Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Infinite Stratos as all rights go to the creator because if I did many things would be different. I only own the OCS.

An: I rewrote this chapter as it had many glaring issues in grammar and all those things but nothing major changed.

"Naruto" normal Speech.

'Naruto' normal Thought.

"Rasengan" Technique/sound/magic

"Kurama" Demon/monster/Bijuu normal Speech.

'Kurama' Demon/moster/Bijuu Thought.


"SASUKE! NOOOO!." shouted Naruto as he saw Sasuke's body pierced by Kaguya's hand and then she threw him in a crater next to her. He quickly threw, a three-pronged kunai towards his location, and flashed to his location using the Hiraishin no Jutsu. Hold him in his arms he asked "What the hell teme why did you have to take the attack that was aimed for me"

"I...don't...know..." said Sasuke while coughing up blood. "I...always...hated...you...but...you...came...after...me...to...take away...all...my...hate." coughing out even more blood knowing his time was almost up. "Now...I...realize...what...you...meant...I'm...sorry...I couldn't...see...before...brother...but...please...take...my...parting...gift." said Sasuke as he transferred the Rinnegan to Naruto using the last of his strength. After the transferring the eyes Sasuke Uchiha last of the famed Uchiha clan died with his last words saying "Thank...You..."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" cried Naruto, as tears started to stream down his face, as he saw the last of his comrades, his best friend and brother, Sasuke Uchiha die right in front of him protecting him. He looked at Kaguya who seemed to have an amused look on her face from the death of Sasuke. "YOU BITCH!WHY...!You killed everyone...Kakashi-sensei...Sakura-chan...Sasuke...Kiba...Lee...Hinata...Tsunade-baachan everyone that is precious to me. I will make you pay." Naruto, boiling with rage as he looked at Kaguya who seemed to be amused as he was crying over his dead friends body. He activated his Rinnegan, that was given by Sasuke, and brought out a Haraishin Kunai and threw it at Kaguya preparing for an all out attack.

"Kit calm down, it won't do you any good if you are angry while fighting" Kurama spoke to him mentally only for his advice to fall to deaf ears as Naruto was in too much rage to listen.

"Reincarnation of Asura, it is time for you perish just like Indra's reincarnation you will die." spoke Kaguya preparing one last attack to finish off Naruto.

"Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu"

A searing fireball was shot through Kaguya's mouth aimed straight for Naruto only for him to dodge by using the Haraishin no Jutsu by flashing right behind and grinded a Rasengan straight into her back. Then he kicked her up into the air only to create shadow clones next, getting ready to pull off a "Uzumaki Rendan" after the final kick she was launched straight to the ground head first to create a massive crater. Without giving a her to a second to recovery he used one of the Rinnegan's ability Shinra Tensei,to pound her into the ground even further. He was about to try one more Shinra Tensei,but couldn't anymore as he used to much chakra on the last few times using the move.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" yelped Kaguya from the pain she was felt from the constant attacks, that Naruto hit her with, but she managed to recover quickly ,due to the fact that Naruto was wore out, as she quickly teleported behind Naruto and hit him with another Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu which sent him flying into the crater that Kaguya and the jutsu also burned off is some of his clothes.

"Kit I told you that you need to calm down. You're not going to win if just charge into attack without planning a strategy properly." chided Kurama.

'Alright I'm sorry for not listening to you' he responded back to him. He looked back at Kaguya, who saw him get back up which upset her greatly

He quickly got back up and decided to make a counterattack but knew it was best if he finished this for once and for all with a single attack.

"You brat you, just won't stay down will you" she sternly state

'Mother, I think its best if we use that attack to finish him off once and for all' stated Zetsu mentally.

'Yes we shall use that move' she responded back. "Prepare yourself reincarnation of Asura you shall die now." she stated prepare to charge up her chakra for one final move the Bōchō Gudōdama.

'Kurama what do you think she planning to do?' asked Naruto as he noticed chakra visibly surround her, and the chakra looked to be very dense.

'I don't know Kit, but I think might be she using Bōchō Gudōdama and if she uses that move we are in loads of trouble.' responded Kurama.

'What are supposed to do get fried by that move by just standing here and doing nothing.' asked Naruto

'No you idiot I'm just saying your regular attacks won't do anything. I think our chance of countering it is if we launch a Bijūdama. It is the only way we can counter it strength but our chances are slim it will be able to kill her.' replied Kurama.

'We have to take the risk' said Naruto as he went into full tail-beast mode, and used Kurama's advice of using the collaboration Bijūdama.


Bōchō Gudōdama!

They both launched, their attacks simultaneously. They both started to sucking up the earth around it, due to its power and force it exerting. A few seconds later, they collide causing an enormous explosion destroying all its surroundings. Naruto and Kaguya, were enveloped bright light which, they felt, they were getting sucked into.

'Kurama, what the hell is happening?.' asked Naruto not understanding the current situation.

'It seems that seems that both attacks were strong enough to rip a hole in our dimension and it seems we getting pulled into it. It seems Kagu-' said Kurama before he could finish he noticed, all of his chakra was instantly got pulled out of Naruto started being pulled into the necklace he got Tsunade as a replacement for the one that he lost during the Pein Invasion. 'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.'

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What the hell is happening to me, my whole body feels like it is about to rip apart and why is all your chakra being pulled out of me!" cried out Naruto feeling massive pain from all of Kurama's Chakra being pulled out of him and before he could think anymore he lost of his consciousness due to all the pain. The crystal on Naruto's neck increased in size and the chakra that was absorbed manifest into some type of machine.

Dream Sequence Over

The sun shined through a window into a fairly large room occupied by one single person who just woke up from a nightmare that has been constantly plagued him for the past few years ever since that battle with her.

'Kit you alright' asked Kurama who was very worried about his hosts current situation.

'Its just that nightmare again' shrugged Naruto trying take his mind of that memory as he woke up seeing no point in sleeping anymore, so he got up and went through his daily routine.

'I thought I manage to suppress those nightmare but it seems they are surfacing again and Naruto still hasn't managed to recovery from the mental trauma still, from the war." thought Kurama sadden by the state of what his host has become in the past few years due the war.

Its been six years...

Its been six years...since Naruto Uzumaki failed

Its been six years...since he watched everyone he knew died right in front of him trying to defeat Kaguya.

Its been six years...he failed all his senseis, his parents, and Jairya of the promise that he would bring peace only to lead it to its end.

Its been six years...since Naruto Uzumaki had his battle with Kaguya which blasted him into a strange world due to collision of the two attacks creating a rip the universe.

After crash landing on a beach in a unknown world where Naruto didn't wake up for the next whole month from being stuck in a coma even with Kurama healing factors due all the chakra that he lost in the final battle with Kaguya and from the transported through dimensions. After waking up he was meet with a shocked group of doctors due to his remarkable recovery process from injures that would usually take people several months or years to fully recover.

After asking where he was Naruto was told he was in a place called Japan on a planet called earth which was similar in many ways to the elemental continent but different in many ways as he noticed it was more advanced in technology and was almost different in the language but some things were the same.

He was told found a woman named Tsubaki , and her daughter ,who were in area, found him lying on the beach covered in his blood with too many wounds to count totally unconscious and they quickly rushed him to the hospital for treatment immediately seeing he would die if he didn't receive treatment quickly. Tsubaki always visited him during the one month period as she was worried what a ten year old boy was doing in to be in such a state lying on the beach which confused Naruto greatly because he was sixteen year old not ten, but quickly was told by Kurama that from the travel through the portal and with the energy he lost his body ended shrinking into the form of his ten year old body.

After waking up he was asked many questions like about how he got his injuries, his healing factors, his eyes which the most unique eyes they have ever seen and if he had family because no other people than Mrs. Eto and her daughter visited him during his time in the hospital. He answered all of them by telling them, that his eyes were a birth defect he suffered and healing factors were all genetics passed down his family, which allowed him to heal quickly and he lie about how he got his injuries telling them he got on a boating accident when his family, was at sea which he only managed survive thanks to his parents and told them he didn't have anymore remaining family which saddened the people who were there but the doctors believed without asking anymore questions.

Feeling sorry for the boy, Tsubaki adopted Naruto quickly not wanting the poor ten year stuck in an orphanage after the tragic event he suffered. Naruto accepted not wanting to be sent to a orphanage after his past experiences in his childhood, but he asked if he could keep his last name which she agreed to. Since then, Naruto changed greatly from being the boy that was always cheerful and full of happiness attitude to becoming a cold, stoic and less trusting person because he was constantly hounded by his old memories. He closed off his heart from to everyone expect a few people not wanting it to be broken again by losing everyone he held dear to them.

Few Hours Later


Freshly coming out of the bathroom from a hot bath after his workout. Naruto noticed face-time call from his adopted mother Tsubaki Eto who was currently working in a another country. Tsubaki Eto, was currently a thirty-eight year old women single mother before adopting Naruto she was married to her husband of Arashi Eto owner of Celestial Beings, a private company which was a leading manufacture in technology in the world especially in the IS, died in a car crashing leaving her a widow and single mother of her daughter Asuna. She quickly took over her husbands after his death, and still managed to run in the same way her husband did before her death. After adopting Naruto she raised both him and Asuna with the same amount of love even with Naruto's emotionless attitude at first.

"Hello Naruto-chan how has your day." asked Tsubaki as she appeared on the TV screen she had brown that reach down past her shoulders, dark green eyes, and a narrow face which brought out her beauty. She was formal business attire as she was currently on a business trip and was forced to leave her adopted son in Tokyo while her daughter was living with her parents who lived Osaka.

"I am alright Okaa-sama." replied Naruto a stoic voice which caused her to frown. Since the time she had adopted him she noticed that whatever event happened to him left a mental scare and made him into a cold, stern and made him unable to trust people quickly, but she never realized how horrible, his actual life was until he opened up to her.

A few years after, Naruto was adopted he opened up to his new family about his life. He told them that he was actually from a different dimension where, he was from a place called Konogakure where he was something called a shinobi who used a source of energy called chakra to fight. He told her all about his life from the Kyuubi attack on the day he was born caused by Obito Uchiha which caused his father the Fourth Hokage and his mother to sacrifice themselves to let Naruto and the Village live. He also told about his horrible childhood where only a few people accepted him due the hate of the Kyuubi. He told her how he was kicked out the orphanage at the age of five, how he was constantly beaten up by the mobs on his own birthday, and how he his education was sabotaged due to all the hate.

He also told her about becoming an ninja and his dreams of wanting to be Hokage, and of all the mission he took as genin from the Wave to the Sasuke Retrieval mission when his best friend and brother betrayed him and the village to go to a traitor snake. He also, told her about the training trip with Jairya to become stronger to bring his best friend back and defeat Akatsuki who were after him. He also, told her about how he defeat Pein which helped him become accepted, and become a hero he had always wanted to become. He mentioned, the start of the Fourth Great Shinobi where he fought Obito, Madara, and Kaguya as he saw all his friends and comrades die in front of him one by one and the final words Sasuke told him before he died, and how he ended up in the body of a ten year old after he got sent to this world. At first he was scared that they would reject him like the villagers in his childhood only to be enveloped in by both Asuna and Tsubaki who were crying.

Tsubaki was truly disheartened after hearing her adopted son's story as she cried saying, that no child should ever have the childhood and pain that Naruto went through in his life and realized why he was less trusting towards others and didn't let people into his heart as quickly. Even though, he acted cold and tried to acted like nothing happened she knew he only fighting himself in the inside as all the pain and suffering was eating him up.

"Well that is good to hear sweetie. So have you decided on what I told you a few days ago." asked Tsubaki

"I don't get why you keep on asking if I want to attend that academy when I'm already proficient in all the uses of, my IS. It would just be a waste of time if I go when I can just help you do missions for the company. You have already taught me enough to in purposes of education for me to survive" shrugged Naruto not wanting to talk about unimportant things.

"But that doesn't give you an excuse to not finish your education Naruto and you have to start interacting other people your age. And I don't care if you are mentally twenty-two but physically your still only sixteen. You still have to become more social with others and you have to be ready for taking over the family company after I retire." chided back Tsubaki in a motherly scold as she was trying to convince Naruto to go to IS Academy so he could interact with more people his own age without playing her trump card and forcing him.

"I interact with enough people, and I already told you Asuna should be taking over the company not me seeing that she is your actual daughter while I am your adopted son so, it wouldn't be fair to her." scoffed back Naruto in stern voice.

"Naruto Uzumaki what did I tell you about saying such things and I told you are my real son not matter what adopted or not. Also you know as well as I do, that Asuna wants you to take over the company as she isn't interested in it. You already do enough for this family already without asking anything in return, you already wasted your childhood in things children shouldn't be doing and I believe, you need to enjoy your life for once" said Tsubaki noticing her son wasn't budging on the subject so decided to she play her trump card in which she had to force Naruto to attend the IS academy. 'Sorry Naruto but this is for your own good.' "Alright then since you don't want to go to finish just your education I have a recruiting mission your for you."

"What exactly is the mission you have for me?" asked Naruto wondering what his mother had in planned for him.

"You are to go and scout, and collect data on Ichika Orimura the only other male pilot than you known to be able to operate an IS. Maybe you can even convince him to join our company after he is finished with his education in IS academy and since you will be there it is best if you can also finish your education also." told Tsubaki knowing this would be able to convince her son of attend the Academy.

"Alright fine I will go get information and convince Ichika Orimura." replied Naruto knowing his mother would pull a stunt like this.

"Also while you are there try, and interact with people, and please meet a nice girl while you are at it ok because I want some grandchildren to spoil in future." Tsubaki said only for it to fall to deaf ears.

"Whatever." spoke Naruto as he turned off the video chat.

'I just hope Kit what that women is trying to works because you deserve happiness more than any one in this world after what you been through in your life and maybe you finding a women in your life will help you.' thought Kurama.

After landing in this world Naruto quickly found out that fighting in this world was done completely differently than his own world. People in this world weren't able to use chakra so they relied more technology to do their fighting. Currently people mainly girls fought with something called an IS or Infinite Stratos which a technically mech suits built by Doctor Tabane Shinonono who invented the IS for space exploration but was currently just put on hold. Due to the Alaskan Treaty the suits were banned from use in war and were distributed throughout the world for equal use.

Strangely for unknown reasons the suits were only usable by females other than Naruto and Ichika Orimura. In truth Naruto was the first male to be able to operate an IS but that information wasn't released to the public due Naruto not wanting to be swarmed by reporters every where he went. They first found out Naruto was compatible with an IS when Tsubaki two years ago examined the crystal that Tsunade gave Naruto because she was curious on what material it was made out of much to their shock, other than Tsubaki who knew the truth, they found not only the crystal made out of unknown material that was not found on earth. They further went into shock when they found a IS stored inside which Naruto was able to use the IS that was inside making him the first male to ever do so.

While using it Naruto realized, it was similar to the tail-beast cloak of Kurama's. After asking him he was told that all the chakra that was drained from him after the battle slowly formed into a IS core and further stabilized becoming an IS which Naruto named after him Kurama. The IS unlike any other IS in the world was able to use Naruto's chakra based attacks which really helped Naruto since he didn't have to adjust to a new battle style and also learn faster due to his use of shadow clones.

"IS Academy huh this ought to be interesting. And I wonder what mother sees to be that interested in you Ichika Orimura." said Naruto to himself as he started getting prepared to go to IS Academy.

Few Days Later

Ichika Orimura had been through many thing from being abandoned by his parents to being kidnapped and held hostage at a young age but none of those things could prepare him for IS Academy. Ever since it was released to the public that he became the "first" male pilot to use an IS his life has been one big rollercoaster ride. He was constantly hounded by the media on how he was able to pilot an IS then next thing he knew he was shipped straight to IS Academy a school surrounded by hormonally teenage girls who acted like they have seen a boy for the first time in his life.

Then, much to his shock he found out his homeroom teacher was non other than his older sister Chifuyu Orimura who gave him quite a beating on his first day of school. After that then he reunited with his childhood friend Houki Shinonono, younger sister of Tabane Shinonono, who was constantly mad and attack him with her kendo blade with no apparent reason, and to top that he had a girl named Cecilia Alcott a representative contender from England who just looked down on him for being a male. He had one hell of a life was the least that he could say.

"Alright class." said Maya Yamada assistant homeroom teacher of class 1-1, trying to get the students attention only to be ignored by them as they just kept on talking.

"Hey brats pay attention." ordered Chifuyu Orimura the homeroom teacher managed to get the attention of the students quickly, and she signaled for Maya to continue.

"Thank you Orimura-sensei, alright class I have some important news to tell you all. Today we will be getting a new transfer student joining our class so please be nice to him." informed Yamada-sensei. After hearing this news the students start to murmur on who the new student would be and how good they would be at piloting an IS.

"Alright you can come in now." says Chifuyu as a boy walks though the door stunning everyone. The boy was wearing the standard IS male uniform and was also wearing dark sun-glasses so, you couldn't see his eyes. He had bright golden hair which seemed to be naturally spiky and also had three horizontal marks on both sides of his cheek which made him look like he had fox whiskers, and also gave him a fox charm. The boy looked to be American with the mix of Japanese but they weren't quite sure but overall he was handsome as hell as he caused many girls to get fresh blushes on his face. "So please introduce yourself." asked Chifuyu.

"Hello my name is Naruto Uzumaki pleased to meet you and that is all." said in a monotone voice with his hands behind his head. His introduction garnered many opinions by the girls and one guy in class.






No one was more happier than the other fellow male in class 1-1 who a chibi version Ichika was waving a flag saying "I'm not alone". He would of jumped up, and hugged the boy with a bone crushing hug and done the happy dance if not for his sister being his teacher and he didn't want to look like a fool in front his class, so he just stuck to doing the happy dance in his mind.

'Hahahaha looks like you got quite a few fan girls Kit. Looks like you have to watch your back now from. Maybe you will finally know who that Uchiha brat felt during the academy. There also quite a few that are not bad looking either maybe you should take them back to your room and have your way with them' said Kurama

'That is not more important right now. We have a mission to recruit Ichika Orimura and that should be are main focus right now.' responded Naruto which caused Kurama frown due to his host indifferent attitude.

"Alright please take a seat next Mr. Orimura and Orimura I want you to show Mr. Uzumaki around the school for the day." Chifuyu ordered. Which Naruto listened and took his seat next Ichika.

"Hi my name is Ichika Orimura nice to meet and I'm so glad that you came ,so I don't have to be only male in this whole school." exclaimed Ichika trying to start to a conversation with the blond but he failed.

"Right." responded Naruto stoically and turned around as Maya started the lesson for the day.

Few Hours Later

"Alright class today we are going to pick our class representative so they will represent us during the class tournament and will attend the school council meetings. So are the any vic- I mean volunteers." said Chifuyu mainly eyeing both Naruto and Ichika.

"I nominate Orimura-kun." shouted girl in the back.

"I believe Orimura-kun should be our representative." shouted another girl.

"Yea I totally agree with that." said another girl just who stood up.

"I also nominate Uzumaki-kun" said another girl

"Yea both boys should be, our representatives." said another girl

Both boys groaned mentally not wanting to take the responsibility of being a class representative.

"Wait I don't want to be a classmrepresentative." shouted Ichika voicing his opinion.

"To bad you don't have a choice in this. Alright Uzumaki and Orimura yo-." said Chifuyu but before she could finish she was cut off by Cecilia Alcott the England representative contender.

"I can not agree to this outcome." she exclaimed only to continue." It is already bad enough that I have to stay in such a under developed country but to snoop this low to have a male to represent our class is something I Cecilia Alcott will not stand for therefore I nominate myself as class representative."

Unable to take the insult Ichika snapped " Your one to talk about how great your country is so tell me how many times has England won the worst cuisine award"

"You-you-you dare insult my country and I will tell you England has great food which is better than what they have here." shouted Cecilia as she was red with fury. " Fine then we shall have a duel and if I win you have to be my servant no slave."

"Fine I am down with that so how much of an handicap do you want?" asked Ichika thinking that was smart only to see the entire class laugh at him.

"Do you really think that men are stronger than women now." said a girl next to Ichika.

"They say that if there were to be a war between men and women it wouldn't even last three day and maybe if she is kind she will give you a handicap." said another girl behind him.

"Alright enough all of you, we will have a duel between Orimura, Alcott and Uzumaki next Monday to decide our class representative." Chifuyu said as she got control of the class again. This caused Naruto to groan mentally as he thought they forgot about him and now he was pushed into a duel that was complete waste of his time.

"Not matter I will beat you both and show that you are nothing but monkeys compared to my Blue Tears." announced Cecilia confidently believe that this match would be nothing but a walk in the park.

"Wait you got your own IS?" Ichika asked Cecilia.

"Well of course I am a representative contender after all. You should know that at least." replied Cecilia arrogantly.

"Orimura and Uzumaki the government will provide you an personal seeing that you don't have one for data collecting purposes and it will arrive Monday so be ready." Chifuyu informed both the boy.

Finally deciding to speak up Naruto responded" I don't need to be provided one sensei seeing that I already have my own personal IS." proclaimed Naruto which got the rest of the class gasping since not many people actually owned their own IS especially if they weren't sponsored by the government which they knew Naruto wasn't and this got Chifuyu to narrow her eyes as she wasn't informed that Naruto had his own IS but putting that for latter she decided to continue class.

End of Chapter One

An: Thanks for the support so far on my first fanfic I really appreciate it. This is my second one I was planning on doing Naruto/Houki for this fanfic as I really like that pairing but I wouldn't mind adding one more girl to the pairing like Chifuyu so it is up to you guys. Just leave who you want in the reviews and thx. No flames please.

An 2: Just if you were wonder about Naruto's personality. He is going to be cold to everyone expect a few people like his adopted family unlike his normal self who trusted everyone. His cold to everyone but as the story goes he will open up more as he will become back to his usual self as he starts to forgive himself and move from his past just everyone would of wanted him to. Kaguya got sent to another dimension due to the collision of the two and she won't be in the story as this will follow the Infinite Stratos Anime storyline with changes of course.