Yay, first chapter of a new story! I've been wanting to start this for a while, but I've been lazy. X3 So anyway, I hope you like! Oh, and I don't own Total Drama or any of the characters used. Enjoy!

Noah's P.O.V.

I continue to stare at the white ceiling with a deep scowl, still thinking about what happened earlier. It feels like hours ago, but a look at the alarm clock on the night stand next to my bed says it's only been about 45 minutes.

I sigh. I still don't know why he'd do this. Especially after being together for 2 years. You probably want to know what I'm so pissed off about. Doesn't surprise me. This generation always wants to get in each other's business. I'll tell you though.

I guess I'll start from earlier today…

I close the 'Fifty Shades of Gray' book that I just finished, and set it on my lap, yawning as I do. I don't get why people say it's a good book, all it pretty much is, is screwed up porn. I'd rather play dodgeball than read that again.

It's been a week since Zoey won Total Drama All Stars. Chris brought whoever wasn't competing back to Playa de Losers during the competition, in case he wanted any cameos. At the finale, eight of the all-stars flew away in balloons, but they were found two days after. Only one harmed was Courtney who had a broken arm. I don't like her at all, so I could care less if something worse happened to her.

Everyone is scheduled to go home tomorrow. I could really care less considering I don't like most of the people here.

I sigh. There's really nothing I can think of doing. After staying at Playa De Losers for a while, it starts to get boring. I guess I'll go check on Cody, my boyfriend. He and I have been together since Total Drama Action. Pretty surprising considering he's a 'ladies man.' I use that term very loosely. I guess hanging with the same person 24/7 will get you to fall for them. Happened to us, and, well, I'm actually happy about it. I can honestly say I'm in love.

Though, we decided to keep it a secret from most people. Mostly because of a certain purple haired stalker, but we did tell a few people. Cody told Trent and Gwen since they're his best friends, and I told Eva and Izzy. I would have told Owen, but the big guy isn't one to keep secrets. It surprises me that Izzy can. I half expected her to have some kind of gay pride parade announcing it.

I stand up and walk into the hotel towards Cody's room. When I get to his door, I hear something on the other side of the door. Lord knows what he's doing in there, but I guess I'm about to find out. I get the spare key Cody gave me, unlock the door, and walk in, though I wish I hadn't. In front of me I see Sierra on top of my boyfriend, making out with him.

Cody immediately pushes Sierra away.

"What. The. Hell?" I manage to get out.

"Noah, let me explain! Sier-"

"I don't want to fucking hear it!" I snap.

"Codykins, what's going on?" Sierra asks.

"Noah, please." Cody pleads. "Just listen."

I don't though, I take off, running to my room. As soon as I get in, I lock the door, and sit with my back against it.

I can't believe what I just saw. Cody, the person I actually loved, was making out with stalkerlicious. Why?

I hear light knocking on the door and then I hear Cody whimper, "Noah. Please, open the door." From the sound of his voice, I can tell he's crying. Tsk, why? He's the one who cheated on me.

I mentally scoff. Why the hell would I? I don't want to talk to him after what he did.

"Noah, I'm begging. Please let me explain." He says. I continue to say nothing, though hearing him like this makes me want to open the door and forgive him. But, that's defiantly not going to happen.

He continues to bang on my door for a couple more minutes, calling for me to open it. I then hear Cody whisper, "Noah, I love you. And I'm sorry." He waits a couple moments before slowly treading away.

I get up and lay down on my bed. That was painful to do. I still can't get over the fact that he would actually do that to me though. After all we've been through together. I never expected him to be a cheater. But look where we're at now.

And now here we are. I caught my two timer of a now ex-boyfriend making out with his stalker. Now you know why I'm so ticked off… Except, I'm not as ticked off as I seem. I'm actually more hurt than anything. I finally let someone into my shell enough to be in a relationship with them, just for them to completely break my heart. And people wonder why I'm so anti-social.

Know what, I'm not going to sit in here and mope around just because of that. I'm hungry anyway, so I might as well get something to eat. I shouldn't let the nonexistent fear of running into Cody keep me in my room. If I run into him, I'm just going to ignore him.

I open my door and take a step out, but when I do I step on something. I look down and see a piece of paper. I pick it up and read the front of it.

'Noah, please read. –Cody'

I scoff and rip the paper multiple times. As if I'm going to read that. It's probably his way of breaking up with me.

As soon as I get outside I head towards the buffet. I'm so hungry right now, and that food is calling my name.

"Hey Noah!" Ugh, so close.

I turn around and standing in front of me is Katie, surprisingly without Mrs. Piggy.

"Hi. Where's the other you?" I reply.

"She's hanging out with Bridgette, Geoff, Leshawna, and Trent." She responds. I nod signaling I understand.

"So anyways, I, like, wanted to know, since it's the last day here, if you wanted to, like, hang out." She tells me. Did I mention she likes me? Yeah, oh the joy it brings me to have a girl who gets on my nerves like me.

I sigh and reply, "I guess we could." Why not? It'll probably be the last time we see each other.

"Omg really!?" she squeaks.

"That's what I said, wasn't it." I say. This is why she annoys me.

"Sorry." She replies sheepishly. "So what do want to do?"

"I was on my way to get food, so we can start with that." I tell her.

"OK!" Finally I can eat.

I have to say, Katie isn't all that bad. We've been hanging out for the past couple hours, and I don't feel like stabbing myself with a fork. Currently we are sitting at the island bar in the middle of the pool waiting for drinks we ordered.

"I had sooo much fun today Noah!" Katie tells me.

"And I haven't felt like bashing my head against a wall." I reply, to which she giggles.

The waitress comes up with our drinks. "Here is your pina-colata." Says the waitress, handing me said drink. She hands Katie her drink and says, "And here's your Chocolate-Strawberry smoothie."

Chocolate-Strawberry Smoothie… that's what Cody always got… God, I miss him already. Why'd he have to cheat on me?

"Noah, are you, like, ok? You seem sad." Katie asks me.

"Just peachy." I say with more bitterness than I intended on having."

"Oh, um, ok." I can tell by the tone of her voice she doesn't believe me. I really need to let Cody go. It has only been 3 hours though. But still… I need to find someone else. Maybe I can trick myself into falling for another person. But who'd actually go out with a cynical nerd like me?

"You, like, don't seem ok Noah." Katie asks. That's it!

"Katie, would you like to go on a date?" I ask.

Her face completely lights up. She smiles and replies, "OMG! I'd so totally would!" She squeals, almost bursting my ear drums. "I so cannot wait to tell Sadie!"

"Woo, me neither." I say sarcastically. I may not be straight, and she may be extremely annoying with her double, but hopefully I can trick myself into actually liking her. I hope I'm able to stop thinking about Cody. I guess we'll just find out. Won't we?