I've started a new Supernatural story. This doesn't go along with any specific episodes but it goes along with the storyline in season 5. I'm aiming for this story to be about 5 chapters long. I hope you guys enjoy and I would appreciate any reviews given! Constructive criticism is welcome~

Annabel sat in her hospital bed working the crossword puzzle in the paper. She did this every Thursday evening as the other days of the week the paper goes to different patients. Although she has the paper for the whole day, she saved the puzzle for the evening to keep her entertained. She would love to work the puzzle everyday but sharing the paper throughout the week helped to give Annabel a sense of routine.

Annabel has been a patient of the hospital for several months. She is one of the handful of cancer patients that are living out the rest of their short lives in a hospital bed. Annabel didn't mind staying at the hospital. The nurses and doctors were very kind to her and the other patients were like family. She also didn't have anywhere else to go. her parents had both passed away: her mother while giving birth to her and her father by a drunk driver shortly after her being admitted to the hospital. She had no siblings, and oddly enough, neither did either of her parents, leaving her in the care of the hospital staff that worked on her floor.

Annabel gave a soft sigh and put the crossword puzzle off to the side. Her legs were beginning to cramp and a headache was starting to form. She reached to the call button to get a nurse. Shortly after, Janice, the current nurse on shift, came in.

"What's up, Bells? Already finished the puzzle?" Janice was really sweet. She often worked the graveyard shift but had the evening shift that day. Annabel personally liked to think of Janice as her favorite nurse, as she often couldn't sleep at night and Janice would always stay to talk or play games to keep her entertained. Annabel looked up at Janice.

"Not yet, but I was wondering if I could take a walk? My legs are starting to cramp up." Annabel tried to stretch out her long legs on the small hospital bed. She took after her father in regards to her height and often took walks to stretch out. Janice gave a little chuckle as she went to get Annabel up and ready for her walk. She was used to Annabel wanting to take walks, whether to stretch out or just to clear her head.

"Of course. You take these walks so often that I'm beginning to wonder why you even ask." Janice joked. Annabel gave a little chuckle. Of course, because of the hospital regulations Annabel had to ask, but everyone who works with Annabel knows her tendency to take several walks throughout the day and even throughout the night. Janice helped Annabel to stand and scooted over her IV stand. Annabel grabbed the pole to help steady herself. "Do you want me to walk with you before I head out?" Annabel looked at the clock and noticed that the evening shift was about to end. She looked back to Janice and gave a soft shake of her head.

"It's fine. I only plan on taking a short walk. Plus, you have your kids to get home to." Janice gave a small smile at the mention of her kids but then gave Annabel a stern look. She went to say something but was cut off by Annabel. "Yes, I will make sure to check in with Miranda when I'm done. Now go finish your rounds so you can go home."

"You better. Have a nice walk and I will see you tomorrow night." Janice gave Annabel's shoulder a light squeeze and they waved at each other as they went their separate ways.

Normally, patients are not allowed to walk around the hospital without someone on the staff accompanying them. However, Annabel is a special case. The other patients on her floor are either too sick to even go on walks or too elderly to be left alone wandering the halls. While it took a while for the doctors and nurses to let her take her walks on her own, Annabel was able to prove that she was responsible enough to follow the rules. She stays on her floor, she returns to her room after 10 minutes and if she would like to keep walking she gets permission from the nurse on shift and she only stays out for a total of 30 minutes in order to not tire herself out. However, sometimes she is able to get another 10 minutes in so she can tire herself a little in order to sleep.

While on her walk, Annabel enjoyed the silence of the halls. The graveyard shift had begun and most of the patients were either sleeping or already asleep. Looking around the halls, Annabel is reminded of the times she would take walks with her father when he was still alive. Unconsciously, she fiddled with her necklace. On it dangled her father's dog tags. A few years before she was born, Annabel's father served a couple tours overseas. When her father passed away, he had left in his will for everything they owned to be sold in order to keep up with Annabel's hospital bills during her stay. Annabel was able to keep a few things for herself to keep in her hospital room. She had two pictures; one of her mother and father together and another one of her and her father during her 10th birthday. The only other thing she kept was her father's dog tags.

I miss you, daddy. Annabel let out a little sigh. No later than she finished her thought, the lights above her began to flicker and a cold draft caused her to shiver. Maybe I should head back to my room. Annabel turned around and began walking back to her room. Halfway there, Annabel is slightly shocked to see a group of nurses along with the doctor on call quickly heading towards the direction she just came from. She was able to stop Miranda, the nurse on shift, and ask about what was happening.

"What's going on?" Miranda gently takes Annabel's hands off her arms and turns her towards her room.

"Go back to your room Annabel. I'll come check on you later." Annabel examined Miranda's face and could see nothing but seriousness in her expression. She gave a small nod and watched as Miranda turned around and caught up with the others. Before heading back to her room, Annabel took note of which room they entered. That's Mr. Oliver's room. I hope he's ok. Mr. Oliver has been a patient on Annabel's floor for as long as she had been there, even longer. He always told Annabel the funniest of jokes. Annabel proceeds back to her room and tries to finish her crossword puzzle from earlier in order to keep her mind off what might have been happening down the hall.

After about 10 minutes of pretending to do the puzzle, Annabel finally puts it away and sits waiting. She didn't have to wait for long as only a few minutes later Miranda enters the room. Annabel could immediately spot the sorrowful expression and dread filled her.

"Is Mr. Oliver alright?" Miranda gives a small sigh and shakes her head. She then continues to inform Annabel that Mr. Oliver had passed away. She was hesitant to tell Annabel the cause of death when she asked but decided that she would have probably found out from the other patients and nurses talking.

"He died from suffocation." Annabel frowned in confusion.

"How could he have suffocated?" Miranda gave a shake of her head and replied with a small 'I'm not sure'. Miranda then continued her regular check up of Annabel and encouraged the young girl to get some sleep. Annabel lay in bed thinking of all the memories she had made with Mr. Oliver over the last few months. Finally, around 3 in the morning, Annabel drifts off to sleep. Little did Annabel know that Mr. Oliver's death would be the first in many to come.