Underpants Knight

Notes: Well I really don't know why I've thought of this, but that's how my mind works. Just keep thinking of crossovers that don't seem it will work out, but I'll make it work.

Disclamer: Shovel Knight is owned by Yacht club games, while Caption Underpants is owned by Dav Pilkey. Please support there official release.

High above the land roaming the clouds, was Black Knight flying with his wings that he got from the Enchantress.

'I need to check what's left of this place." He thought to himself as he went over to what remained of the tower of fate. Once he got inside, Black Knight dug up the rubble on the ground and to his relief it was only the Enchantress tatter clothes. "Good it seems she had gotten out okay." Black Knight said with a sigh.

As he was about to leave what was left of the tower, something glowing caught his eye. 'What is that?' 'A gem?' Black Knight thought once again. As he carefully walked over there to check it out. He broke down the rock that blocked his path and when he saw what it was he was in shocked.

"The amulet or at least what's left of it." He said as only the jewel of the amulet that took over Shield Knight was cracked, but not fully broken. Black Knight glared at it since it was the reason all of this madness has happen.

"Oh no you're not going stay active for much longer." Black said while picking up the amulet and running out the castle so it can be far away as possible.

By the time he ran out of the tower, he was outside the Clockwork tower. "Okay it's time to finish this for once and for all." He stated while stabbing the curse music amulet, but before he could leave a green tornado appear in his eyes since the enchantress was no more. "What in shovel name is happening!" Was all Black Knight could say before a gear popped off the Clockwork tower and hit him outside the head making him feel dizzy and felling the tornado to wherever it's taking him.

"No." Black said "this can't be the end…can it?" Was his final words before he passed out.

But the place where Black knight is going to land, might make him mad with anger.

Meanwhile at Jerome Horwitz Elementary School

George and Harold had just got done writing down the sentence that Mr. Krupp had told them to do on all the chalkboards by drilling chalk on George's dad's wooden rods and we're working on there popular comic book (by school standers) and it was finish. "We've got to go to the office and make copies," George told Harold. "We can't," he replied. "Don't you remember what Mr. Krupp said he'd suspend us if he caught us leaving this room!"

"Then we won't let him catch us," said George as they both crept out the room. Once both of left however, a weird looking portal replaced the window and then it shot out Black Knight who seen better days.

"Ugh," Groaned Black Knight. "Where thou am I," He said while balancing himself with his shovel to get up. After he said that, Black Knight notice that he was in a little room with several desks and chairs with a whole lot of chalkboards. "So I land up in some empty classroom. Black Knight thought and thought and decided to just leave the boring room so he can get some answers, by force or not.

Notes: So there you have it folks the first chapter of my new fanfiction. If you couldn't tell that was the lines from the second Captain Underpants book "Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking Toilets. The second chapter will be work on soon so in till then my friends I will see you later. Chao!