to-be jumped up in one swift movement. "A pretty butterfly! Though it wasn't as pretty as you Oshi."

The brown-haired girl hid her smile and reddening cheeks behind the sleeves of her pink yukata and let out a small giggle. "Don't pull tricks on me, Chou!"

"No no, I'm not lying! You really are pre-" The boy snapped his mouth shut and abruptly turned around to hide his own reddening face. He slowly poked his fingers together.

Another giggle.

"The flowers smell nice near the pond," the girl said silently, "wanna take a walk with me…?"


The two locked hands and headed towards the small water pool by the house, where a family of ducks were happily swimming and quaking.

The wind blew gently over the Maniwa clan village, fluttering cherry blossom petals around. The atmosphere was happy. Spring was almost upon them.

Just a bit of joy for the unlucky Maniwanis. :)
Comments are highly appreciated!