Hello everyone, and welcome to Five Smashers at Freddy's. (And yes, sorry for the bad title, it was all I could come up with).

I've been very interested in the FNAF craze, but I'm still afraid of it. (I got jump scared by it so many times,) and it sounds very great.

I thought of trying to do a Smash Bros fanfic before, but there wasn't any time for that, but now there is, and I'm gonna take a shot at FNAF (I hope the next game is good as well).

But enough talking for now, let's get this thing started.

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Smash Bros, it belongs to Nintendo. And Five Nights At Freddy's belongs to Scott Cawthon.

Chapter 1: the cake that started it all.

The smashers were bored today, unlike most others. Even though it was the most relaxing day of the summer, they could've gone to the beach, the pool, or even a water park, but that was not an option. It had been entirely a few days since Master Hand and Crazy Hand had told them that they were going to a meeting that would be explaining how to handle some of these people and discuss how they can make sure the place can't be renovated.

After doing some crazy acts a few days ago, the entire house was filled with boredom and there was nothing to do. There wasn't any new games to play, there was no new ideas to plan out, and there was no one else to prank, even though that was mostly what the smashers wanted to do these days. They were all bored, tired and most importantly, hungry.

"I need food!" Kirby was starving, the pink character was crawling to the fridge in front of him, just wanting to devour all of the food inside of it. He was just close to reaching it.

'Don't even try to open it, it's empty." Pac man was lying on his face, and he had a empty bad that used to have food in it, but it was like that two days ago. Kirby didn't listen to him so he opened up the refrigerator and the expected loads of food here, but unfortunately there was nothing. "See."

"Where the heck is Snake with the groceries!?" He screamed out loud, then fell down on his back.

"I need milk!" Ike was crawling his way to the kitchen and he had a bag of things in there, he was hoping that it could make food, but there was an empty container of it, he didn't care anymore. He started biting it and he didn't taste anything. "This is not tasty!"

"You think?" Zelda said from the top of the table and she also had an empty bottle, but the sink was gone (somehow).

"I'm gonna eat this entire refrigerator if Snake doesn't show up!" Kirby replied, warning everyone in case they needed to be warned. This caused Shulk, Lucina, and Link to run to it and grab it.

"No!" This fridge is mine!" "I'm gonna take it!" The three sword fighters protested against each other, tugging the thing and trying to carry it apfar away from each other. Bowser showed up and grabbed it with his bare hands, and started running away, the three started running after him to get their prize.

"When will this madness end?" Luigi ran to the kitchen and fell down, screaming out to ceiling and nearly crying softly. Apparently the smashers were given an order to buy some groceries just recently, but no one wanted to do it, so they just left Snake to do the chores, and it was about three or four hours since then, now the mansion was completely filled with starving characters.

Outside of the garage, Snake stopped moving his vehicle and parked it outside. Unlike everyone else, he was feeling healthy because he stopped at a restaurant to grab a bite to eat, and he didn't tell them why it was taking so long for him to arrive, but actually they couldn't ask because they don't have the strength to use a phone.

He got a giant package from the back of the truck and started to slowly carry it all the way to the house. The door was large for him to go through though, so he entered on without even pausing for a second, the door was unlocked for reasons unknown. He mad his way to the kitchen and placed the package down on top of the kitchen table, getting the attention of all the other smashers.

"Finally you're back!" Zelda said as she rolled to the floor, "Please tell me you didn't get any spicey food."

"I brought something even better than that." Snake said, and then began to unwrap the mystery item, "I brought...a cake."

"A cake?" Kirby said.

"A cake?" Ike said.

"A cake?" Zelda said.

"A cake?" Five smashers from the upstairs floor said.

"A cake?" Bowser, Link, Lucina, and Shulk said. This caused the King Koopa to drop the fridge on top of all three of the swordfighters and ran to the kitchen, the three were able to carry the fridge on top of them and run at a slow pace. All of the smashers were finally at the kitchen in about twenty seconds and see the package that Snake unravelled.

"I introduce to you, the most wonderful cake in the world!" Snake threw the entire wrapping paper and the cake was revealed to have chocolate and vanilla flavors on it, Strawberries on top, Cherries on the side, Healthy salad flavor, Vedgetables and banana flavors inside it. All of the smashers' mouths were watering and they were amazed at the sight of the beautiful cake in front of them.

"I must have cake!" Kirby shouted and everyone started to lunge at it, but Snake stood right in front of them and stopped them.

"HOLD IT!" He shouted, and everyone froze in midair when he appeared. "This cake is extremely dangerous! If anyone dares try to eat one bite of it, it will explode the entire mansion to flames."

"That's just bullcrap!" Samus shouted and moved her gun in front of her to show that she needed to have the cake immediately or else people will get hurt. "That's an excuse just so you can have it all for yourself!"

"No, I'm very serious about this, we can't eat this yet until Master Hand shows up." The soldier was making everyone back away from the precious cake. "We will be dead if any of you dares try to take a bite out of it, we're just gonna starve for now and wait until five."

"Oh no We're not!" Mario and Luigi appeared somewhere next to the tabel and grabbed the entire thing and ran away.

"HEY, GIVE IT BACK!" Snake and everyone started running after the mario brothers to get their precious cake back.

"This cake is ours!" They both shouted and ran though a room, giving each other high fives until they stopped right in front of Peach, who was acting all innocent. "Uh, hey princess, can you please move out of the way?" Luigi said.

"Nope." She immediately pushed the two away and got the cake, then blew a kiss at Mario before Bowser suddenly showed up, then grabbed both the princess (big surprise) and the cake.

"Hahahaha! Now I got the princess and the best food ever created!" He shouted out to the entire mansion, Peach started to cry for help again and the King Koopa began to jump in his Clown ballon thingy and fly away to the upstairs floor. Right then the Food and Peach was yanked out of his hands.

Yoshi was waiting for Bowser to show up so now the long tounge was dragging two things to him and he open his mouth wide to eat it. Right then Rosalina flew right in frojt of him and took the entire cake with her magic wand. Then yoshi ended up eating the Princess instead, he didn't realize this until she started hitting him.

Rosalina was laughing out loud and taking the cake through some of the halls, but suddenly Bowser Junior and the Koopa kids took it away from her in a swift move, and began to fly away to the other rooms. "This cake is all ours!" He shouted in victory.

The Koopa kids were now flying inside a library and we're getting close to their secret hideout when suddenly Wario appeared on his motorcycle and drove it on top of a bookcase and snatched it away from the kids. He started cracking a smile and taunted the kids until he crashed right on a wall and the bike blew up.

The cake was launched in the air and Dr. Mario was able to catch it, "This cake is mine." He shouted, but he barely even moved when Donkey Kong punched him and took the entire cake away from him, but Diddy Kong came in and took the entire thing by climbing up the big boss and ran away from DK.

Diddy was able to make it out of the room and outside to the gardens, just before an arrow whisked it out of his small hands, the cake landed somewhere on a roof and Link rushed to it, tucking the bow back on his back. He almost snatched the cake when Zelda appeared right in front of him, and took the food.

"Sorry link." She said, "But this one is mine," link wasn't doing anything to stop her, so she just kissed him on the lips and then dissapeared before quickly saying, "I'll share a piece with you later."

However before she was able to teleport somewhere else, Ganondorf was swinging from a magical vine and took the cake away from the Hyrulians. "Nice try Link and Zelda, but this cake is mine!" He laughed but right then Young Link jumped off a trampoline and grabbed it then landed on the ground.

Toon link was right in front of him. "That cake is mine Link!" He said to him.

"Think again Link, it's mine!" He said to the other Link, but right then Samus blasted them away and got the cake easily.

"You should've run when you had the chance." She said, and smirked at the defeated Links before Pit flew by and took it from her.

"Nice try Samus!" He shouted and then Dark Pit snatched it away, then aimed at his counterpart with his water gun.

"This cake is mine Pitstain, Now get away from me so that I can have it all to myself!"

"Not a chance Pittoo!" Pit got his bow out and aimed at the cake, the two angels were locked in combat but right then The cake started floating over to Palutena who was hovering above them.

"Thnaks for letting me have my prize." She said, giggling at the two, but Charizard got it out of her hands and flew out above the roof of the mansion and then began to hover around the place before an electric shock got him and he dropped the cake which somehow got unaffected by the attacks.

Pickachu and Pichu were waiting to catch the cake, and they almost had it when Ivysaur got it using his vine whip attack and pull it towards him, but Squirtle hit him with his water gun and then took it away from the downed Pokemon. But right then Jigglypuff appeared and she began to sing her song to cause Squrtle to go take a nap instantly, but this caused Mewtwo to take it away from her and then he was standing right in front of Greninja and Lucardio.

They were all anxiously wanting the cake and they weren't going to let the enemy have it, so they began to charge up their abilities and each one of them send out a orb of their powers to fly to the opposing team, and then it managed to get all of them taken down and throw the cake far from the roof.

The Duck Hunt Dog and Duck were able to catch it in the air and and carry it up with their strength, Suddenly, Fox's ship took the cake away and left the dog and duck falling back on the ground. Fox's ship was being chased by Falco's.

"You will never have that cake!" Falco shouted out.

"It's too late, it's mine!" Fox turned around and stuck his tounge out at the other pilot, but Wolf's ship took it out of the way and flew away.

"Or is it!" He shouted in victory and laughed out loud, expressing that he was definitely more evil than he already is. Right then, Captain Falcon's speeder crashed on the fighter and the cake was sent in the air, "What the heck!" The two pilots shouted and began to crash down at the garden.

Thanks to that, the cake began to fall to the ground, but luckily Nana and Popo were under the landing zone for the cake, so it began to fall down but right then a lighting spark managed to take them down and Ness and Lucas went under the landing zone for the cake, the cake should've landed on top of them if not for Villager stepping in and grabbing it quickly.

"Hey, that cake belongs to us!" The Earthbound kids shouted at the character, before it turned it's face around and looked straight at them with it's evil eyes. This caused the kids to back away and get as far as they could from him.

The villager now had the prize, but right then, Little Mac came in and punch his face, and then took the entire cake, but unfortunately for him, The Wii Fit Trainer came in and took the prize within seconds of landing. She was about to head inside the place, but Mega Man shot pellets at her, and then he took the entire cake with one hand.

He stopped once he was inside the playroom, and was about to rest, but unfortunately Pikmin began to show up and crawl all over his body. They all took the entire cake and began to leave, but of course someone managed to come in and ruin their moment, because Sonic dashed right through them and took the cake.

"Ha ha! You can't stop me!" He shouted out loud, and headed out of the room, too bad he wasn't looking when Mr. Game and Watch stood in front of him and hit his hammer, which was at a nine and knocked out the hedgehog. The cake fell on the floor and he picked it up, but Roy dived right in and took it out of his hands.

Roy shouted triumptely, but Marth came in and pointed his sword at him.

"Surrender the cake or face my fury!" He replied with a mean look on his face.

"Like I would ever do that!" Roy pulled out another sword, but of course someone swung by and took the cake, Ike landed on the ground and pointed his sword at them.

"Nice try boys, but I'll take this cake from your hands." He began run off, but that was when Robin came in and used his lightning tome to knock down the sowordsmen, then he caught the cake,

"Thank you," he began to run, but a swordswoman came and pointed her sword at his chest. It was indeed Lucina.

"Robin, that cake is mine." She said to the Tactician.

"Lucina, I'll share half of this cake with you if you left me go." Robin responded to her, "I'm not gonna let you starve if I take this."

"Sorry Robin." The girl hoisted her sword, then walked closer to him and kissed his lips. This caused him to do the same, but She took the cake with one hand and backed away from him. "I'll share with you once I have tasted it." She was going to leave, but the weight of the cake was not shown anymore because Shulk took it and started running away.

"Thanks for being distracted!" He shouted back at them, then he stepped through the doorway, but King DeDeDe tripped him over and grabbed it. He laughed at the kid and ran away from him, just then Meta Knight was standing next to the wall, he expected him to trip him since he started to run at him, but once he did, nothing happened.

He stopped and looked at him, "Wait...aren't you gonna stop me?"

"No, not really." The knight just stayed where he was, and he was surprisingly not hungry at all, so the penguin King shrugged his shoulders and kept running. Just then, Pac Man lunged at him, and knocked him away from the prize then he charged at the cake.

Just then, Kirby lunged at him and now the two began battling over the wonderful food, "I need my cake!" Pac man shouted.

"That cake is calling my name, so I need to have it!" Kirby shouted back at him, then rolled over to the cake and got to it, that was when everyone charged right in the room, from the walls and the ceiling, they didn't care for the damages, they just needed to get the cake, "That cake is mine!" They all shouted out.

"EVERYONE STOP!" Snake came out of the crowd of people and came over to the cake, "All of you must stop eating this cake, because that cake is extremely dangerous, and deadly to all of us!"

"And why should we care?" Samus shouted back at him.

"Because the cake is rigged with explosives!" The soldier shouted that out loud to everyone, "If anyone dares take a bite out of it, then it will explode and we won't be able to get our food." While he was still taking, Kirby started taking small bites out of that delicious cake, "So we must wait for Master Hand to come back and disarm it, got it?"

"Yeah, got it." Kirby said with his mouth full of food, all of the smashers turned to him with worried faces to see that things were going to look bad within seconds, "Hey guys, this cake is very-"


Master Hand and Crazy Hand were sitting in their car, waiting to get dropped off to their homes. The two were finished with their meeting and from the looks of it, MH was very nervous, the smashers were probably trashing the place as always, and he didn't want it to happen.

"It's all in your imagination, it's all in your imagination." He muttered to himself in order to calm down and forget the painful memories that the smashers had caused throughout the years. He had already lowered the food supply they had in order to make sure that they would be bored out of their minds.

This, however, was going to make him regret his decision, when the cab stopped right in front of the yard. Master and Crazy floated out and started to head to the house.

"Hey bro. You've been awfully quiet for a while." Crazy said to him.

"I'm just very worried, the smashers have been alone for so while," Master replied, "They could be ruining the place, again!"

"Don't worry about it, it's completely fine." The weird brother floated right in front of him, "Those guys are having a fun time doing their own thing, so they probably won't destroy the place again."

"But they do it all the time!"

"Bro, there's no need to worry, they can take care of themselves, I've seen them behave well and I have faith that they're doing good things."

"Are you sure?" Master was unsure about Crazy's behavior at the moment, compeltely skeptical of why he was acting like this.

"Trust me, they'll be alright and the place will look completely spotless once we get there." Crazy responded to him and then moved his finger to fist bump his brother.

Master sighed, and said, "Okay, you're right." He now had faith that the smashers were fine thanks to Crazy's normal words, they both began to float over to the front gate of the mansion, expecting to see it look completely normal, but a little crazy on the inside, unfortunately...it was way too crazy there.

Crazy said, "See, it looks fine...it only has a few flames on it." The smash mansion was indeed on fire and it started to fall on the ground, where smoke began to fill up the air and ruin everything, Master saw the entire Smashers group escape out of there by dashing forward from the house to the garden where they all laid down in exhaustion, Master became furious with anger and he charged in.


"Oh no." Shulk said, the entire smashers stayed still as the owner came right at them.

"I leave you all alone for ten whole days, and what do I get?" He said, "i get to see the entire house destroyed!"

"It was Snake's fault, he brought in a Huge cake, and the place exploded!" Mario said.

"I told you guys to not eat it, it was rigged with explosives in it!" Snake protested against him, "So Kirby's the one responsible!"

"I'm the one you should be blaming here mister!" The entire smashers group began to argue against each other, blaming them on the destruction of their home. Master just gave them a furious look which made them stop. "Crazy. How much money will it cost to rebuild this place?"

"Um...it's gonna cost about zero million and one dollars." Crazy was holding a calculator upside down.

"What! It costs a million dollars to rebuild this whole thing?!"

"It does?"

"You two don't need to worry about it, you can always pay for it, right?" Snake's words had no effect to Master's mood, he just turned to them, "All of you are going to be punished, today!" Whatever sort of punishment he had planned, The smashers were quick to worry about this, they hoped that it didn't involve them dying in the fire, so they hoped that they'll be alright.

"If we're going to get this place rebuilt, You're all going to get...jobs!"


"I don't want to have a job!" poor Toon Link was being dragged by the legs as the four smashers, Samus, Marth, Robin, and Peach. The five smashers were not liking this idea at all, Master told them all to go find some good jobs, and if they can't find one, he'll get one for them, the five were not wanting him to pick the job, so they just began to find one thanks to the typical newspaper clipping, and they chose the one job that could help them out.

"Come be a part of the new face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." Robin read the lines on the paper, the small box said that it was the grand re-opening of the pizzeria, the small picture had a robot bear, and next to it was a bunny and a duck (or was it a chicken?). The five were now approaching said pizzeria where they would start their job to get a million dollars to pay for the damages and rebuild the mansion, they would complain that they would have to earn about one hundred dollars a week, but if they spend about ten weeks or something, they could get more than the others.

They entered the front door and they were greeted to the sound of kids laughing with excitement as they were walking around and heading towards one of the party rooms or the other rooms. The smashers looked at each other and expected a security guard of some kind to show up and give them the job. "Let's split up, maybe we can find one guard around here." Peach said, the smashers nodded and headed off to different rooms, "And don't destroy anything!"

Marth and Robin headed over to what appeared to be Kid's Cove, they were watching the kids having fun as they moved around and began to play around. "Look at that...thing." Marth pointed out a weird object of some kind lying on the floor where the kids were, it appeared to be an endoskeleton that only had a few parts of a costumed thing. It was close to beind in the shape of a white fox with cheeks and it also had a metal head right next to it.

Robin was unsure about the look of the thing, "What kind of robot is that supposed to be?"

"It looks more like a nightmare looking monster." The prince said, seeing one of the kids try to pull off the head, the two were a little disturbed by the thing, but they didn't want to bother the kids from their 'fun.'

At the Prize Corner, there was Peach and Toon Link watching the kids earning their prizes as they were having fun from the play room and the arcades, there was a big present right next to the room and all of the Kids were around it, waiting for soemthing inside of it, Toon Link walked over there to see what could be inside of it.

There was a jack-in-the-box music playing on all of a sudden, alerting them that the present was going to open up. They all listened to the sound, and that was when the present opened up and revealed a weird slender figure with a white face, purple tears, and a happy smile. There was also confetti coming out of the box and the kids cheered when it showed up, Toon Link however, got scared and he ran close to Peach.

"What was that!?" he screamed out loud, not interrupting the kids' fun time, peach hugged him when he came to her side, feeling bad that he got scared by that...thing.

At Samus, she was around the main attraction of the pizzeria, where all of the kids were hanging out and celebrating someone's birthday, she sat down on one of th chairs and started to drink her soda, the only thing she was eyeing on was the three animatronics on the stage, there was a duck with a cupcake in her hands (To her, she couldn't figure out if it was a duck or a chicken), A light blue bunny with a guitar, and a bear with a hat on top, and a microphone. All three had rosy cheeks and were probably playing some weird song.

As the girl continued to watch them, a security guard showed up dressed in the necessary oufit and walked to her, tapping his hand on the table. "Um, excuse me miss." He said, letting the ponytail girl turn her head around to see the man in the uniform, "Are you Miss Aran?"


"Oh good, I was wondering when you were about to show up." The guard moved his hat and took out a list, "It says that you and four others wanted to get a job to rebuild your house...because a cake blew it up."

"It sounds a lot better if you saw what happened." Samus stood up with her soda, "If you noticed, we have a kid in our group."

"I don't think he can be qualified as a security guard in here miss, he's a little too young."

"I can understand that part."

"And miss, a job just so happens to open up," the guard looked at the list again, "How would you like to be interested in doing the night shift?"

"The night shift? Sounds like an easy job."

"Well, not really, the last guard to do so was complaining about that." The guard put the list away and looked at Samus, "I would advise that you stay cautious during that job." While the guard was not so worried about it, he was feeling sorry for the people doing the night shift.

"I was thinking that one of us can do the night shift evey night of the week, it could make my pals really useful."

"Maybe I can allow that, but...just not the kid." Samus brushed off her shoulder while the guard was saying this, thinking that this job could go well for her and the others.

"I'll try to make sure he doesn't do anything hasty to get in there." she said to him.

"Good, and by the way, no weapons." He notified the Hoister rhat was around Samus, kind of amazed that no one else noticed. "And no magic stuff, or shields, or even lightning swords. Got it?"

"Yeah yeah, just get me signed up to the job, I got a score to settle with the other guys once this is through."

"Yes miss," the guard turned to leave, "Oh, and welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

Those guys have no idea what they're in for.

In case you're wondering, I will be doing all of the five nights settings from the second to the first to the third. It might take a while before I can get an update on this again since I have a lot of work to do on other things.

Hope you enjoyed. Please review, compliment on some things, and I'll see you guys next time. Bye.