Hello I am Fall out Potter and this is the revision of my first draft of this story I hope you enjoy! Btw I don't own Harry Potter or Maximum Ride!

Harry pov

Everything hurt. I opened my eyes to see bars surrounding me. I was in a cage. It was one of those cages that they put small dogs in, not humans. I didn't know how I'd gotten here, and I couldn't recognize my surroundings. I looked all around. There was someone else in a cage next to mine. A little girl with angelic, blonde curls bouncing around her, was staring intently at me, and when I looked at her she suddenly smiled, showing a set of perfect white teeth.

"Thank you!" she said. I must've shown my confusion because she laughed, and continued. "My name's Angel and I can read minds! I heard you think about my hair! You called it angelic, which is funny because that's my name." she said.

"How'd that happen?" I asked. "How can you read minds? " Even in the wizarding world, it's a hard skill to read people's direct thoughts, a child couldn't have accomplished that alone. And certainly not without a wand.

"Some scientists experimented on me and my family. We're in their facility now. I'm sure that's why they brought you in, they want to test you. They're probably planning what to do with you right now. They always make it harder for the new ones." she said, the smile she'd only just been wearing was exchanged with a hard frown. "I escaped with my family a long time ago with some help, but they captured me again. They're coming though, my family. They'll get me out." she explained sternly, as if daring me to tell her they weren't.

"That's the effect I wanted." she said, and smirked. This was going to be an experience I was sure I wouldn't forget.

"I'm sure it will be." she said, reading my mind again. "Oh and what're wizards? I heard you thinking about them earlier. Aren't they magical people with broomsticks and cauldrons and sticks?" I winced.

"Well, wizards are people who can use the element of magic. I'm a wizard, and I go to a school that teaches me all about how to use it." I said. I believed her about the scientists, so it wouldn't matter if I told her, and besides she could read my mind anyway.

"I can also look through memories. Could I see? It'll only flash across my head, and I won't see too much detail, or anything you don't want me to see." she persuaded. I shrugged my shoulders. It felt as if she were trying to control me, but I reasoned out that it really wouldn't matter.

Memories flooded past my subconscious, and Angel clutched her head, screaming. "Oh my god! Angel, are you alright?" I asked scampering to the other side of my cage, and putting my arm through the bars of hers. I patted her back. "What happened?" I questioned further. She just looked at me and paled. I scrunched my eyebrows together in concern.

"You've been through troubles as hard as my family has." she said. "That's terrible." I didn't know what she meant by that. How could my life even come near any of the experiments needed to give a girl mind reading powers? "That's not all I have. We call my family the flock because we all have wings." she said. Suddenly feathers escaped through slits in her shirt. My eyes widened.

"You don't think they'll do that to me too do you?" I asked, scared.

"I don't think so. They wouldn't risk you for that. Most of the time they make people into other species of reptiles." she said shivering at the last sentence. "They'll most likely do some sort of noncomplex mammal. Maybe a lion. Those seem to work for a few years. They probably won't give you Avian DNA because they've tried it on hundreds of other kids, but I and my family were the only ones who could handle the DNA in our blood system. The other experiments…Th-they died." she said. I hugged her through the bars of our cages, wondering how a little girl could even live through the horrors they must've put her through.

I held her tightly, rubbing her back and trying to reassure her that everything was alright until a man walked through the white door. He had a white lab coat on and a white shirt with white pants and white trainers. I swear everything was white here, and it made me want to throw up. I was getting very bored of white. Something needed a splash of colour (besides the black bars of my cage)

"I see you're awake Angel!" said a tall dark-haired man, with the white apparel. Angel sent me all her memories and somehow I went through her entire life in a split second. I gaped at her. This man was Jeb. He was supposed to be dead! Well…I was supposed to be dead too, so I shouldn't judge. But that's a completely different scenario and I wasn't the one with some villainous grin, hovering over children in a cage. He must be a psychopath.

"You were dead." said Angel, curtly.

"No." said Jeb, also being short. "I see you've met our new project. We're discussing what DNA we should bond with his wizard genes. They're very powerful we were going to encourage the use of avian in this particular experiment, but then i had a better idea." He said to Angel, then turned to me. "What's your favorite animal, son?" he asked me. I shot him a completely disgusted look.

'They don't ever do this. I don't know what he's playing at.' said Angel, in my mind. I could tell it was inside my head because it had too much of an echo. The small room we were in provided no acoustics. Also, Jeb didn't seem to respond, so.

"Not telling? I'm sure Angel here could tell me. Sweetie, why don't you dig through his pretty little head and find me the answer?" asked Jeb, but Angel turned away.

"And why should I tell you? You abandoned us, and now you'll abandon him as well. He'll be stuck dead or trapped here forever, with you injecting him with things that'll cause him torture, and eventually kill him. I wouldn't tell you, even if you'd let me leave this hell hole." she said, not wavering her voice one bit. She was strong for how young she was. She reminded me of all of the strong girls I'd met. Would I ever see them again? Would I really be trapped here forever? I just couldn't imagine an ending to my life that way. I was always sure it would be an ending by Voldemort or some other dark force such as himself. I just couldn't imagine death in a lab of muggles. My friends would find us, Angel's family would find us, or we would break out.

"Since you both are such good friends we'll keep in mind that you should be together…above." said Jeb, on his way out. He locked the door behind him with a soft click. A click that meant no escape.

The biggest issue my mind was facing was figuring out what he'd meant by above. Angel said they wouldn't risk the Avian DNA on me. Was she wrong? Jeb said they'd been partial to the idea. I glanced over to see a tear sliding down her face.

"Hey," I said, "It will be ok. I promise you'll see you're family again, and I'll live. I have a feeling my death won't come until I'm facing Voldemort. I guess I can just feel it." I said. She nodded but didn't answer further. She wiped her eyes, and leaned against the bars of her cage so I could hug her again.

"I suppose I just don't want to lose anyone. Is that a bad thing?" asked Angel.

I shook my head. "No it just means that you care. Compassion for others is important. Some people don't realize that there are far worse things than death. One of those is losing a loved one." I said.

She nodded back, and curled up to sleep. I drifted off too, my head filled with a misty graveyard, and nightmares from the previous year.

Max POV (A/N: things are going to be different so that I can make my fanfic work)

Once they had taken Angel I got supplies and left with the rest of the flock in tow. I couldn't bear to think of what they were doing to my baby. Just that morning she had heard my thoughts. She was my favorite. She told me she wouldn't tell. If I were the type of person who cried at sad things I would be on the floor sobbing until I gave out. But I was not that type of person, and I never would be. I was Max. I was the leader, and leaders had to stay strong and find their family.

It had only been a week since the horrifying day. We were still on our way but delay after delay had slowed us down. I had been shot after landing and trying to help someone. I had found my flock again, but we were still far off. Right now we were flying over the desert on our way to the school. It wasn't far now. Only three more days till we would be there….four if we needed extra rest or infiltration plan time. Bad describing words I know, but I'm bad at this. I needed more time. We would never get home alive, much less with Angel, if we didn't have a plan. I tried again and again to think of different ways to get in and sneak Angel out, but I always thought of a way that we wouldn't make it, or get caught and put back in a cage. I couldn't risk all of that, or we would never escape again. We needed help on the inside. Something we didn't have

Angel was locked in a cage. If they could get my baby maybe they would get me too. Maybe she was hurt. Maybe they had- No, I couldn't think about that. Angel was fine. We would get her out. We could go home. (A/N: Erasers did NOT destroy the E-house) We could pretend nothing had happened. We could be ok. But would everything be the same?

Hermionie POV

Dumbledore had come to tell us. Harry had been taken from Pivet Drive. Not one trace of him had been left. The Dursleys were probably rejoicing, those downright gits, didn't have one ounce of humanity in them.

Ron was flipping out, and I was looking in Sirius' library at all of the tracing and tracking spells and potions. I was trying to find a way to look for him without it ending up as a lost cause. I wanted to find him, and I just couldn't help wondering if we would ever find him. We'd only been searching for two weeks though. When he had been told, Sirius had gone out as snuffles and had only come back for dinner each day. He was searching everywhere he could without being caught, and it was scary to think he could be.

Mrs. Weasley was on protective mom mode. She didn't let Ginny, Ron, Fred or George leave the house. She was worrying her head off at anyone would listen to her.

I basically shut myself in the library. I looked up anything that could help us. I tried everything that would help us. I found lots of spells and we tried them, but none of them worked. We suspected it was something that would only work short distance, so I looked for stronger ones, but even they would only show up somewhere vaguely in America. There was no way he was there. We didn't know what to do so we stayed in the routine. Ron would join me in the library in the morning, and in the afternoon he would talk with his brothers, or they would help me perform a spell if I'd found one.

The press didn't know but if they did they'd have a field day. We did everything discreetly. I didn't know how much longer his disappearance could stay hidden, and I really didn't want to know what would happen if he didn't show up before the new school year. I wanted my friend back.

Harry Pov

I had spent three (conscious) days in the school. I was pretty sure it'd been more like a week, but I couldn't be sure. The Erasers only came to give me food which could barley be called that. I was getting a little afraid. It felt like the calm before the storm, and I was sure a hurricane-tornado-volcano-tsunami was headed my way.

If this was like that then I wasn't sure if I could survive. "Don't worry so much. I know you're afraid it'll ruin everything but you keep forgetting that these people don't know a lot about magic. I'm sure whatever they throw at you won't be a problem for someone of your kind, right?" she said. I nodded, but didn't really believe her. She must've noticed because she looked away clearly annoyed that her opportunity to make me happy hadn't worked so well.

That night, a whitecoat came and brought me to a white room with bright white lights(I was definitely sick of that color) and strapped me down to a steel table. Why don't you guess what colour it was? For a change it wasn't white. I could tell that it used to be white, but was now stained with varying shades of crimson, as if it had been power washed multiple times before, but they gave up, and the red, which I sickeningly assumed was blood, had stayed starkly contrasting against the white of everything else. It made my heart beat faster than it already had been.

Another whitecoat walked in with a cart carrying sharp gleaming objects on it. She had a smirk on her ugly ancient face. She walked over to me, and grabbed my arm with a grip that I was sure would leave a bruise. "Honey, I'm sorry for not explaining what I'm doing, but I run a tight schedule and I have other subjects to attend to." With that said, she picked up a scalpel from her tray, and ran it along the length of my forearm.

I winced and tried not to move too much against her grip. I knew that would only make it worse. She took a tube and collected a lot of the blood that fell from my arm. She continued to do the same to the rest of me. My right leg burned when she traded her scalpel for a small knife, and plunged it through my calf. I could feel the blade against my bone, and knew I would be adding another scar to my collection. The blood from her insertions ran down my limbs and mingled with the already existing layers of blood on the table. I knew she was waiting for me to scream or cry or both, so I didn't. I took it in. All of the pain made me feel dizzy. I almost blacked out, but after what felt like a lifetime my surroundings came back into focus. The lady took a painful-looking needle, hooked up to a bag and plunged it into my shoulder, close to my neck, and smiled down at me.

"Honey, that was wonderful. We won't have to continue the injections after this, and the changes will begin to take effect tonight. Oh, I can't wait to see! You're going to be fun!" she said. She wore a coat with pink sparkles on the collar, and was thin and pale. She had long spidery fingers that liked more like twigs, and a pink manicure- stained with my blood. That is definitely how you can tell a person was insane.

I was left strapped to the table for hours. The light never went out, and the pain kept me awake. I knew sleep would never come.

My back, and shoulders screamed. I didn't know why. I couldn't reach back to feel if I had a bruise. Maybe it was from being strapped to the table. Maybe I was just dying from whatever was slowly seeping into my bloodstream. I twisted my head to get a better look, and the bag was filled with a silvery substance that was swirling like it was magical. I vaguely remembered a potion Snape had made us prepare last year that had looked like it. Only, that had been blue, and it was a common cold cure. I doubted the two were related.

After I was in the room alone for what felt like a day, an eraser came and escorted (read: dragged) me back to my cage next to Angel, after yanking the needle out of my neck. I curled up in a ball in the corner of the cage, and tried to sleep, but I still couldn't drift off to dreamland. I shrugged my shoulders to try and ease their pain. I stretched out like a cat and nothing seemed to help. I moved my arm behind me to feel, and their were two lumps attached below my shoulder blades. Touching them was like putting my hand in the freezer. They were moving underneath my skin, and I started to panic. I had no idea what was growing- what was festering inside me. I calmed my breathing so that I wouldn't wake Angel, and closed my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, but I needed to calm down.

It took a few hours for Angel to wake up. It might've only been minutes, though. My sense of time was becoming increasingly distorted, as the duration of my stay crept on. Angel blinked a few times and then looked relieved. "You're back! You shhould've woken me up. I was worried sick! You've been gone for over a day." She said. My eyes went wide.

"I've been gone that long?" I asked, and she only nodded.

"What happened? What did they do to you? Did they tell you what they put in you?" She asked in a hurry.

"I don't know, Angel. They didn't tell me. All I know is that this lady cut me open a bunch, and stuck this bag of sliver stuff in me with a needle. And I've got these lumps on my back that hurt like hell." I said, my brain functioning slowly after all my sleep deprivation.

"I knew this would happen. I knew they wouldn't get here in time. I thought maybe if they could get here fast enough, then maybe we could get you out unharmed. Then this wouldn't have happened." She said, unshed tears boiling in her shining eyes.

"Hey it's ok." I said, and held her through the metal poles. "It'll all be fine. You'll see them again. The Flock needs you." She hugged me tighter, and then we broke apart. She was like the little sister I'd always wanted. She looked up at me with pure joy on her face, and I knew she'd heard me. I smiled, and the pain seemed to ebb away.

I laid down on the metal bottom of my cage, and finally fell asleep. I dreamed of my friends, and Hogwarts, and hoping that nothing would change. But I was ripped from my dream by reality and agony. My eyes burst open, and I cried out. My spine felt like it was being pulled apart. I could feel my skin tearing open. Angel woke up on high alert. I groaned and sat up, arching my back. Snowy white feathers spread around me.