Okay guys. Here's that stupid declaimer we hve to put up: J.K. Rowling owns the characters. Blah, blah, blah, I just thought of the plot. Blah, blah, blah. The end of my disclaimer.

Yes. I'm finally coming home. I can see my real family again. The people who really care about me, Lily thought as she got out of the cab that dropped her off at King's Cross. She looked around, trying to see if any of my friends were around. Dejectedly, she steered her trolley towards Platform 9. She quickly glanced around to see if any Muggles were watching and ran through the barrier. As soon as Lily reached Platform 9 ¾, she was greeted by one of her best friends, Sol Henderson.

"Hey, Lily! How's it going? I already got a compartment. I haven't seen anymore of the gang though. How was your summer? Mine was great! I finally got to go to Paris," Sol happily chattered. Normally, Lily was a talkative person, but she was perfectly content to just listen to Sol for the moment. "Hey, look! It's Sirius! YO! SIRIUS! OVER HERE!" Sol exclaimed, wildly waving her arms trying to get Sirius Black's attention.

He looked up quickly, immediately recognizing the voice. "SOL! LILY!" Sirius exclaimed as he moved towards them. "Hey, guys. How's it going? Have you seen Remus? Or Peter? Or James?" Sirius asked, wondering about his three best friends.

"No, we-"

"Did I hear my name?" said a voice directly behind Lily. She turned around and found myself looking up into the face of James Harold Potter. Lily, like the rest of the female population at Hogwarts, had a crush on him. But, unlike the rest of the female population at Hogwarts, she overcame her infatuation for the most eligible man at the school.

"Yeah, you did Jamesie. Have you seen Remus or Peter around?" Sirius asked.

"Peter was right behind me a second ago . . . Oh, there he is. It appears that even after summer break, the Marauders still have their charm," James declared after seeing his pal surrounded by girls.

"Yeah, it seems that you still have your reputation, my friend," she turned to see her friend Cassandra Weeks smirking at the group. "I just heard a pack of girls sighing over how you're so sexy and they would die to snog with you."

"I bet. And I know you're on the list of my admirers, Cass," he said as he pulled her into a friendly hug.

"Sure, you keep thinking that. Your ego needs it. Hey, Lily! I didn't notice you there. How's it going?" Suddenly, all eyes were on Lily.

"I just be she was held speechless by my extreme handsomeness," James announced, putting his arm around her shoulders. Everyone here knew that she had a terrible crush on James.

"Sorry, James. My taste in guys has been, changed," Lily said as she moved his arm off of her.

"Come on, Lil. You don't really mean that," he said as he grabbed her shoulders.

"Yeah, I do. Hey, it's Remus," Lily said, instantly brightening. Remus Lupin always made her smile. "Hey, sexy," she declared as she made her way over to him.

"Hey, Lily. How's life?" Remus asked as he gave her a hug.

"Pretty good. And yours?"

"Peachy keen. Seeing you always makes my day brighter. Hey, gang. Are we gonna just stand in here or get in the train?" Remus said to the group with his arm still around me. On a regular basis, he was the type of person who kept to himself, but whenever Lily was around, everybody noticed a change in Remus.

"Oh, yeah. I saved us a compartment. Come on guys," Sol announced and beckoned for everyone to follow her.


The train ride was pretty much normal, but James seemed a little quieter than usual. He participated in all the playful pranks and laughed at all the jokes but made no attempt to make conversation.

"Hey, Jamesie. Why are you so glum? You look a little down in the dumps," Sirius said after he plopped down next to James.

"I dunno. Do you- nevermind."

"Come on, Jamsie-poo. What's on your mind?"

"It's nothing," James muttered, looking at Lily laughing with Remus.

"Whatever. Hey, Sol! Wanna play a game of Exploding Snap?"

"Sure," Sol replied.

"Lily, do you want to play a game of Wizard's Chess with me?" Remus asked Lily.

"Sure. I haven't played that in awhile. I've got a new set. Do you wanna use it?"

"Okay," Remus said. Lily then noticed James staring at her and gave him a quick smile over her shoulder as she pulled out the new game. Quickly, James averted his eyes, slightly embarrassed to be caught staring. But he couldn't seem to help looking at Lily Evens. She had thick, wavy red hair and brilliant green eyes. James couldn't help but dwell on her comment from earlier. What did she mean when she said that her taste in guys has changed? Does she mean that she doesn't like me anymore? Impossible, he decided, nobody has a crush on a guy for six years then changes their mind. But then he remembered how Lily looked at Remus. Maybe she, no, she wouldn't! She wouldn't have a crush on Remus!

"Yo! James!" Sirius said for the fifth time. "James! We're almost there! Yo!"

"Huh? What?"

"We're almost at Hogwarts. You better change."

"Yeah, okay."

What's wrong with him? Lily wondered. Maybe something happened over summer vacation. "It's your move, Lily."

Startled, Lily looked up to see Remus's startling blue-gray eyes looking into hers. "Oh, thanks," she then turned her attention back to the game and smiled when she saw her final move. "Queen to C4. Checkmate, my friend."

"What?! Now way! Man, how did that happen?" Remus declared. It seemed that Lily was the only person who could ever beat him.

"Even after a summer without practice, I can still beat you, Remus," Lily declared.

"No way! I still don't believe it!" he exclaimed, still studying the game.

"Admit defeat, Lupin!"

"Never, Evens!" Remus said, looking up with a twinkle in his eye.

"Come on, kid. You lost. Admit it, you lost to a girl."

"I'll make you take that back, Evens," he said menacingly, and headed over to me.

Giggling, Lily tried to move out of the way, bur there wasn't much room to move in the compartment. "Remus, stop it. Stay away from me. I mean it," she said still giggling.

"I'm gonna get you, Evens," he said and successfully trapped her in a corner.

"Remus, what are you going to do. Remus, don't do anything rash," she said, trying to stay serious.

"Rash my ass," he said and pinned her to the floor. Then he tickled her until she was begging for mercy.

"Remus! Oh, stop it! I'm gonna hurl! Remus!" Lily said through peals of laughter and in between breaths.

"Take it back, Evens! Take it back!" Remus demanded, still ruthlessly tickling her.

"I take it back! You're better than I am! You're better then all girls!" she squealed loudly. Lily was still panting heavily when Remus stopped tickling her. "You're ruthless, Remus. Now get off of me so I can get up."

"I don't think so, Lily," he whispered, as he leaned down. Just as he was about to kiss her, James knocked over the chess game. Remus jerked up and hurriedly got off of her.

"Oops, sorry," James said as he grinned sheepishly. "Sorry if I interrupted anything."

"No problem," Lily said with her head down and her cheeks flushed. Just then, the train stopped and she scrambled up. "I'll go get my bags. I'll see you at the feast," she murmured.

"I wonder what's up with her," Sol whispered to Cassandra.

"I don't know, but it's something pretty funky!"