Summary: Before they were Axel and Saix, they were Lea and Isa. Both had their own difficulties in life. A story of how their friendship, promises, and love grew and fell to the phases of the moon and the life of stars. How did the sun give its light to the moon? Lea/Isa. Axel/Saix.

I plan for this to be 17 chapters long. I have a fanfic that is like this. However, I plan to turn that one chapter fanfic into a longer, more drama and adventure filled story with more detail and awesomeness. This idea had been floating in my head for a while now...and I plan to get it started on as soon as possible. XD

This fanfic will switch back and forth between Isa and Lea's POV. First person.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts nor the characters nor Radiant Garden ((though I will be making up some buildings and scenery and whatnot so things might be completely different than the Radiant Garden in the game)). Nor do I own the quote at the beginning.

Warning: This fanfiction will include mild language use, suggestive themes, spoilers, and maybe insane feels at the end.

Part 1: Chapter One

New Moon

Tracing the paths of light with my finger,

I made up names of these new constellations


-"Seeing a Sixteen-Day-Old Moon", Gumi


I hate him. The moment he walks in with that obnoxious grin and that stupid over-gelled red hair of his, I know that he is going to be a pain in the ass. But then again, I think that everyone is a pain in the ass anyways, so it doesn't really matter at all. As long as he leaves me alone like everyone else, then I won't have to deal with him and I can go about my life in peace. Chances are, he's never going to notice that I even exist and go and hang out with all the popular kids, pretending that the creepy loner boy in the back of the room is invisible. That's what most people do.

"Hi! My name's Lea. L-e-a. It's pronounced 'lee' not 'lee-a'." the new boy chirps before the teacher can even introduce him to the class. "I'm new to this school and all but I'm a nice guy, not to mention hot too. Got it memorized?"

I know immediately that this will be a guy that the girls will just ooze over for attention. Ugh...I despise such arrogant pretentious jerks like that. I don't need another one of those idiots in this class. After all, this class, math, is my second favorite subject after science (especially astronomy).

"Umm...alright Lea." the teacher finally says after having the introduction stolen from her by Lea. "Go take a seat wherever you want."

At once, all eyes turn to look at me. Wait...why me? Oh, that's right. I sit in the corner of the room. There are only three empty seats in the classroom. One in front, one behind, and one to my right and front. Of course they are empty. Nobody wants to sit next to me because I'm so boring and untalkative. I also tend to scare people away. Maybe it's my emotionless face or my glare. Or maybe it's my anger issues. After all, I find it extremely difficult to control my hideous temper and I often lose control of my rage at the drop of a hat. I've hurt quite a few people like that…

I once had a really good friend. His name was Ienzo and he shared a like of science with me even though he was years younger than me. But one day, I got into an argument with a classmate. Ienzo had tried to stop me but I was so consumed with anger that I ended up lashing out at him and breaking several desks. I was sent to a therapist for anger management problems. By the end of the week, I'd gotten a new therapist. I went through some more, one after another.

None of them worked.

They were all useless.

My temper stays untamed and wild.

Maybe that's also why I am reluctant to make friends. I'm afraid of hurting Ienzo. The Ienzo incident probably ruined anymore chances of friendship with anyone else. My weird and nerdy personality was bad enough in terms of social life. I regret it all even though I couldn't control myself in my rage. I wish I could.

My friendship with Ienzo deteriorated rapidly after that. I'd only spoken to him once after that incident. It consisted of me saying 'sorry' and running away as fast as I could afterwards.

There is the sound of loud footsteps and I glance up, shaken from my thoughts of my self-pity. I find myself staring at the turquoise eyes of Lea. He flashes me a bright grin, no doubt the sort of grin boys use to charm everyone around them, and promptly drops down into the seat next to me, tilting the chair back on its back legs precariously.

Ugh. Why next to me? Why not in front or diagonal? It is easier to avoid him that way. I'd just have to stare at the back of his obnoxious head or occasionally his face when papers are passed out. But then again, it's kind of hard to ignore such a bright red hairstyle with the spikes and all. Luckily, he doesn't attempt to talk to me until after class.'s not so lucky that he wants to talk to me at all but at least he didn't distract me during class.

"Hey! I'm Lea. Got it memorized?"

I scowl, shooting him a dark look as I mumble out a response. "You told the whole class earlier, of course I remember."

"What's your name?"

I stare up, shocked. My expression reveals nothing, but my mind is racing. All throughout class, I barely even glanced at him. I didn't even introduce myself. Now even once did I imply that I would like to be his friend, yet he still comes up to me of all people? Just how dense is his skull?

"Sooo?" Lea asks again upon my silence.

"What does it matter to you?" I shoot back, shoving my books into my bag, hoping that he'll get the clue and leave my along.

" wanna be friends?"

Second shocking moment of my day. "W...what?!"

"You heard me. Friends. You know...people who hang out together and enjoy themselves together. Don't tell me you don't know what that means? "

Before I can respond, a hand lands on my shoulder, making me jump in surprise. I am not used to anyone physically touching me except for my father. I turn to find myself staring at my teacher.

"It's good to see that you two are already getting to know each other." the teacher says with a smile. "Isa, since Lea is new to this school, it would be a great favor if you show him around."

I stare back, unable to form a reply. Me? Show him around the school? Just fucking brilliant.

Lea grins back at the teacher before I can respond with a yes or no. "That would be awesome if he'll help me around! C'mon. Let's go. You need to tell me where my next class is 'cus I've got like no clue."

And just like that, he drags me out of the room by my elbow and into the hallways. He really is bold to drag me around like that. But I have to cut him a bit of slack. He doesn't know about my anger problems just yet. He will soon if he doesn't quite bothering me though.

"So your name's Isa, huh? Nice to meet you." Lea grins. "Now show me where this classroom is."

I glance down briefly at his schedule. What?! No...this can't be right. I reread the class and classroom number. No. the same class as me. Great. Now my favorite class is ruined.

"You...are in the same class as me…" I reply dumbly.

"Great! We can walk there together then!"

Ignoring him, I shove my way through the throng of people rushing to their next classes in the hallways. The anger is burning through me. Calm down...I take deep breaths to soothe the anger. Good thing it hasn't turned into rage yet. Having a rage fest right now, in the middle of the hallway, in the middle of a crowd of people, would be horrible in every way possible. I lead the way, though I wouldn't call it 'leading the way' as I don't even check to see if Lea is following. But he catches up with me anyways.

"Is that your natural hair colour?" Lea's voice asks to the left of me.

Really? Is that what he asks? Just great. Just fucking brilliant. This guy, who has hair the colour of fire, has the nerve to ask me if my hair colour is real?!

"Well, is your hair naturally the colour of a goddamn fire?" I shoot back.

"Well duh. Is yours always like a blueberry?"

I certainly didn't expect him to respond like that. "Yes it is natural. And blueberries are more purple than blue."







I was beginning to lose my temper. Not good. In a panic, I run to the classroom and yank the door open. The science classroom always calms me. And I'm lucky enough to burst into the classroom, chest heaving and causing a scene as I slam my books down on my desk. I ignore the eyes watching me curiously, not to mention cautiously as they all know of my anger issues. Ienzo, sitting on the opposite side of the room from me, flinches noticeably. Only Lea approaches me, taking an empty seat besides me as he stares at me with concern. His eyes observe my deep breaths and my clenched fists, knowing immediately that something is wrong. Actually, it would be rather strange if he didn't notice that since everyone else does. Good to know at least some things get through that dense skull of his.

" okay?"

I ignore him. The bell rings and class starts. Saved by the bell. How cliche.

I'm lucky enough that Lea doesn't bother me for the rest of class. Science goes by smoothly, and I even manage to enjoy it for a short while. After class, I find out with relief that he is in none of my other classes. There is only so much of that guy I can take before I explode.

"Your next class is up those stairs and to the right. Can't miss it."

Lea grins at me. "Thanks a lot, Isa. See ya!"

With a cheery wave, Lea dances off into the stream of people. The relief that floods through me is so refreshing. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with him anymore. Ugh. He annoys me so much.

Well, hopefully that will be the last I ever see or talk to him. After all, no friends stay with me very long…

And it's fine. Great, even.

As long as I don't hurt anyone.


Up those stairs...or did he say those stairs? Then turn right...or was it left? Shit. I stare at the room numbers next to the door. The numbers aren't even close to the room number I'm supposed to be going to. Well, best thing to do is just keep going until I find it, right? There are only so many hallways in this school and this classroom is bound to be in one of them. After a few minutes of fruitless walking, I find myself back outside the science classroom I just came from. I glance down at the watch in my hand. Oh fuck. There is only a minute left until the bell rings. At least they can't blame me for being late. I am new and I don't know this place yet after all.

I pace back and forth in front of the science classroom, wondering what should I do? At that exact moment, the classroom door flies open and a boy sprints out. He slams into me, dropping all the books in his arms as he stumbles onto the floor.

"Shit! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" I ask a I help him pick up his books. What the fuck are these books? They're so big and bulky for a little kid to be reading.

Wait a second. A little kid?! I saw him earlier in the classroom and just thought of him as short since he was sitting down. But now as I really study him and realize just how short he is, I find out that he's just a small child. No fucking way this little kid can be in our grade, much less our school!

I hand him his books. " you really read these books?! Chemistry...physics...these aren't the school textbooks are they?"

The boy gazes up at me through his long twilight unicorn hair as he takes his books. I seriously can't find a better way to describe that messy flop of hair on his head. "I...I read them in my own recreational time…"

"How old are you?" I ask, now curious to see if he really is as young as I think he is or if he just had some slowed growth or late puberty.



The kid just sighs and shuffles off. Then I remember that I still need to find the stupid classroom.

"Hey, kid! What's your name?"

He turns around impatiently. "Ienzo. And don't call me a kid as I find your mind more of a childish nature than mine."

Yikes. I should definitely avoid patting him on the head or anything like that tempting idea. He'd probably kick my ass at every subject here.

"Great. My name's Lea. Got it memorized? I'm new and all so mind helping me find where I'm supposed to be going? Isa told me but I kinda forgot…"

Ienzo stiffens at the sound of Isa's name and I catch a glimpse of...fear? his eyes. Uh oh. Did I say something wrong? To my relief, Ienzo nods quietly and takes a look at the classroom number. The bell rings through the hallways.

"Let's hurry up and go." Ienzo mumbles as he starts moving through the empty hallways.


"You're in my class anyways…"

"Well, I owe you one for helping me through this maze of hallways. Got it memorized?"

Ienzo gives me a strange look. "You helped pick up my books anyways…" He falls silent as if debating on whether to say any more and then speaks again. "Why do you say that?"

"Say what?"

" 'Got it memorized?' "

"I want to become immortal."

"That's not possi-"

"In people's memories, I live forever."

Ienzo falls silent again. Well at least he talks more than Isa.

Making friends had always been easy for me, like my second nature. I've been told that I tend to make friends with everyone I meet. It's almost as if I'm desperate for more friends. To be honest, even though my mind doesn't think that and just says that I just want to be immortal, maybe my heart is desperate and wants to be remembered. Someone said once that all I wanted to do was to carve a place for myself in the world where I would belong and where I could stay…they're probably right.

I grew up in a household where both my parents neglected me. I kinda had to learn how to take care of myself, to cook and clean up. It got worse after my dad left. After that, my mom would often come home drunk and a complete mess. I do have a brother but he's always gone at college and when I do see him, its only briefly before he goes out to party. I yearned for attention that I never received. Maybe that's why I always want to make friends, and many times girlfriends (none of them lasted long), out of the people I meet. Maybe that is why I want to be remembered all the time.

We reach the classroom a full two minutes late. Ienzo hesitates to open the door.

"Lea…" he mutters softly.

"Hm? Yeah?"

"Be careful around Isa. He's nice and convivial at times...a good friend that has a brilliant mind with great capabilities in the science field. But he's dangerous and volatile. I would suggest that you avoid him if you don't want be hurt…"

I'm confused. First of all, I don't know what volatile nor convivial means. Secondly, Isa doesn't seem very dangerous, just quiet and antisocial. Sure he's always frowning and all, but he doesn't seem dangerous. But then I remember that sudden flash of anger in his eyes before he ran into the science classroom. It almost seemed like he was going to erupt in anger. Is that what Ienzo is talking about?

"Um...sure. I'll keep that in mind."

And with that, Ienzo goes into the room, going up to the teacher and telling him softly about how I had gotten lost and all. With a short nod, the teacher tells us to sit down. And it's another boring class I sit through.

Later, after another class, I find myself standing in the middle of the hallway, letting students mill around me. It's lunch and I have no clue what to do and where to go. Then I see it, sticking out in a blank expanse of black and blonde hair, that bright shock of blue. It's different, alone, and unique.

"Isa! Hey!" I shout loudly and wave. At once, a massive crowd of students turn and stare at me while Isa noticeably flinches and flees. Oops. Of course, it looks like he's merely walking in another direction, but I know he's running.

Great...he decides to ignore me. I mentally roll my eyes. At least he can look at me, right?! Or at least acknowledge the fact that he heard me. So I decide to run after him and figure out that he is one hell of a fast speed walker. I nearly lose him in the crowds several times. Luckily, it's not so easy to escape the brilliant and awesome Lea. No friend of mine will ever slip out of my grasp so easily. Well, the bright blue hair helps as well.

I catch up to him and grab his arm. Scowling, Isa turns to glare at me.

"What do you want?" he demands.

I flash my best grin at him. "Aren't you supposed to help me around the school?"

"You should have figured out the layout by now." He starts to walk away.

"Yeah right. If that was the case, I wouldn't have gotten lost on my way to English class." I pause. Should I bring up Ienzo? Seems like those two had been friends once but something happened between them. Just to see Isa's reaction, I decide to mention it. "Ienzo helped me find my way."

Just as I hoped, Isa stumbles over his feet at the sound of Ienzo's name. His normally stoic or angry looking face shifts to one of fear and...guilt? But he quickly recovers and his face goes back to expressionless. But I'm good at reading other people's emotions. I catch the guilt remaining in his eyes that goes away in moments. Isa is pretty good at hiding his emotions but I'm better. This overly cheerful personality of mine isn't completely natural after all.

"Well find someone else to guide you around." Isa snaps. "I don't want to nor do I have the time to do so."

"But the teacher-"

"Screw her. I'm not a loyal dog that will do whatever someone superior to me demands. Now fucking leave me alone."

"But aren't we friends?"

Isa suddenly leaps away from me. "Friends!?" he stares incredulously. His face then changes to one of anger. "Really? I barely know you and you just go ahead and say I'm your friend. Stupid idiot…"

"Yeah. I asked you earlier if you wanted to be friends with me. Don't ya remember?"

Isa rolls his eyes. "And if I remember correctly, I never responded to your insane question."

Oh yeah...I had forgotten that. "Well, whatever. Now do you wanna be friends?"


That instant rejection kinda hurts but I don't let that show. If Isa can hide his emotions behind an angry face, then I can do the same with a happy face. "Why not?"

Isa grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer to him, a little too close for comfort. His eyes bear down upon mine with furious anger. "You want to know why?" he hisses. "I'll tell you why. You are an ignorant, overly optimistic, annoying brat who who just won't get a clue and leave me alone. Not everyone is your friend. Not everyone wants to be your friend. Now fucking grow up and realize that. And leave me fucking alone."

Now that stings like hell. I know that in this world, not everyone will like you and there will always be someone who hates you. I've heard rumors, gossip, and random chit chat that said nasty stuff about me behind my back. But no one has ever gone up to me and told that straight to my face. Talk about harsh...I was actually hoping to be friends with this guy. Even though he's an antisocial freak, I must admit I've never seen anyone with such blue hair. It intrigues me.

But right now, I need to respond. So I scoff and roll my eyes. "Fine. I get it. Then think of it this way. I'm tagging along just to get rid of the boredom. As soon as I find someone who's not a lame ass and antisocial like you, I'm gonna ditch you for good. After all, it won't take long for me to find some people who are better. Maybe I'll even find some girlfriend to bang too." As soon as the words leave me mouth, I know it's all a lie. Okay...not all a lie, but most of it, especially the beginning. I do want him as a friend and I don't wanna ditch him.

Isa doesn't react noticeably. But I can see from the subtle tightening of his jaws and the sharp intake of breath that what I said definitely angered him. However, Isa replies in a voice that is calm and uncaring.

"Oh. So that's what I am? A play toy to past time and entertain you?"

I should have probably stopped there, but I was curious. It's what they always say, curiosity killed the cat. So I decide to push more of Isa's buttons and see how he reacts. "Yeah. That's exactly what I think of you. But ever been in any relationship with anyone before?"

Isa gives me a strange look. "What?"

"You heard me. You ever get a girlfriend?"


"Not even once?"

"So I've never been in a relationship before. Does that matter?"

I grin and give him a suggestive grin while raising an eyebrow. "Hah! I knew it. You're totally inexperienced right? A complete virgin."

Isa narrows his eyes at me. But I can tell he's blushing faintly. He's definitely uncomfortable on the topic. "What are you planning?"

"Hmm...maybe I can find someone…"

"No. First, I'm not interested. Second, I doubt anyone would find me interesting."

"You're right." And before I can stop myself. "A person like you is never gonna make any friends."

What the fuck am I doing?! I seriously didn't mean to go so far but what's said is said. And this time, Isa's reaction is visible. His face shifts into a scowl and he glares at me with a threatening gaze.

"So you really think that, huh?" Isa snarls, his voice low and dark with a mask of rage on his face. "You really think that I won't be able to make any friends?"

I take a step back. He's trying to hold back the rage, I can tell that. He wants to be in control again, but the burning anger within is winning. I need to calm him down. "Whoa...Isa. Chill...I-"

"Maybe that's a good thing...being alone…" Isa's voice is strained, as if struggling against an invisible force. A tint of grief and despair is laced within his voice. It kinda reminded me of a kitten that hisses because it's scared, not because it's mean. But then he snaps. "I've had enough of you." That's it. All sanity in Isa is gone. "You. You die."

So I do the most logical thing I can think of. Run. Shouting a whole bunch of 'excuse me's and 'outta the way's , I race through the school, twisting around corners and launching myself at doors as I try to flee from Isa. I turn my head to look at him. Bad idea. He's right behind me and his face is twisted into one of a murderer. I never knew that someone like him could run so fast. And now, I know what Ienzo meant by dangerous.

I turn to look at Isa again as I round the corner. Worst fucking choice I could ever make. At that exact moment, I find myself ramming into a wall. I groan, stunned by the sudden impact against the wall that magically appeared. Oh wait...fuck...I just ran into a freaking opened janitor's closet instead of another hallway... I've ran into plenty of walls before, but never had I been running so fast into one before.

"Got you…"

I whirl around, finding myself staring at Isa's twisted grin. No. This isn't Isa. It's some monster, taking in Isa's rage and using it to fuel its monstrosity. I gulp and press myself against the cold wall, letting out a nervous laugh as I wave at Isa, no, the monster.

"H...hey there…"

I feel myself shrinking in fear as Isa takes a few steps closer to me.

What the hell have I done…

A/N: And this is the end of a good long first chapter. I would like to add that this is based off several moon and sun stories I read somewhere online. One of them was like how the sun gave its light to the moon. And if you haven't guessed, Isa represents the moon and Lea the sun. Kinda obvious. Also, it will be based off Gumi's song "Seeing a Sixteen-Day-Old Moon"...cus I was writing and Byaku pointed out that it reminded her of that song…(Hey hey heyyyy JubyPhonic made a beautiful English cover of it called 'Izayoi Seeing' everyone should look at it)and I was just like wow it fits perfectly with what I'm writing with the stars and hair colours and everything. XD. And the italicized quote part at the beginning comes from that song.

Also, I would like to give credit to Byaku for both editing, giving awesome edits and suggestions, being awesome, fixing all my failed tense errors, dealing with my annoying personality and nagging, the hissing kitten thing, for the Ienzo's 'twilight unicorn' hair colour (there is no other way to say it), and much other stuffu. XD (Also, you listed more than two things, so you can't say it as 'both'...) ((Whatever. This is authors note. The grammar can be messed up however I want here. XP))

Note from Byaku(editor) and me((the author)):
(Heyyyyyyy happy late Chinese New Year's from me! Anyone a Ram? I'm not, though, I'm a rabbit. Did anyone eat pomelos? I've already eaten two, and there's another three sitting in my house. Also, Sherlock. I'm obsessed. Help.)
((I'm a rabbit too! Oh wait...I should know that...ur the same age as me…*facepalm*. And what's a pomelo? XD *don't kill me* XD))
(I am bringing pomelo to school then. You cannot live your life without learning of it.)