Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update again; I was planning on posting on Christmas, but family stuff came up, then I was in the Poconos without a computer during New Years Eve, so... yeah, I don't have many excuses. But hey, I'm back now, and with the final chapter of Brick Walls as well! That's something, right?

Please don't hurt me...


"It's time to get what I came here for, Augustine." Delsin growled to himself as he stared at the tower of concrete while we made our way into the middle of the city. The few DUP squads that tried to stop us met with a swift end, barely slowing our advance.

"It's time." Augustine's voice came from the loudspeakers across the street. "Citizens of Seattle, it's time to take back our city from those who seek to destroy it! Bio-Terrorists have no place on our streets. They must be locked away - far away from decent, normal people-"

That's as far as she got before the speaker was shattered by a Brick Shot.

We could hear the people of Seattle begin protesting as we continued onwards, pushing back against the DUP squads fighting a loosing battle of trying to maintain order.

"OUR city? Who does she think she is!" One citizen demanded.

"It wasn't a Bio-Terrorist that killed my wife on that bridge!" Shouted another in the rapidly-growing crowd.

"It's the DUP we should fight!"

"No Bio-Terrorist ever hurt me!"

"Whatever happened to 'right to a trial?'"

We heard all of this as we soared above them, me on a Brick Slab and Delsin with wings of blue pixels. The DUP spotted us, but weren't able to take a single shot before the crowd started throwing rocks and bottles at them, forcing them to turn their attention back to the crowd.

As we moved onto the freeway, using it to give our powers a rest, we heard another message.

"People of Seattle, it has come to my attention that the Bio-Terrorists Delsin Rowe and Marshall Tern have begun another rampage!"

"Well, you're right about that!" I shouted as I rushed through a crowd and slammed into a soldier. Delsin summoned a pair of Angels to act as air support as the rest of the squad turned their guns towards me.

"Their past terrors have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of loyal DUP guardians and fellow Seattleites!"

"It's not a 'terror spree' if we're the ones saving the innocent, and sparing your horde of killers!" Delsin roared as he bashed a soldier aside with his Video sword as the crowd began a new wave of insults, complaints, rocks and bottles.

"Help her? Delsin and Marshall are two of us!"

"She's lying! Delsin saved my sister from drug dealers!"

"Delsin, Marshall!" One man yelled. "Don't worry! We believe you, not Augustine!"

"We got your back!"

"Take it to the Dupes, boys!"

The crowd began cheering for us and chanting our names as I Subdued the final soldier. I gave a grateful wave to the crowd as they cheered before we continued onwards.

Augustine began another message as we scaled a building to gain some height.

"People of Seattle, I implore you! Do not let Delsin Rowe and Marshall Tern continue their murderous, bloodthirsty rampage! They have already killed hundreds of us - maybe a neighbor, or maybe even a family member! They have murdered countless numbers of my bravest men... DUP soldiers who gave their lives to save yours! Don't let their sacrifice be in vain - Delsin and Marshall must be brought to justice! Whatever it takes!"

"You've got it backwards, Augustine!" Delsin yelled toward the sky as we reached the roof. "These people have seen us both in action! If they want justice, well - it won't be my head on the chopping block!"

"Alright, the transformer should be on a roof across from the tower..." I said as I scanned the rooftops near the tower, my gaze eventually lighting upon a large mesh of machinery with multiple wires stretching across the gap. We'd scouted the tower out a while ago, but weren't able to get too close thanks to the constant patrols and the electric fence. Now, however, it would be an all-out assault against the construct, and we weren't going to let anything stop us.

When we arrived, we stared up at the tower in a mixture of awe and anger before turning our gaze to the generator in front of us.

"Alright... this is it." Delsin glanced at me. "Once we shut the defenses down, there's no turning back. If you wanna back out-"

"Not yet." I growled. "She killed Reggie - and she is going to pay for that."

"Alrighty then... so what's the plan? Take her alive, show the world what she's done... or kill her for killing Reggie."

"Take her alive" was my immediate answer. I hated the woman with all my heart - she'd chased me down since day one, spread propaganda and slander against me and Delsin, and had killed Reggie.

But there were many fates worse than death, that is one definite truth I've embraced since my arrival in this world. And revealing Augustine's lies to the people? Having her watch it all go down the drain and being helpless to stop it?

That's her fate for what she's done.

To us.

To the people.

To every Conduit she's ever taken.

"Okay lady... Time for the world to see what you really are." Delsin stepped forward and pulled a single, red lever.

All we really saw happen was the concrete covering a vent shatter as a few lights flickered and died.

"Okay, I can work with that..." Delsin said as he absorbed Smoke from a nearby smokestack. "...Even if the rest of it is still active."

"I'll clear you a path through the Dupes; save your energy for Augustine." I said as I leapt from the building and created a Brick Slab beneath my feet to soar toward the first level of the tower.

The slab slammed into a pair of soldiers as I landed on my feet, a Brick Grenade already in hand, which I lobbed at another group of soldiers as they turned their guns towards me. The brick shrapnel caused them to stumble and fall with cries of pain before I moved in to subdue them. Delsin landed behind me as I turned to him with a grin. Delsin's phone rang right then, and we both heard Fetch's voice.

"Hey D, saw a trail of bodies over on Pioneer, thought of you and followed them here. Hope you don't mind!"

I turned to see Fetch using Lightspeed to scale a building before blasting the two DUP members on the roof off with a burst of neon. After that, she quickly scaled the tower and stopped in front of us with a wide smile.

"Hey boys - miss me?"

"Yeah, I kinda did." I said, smirking as she blasted the concrete off a nearby vent. "I'll leave you two lovebirds now and clear out the next platform."

"Not if I get there first!" Delsin yelled playfully as he Smoke Dashed into the vent and I achieved liftoff. As I left, I heard Fetch scoff.

"Heh... boys."


It didn't take us long to clear the next few floors - three Conduits against small amounts of DUP soldiers? Did they really think that would be enough to stop us?

I got my answer in the form of two DUP choppers surrounding the platform and preparing to fire.

"If anyone's gonna help, now would be a good time!" I shouted as I dove to avoid a rocket.

"ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE!" A familiar voice boomed before a pixel-laser blasted one helicopter out of the air and into the second, causing them both to explode.

"Eugene!" I called out happily as I tossed a soldier off the concrete balcony. Indeed it was Eugene, having adopted his enormous He-Who-Dwells form.

"Man, you sure know how to level a playing field!" Delsin said as he swung a smoke-coated chain at a soldier.


With his help, it took even less time to clear the field. Delsin began scaling a nearby pole as Fetch used Lightspeed, He-Who-Dwells flew straight up, and I created yet another Brick Slab to reach the next area. By the time I got there, however, half the soldiers were already done for.

"C'mon guys, try and leave some for me!" I teased as I whacked a Dupe with a glove made of brick.

"SUCCUMB TO THE VENGEANCE OF MY ANGELS!" Eugene boomed as his winged minions swooped down and knocked aside soldiers left and right.

"Easy on the trash talk, Eugene!" Delsin called as he subdued another DUP member with a vortex of smoke.


"Huh, smartest move I've seen all day." Delsin commented as he, Fetch and I faced off against a series of soldiers - all of whom had their guns on the ground and their hands in the air. We quickly subdued them and moved on.

"Alright, time to pull out the new tricks!" Delsin said as he drained Video from a nearby monitor before using the satellite dish it was attached to to launch himself into the air as the rest of us followed with our own methods.

We ended up on the roof, choppers flying over our heads as they fought Eugene's Angels.

"Looks like the whole roof is armor-plated." Delsin stated as he stomped on the metallic covering across the glass atrium.

"Lemme try the high beams on it!" Fetch declared as she prepared a Phosphorus Beam.

"Alright, but make it quick!" I yelled, blasting a rocket heading straight for us out of the air with a Brick Wave while Delsin grappled with a DUP agent that had leapt up to the top floor to stop us. "I'm running out of brick, here!"

"FEAR NOT, FOR I SHALL PROTECT YOU!" He-Who-Dwells declared as he summoned more guardian Angels to watch over us and Fetch began carving a rough circle into the roof with Neon. When the circle was finished, Fetch called out to us.

"Got it! All yours, D. You go inside and grab Augustine, the rest of us will keep them off your back!"


Delsin nodded and dashed into a nearby satellite to launch himself into the air before Comet Dropping into the cut-out section, shattering it and plummeting into the depths below.

We could hear the sounds of fighting inside as we fought to keep the Dupes from following him inside; eventually, I covered the entrance with a large collection of brick to stop anyone trying to sneak in.

I turned to blast another soldier, but yelled as I was instantly blinded by a flash of blue and red.

"MARSHALL!" I heard Fetch scream as I shut my eyes.

When I opened them again, I found myself in what appeared to be... I didn't know how to describe it. The 'walls' and 'roof' - if they could be called that - constantly shifted colors, going from green to blue to red to orange... it made my head spin trying to focus on it. Turning away, I was greeted to the sight of a tall man, with red hair and blue eyes, wearing a DUP overcoat standing a short distance away, smiling at me.

"Who the hell are you?" I growled, coating my arms with brick, knowing full-well my reserves were running dangerously low, as I hadn't been able to drain any while protecting the entrance. The man chuckled.

"Why, I'm the one who brought you here - both into this world, and this space between spaces."

I blinked. This world? This was the one who brought me here? My rage flared up as flickers of blue-and-red energy danced around his fingers.

"Why did you do it!" I yelled, brick swirling angrily around my arms. "Why did you bring me to this world in the first place!"

"Because I could sense the Conduit gene inside of you; you were one of the best candidates to help us stop Delsin Rowe." The man explained, beginning to walk in a wide circle around me. "Unfortunately, bringing you here drained me of much of my energy, and teleported you to the wrong place. It is because of this that Delsin was the one who found you first, and corrupted your ideals."

"What do you mean, corrupted?"

"Bio-Terrorists like him need to be stopped at all costs - you've seen first-hand how much destruction they can cause; you've even taken part in that destruction! The idea was to bring you here and for you to become Augustine's pupil to help her stop Rowe's rampage against the DUP. Instead, you sided with the Bio-Terrorist and his friends over us... Such a waste of potential..." He sighed, shaking his head.

"SHUT UP!" I roared, firing off a Brick Wave. The man disappeared in a flash of blue and red light and appeared in front of me and planted his foot in my chest, sending me flying backwards and into the 'wall'. I groaned in pain and stumbled back to my feet as the man sighed again.

"As I said, such a waste of potential... Your abilities are extremely versatile, even more so than Augustine's, actually. And yet, you waste them trying to help Rowe try to stop that which cannot be stopped."

"You're wrong..." I growled, more brick beginning to swirl around my whole body as my anger began to boil. "...Augustine can be stopped, and Delsin will stop her... Just you wait and see!"

"So naive..." The man sighed again before appearing in front of me again, leg raised for another kick; this time, however, I was ready, and planted a punch from a fist coated in brick into his chin, causing him to flip into the air and land with a hard crash. He got back up, rubbing his chin and spitting out a small amount of blood.

"Impressive." He said, getting back to his feet. "You're the first person in a long time to actually land a hit on me."

"Well, now that I know about your little 'teleportation' trick, I can anticipate it!" I countered, trying to hide my exhaustion. The man laughed again before vanishing from sight. I got a savage kick to the side as he appeared behind me, sending me flying - though I was able to fire off a Brick Shot into his chest as I flew. He stumbled back with a grunt of pain as I slammed into the 'wall' again with a grunt of my own before getting back up.

"You're definitely more dangerous than I anticipated." He said as he clutched his chest while the wounds healed. "No-one has been able to pull something like that off before..."

"I've got plenty more 'danger' in store for what you've done to me!" I roared as I charged forward. He vanished again, and I whirled around, planting a powerful right hook to his cheek. He reeled back from the sucker punch as I launched another Brick Wave to knock him off balance before beginning to assault him with even more blows. He blocked them with his arms before kicking me off his chest and appearing above me, grabbing my head and slamming it into the floor so hard I saw stars.

"Just give in, and I'll make this quick." He said, holding me in place. I growled defiantly before a spear of brick slammed into him from behind and knocking him off of me. I'd used the fragments of my previous attacks to do that, not wanting to use up what was left of my stock.

He growled as he got back to his feet, finally showing an emotion other than apathy. "For that, I'm going to kill you slowly - then I'm going to travel to your world and punish your sad little family!"

Something inside of me snapped as I pictured my parents and my little sister. Nothing was going to happen to them... Not if I could help it...

I gave a roar of pure, unadulterated rage as the last of my reserves swarmed around my body, forming another giant shell of red stone around my body as the man's eyes widened before my enormous fist crushed him into the floor. I raised my other arm and brought it down on his still body as I roared in something that went beyond just anger. All I wanted to do was hit him again.


And again.


And again.


And again.


And again.


And again.


And again.


And again.

"Just for some stupid plan?"

The last blow was with both hands raised above my head before bringing it down. By that point, his face was a bloody mess, his arms, legs and a few ribs were undoubtedly broken, and he'd lost consciousness after my first blow; by the stillness of his body and the lack of any breathing, I knew he was dead.

But I was beyond caring, even as I realized the odd 'room' had faded away to reveal the roof we'd just been standing on. Fetch and Eugene were standing there, watching me with shocked expressions as I stood back up, shoulders heaving with exhaustion and sadness as I pictured my family. The shell fell away into splinters of red stone before I felt Fetch's arms wrap around me. I began to sob into her shoulder as she tried to comfort me.


I sat on the edge of a building, staring out into the marina. Delsin had left early that morning, needing to return home and take the concrete shrapnel out of his friends' legs. Augustine had been carried away by military forces as the crowd cursed her name the whole way into the truck. Fetch and Eugene had each picked out their own sections of Seattle to call home, acting as the resident superheroes to protect the 'normal' people.

I sighed as I thought about my own home; what did they think had happened to me? Did they think I was gone forever? I didn't expect I'd be able to see them again, seeing as how my only ticket home had burned up the moment I'd lost myself in my anger.


I turned to look at Fetch; how she'd found me, I had no idea, but I didn't care. She sat down beside me as I returned my gaze to the horizon.

"You alright?"

"...Physically, yes." I said, glancing at her again. "Mentally, no."

"Do you... wanna talk 'bout it?"

"...How much did you hear, exactly?"

"The whole rant."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"...I was playing a videogame at my house known as 'InFamous: Second Son', where you play as a certain, power-stealing Conduit we've all met and grown to love."

"You mean D?"

"Yup, got it in one..."

From there I went on to explain how I was partway through the game before the teleportation guy had brought me here, to a dimension where the game was real life, and how I found out about my powers by mistake when walking through a checkpoint. She laughed a bit when I told her that, causing me to smirk before I settled back into my stoic expression.

"...You really miss 'em, don't you?"

"Yeah..." I said hanging my head. "They're probably so worried about me..."

"...Look at it this way, kid." She said, nudging my arm. "Think of us as your family for now - at least until we can figure out a way to let them know you're safe, or even way to send you back, alright? So stop moping around so much and live a little, you're worrying to hell out of us all!"

I chuckled; somehow, her blunder of a pep-talk had actually made me feel better. And she was right - moping around wouldn't solve anything. If I was going to find a way home, I had to go look for it.

Until I found it, however, I was going to enjoy the time I had with my second family here.


Alright, so what do you guys think? Did you like the twist or not? Should I create a sequel or something to this, showing Marshall looking for a way home? Let me know!

Also, I know the final fight was rather short, but I had next to no idea what to do with it, so I did what I could. Any ideas on how to improve it?

Anyway, until next time, guys!