WARNING! HEAVY SPOILERS FOR NOVEL, MANGA, AND PVS(Some parts are my own interpretation of the PVs though.)! Do not read unless you have read/watched at least one of the three or the sub-standard anime that only serves as a good general summary of majority of the plot points. There is no spoiler for the anime itself in this outside of the general plot. Also, this fic is solely in Mary's POV.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Kagerou Project series. The rights to it belongs to its creator and composer, Jin (Shizen no Teki-P)


Mary cries as she clutches onto Seto's bleeding corpse, as Kano and Kido lay dead, holding each other's hand, as the Clear Eyed Snake goads her into wishing to turn back time.


She cries as Momo falls dead even though the two had thought they had gotten away from the Clear Eyed Snake. The founding members of the Mekakushi Dan lay dead in the basement laboratory. She cries for their deaths. She wishes to turn back time.


Momo isn't there. Instead it is Hibiya. And she cries when they are all killed in front of her once more. "GIVE THEM BACK!" she screams. And time turns back once more.


Momo and Hibiya are there with them. There are six of them. They will make it through August 14 and 15. They will live this time.

It isn't enough.


Mary hears about Momo's brother for once. She wonders why she never meets him. He committed suicide a year before, Momo says sadly, and Mary wonders the significance of this brother.

She doesn't have time to wonder as she wishes for the snake to turn back the clock once more.


Ene. A program? Mary doesn't think so. Her grandmother's diary on the Eye Abilities is useful in telling her that Ene had been a human, given new life through her eye ability.

Ene recognises the Clear Eyed Snake's form. Mary can hear her cries as the screen finally cracks. Seven people and they still die. She wishes once again. And the Clear Eyes Snake gives a mad, triumphant laugh.





Ayano is mentioned for the first time. Ene recognises the name. Kano, Kido and Seto look sad as they visit her grave.

Nothing changes.


Ene is not around this time, though Momo mentions about the girl, that she disappeared around the same time her brother died.

Even then, they are not able avert what will happen to them.


Konoha. He wishes for friends. Mary smiles at the quiet boy and hopes nothing bad would happen like in her dreams.

'Why?! Why did he have to be the one to house IT?! Why did my dreams have to turn out real?!'





Something changes during the last two resets.

Shintaro? This is Momo's brother? He's… odd. Socially awkward. Even more than herself.

They should not have lingered too long in the amusement park.

'He's here. He's across the road. He's walking towards Kano and... No. No. Please stop. No, please stop this! No, no, no, NOOOO!'

Nothing changes their fate.


But maybe something does change. The Heat Haze shimmers oddly for the first time as time turns back once more.


Shintaro appears yet again with Ene. Kano immediately makes a bad first impression. Konoha averts the disaster at the mall. And Hibiya is some what less trusting of the group and happier to stick with Shintaro, Momo, and Ene.

They all die again anyway.


The Heat Haze shimmers again, as if something is happening within it whenever the reset happens.


They meet Shintaro and Ene. They head to the amusement park. They leave early and meet Hibiya and Konoha. They explain more about the eye abilities. After staying for the night, they head off to her home to find answers.

And Konoha almost dies, if not for Shintaro.

They die. While the Snake laughs once more.


Why is the Heat Haze acting so strangely? What is going on? This had never happened before Shintaro joined…



They make it past the first day. They find Momo. They find Shintaro and Ene. They find Konoha and Hibiya. They find out about Hibiya's eye power that night. Shintaro heads home with Ene for the night.

15th August and the Dan spends time together at the base, at least until Kano ruins it when Shintaro's alone, revealing the original trio as Ayano's siblings when Kano uses his ability to appear as Ayano. They explain their past.

They leave to confront the mastermind. Konoha is consumed by the Clear Eyed Snake. Only he is… resisting? Mary stares wide eyed as the other shakily points the gun to his head getting ready to pull the trigger. She barely registers Shintaro pushing past her and taking the shot to his head instead. She barely registers the rest dying around her as the Snake assumes full control. She barely registers herself weeping out, "No, I don't want to say goodbye... I want to be with everyone... One more time... One more time!"


Mary hears her grandmother keeping track of time. She always does so within the Haze as she waits for time to reset. Only for her to look up in surprise as she hears a gasp of shock from her grandmother.

Mary's own eyes widen as she feels a snake and a human leave the Heat Haze and a human die within it just before time begins to rewind.

Isn't Ayano in the Haze?

Didn't she get an Eye Ability as she entered the Heat Haze according to Kano?

And didn't Shintaro know Ayano?

It isn't possible. It isn't possible to transfer Eye Abilities as far as she knew.

But if it is, there is still hope for all nine of them to make it out of the two days alive.


Author's Notes:
Several months ago (27/10/2014 to be exact) I decided to be weird and write out this little one-shot, thanks to the very unsatisfactory anime version of this series. This one-shot is based on assumptions, and key plot points, regarding the Kagepro Novels, PVs and manga.

Mary, in-between every reset, recalls everything that happens, and how Shintaro's own presence changes a lot of things. Mid way, where Shintaro first appears, is based on the first arc and a portion of the second arc of the manga. The part after that is based on the novel. The last portion is based on the Lost Time Memory PV, which, considering some fics I wrote, I am obviously obsessed with. Anything before the spoiler filled areas is purely based on what I assume to be some of the resets that occurred prior to the Novel, PVs and Manga.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this short little one-shot, filled with death and despair, yet some hope that something would change. Please leave a review as you go!

Kiri Kaitou Clover