A/N: Thank you for giving this a read, something I've had in my mind for a while and put it to use. The flashback is written in italics. I'm a huge GOT fan and am starting to read the books so I apologise if anything seems out of character, as I've just stated that I'm only just starting the books. But I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make nothing from writing these fics.

Cersei opened the door to her chambers, leading the Stark girl inside. She had been informed by The Hound that the girl she often called 'Little Dove' was no longer 'Little', Sansa had become a woman and the girl seemed frightened by the act. They walked into the room, Cersei trying to assure the girl that becoming a woman wasn't so scary as she thought.

"Your mother might've prepared you. You flowered my dear, nothing more." Cersei assured.

"My mother told me but I thought it would be different," Sansa admitted.

Sansa walked with the Queen a few steps before stopping.

"In what way?" Cersei asked.

"I thought it would be...less," Sansa paused, "Less messy."

Cersei smiled slightly, gesturing for Sansa to sit in the chair, "Wait until you birth a child." she replied.

Sansa sat in the chair, the look of worry still on her face as she looked round to Cersei.

"You're a woman now," said Cersei, walking a few steps to face the red head, "Do you have any idea what that means?"

Sansa swallowed a breath before replying with fright, "I'm fit to bear children for the King."

The Queen felt a little sympathy for the girl, not much but a little, "A prospect that once delighted you. Bringing little prince and princesses into the world." Cersei replied, "The greatest honour for a Queen." she added.

Sansa looked at her but the fright still remained as Cersei studied the girl. Poor thing, the girl from Winterfell had certainly changed from the happy girl who wanted nothing more than to be betrothed to the Crown Prince to the girl who wished that this day had never come.

"Joffrey's always been difficult, even his birth I laboured a day and a half to bring him into this world." Cersei said, "You cannot imagine the pain. I screamed so loudly that I was sure that Robert could hear me from the Kingswood."

Sansa looked up, surprised to hear that the late King hadn't been present at the birth of his son and heir, "His Grace was not with you?" she asked, the surprise tone in her voice present.

"Robert was hunting, that was his custom," Cersei replied, walking to the bed to pick up her shawl, "Whenever my time was near, my royal husband would flee to the trees with his huntsmen and his hounds." she wrapped the shawl around her shoulders, "And when he returned he would present me with some pelts or a stag's head and I would present him with a baby."

Cersei walked slowly to the window opposite Sansa, standing away as she continued to tell the red headed girl the tale of her son's birth.

"Not that I wanted him there mind you, I had Grand Maester Pycelle, an army of midwives and my brother." she paused, the memory coming to her as if it were only yesterday. Smiling slightly she continued, "When they told Jamie he wasn't allowed in the birthing room, he smiled and asked which one of them proposed to keep him out..."

It had been a hot day when her waters had broken, the pains coming instantly as she snapped at her handmaiden to inform the King of their child's pending arrival. Another helped her into the bed as another rushed to get Pycelle and some midwives. If she had it her way, Pycelle wouldn't have been allowed in there; the last thing that she wanted was to have that old letch touching her or her unborn child.

Cersei screamed in agony, wishing the pain would stop but secretly knowing that the pain was required if she was going to bring little lion cubs into this world even if she had to pretend that they were half stags. It seemed so long ago that she had gone to Jaime's rooms in the middle of the night, happy with the news that she was with child. Of course, her brother had gotten the idea that she had come to him for another tryst but when she had told him that she was having their baby, he smiled with joy until she had to tell him that he couldn't claim their child, Robert would have their heads on spikes if the truth was discovered.

She had been told that Robert had gone to the Kingswood for a hunt and would be gone for a day or two, making her curse as she felt another contraction but happy on the inside that her husband wouldn't be badgering her about the child being the son that he desperately wanted to take the throne when the time came. They had lost a son, several years before this child and he had only lived a short while. In the days that followed her first son's death Robert had been so angry that he attempted to comfort her and for a while she believed that their marriage meant something. That was until she caught her husband whoring when she had gone to speak with him about their child, instead she went to Jaime.

Having tried pushing on the midwives instructions, Cersei found herself sweating heavily and closing her eyes from the exhaustion. She would have strangled the midwife if she had the strength when she was told yet again that the child was positioned wrong and it would be a while longer before it would be delivered and they would have to consider cutting the child out of her.

Cersei didn't know how much time had passed until she saw the dark sky outside her chambers, the night's cool breeze offering her a way to cool down from the heat that had filled the room. Finding herself resting, there was the sound of the door opening and her eyes flew open. She could see her brother, dressed in his white cloak and armour.

"Ser Jaime, you aren't allowed in here." the midwife stated harshly, "The Queen is in labour-"

She saw the smile on her brother's face and heard his light chuckle, "And which one of you are going to keep me out?" Jaime asked.

Jaime shoved his way past the midwife, taking a seat next to her bedside and squeezed her hand gently.

"Jaime.." Cersei breathed.

Her brother looked deeply into her eyes, gasping at the sudden crushing of his hand in hers as she screamed in agony yet again. Jaime spoke to her, telling her to breathe slowly and to focus on him, offering Cersei a distraction to the pain that she was going through. For that she was grateful. When the contraction eased, Pycelle examined her which caused her to curse the old letch.

"I can see the head Your Grace." Pycelle muttered.

Cersei ignored the Grand Maester and continued to look at her twin, her brother, her lover and father of the baby who was determined to be difficult.

"You look a mess." Jaime whispered teasingly.

She scowled at him, "If I had the strength I would slap you." Cersei hissed.

"Keep pushing Your Grace." a midwife urged.

She did as instructed, hating that she had so many eyes watching her at a weak moment; so tired and exhausted from trying to deliver the Prince that they desperately craved for the Kingdom. She could feel the burning and the stretching as the baby was being pushed into the world, the baby she had carried for the last nine months in her womb. But she didn't dwell on the pain she felt, her hand squeezed the one of her brother's and listened to the words of encouragement that came from Jaime's lips. The last push made her scream even louder than the rest and she fell back on to the pillows; breathing hard and searching for the loud cries of the baby that she heard.

"A boy!" the midwife declared happily, cutting the cord and placing the infant in a blanket.

Cersei sat up a little, grabbing the bundle from the midwife and cradling her newborn son in her arms. The babe was red faced, screaming still and looked the spitting image of the man sat next to her. He was a Lannister through and through and she began to silently panic at whether people would question her son's paternity.

"He certainly has the Lannister looks." Jaime complimented, looking over the babe's head, "Well done sweet sister, he looks like you."

The midwifes cleaned her up and changed the bedsheets as she moved to the chaise in order for them to do so. When Pycelle was happy that she and the baby were fine, they left the room; the handmaidens helping her back into the freshly made bed with Jaime sat at her side.

"Leave us." Jaime instructed to the handmaids.

The three women bowed and left the room, leaving the two of them alone with the newborn baby who was feeding from Cersei's breast.

"Does the father get to hold his son?" Jaime whispered.

Cersei stared at him evilly, "Jaime, we've been through this. You cannot claim him as your own, Robert would kill us all." she replied.

"That's if I don't kill him first sister."

She scoffed, "Do you really want to add to the reputation of Kingslayer?" she asked.

Jaime said nothing in reply but continued to look at his son, or his nephew as he would have to refer to him now.

"He looks like you." Cersei whispered after a few minutes of silence.

"Maybe so, only I wasn't so difficult during labour." Jaime commented.

"With a little help from me." Cersei said quietly, laying her head on to the pillows as she continued to cradle her son.

Jaime looked at her, pressing a deep kiss on her lips until she pushed him away.

"Not here, not now. Once I'm healed we can celebrate." Cersei promised.

He nodded, a little disappointed, "Have you decided on a name yet?" Jaime asked.

She looked back at the little boy, falling asleep in her arms. Robert and her had argued about naming their next son and her husband had insisted on naming a boy either Eddard or Jon but she had said no; she didn't want her son named after men that her husband liked. Robert wasn't even the father so in her eyes she believed that she and Jaime should be the ones to name the baby.

"Joffrey." she replied with a small smile.

Cersei smiled in fondness at the memory, just for a moment until she turned to Sansa; the gulls crying in the distance.

"Joffrey will show you no such devotion."