Riley Matthews: a shy, quirky girl who has a crush on none other than Lucas Friar. Lucas Friar: a good old country boy who has a crush on none other than Riley Matthews. When their worlds collide, things become magical. But what happens when something gets in the way of their worlds colliding.

"Maya!" Riley yelled at her best friend. She was fuming with anger like she had just been in an argument.

"Riles, what's wrong this time?" Maya asked in confusion. She had never seen Riley act this way.

"Missy Bradford is what's wrong! Oh boy, you're going to love this one!" Riley said sarcastically. "She is up to no good, and it involves Lucas. LUCAS! She could have any other boy at John Quincy Adams, but she chooses Lucas!?"
"Calm down, Riles. She's just flirting with Lucas to make you mad," Maya said reassuringly. "She thinks that she can get to you by flirting with your crush."

"But, Maya, she just walked up to him and started talking to him while he was talking to me!" Riley said as she picked up her stuffed teddy bear.

"She's just immature, Riley, and there is nothing in this world that will ever change that," Maya said as she sat down at Riley's desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil.

"She could've just waited until I was finished talking to him, but no, she had to just come up and screw up everything!" Riley said as she threw down her teddy bear onto her bed.
"What did she screw up?" Maya asked. The Spring Floral was coming up, and Riley was one of the nominees, but the thing was is that she still didn't have a date.

"I don't know, Maya! That's the thing! I don't know!" Riley said as she flopped down on her bed. Maya was drawing something, and Riley was flustered.

"Riley, do you want Lucas to take you to the Spring Floral?" Maya asked curiously.

"I don't know! I'm just….confused is all, Maya," Riley said frustratingly. She was still mad at Missy for coming up to Lucas.

"Well, just ask him, Riles! Farkle asked me!" Maya said as she finished her drawing. It was a picture of her, Riley, Farkle, and Lucas at the Spring Floral. She and Farkle were in the crowd watching Riley and Lucas dance. Riley had one Spring Queen and Lucas had won Spring King. She put the picture on Riley's pin board. (A/N: IDK what they are called)

"NO! Maya, what were you thinking?! I can't ask Lucas to the dance!" Riley said as she shot up from the bed.

"If you won't, someone will," Maya warned.

"Lucas would…never mind," Riley said as her phone buzzed. It was a message from

an unknown number.
Hi, Riley! You may not know me, but I know you! You're the girl who wants to fit in, but sadly cannot. Do you know Lucas? Lucas Friar? He asked me to the dance! Well, I asked him. So, yeah, I hope you aren't mad. Bye!

Riley looked at Maya with her brown doe eyes brimming with tears. She finally took a deep breath and let it go.

"Come here," Maya said as she brought Riley into a warm, comforting embrace. "What's wrong?"

"S-someone e-else asked L-Lucas t-to t-the d-dance," Riley said as she cried uncontrollably. Maya grabbed Riley's phone and looked at the number. She took out her phone and dialed the number. After about three rings, a voice came on the other line.



Who is this?
Maya! Who is this?
This is Missy? Wait Maya Hart?


How did you get this number?


How does Riley have my number?

Because you texted her!

No, I didn't!

Yes, you did! Buh-bye!

Maya hung up the phone and walked over to Riley, who was now hyperventilating.

"Riley! Calm down! You are going to pass out!" Maya said. Unfortunately, it was too late because Riley passed out. "Riley. RILEY! Mr. Matthews!"

Cory came running through the door. When he saw Riley in Maya's arms, he immediately called Topanga.

"Honey, Topanga, come here! Riley has fainted!" Cory shouted through the door. Topanga came running up the stairs and ran into Riley's room.

"What happened, Maya?" Cory asked.

"This," Maya said as she help up the phone. Cory read the message over and over again until it registered in his mind. His little girl liked Lucas and someone had caused her pain. That caused her to faint. Soon, Riley came to, so Cory and Topanga and Maya took Riley to the doctor to make sure she hadn't hurt anything. On the way to the doctor, Maya texted Farkle and Lucas. When her phone buzzed, Maya saw that there were two texts from Lucas and Farkle. They were on their way to the doctor, too.

Soon, Topanga, Cory, Riley, and Maya arrived at the doctor. When they got out, they saw Lucas and Farkle coming towards the office. They caught up to the foursome and asked Riley if she was okay.

"Guys, I'm fine! All I did was pass out," Riley said aggravatingly. They walked into the office and sat down while Cory signed Riley in. Finally, he joined them. About fifteen minutes later, a nurse called out Riley's name, and Topanga and Maya went back with Riley while Cory stayed with Farkle and Lucas.

Lucas thought to himself, "This is going to be a long visit with the doctor."