Hello all. This idea came into my head some time ago and just wouldn't leave so I thought I would share it. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.

He woke in the woods, by a church. Looking up he saw streaks of light falling through the sky and he knew, without being told that they were his brothers and sister falling. Why were they all falling? What had happened that caused this? Why was he all alone? As he thought the last he heard voices of men. His brother had told him to be careful around humans and never let them see him but he was a curious angel. It was his curse, he had heard some mutter that along with him having too much heart, though his brother always defended him saying 'was it possible to have too much heart?' He missed his brother. Why was he not here protecting him like he had always promised to do? Still he got up slowly, not registering the coat he had on was too big for him and dragged behind him. He just wanted to see. He wanted to see humanity, this one time.

When he got to the edge of the woods he looked over to see two men on the ground leaning against a black car, an Impala, his mind supplied though how he knew was a mystery. He watched the two men look up at the sky with horror. Maybe they could tell him what was happening? He wanted to approach them but his brother's voice sounded in his head. 'No little one, you can't go see them. Not now, one day you'll live among them but that day is not this day. Hush little one and watch.' He was a good angel and so he did as he was told. But he must have made a noise because the man with the short hair turned from looking at the sky to look at him instead.

He said something to the other man and got up, walking towards him. Castiel was scared. He could not protect himself. He turned to run away from the man but tripped over beige cloth. What was that? He had never seen that before. The next thing he knew the man was kneeling down beside him with a strange look on his face.

"Cas?" the man said. It was not a word Castiel understood so he tilted his head at the man which caused a smile to appear.

"I thought it was you." The man said making Castiel realise that maybe he knew this man. He had no memories of doing so but if he had fallen as his brother and sisters were then surely some of his memories would be gone? He decided to look into the man's soul to see if that helped him remember. As an angel it was how he saw most people so maybe that would work. What he saw when he opened his soul sight took his breathe away and removed any fear he had of this man.

"The righteous man." He said bringing his small hand up to touch the man's face. He looked shocked but he smiled.

"Yeah Castiel, that's me the righteous man."

"Is this the end? My brother said I would be grown up when it happened. Is all lost?" he asked in wonder. If anyone had answers to his questioned it would be Dean Winchester, righteous man.

"No. the apocalypse has been stopped. It's all fine now."

At this he nodded, taking back his hand and curling into himself. He wanted his brother.

"I want my brother." He said in a pitiful voice.

"Okay, which one?" Dean asked, causing Castiel confusion. Surely there was only one brother he would need right now?

"The one who looks after me and all fledglings." He replied as if this was obvious.

"Okay bubby your gonna have to tell me his name, cos you got a lot of them." Suddenly Castiel understands. This man did not know of how heaven worked. And so he took a deep breath and said in a bold voice throwing it across the world in the hopes that his brother would hear.


Dean had come out of the church helping Sammy. He looked up and saw the angels falling. He so hoped Cas wasn't among them. But he didn't have time for that, he needed to look out for Sammy.

He was just going to turn to him and get him into the car when he thought he saw the flash of a beige trench coat in the woods. Cas.

"I'll be back in a minute Sam. Just want to take a look around." He said to his brother as he rose and made for the woods.

What he found was something he never expected. It was Castiel that much was true but he was in a child. At first he thought it was mildly amusing. He was often calling Cas a baby in a trench coat and now he really was. At least he did until he realised that not only had his vessel been reduced in age but so had the angel inside. Castiel was now nothing more than a fledging and he wanted Gabriel. What could he say? He couldn't very well tell this kid that his brother was dead so he went for the next best option.

"Gabriel's busy right now buddy, but he asked me to take care of you if I saw you." At this young Cas as he had started to call him looked up at him with a smile.

"Of course he did. You are the righteous man and the only one suitable to take on Gabriel's work."

"That's right. Now why don't you come with my brother and me-" Dean started to say holding his hand out to the baby angel.

"The boy king? Why is he here?" Castiel asked with a look of fear on his face. Causing Dean to close his eyes trying to think how he can convince this child that Sam would cause him no harm.

"Cos he's my brother. He refused Lucifer and now he is sick. He a good man Castiel. I promise."

This caused Castiel to look at him in awe before he spoke. "You managed to go against the prophecy? You and your brother?"

"You bet little man. We're just that awesome." Dean replied with a confidence he didn't truly feel but he needed young Cas to trust him now more than ever. He couldn't leave Cas alone out here, god knows what would happen. The irony of the thought was not lost on him.

"Okay. I'll go with you. Maybe I can be of some help to Samuel? If he is sick, I am an angel." Castiel replied, believing Dean completely and trusting him explicitly.

"Good plan buddy. Why don't we get home and you can see what you can do okay."

"Yes Dean that sounds acceptable." And with that Dean Winchester rose, holding his hand out for the child who was his angel best friend. Castiel did not even hesitate to take it and they made their way back to the car where Sam was still sitting.