
It was the night before the annual San Fransokyo Institute of Technology Robotics Showcase. The gang had all gathered in Tadashi and Hiro's garage to help him with any final retouches to his microbots. After putting the last of them in the large blue bins, Fred began to yawn obnoxiously.

"Well, guys, time for me to hit the hay, my man Heathcliff is waiting for me outside in the family limo, anyone need a ride?"

Honey Lemon nodded, her large green eyes growing tired from beneath her pink glasses, "I should probably tag along, it's getting pretty late. Wasabi, Go Go, are you two coming?"

They both shook their heads.

"Ah, well, I'll see you guys tomorrow! Get some sleep, Hiro. Tomorrow is your big day!" She said happily, giving him a tight hug before leaving while Tadashi and Go Go both gave him looks of amusement from his rather uncomfortable facial expression.

Wasabi left shortly after Honey Lemon and Fred, claiming that his sleep schedule would be ruined if he stayed any longer, and Hiro was promptly sent to bed to get some rest for the upcoming day.

"Well, I guess it's just the two of us now, Go Go."

The raven-haired girl smirked in response, sitting up from where she had gotten comfortable in a large office chair with wheels.

"I don't think there's enough room here for the two of us, Hamada. One of us is going to have to be eliminated, and I doubt it's going to be me."

Tadashi laughed, his signature grin appearing on his face. "Oh come on, you know you enjoy my company."

"Sure, Hamada, sure. Keep telling yourself that." She said as a small yawn resurfaced from within her.

"Aw, Go Go, that was such a cute yawn."

Go Go felt her cheeks flush at the comment, but immediately shook it off.

"I should probably head home, I'm not tired but it's getting late."

"It's nice out, why don't I walk you to your apartment? I can take your bike to you another day."

The pair headed out of the garage and stepped outside into the warm, summer night. The bright, full moon hung high in the pitch black sky that was dotted with glimmers of stars against the dark back drop.

"Having trouble staying caught up to my longer legs' stride?"

Tadashi teased, Go Go playfully shoved him aside.

"Oh please, you know I'm faster, even with my shorter legs."

"How about a little race then? Loser buys dinner."

"You're on, Hamada. First one to my apartment wins"

"But that's at least half a mile away! I said a little race!"

"See? You know I'd win." Go Go said, her thin, pink lips curving up into a sly smile.

"Alright, fine you're I'll take you you up on that race."

They readied themselves, Tadashi exaggerating his starting stance, much to Go Go's amusement.

"On your mark, get set...GO!"

The two dashed off, both of them staying neck and neck, Tadashi's long strides having no advantage over the speed of Go Go's lithe legs despite her height. Finally reaching the apartment complex, they raced up the stairs where Go Go took a strong lead and arrived at her door on the very top floor a full thirty seconds before an exhausted Tadashi showed up, trying to catch his breath. Go Go laughed as she opened the door and let Tadashi in as well.

"Was that too much for the great Tadashi Hamada to handle?" She asked him teasingly.

"Alright, you got me there. Maybe I should start training with you, I've seen your extreme workouts."

"Hmm, maybe. I could use a new punching bag for my kickboxing."

"Oh haha, very funny, Go Go."

She laughed, that familiar yet rare spriteful sound that Tadashi had grown fond of of hearing.

"Here," she said, awakening him from his state of thought by handing him a glass of water.

"It's kinda hot in here, and the AC takes a while to get going, want to sit out on the balcony while you recover?"

"Thanks, and sure." He said, following her into her room.

While she opened the doors he took a moment to observe her room, it wasn't the first time he'd been in it, he would often help her study, but she had a few pictures hanging up on the purple walls, most of them depicted her when she was younger, her hair was much longer and her signature purple streak was non existent, she was smiling brightly in all of them.

So cute. He thought to himself with a smile.

Her parents were in all her pictures with her, their love for their daughter was obvious from the looks on their faces. She had never really talked about them until she had started opening up to him. They lived across town and she spent time with them whenever she could, she moved out to be closer to SFIT and to gain some independence, despite that, they remained close. Tadashi had never told her this, but he was always really glad that she had her parents to watch over her, it was something that was taken away from him, but her really was grateful that Go Go still had them.

He smirked to himself as he caught a glimpse of her black queen sized bed blanketed by gray pillows and an unmade yellow comforter as well as a black desk covered with open books, lose leaf paper scrawled with her small, dainty yet messy handwriting and several cups of old coffee and cans. Her black bookshelf was almost completely lined with a mixture of books and punk rock CDs, but the room would not be complete without the surplus of bubble gum wrappers lying on the ground near the trash can, obviously shots that were missed in attempt to make it in.

"Sorry for the mess, I didn't have time to clean up this morning."

"No worries, this is nothing compared to how Hiro leaves his side of the room." Tadashi said with a chuckle, stepping out onto the balcony with Go Go.

She was leaned up against the silver railing, he couldn't help but notice how peaceful and serene she looked as she stared out over the city. The view was amazing, the bright signs shone rainbows of colors splashed across the city and the buildings like decorative monuments, stood tall and proud.

"Listen, Go Go, do you think you could do me a favor?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Will you take take care of Hiro for me when I'm gone?"

"Gone? Tadashi, what are you talking about?" Go Go asked, her voice shaky with anger and surprise.

"Go Go, I'm not going to be here forev-" He was cut off with a piercing hit on his right cheek, it was as if a bullet had struck him out of the blue. He wasn't even given the luxury of time to react before an onslaught of unstable words were thrown at him, searing his heart.

"And what makes you think I'll be here forever?! You can't leave us, how do you think we're going to feel?! What about your Aunt, what about Hiro, what about me?!"

Tadashi could see her face was a flustered red from rage, her small hands were balled up in fists as if holding back another violent blow on either side of her. He just looked at her, he didn't know what to do, he didn't even think about the stinging sensation he was still feeling from the slap. He had seen Go Go angry plenty of times before, and every time he was able to calm her, but this emotion was different, it wasn't her usual stern and strong anger, no, she seemed...afraid.

"Tadashi, I...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hi-"

Tadashi's lips crashed onto hers, Go Go's eyes widened at the sudden contact as Tadashi wrapped his arms around her in reassurance and brought her closer. Go Go closed her eyes, letting the world take a stand still for the first time in her life, something that would have been out of the question for her before because she had only been in a constantly spinning world. Strangely enough, the new sensation made her heart beat faster than any adrenaline rush she had ever felt.

They eventually parted lips, though Tadashi was still holding Go Go close, both out of breath and blushing madly.

"Tadashi, I'm sorry for slapping you, I just...I can't bear the thought of losing you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Tadashi gently brushed away the tears that had fallen out of the corners of her eyes and cupped her face with his hands. This was the first time he'd seen her cry, and now she was letting her walls crumble down, her inner feelings that she had kept hidden for so long were finally visible.

"I plan to be around for a very long time. For everyone, for Hiro, and for you. I promise."

"I'll do the same, and I promise to watch over Hiro. He needs a sane mind to give him advice and guide him."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Go Go smiled, Tadashi loved that smile of hers, the light from the moon highlighted her features, her soft, thin pink lips curved upwards, her cheeks still rosy from the kiss, and he could have sworn those fierce, chocolate brown eyes of hers were shining brighter than the stars themselves. He made sure to etch that moment in his memory, to keep with him forever.

But that forever was cut short too soon.

Go Go collapsed down to her knees on his grave, the rain pouring down on her heavily from the dark gray sky and the thunder roared, but that rain and thunder were nothing compared to the tears that were streaming down her face and the sobs that were coming from the depths of her shattered heart. She was thankful she was alone, she never wanted the others to see her in that broken down state, especially Hiro who looked up to her as an older sister.

"I kept my promise, why did you have to go and break yours, Tadashi?"

I hope y'all are all doing splendidly despite the fact that I might have just taken your hearts and thrown then out a window. From the first time I watched Big Hero 6, I have been having MAJOR Tomadashi feels, so I figured I'd do something productive with them. It was originally planned to have a happy ending, I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. I'M SORRY. Please review!