So this is something that came to me the other night and it demanded to be written down. Plus I think I needed my Sam/Jack fix as well ;-)

Please take note of the M rating on this one. This chapter is only for strong language and strong sexual allusions, but it will get hotter, so if that's not your thang...you know what to do :-)

Another warning that this isn't a fluffy Sam/Jack thing either. Jack is definitely not a fluffy bunny in this one.

Set sometime in the first few seasons. And some may think it's OOC in more ways than one, but bear with me and just enjoy the ride ;-)

Usual disclaimers that I don't own them...I just love playing with them ;-)


They'd been on P3X...

Sam frowned, for some reason unable to remember the rest of the planets designation. After a moment she gave a mental shrug.

They'd been on this planet for two days now and had seen no signs of life at all apart from a few small animals and the local plant life. Teal'c was helping Daniel translate some Goa'uld language he'd never seen before, and since there was no technology for her to look at, Sam was starting to appreciate how the Colonel felt most of the time when she and Daniel spent days at a time geeking out together.

He'd suggested they go for a hike, extending the area they had previously explored by a few miles, which she was more than happy to do. Anything to alleviate the boredom.

Sam was taking point, the Colonel following a few meters behind. They'd just entered an area that was quite pleasant and reminded her a little of a rainforest, lots of tall green trees and big boulders covered with a soft looking moss when she heard him call out to her.


She slowed her pace a little turning to face him slightly.

"Carter! Stop!" he yelled.

Sam stopped and turned back to him waiting the few moments it took him to come level with her.


Jack pulled off his sunglasses letting them hang on the string around his neck. He took a deep breath as he looked at her. He knew there was going to be no easy way to do this, but it had to be done.

Sam watched him watch her and she started to feel a little nervous. He scrunched up his face a little as if trying to come to some sort of a decision. Leaning back against one of the big mossy rocks he looked down at the ground briefly before his eyes found hers.

"Something you want to tell me Carter?" he asked finally.

Sam's eyebrows rose as she thought about his question. She frowned as she pulled the handheld atmospheric monitor from the side pocket her BDU trousers and checked the readout. Shaking her head she looked back to him.

"No Sir," she said. "Everything's the same as it was this morning. The same as it has been every morning."

He looked away and sighed before looking back to her once again. "Not what I was talking about Captain."

Sam was baffled. "Then I'm not entirely sure what you want me to say Sir," she replied truthfully.

He nodded, pausing for only a moment before he continued. "I'm not blind Carter," he said. "I see the way you look at me, especially when you think no one's watching."

"Sir?" she breathed, her heart beating hard as she felt an instantaneous flush cover her skin.

If he thought that maybe he'd been mistaken, his 2IC's reaction to his statement was all the proof he needed he was right about this.

"I'm your CO Carter," he said, probably a little more harshly than he needed to.

"Yes..." she cleared her throat. "Yes Sir..."

"So, tell me Captain...do you think we have a problem here? Do I need to take this to Hammond?"

She blanched. "Sir?"

"To have you reassigned...removed from SG-1..."

She shook her head. "No Sir!"

"Then tell me," he said.

"Tell you what Sir?"

"I want you to tell me Captain," he said slowly. "What you're thinking when you look at me the way you do."

"Sir?" she squeaked.

"I need to be able to assess whether we're going to have a problem," he stated. "And to do that I need to know all the facts. Starting with..." He raised his eyebrows to finish the sentence.

"I...I don't know...what..."

"Okay," he sighed. "This morning for instance. When we were getting ready to leave camp and I was talking to Teal'c..."

If it was at all possible Sam felt herself blush even more. This morning had been a particularly vivid imagining on her part about what he could do with those long fingers of his.


Sam looked back up to him.

"Come on Captain," he cajoled. "Don't make it like pulling teeth here. Think of it like ripping off a band-aid...just rip it right off there!"

"Well, it's ah...a little hard to...could you stand up please Sir?"


"Away from the rock I mean," she clarified. "Like you would stand if you were talking to Teal'c..."

Jack shrugged and pushed off the rock he was leaning against to take up his usual stance, weight on his right leg, his left slung out in front of him a little, his hands resting easily on the butt of his P90.

"So?" he asked after a moment.

"Ah, well..." She cleared her throat and continued. "I was thinking...this morning..."

"Band-aid Carter!"

Sam squeezed her eyes tightly shut and spoke as quickly as she could. "I was thinking how hot you look when you stand like that, but then you always stand like that, so I guess that means by association that I think you always look hot. I was also looking at your fingers and thinking...and thinking about certain...things they could do. And..." Sam finally paused and came up for breath, and as she opened her eyes she was mortified to see him staring right at her.

"And?" he prompted.

"And..." she walked forward a few paces until she was only a few inches away from him. She drew her bottom lip between her teeth and noticed his eyes drop to her lips for the briefest of moments. "And," she reached out and touched a finger lightly to his throat, right where she would feel for his pulse. "And I thought about what it would be like to put my lips here," she whispered.

She felt him swallow under her fingertip and she let her hand drop as she took a step back.

"What else?" he rasped.


"What else do you think about?" His eyes dropped to her lips again before coming back up to hold hers. "What other things do you...imagine, when you think about me?"

"I..." she held his gaze for as long as she could before her eyes dropped to her boots. He took a step towards her and she took a matching step back until she felt another of the big rocks behind her. He was so close now he seemed to surround her. She could feel his breath on her skin when he spoke again.

"I'm not going to order you to answer this question Captain," he murmured. "But if you do...I want you to answer honestly..."

She nodded slightly.

"Do you imagine you and me together?"

She looked up at him.

He moved even closer, his lips grazing her ear. "What I'm asking...is do you want me to fuck you Captain?" he breathed.

Her heart was hammering against her ribs. "Yes," she murmured. She felt him turn his face into her, his nose, his mouth travelling the length of her neck.

"We need to be on the same page here Captain," he murmured. "No room for ambiguity...I need to hear you say it..."

She swallowed. "Yes Sir Colonel," she replied. "I want you to fuck me." He pulled back slightly and looked her in the eye though she could not decipher what he was thinking. Then he nodded and moved away from her.

Jack looked at his watch. "We'd better keep moving or we won't make camp by nightfall..."

Sam sagged against the rock as she watched him move off, her knees feeling as though they were about to buckle.

"Carter! Fall in!" he called back to her when she didn't move.

The soldier in her quickly took over as she pushed to her feet and scrambled after him.



This has one more chapter at the moment but there may be more if TamaraJagellovsk gets her way ;-D

Since I still haven't written a lot of Sam/Jack M rated stuff I would love it if you let me know what you think :-)