Alive!Tadashi because I'm still in denial

The team all sat around the main lab for movie night. Wasabi and Honey Lemon were setting up the projector while the others pulled beanbags and pillows around in a heap. Snacks littered the floor ranging from War Heads to Gummy Bears.

"So what're we watching?" Hiro asked, having not been given any details.

"Blood Sacrifice Cemetery…" GoGo answered in her best creepy voice. "It may be too scary for you, actually."

"It was banned in 12 countries, including most of America," Fred added.

Hiro snickered, crossing his arms, "I'm not scared of anything," he said coolly. "Bring it on."

"You sure, Little Brother?" Tadashi snickered, "Didn't you used to hide from Barney?"

"I was FIVE!" Hiro argued animatedly. He stomped over and plopped down next to GoGo, the farthest seat from Tadashi he could claim.

"All set!" Honey Lemon squealed. She pressed play and ran to the unoccupied side by GoGo and Wasabi crashed behind Fred so he could lie down on his stomach. Hiro grabbed a bag of Gummy Bears as the credits faded away.

It won't be that bad…it's all fake anyway… the teen told himself.

A headstone flew up and at the characters, colliding with the dumb one's head. Hiro squeaked and covered his eyes.

"Jerry!" the pretty one screamed before the jock pulled her along. Things calmed down and the music softened so Hiro was finally able to breathe.

Whoop, surprise chainsaw dude. Aaaaand the jock's dead. Terrific. It made Hiro jump, which landed GoGo's eyes on him.

The girl leaned over, "If you need to get outta here, it's OK," she said. Hiro shook his head, trying to calm himself down so she wouldn't get Tadashi involved.

"This isn't even scary, it's so predict-" he was cut off by the pretty one's screams. There were only three main characters left, the movie couldn't have much longer.

"Just so you know, there's an hour left to this," GoGo said, seeming to read his thought process.

"Seriously," Hiro squeaked.

Fifteen minutes passed before Hiro looked to his brother. The older was leaning back, having constructed a make-shift recliner from an extra beanbag chair. It would be easy to just go over there and curl up…

NO. He didn't need that level of teasing for the next who knows how long. Chainsaw dude just died. What. Looking to the movie, the perverted one was possessed and now had the chainsaw. An incinerator was on in the background where the two non-possessed ones were cooking- EWWWW. That's horrible! OK, cannibalism had to be the line.

The fourteen-year-old stood and ran around the back of the pile, plopping down on Tadashi. He buried his face in the older's chest and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"What happened to you not being scared of anything?" Tadashi teased.

"Shut up," Hiro mumbled into his chest. The older smiled, but said nothing else. Every scream had the younger pressing farther against his brother and by the end of the movie, Hiro was wrapped around Tadashi's waist, face completely hidden in the small of the older's back.

Wasabi stood up first and turned the projector off, "Well that was an adventure," he said, not noticing the brothers.

"What did you think, Hiro?" Honey Lemon asked, looking to the other side of GoGo. "Um…where's Hiro?"

"Uhmph…" Hiro unwrapped himself from Tadashi and sat up, using his brother as a prop-up.

"Couldn't handle it, huh, Little Dude?" Fred asked, sitting up.

"I could've…but Tadashi looked freaked out!"

"Nice try," GoGo stood, stretching. "It's OK you were scared," she said, "That movie was a little freaky."

"I wasn't scared!"

"Says the one sitting on his brother…" Tadashi countered. "If you're so tough, just get up and go get our jackets from my lab." The rest of the building was pitch-black and anything could be hiding in that darkness...

"Why do I have to? Can't one of them go?" Hiro whined, turning on his brother's lap to face him.

"Sure, if you admit you were scared."

Silence fell for a moment, Hiro examining each of their faces before he sighed, "OK, fine." He stood and stomped off to the lab, throwing open the door and grabbing the coats. He hit the fan switch with his elbow which caused it to whirr to life loudly.

"Tadashi!" he screamed, running back to his brother and colliding with him. "Fine, fine, I'm scared!" he clawed his way around the older again, making an octopus of himself.

"What happened?" Tadashi asked. He only received whimpers as a response. Honey Lemon went back to see what had freaked out Hiro, coming back with a grin hidden behind her hand.

"You just turned the fan on, Hiro. It's alright." She explained. The younger Hamada detached and sat on a free pillow, looking down at his feet, trying to mask his reddened face. "Awww!" Honey squealed, tackle-hugging him.

"No, no, no, stop!" he squirmed in her hold, "This isn't funny!"

"It's OK, Hiro. It's OK you were scared," she reassured.

"No it's not! I was the only one!" he gave up on fighting her, deciding pouting was better.

"What, did you think we'd make fun of you?" Wasabi asked. Hiro nodded. "Aw, little buddy, don't worry. We're nerds. Why would make fun of you? Why would we want to?"

"The other kids would…" Hiro answered, his voice nearly inaudible.

"Hiro…" Tadashi called. The teen looked over at his brother's outstretched arms. He crawled out of Honey's grip and curled up on him. "I promise, Little Brother, we won't make fun of you…"

"Thanks, Dashi," Hiro smiled, twisting to hug the other. Tadashi hugged him back and for a moment, they were sweet.

"Now get off, your boney butt is killing me."

"Shut up…"

And that's my first attempt at a Big Hero 6 fanfic! Was it a success?

Review and Favorite if you enjoyed!